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Hundr,.d\ &' no/lOO l?Oll~rs.. ~b. f~1l01f1ng re,l .~.sta ~~',1" ,8t. Luoi. Ooupty., ~tat.., 'of Florld~l to-;:, \ ,.:' \ .'. . , ' 'wh",'\,', ,::' :...,.:. .,:1' '<\\'~':;,<':> '-~ \,\\:,; '. ,:'" " "'\' '/.. I;~ ~ " " \" \'~ '\ Au. lof 'Seot\'lori1l1n.tien',(19) 804 :the,Northeast Q~rt.t tNBt) 'of Seotfop' " '\\' , " ,'\ \ . . .-. . i .' .' \ . . . ,'. . ',' . " . . ~ . " " . '\ \: \" \~ ..,ThlrlY" '30)., TO~n8hlp Thu-tY"B'~ven (3'1'''So~th ~t Ra~.' R~nge ll'~Tti..on.' ('~i) ',,:' \ ",.' . _ __~' " - ..:".: 0 _' \ . ';, ... _ \_, \ _ _ ,',". . ':' '.~ '.. . . : " .: .' .:. \_ . . \ \ ". . . ,'Eeit'. ': exoePt Twentyom)aor.81n'th"t, S,outH-web't.. Qor.ner..;o't Seot-lonl 1.9. \~ .; \ .,' ,I. ":\T~trn8h1~i~~~~'1;y-Se~e~'.\ 3~) ,s'ou,;~ ~~'iR8~~~';o~~;i'~n~'('~]\Ea8,~.' ',' '- ',,:' .'~, -~- :, ~~~~!-.~-~-C-~;---C ~.~ -"-'.'.", ..... ," ". - ..\.... ..~., -....., ....- .... .... -, .'..:.... . ~..'.,'~. "". .' -,', .. '. ',and'If' ~." tettlJ' her.~:b~ ;a~~:'1i ;tQ" ~~11" ~d.nti,? . encl. del,lv.r' ,S$id'?and~i"81S~ ',to,:aoqui,re 8nd\,o.onve1',,~__~_ 'to ..Ja1d pUi'()haser ,a gMd' end}11ark.,t.llbl~_,~1-tl~-th.r.t~i~fee--e-fmp-~'~rn~nFat~e8.' -11.n8-.---' '.': .'.,',' _",'. ,',"--;\~~~--'-~;-'''_. ..'-". '." ,....'"\... . '... -;' ..:......._..,..f .,~..'.~'\~_:.~'...._;._.. ". ,~. . ,'.'.. ,'. 88sessments, de:teo~s. ohar~8, and .:all-,i,noumbrance8 what-eveT; 8:180 ,tooonve" sa1d ']:8nd by .gene'rai~. " '. ,,'_,', . ,_ .', ..' ,:"',' ,,,,." .': "',:'. '-. ,"~' _- "_." , .' :.~~~.',.--_~.~~,~~:~_._~~,c.-__'__"_';"_!~'-~"" .... '~"" _ _ '. ,,~, warrant-y'deed W1th\full :Qommon;1,aw oov.nanta.of(ieillin..:goodr,lglit .to 9~nvey~ against :lnoumbranoe... .:~' -. . :' ,':'..",''!. ,'''0. ;. """"'" ._:)4 '. ~:'.' ',' .._~., ~." . ..,'." . . . . of warranty. tor quiet enjoymeot., and for :tur~)1e,r e88Ur8nCe~ al@9 to futn1sh 8 complete merohantable.' . . , .'" o. ~ ,. ,-- ~'. . '. ..' .;". .,.:: " . ~ ,...._ ... .'.' '. ~.' '," "."', ".,' .... ab8,tl'ao,tof':fee E!lmplt.. title, t08ai~ l?r.mU~8:t:rom,t.hQea~l,hst County neoords'to' t.li18'd~t" .'. ;).\.1. "'r' . '\\ t~ II . I " \,.' !~ . .~l.:at. ~al~ ,prtcu. sUbjeot to the.:to l10wlng .xo.Ptions.~ . 'to-wi. t: . , . ,.:; a,,,:,, -, '..,.' .. . _ ," ,., - , . .. . ',' . ., ,,'. , . " Evidence of 8'81dt1tle.. 8'ndlla14 ab8treot shall' be .d.1'1YGredt<? Ba'ldpuroh88,r. wi th1nlO,nI~'ty days t ' .'. ..