HomeMy WebLinkAboutMATERIAL DATA SHEETI I _ MANNED I Lucie Count - Mate r!a! safety data sheet - i 1, <�`- =,1 '• :a I I PERKADOX 16 I 1 IDFNTIFICATION OF THE RI1Pt9 )ARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/IJNDFRTAKING Product identifier Di(4-test butyicyclohexyl) peroxydicarbonste, powder Supplier Akzo Nobel Polymer Chemicals LLC 525 West Van Buren Street Chicago, IL 60607-3823 www.akzonobel.com/polymer Emergency telephone transportation emergency 0-914-693-6946 CHEMTREC - USA: 1-800-424-9300 Chicago, iL USA CANUTEC - CANADA: 1-613-996-6666 Relevant Identified uses of the substance or mixture polymerization Initiator Date'of last Issue Revision number 2014/05/04 / 9.05 I Chemical family I peroxides 2 HA7ARDR IDENTIFICATION I Emergency overview I DANGERI REFRIGERATED ORGANIC PEROXIDE - MAINTAIN COOLING HEAT OR CONTAMINATION MAY CAUSE HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION MAY CAU85 EYE IRRITATION Peroxides. and peroxide decomposition�products are flarpmable and can. ignite with explosive force if confined. Dust explosion possible in the presence of air. white,Appearance;, I powd' er with faint odor. Health effects Skin contact, eye contact and inhalatil n are the priinary routes of exposure to this product Dust may be irritating to the respiratory tract and cause. symptoms of bronchitis. May cause sensitization by skin contact. Eye contact may cause mild irritation. If swallowed, this product may cause irritation of the mouth, throat, esophagus.and stomach. I.Caeciriogem I :Description Applicable IARC J no NTP no ,OSHA no ACGIH no 3. COMPOSITIOWIN FORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Information on hazardous ingredients Chemical description I DI(4-tert-butyicyclohexyi) peroxydicarbonate, powder Composition / information onjingredients Number I %w/w j CAS -number Chemical name 1 1 > 94 015520-11-3 Di(4-tert-butylcyclohexyl) peroxydicarbonate 4. FIRST AID MEASURES Product code 661451 Date of last Issue 2014105104 Pagel - 8 Date of printinglpdf flle generated 2014106103 US -NA global i j Material safety data sheet AluoNobel Most important symptoms and effects Dust may be irritating to the respiratory tract and cause symptoms of bronchitis. Description of first aid measures I General in all cases of doubt, or when symptoms persist, seek medical attention. Inhalation Remove to fresh air. If not breathing,lgive artificial respiration. Oxygen may additionally be given, by trained personnel, if it is available. Get medical attention if symptoms occur. Skin Flush skin with plenty of water. Remove contaminated clothing and -shoes. Get medical attention if irritation develops and persists. Wash clothing before reuse. Thoroughly clean or.destroy contaminated shoes. Eye Immediately flush eyes with plentylof water. If easy to do, contact lenses should be removed during the flushing, by trained personnel..Occasionally hold the eyelids apart.during the flushing to ensure rinsing the entire surface of the eye.and lids with water. Get medical attention if irritation develops and persists. Ingestion . Call a physician or a poison control center iminediately. Induce vomiting only if directed by medical personnel. The patient should lie on their leftiside while vornitingto reduce the risk.of aspiration. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious or convulsing person. Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment.needed Persons with pre-existing skin, eye, or respiratory disease may be at increased risk from the irritant or allergic properties of this material. Attending physician should treat exposed patients symptomatically. 5- FIRE -FIGHTING MFASIIRFS Extinguishing media waterspray, foam, sand, dry cherriica4owder, CO2. Unsuitable extinguishing media I helons. Hazardous decomposition / combustion products CO2, Carbon monoxide. I 4-tert-Butylcyclohexanol. Protective equipment ntenyntotS must irvcat tits eyuipiii611L. yv.Cdt dlipiitv6ti re3pir8iyi diiii pryiecuve gloves. Other information Evacuate all non -essential personnl I. Extinguish a small fire with.powder or carbon dioxide then apply water to prevent re -ignition. Cool closed containers with water. Waterused to extinguish a fire should not. be allowed to enter the drainage system or water courses) After a fire, ventilate thoroughly the area and soak with water, clean the walls and metallic surfaces. Fire and explosion hazard j CAUTION: reignition may occur. Decomposition under effect of heating (See also Section Hazardous decomposition products). If involved in a fire, it