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".\.1 \ . \. \ .' - \ . ..,. \. \. : I . . l . \ \ - I ~.; \ a~d, A~a ~to~an. h18 w1fe ,qt ~)1o ~CQn.nty 01' Dade ,,3.n Ithe S'tate"o:t }llor,1da ,p'art1eQ\ ~1', the .fit-st~..' ,I ,\ \,<1 P8i'tt'~n~ Roy 8terl1ng:~nd l,\I7~\ . ~~e~lt~g~ '~8 ~11'~ ':01' the' County' of St. Luo1e',in the i,. I. \". -..\ ". ,-;\~.~-":', ,"" '.--," ..."-~ ,.-",.,"',,' .".\ ~ . . 'I '.\ " ',' , .' " .' \ \ \ "\' \ ' \ \ , ' , \:'~~~t..d't Plorl'da pa:rth, of, the' seo()nd part. ,.;. ,.".,' \, ,',.. \ .~ \ . I ,"~ ".~. _". '~ '" ',' 1 ' '" -- \ , ..' _ , ;: 1;' \ \ ~. ., '~., \ '\ . , ...'..,: nT]fE~S~'l:Jt"t TMt, i;~e Baid .P~~t1U, of' th~ . first parti, to..t, and ~l\ oonBlder&:ti~n ~t . , ' "\,1', ' .. ','. ,., ",.". " ,. "I; ". ., ',' , \ . thGsWll -of: Ten Dolle1'8-andotb,er 'good, oonsldera;t~oJ1~'; to.';tMm"l,n b8ndpa1d,bythe"Ii'ld-pa'rt1e8~-,-c: .., .. \" '. ". < ':"_. '-, ;\"\:. ~- -'~ ... '_\.". \ "'\". ~', - . 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Ai1.d the. 'said 1>8 ~i~~'o~ the .'fh'et !l~ri' do"he~'ebY~full}"~eirant'the'~i tl~'t~'-~~8i'~ t~nd. and ~ f ,".' . >-" - .' . ',' . '.. '. ...... -, ......... ; . . ~ . . will d:etel1{~,h,eBarn!l~8t~n$ t.tho,.lewttul'" Ci81t1S"of, .a1 ipereo"ns: Whot:l80ev,er.,'- .' . : ' ': Ill' t1ITlfESSmrr:R::~OFi'" th$,.'Be1d"partIes,oft,he' fl,~\t pa~~~ve, 'herelinto's8't 'thall', a, "~ . . . . .' _ l ."'.. . -.. _ ,.." .* ~ '.. . O' . , ' . '_ ' . . '~~,nd8- andBe~'U :~ht~'~r1~Ye8 r first ~:~~v~::.rltteri~:. ' .' ',,' I .', --...". Sl@ned,s'ealedend' delivered 1n '. . .... F~ U.'Stonnen' '. {Seal) pl;'esenoe' of us: ' " ".' ; ';"Annastorpuin :". . eStall. lr.:L. Uart1ri . ,.. . . E. R.,.,\Ug~~s ' '. ~ '~ 1 I , . II --2L>'" ""~ .- -i ".' .~:_: ::o-~~.~_.,........,_~ . , I. '.:.. , " .... I ; ... I r- , I "n.' ,~ . I fi~' , t. \ i: i\ \ It".., .., ...J' ., i ?; \ . ., ,. " ,..':. . .' ~ . ,,' ":" ". .1 .",. .' U" ".",f.".,,;.. , t~.. , ~ -'r .r . " ." , . . ~'. '-~--:--=--.._-..!.--..;:..~-~---- coumy.-'or DADa' '4# .'. -..~ . ~-- . . '1 HF~LBY "C3'~IFXTh8t,ontl\ls day 'per.eoAa'lly (lpl)e~red ~lJfore' rn!i, en ~ff~(),er~ulY . . ;.. . ...., -' . . .' 8titho~h.'d to adrri1nlBteroaths endt8ke aOkho.).edgt!'~n~e. F'.U.'~~orman8nd Inna,~t("r~,pto. . ' , ~8 ,wellknmr.n ~ndkn~~.torii9.t:o'J)e.t~e ~ridi~~d~~1~:d~80rlbed l~ ~nd'~ho .e~oo'~t8d th',fo.~~o~.ni' "~8ed', 'and,aOknowled.ged' ,il(tforemetr.attllEtY. 'fixe Qut,ad' the' aamefreGly en~ 'v6tuntar 11y for. the, . : puryoseb th.~e1n'~.~PreBB'd~, .' . , 'Arid'the seld' AnnaStormariw1fe ofthlJS8id. P..j.t.~t'9n11f)n .': uponenexamlnet1oti ...taken by meseparl1te and apart 'from. her Bald husband. aOkrioWledg,d that she, exe9uted'th' ~a1d - '. .' .... . . .' ". . '. : ..' '. a~eement .freelyand vOlttilta":ly.. and .without, 'aOy oc)nBtl"a1nt."oo~Pl1~81c2I1," 8P:pr.~en'Bi.on9I" , . ..,. . .. ";'-' . . '", ~ ,- .' , ' . .'. feerof or from hor '8e1d'hU8b~d~ >- : , ' '. . :?l1tneBs my hand (lnd s8al'th18 20in' d~ of AprU'.1925. ::} : 'f 1;1' ... I' '1(. L.'Yert1n. . llotat1,,Publ1o. '. '. , , ,>, , 'Uotal1l'ub1,lo for the'State .01' 'Florida at Lsrge.. '. JJy comm.iBB1o~ expl1'8e,lfov. 25, ,1928. ,.... a_~_ ~ :'U IHled abd recorded on this the 16t...h ~8y ,of Ua,y. 1920.. et9:11 ,1.),(. i , , ! _ I ! " .~, CI I .P. C. Eldred. Clerk CIrouit 90llrtor i . I ":"-~~,~n~D~C. I , '. " , 1 ":f , . :.< . 'I I, I ' . . " ,