- , < . . "" . .', ,. ~ ' . and ~a.l4. purohas.r~~ll ex~mln. . B81dtltie 'w1thlnTh~r~:days :ther88ft~.r. ',' },... '. . " . ;: - , . . . . ... - . '. 'I. ~. . .' . T~e 881~,e:r he~'.bY/80kn,Owledge~'the recelp t:fio~ s81dp'lU'Q,.hase.r>\}:t ,the, 8um.o.f.~On. Huodr.'ddOllali'S a~'part'of8aid prt~e~.. .On the approval' ~fBiu d tl.tle; and del1~e~tot eel d 'land" 88ld, purch=aur ' , : . . . ~ ". ... - _" .....' . . i -' ". . :', . .. '. . ". . I' . f.-) . . shaH pay 'tlie BUill 'Of, :U,even~hou,eand:slx,Huridred2401-iar8.~he..bai1lnoeto~be t~4Jreafterp.i~. w' .' ':, , , .;,.. .'. _ .' ~,. ,,'., " ,_ .,., .",' ." _,' '. . ~ '" .", as f~ilC?';8: .Bleven 'fh,ou8arid Seven Hundred DollaTsOne. yest- aft~r deli verto-t AbBtra~t~, .1:1&"9:8n .' ;' .~ ' Jl'ho~sand '8e~e~ :n~ndreci'.Donar8'tw~ 'y~a~8-8fh,tdllire.~ .o!..Abstraot. . lfu~drtdl>oli~r8,thr(te'1ear8, af'~(tr dall.81'Y CJ.fAbstroCl1;.. . Eleven'1'hoUtland' 8ev'en ~ ']" - '. '.. 4";,. aM,roval of ssid.,title and u~til paid. payable annually. at 'th~ rate of. s~~ per,oent.'Pe~ annum., witness our, hand~ 'and seals ,this 2,2nd day ~tDeoember,'A~ I>~ ,1924 . ,to tlHi8ep".sents~. . ' lndupoH'eated/" " " " ': . ,.' . " Signed. 86alGd and' dltl1vered .1n the. pre'aenoe- of: '..-" 'L. A. Brown'.,,' . : :' ." ; ,.'.' -~ .' A.' R"'Jarn'er ' .' . .1 ,;:' : P.oeslyn Jonre.8 N.. IhLltts Vlrglnl~U. Lett~ , " (Seal.) , (Bull '. (Seal)' .,. ~TATEO' ~LORIDA ,. '.'" County df, St. Lu()'1~ Ii .. . - " " '.' I,. 1helc18 .t'.14annan. '8 Ifotarv..~ubi1o .an of~,10"t autho'rh.d to . take . 80knO~ledgm'ent8' of deed8. . . . . ,,-' " " ' ' aooor,d1ng 'to -th(l 'laws 'of tb~ ,State of Florida.. d~y,qtial1th,d and (jct1ng~here~y oertify' t~at: , ,', ' " , ' , -, ,', ., .' ~ " , " ~ " ' . , ','.' ~ onthfadsvpers:onally appeared b.i'ox:emo R~s~ltn J9nes.: 1l.U.Letts ,andV1rgln18U. Let1;.s. his ,> .... " '. . '. . . . ~ wife 'to me well k'oCYC1:; and tome well knp\vn .to.be the'personBdescr1bed,'lnand,wl.lO".eoutedtbe . ,.,"" , -.. ," fore~o1ng;~nstr~erit 'andaoknowledged' :tpatthey exocuted ,~'h"foreg61ng agreo'rtientfor the~urpos8B ~ '/ .' . .therein .xpressed..',.. '. ' 0 , 1ft 77I1UESS wrnRtx>, (I have hereunt,o ,8et ~"-~M day of and eft,i'ud my"offloial seal. th18~tlie 22~d \. . '~",:,..J. ., ":' Th.klJl- A'l4,erman Hy commio810n expires .Jan. 6, 1928. ! . :rUed t)>l. thB'~6ih~f/l.,otlt. . " . . A'lI .' , . .c~~~ 'I" ,~I( r ,(J ,~,. , ' ,- r 1925.. at 11:34 P.M. .. -\ 'P. O. ~ldred. Q1erk Clr~uit ~ourt. ~;:",-- ~.~. -. ~ 'By ~~~ ~ /:)'~D.C. , ~ ~ I . '. 'j