fill support combustion. dust explosion hazard. In case of fire and/or explosion do not breathe fumes. NFPA ratings Hazard classes Rating Health i 1 Flammability i 3 Reactivity j 2 Other information j 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Product code 661451 Date of last Issue 2014105104 Page 2 - 8 Date of printingfpdf file generated 2014100103 US -NA global i II Material safety data iheet c=QVenr»r 79Z I Personal precautions Do not breathe dust. Avoid contact with skin. For personal protection see Section 8. Environmental precautions Do not allow to enter drains or watercourses. I Methods and material for containment and lcleaning up Stop leakage if possible. Eliminate all sources of ignition, and do not generate flames or sparks. Sweep up and put it into a container for disposal. Avoid dust generation. Keep contents moist. The waste should NOT be confined. Flush surroundings with large amounts of water and soap. Other information CAUTION: reignition may occur. Evacuate personnel to safe area. 7 HANnI IN(` ANn RT0PAr F= I Precautions for safe handling Never weigh out in the storage room. When using do not eat; drink or smoke. Do not breathe dust. Handle in well ventilated areas. Eliminate all sources of ignition, and do not generate flames orsparks. Keep away from reducing agents. (e.g. amines), acids, alkalies and heavy metal compounds (e.g. accelerators, driers, metal soaps). Keep product and emptied container away from heat and sources of ignition. Confinement must be avoided. Avoid Incompatible materials (See Section 10). Fire and explosion prevention Use explosion protected equipment. Keeplaway from sources of ignition - No smoking, Avoid dust generation. Dust explosion possible in. the presence of air. Use non -sparking tools in area's where explosive dust. air mixtures may occur. Do not cut or weld on or near this container even when empty. Conditions for safe storage Store in accordance with1ocal/national regulations. Keep away from food, drink and animal feedingstuffs. Store in a dry well ventilated place away from sources of heat and direct sunlight. Store separate from other chemicals. Keep only In -the original container. Storage For'maximurn quality store below,': 20'C. For safety, store below 3U °C. Other information It is recommended to use electrical equipment of temperature group T3. However, autoignition can never be excluded. Wash hands thoroughly after handling or contact. Keep work clothes separate and do not take them home. 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION Ctit'iiiiri WeTSiiinint5 Ensure good ventilation and local exhaustion of the working area. Explosion proof ventilation recommended. Personal.protection Respiratory In case of dust formation use dust mask. Hand Wear suitable protective gloves of neoprene or synthetic rubber. Eye Wear eyelface protection. Skin and body Wear suitable protective clothing. Other Information j Emergency -shower and facilities for rinsing eyes must be accessible. Launder clothes before reuse. In this country no exposure limit has been established I 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES i Product code 661451 Date of lastissuezb%0=4 Page - 8 Date of printinglpdf flip generated Y014106103 US -NA global I' I I I i I Material safety data sheet DGRK®nnx iA Appearance 1 powder Color I white Odor I faint Boiling pointirange I not applicable (Decomposes) Melting pointlfreezing point I Decomposes prior to melting. Flash point not applicable Flammability Decomposition products may be flammable. Explosive properties I -no- Oxidizing properties I not applicable Vapor pressure I <0.08 kPa (60'C / 140°F) Density 1130 kg/m3(20°C /68°F) Specific gravity = 1.13 (20°C / 68°F) Bulk density I 450-480 kg/m' (20°C / 68°F) Specific gravity = OA5-0.48 (20°C / Solubility In water I Insoluble (20°0/.687) Solubility in other solvents I Soluble with .aliphatic solvents. pH value I slightiq acidic Partition coefficient n-octanol/watir not determined Relative vapor density (air-1) I not applicable Viscosity I not applicable Active oxygen.content 3.8 % Peroxide content 95 % Autoignition temperature Test method not applicable (See Section 7) SADT I 40 °C. See also Section 10. Upper/lower flammability or ex i losive limits not determined Volatile % not determined 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Product code 661451 I I AkzoNobel Date of last Issue 204105104 Page 4 - 8 Date of pri"nglpdf file generated 2014106103 US -NA global Material safety d l i PERKADOX 16 Chemical stability i SADT - (Self accelerating decomposition temperature) is the lowest temperature at which self accelerating decomposition may occur with a substance in the packaging. as used in transport. A dangerous self -accelerating decomposition reaction and, under certain circumstances, explosion or fire can be caused by thermal decompositionlat and above the following temperature: 40 *C. Contact with incompatible substances car. cause decomposition at or below the SADT 40 *C. To insure against possible exothermic self -accelerating decomposition, storagetemperatures must riot exceed emergency temperature of 35 'C. Conditions to avoid l Under no circumstances should this product be exposed to temperatures above the emergency temperature of 35 *C. If the product temperature exceeds 35 °G all available means shall be used to bring the temperature under control and the emergency procedures shall be started. Emergency procedures will vary depending on conditions. Contact Akzo Nobel foriassistance with developing an emergency response plan. To maintain quality store in original closed container below: 20 *C. Confinement must be avoided. Incompatible materials Avoid contact with rust, iron and Copper.IContact with incompatiblematerials such as acids, alkalles, heavy metals and reducing agents will result in hazardous decomposition. Do not mix with peroxide accelerators. Use only Stainless steel 316, PP, polyethylene or glass-lihe8 equipment. Contact Akzo Nobeifor more information. Possibility of hazardous reactions I Polymerization does not, occur. Hazardous decomposition products l Hazardous decomposition products; 4-tert-Butylcyclohexanol. Other information Emergency procedures will vary depenl ing on conditions. The customer must have an emergency response plan in place. Contact Akzo Nobel for assisfarice with developing an emergency response plan. 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION I Di(4-tert-butylcyclohexyl) peroxydicarbonate Acute toxicity Oral LD50 LD50 (rat):> 5000 mg/kg (OECD 401) Germ cell mutagenicity G�e15..�. n �ilT..t'.:�. d?,.t8 Fh� I lwsslficaticn nri4cAa aw.^t met. STOT - repeated exposure l v v „ v 28 days (oral) : No Observed' Adverse Effect Level (NOAEL): 500 mglkg/day (Target organs: liver, thyroid). (OECD 407) Irritation l Skin i Non -irritating (24 hours exposure time ) (OECD 404) Eye Mildly irritating (similar to OECD 405). GHS classification : Mildly irritating to eyes (category 2B). Sensitization Sensitizing (skin) (OECD 429) Genotoxicity in vitro: similar to OECD 471: Negative. OECD 476; Negative. OECD 478:Negative. it 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION i Product code 661451 I I li Date of last issue 2014105104 Page 5 - 8 Date of printinglpdf file generated 2014105103 US -NA global I i own Material safety data sheet IF AkzoNobel ., Di(4-tort-butyicyclohexyl) peroxydicarbonate Ecotoxicity fish 96h-LC50 (Oncorhynchus mykiss): 704 mg/I. (OECD 203) No Observed Effect Concentration.(NOEC) (96h):320 mgA. daphnia I 48h-EC50 (Daphnia magna): 42 mg/il (OECD 202) algae 72h-IC50. (Desmodesmus subspicatus ): approx. 39 mgA.,(OECD 201) No Observed Effect Concentration (NOEC) (72h ):, 17 mgA. LOEC (72h ): 39mgA. I bacteria j No Observed Effect Concentration (NOEL) (5 days): 20 mgA. (similar to OECD 301 D) Fate I Degradation Abiotic Hydrolysis: Stable in water. Degradation. Biotic j Not readily biodegradable (Closed bottle test ). (OECD301 B) Bioaccurnulation Bio Concentration Factor (BCF): 2926 'L/kg. Fate 1 Log Pow: 5.08 I 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Product Due to the high risk of contamination rdcycling/recovery is not recommended. Waste disposal in accordance with regulations (moat probably controlled incineration). Contaminated packaging 1 According to local regulations. Emptied container might retain product residues. Follow all wamings even after the container Is emptied. Do not wash residues into drains or other waterways. h.-ar:dat'o^ For furtherdvice contact manufacturer. 14_ TRANSPORT 1MFORMATrON I Land transport I Transport hazard class 5.2 1 TREM-Card or ERG number I NA ERG No: 148 UN number 3114 Proper Shipping Name Organic peroxide type C, solid, temperature controlled ( DI(4-tert-butylcyclohexyl) peroxydicarbonate, 95% ) Other information This product does not contain an environmentally hazardous substance per 49 CFR 172.101, Appendix A. Required labels 5.2 EMERGENCY TEMPERATURE: 3'5 *C. Product code 661451 i Date of last issue2014105104 Page 6 - 8 Date of printinglpdf file generated 2014106/03 US -NA global I i I I Material safety data I sheet AkzoNobel EPA Reactive yes EHS Material no Hazard Rating Source HMIS HMIS Health 1 HMIS Flammability 3 HMIS Reactivity 2 WHMIS Hazard classes C,D-2BIF :(D• I Other regulatory information This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria, of the Controlled Products Regulations and the MSDS contains all of the information req'ttired by the Controlled Products Regulations. 1R' OTHFR INFr1R1 ATIONI I History Other information PERKADOX: This is a registered tradejnark of Akzo Nobel Chemicals BV or any of its affiliated companies in one or more territories in the world. Date of printing! I pdf file generated 2014/06/03 Revision I 3',05 'Composed by Regulatory Affairs - North America, I +1-312-544-7000. Regulatory Affairs - Europe, Changes were made insection GHSIEU Classification; not relevantlto NAFTA The informatlpn In this material safety data sheet should be provided to all who will use, handle, store, transport or otherwise be exposed to this product All information concerning this product andfor suggestions for handling and use contained herein are offered In good faith and are believed to be reliable as of the date of publication. However, no warranty Is made as to the accuracy of andfor sufficiency of such information andfor suggestions as to the.merchantabifiry or fitness of the product for any particular purpose, or that any suggested use will not infringe any patent! Nothing in here shelf be construed as granting or extending any license under any patent. Buyer must determinefor himself, by preliminary tests or otherwise, the suitability of this product for his purposes, including mixing with other products. The Information contained herein supersedes all previously issued bulletins on the subject matter covered. If the date on this document is more than three years old, call to make certain that ibis sheet is current II I Product code 661451 i I Date of last issue 2014105104 Page 8 - 8 Date of printinglpdf file generated 2014106103 US -NA global 4 C N urBy WoMLeader in it Technology WHMIS (Canada) NFPA (USA) 0 Fire Yyt2 Health 4 r B-2 D-2A D-2B Specific hazard materiai suety beta sheet MSDS #: 16662V2 HMIS (USA) Protective clothing ° 2 �ysic�I hatarclsl Y ersonal protection X Section 1. Chemical product and company identification Trade name L704-NET-14 Product type Polyester Resin Solution Chemical family Aromatic. 1 Material uses Used in the manufacture of thermoset plastic parts. Manufacturer AOC, LLC l In case of emergency 950 Highway 57 East Collierville, TN U.S.A. 38017 CHEMTREC (US): 24 hours/7 days (800) 424-9300 Website: www.aoc-resins.com CANUTEC (Canada): 24 hours/7 days (613) 996-6666 Phone Number. (901) 854-2800 8am-5pm (Central Time) Mon -Fri Section 2. Hazards identification I OSHA status This material is considered hazardous by the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200). Routes of entry Eye contact, Skin contact, Inhalation, Ingestion i Potential acute health Eyes: Severe eye irritant which may result in redness, burning, tearing and blurred vision. effects Skin: Skin irritant may result in burning sensation. Repeated or prolonged skin contact may cause �Ihich dermatitis. Ingestion: Ingestion may result in mouth, throat and gastrointestinal imiation, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Inhalation: Inhalation of spray mist or liquid vapors may cause upper respiratory irritation and possible central nervous system effects including headaches, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, drowsiness, loss of coordination, impaired judgement and general weakness. Potential chronic health CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS: effects S rene: Classified A4 (not classifiable for human or animal) by ACGIH. Classified 2B (possible for human) by IARC. Classified as "reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen" by NTP. An increased incidence of lung tumors was observed in mice from a recent inhalation study. The relevance of this finding is uncertain since data from other long-term animal studies and from epidemiology studies of workers exposed to styrene do not provide a basis to conclude that styrene is carcinogenic to humans. Silica. Amorphous: Classified 31(not classifiable for human) by IARC. MUTAGENIC or TERATOGENIC EFFECTS: No known effect according to our database. Effective Date: 02/0812013 1. Supersedes Date: 10/29/2012 Page:115 Section 3, Compositionlinformation on ingredients Name 1) Styrene 2) Silica, Amorphous Section 4. First aid measures Eye contact Flush with a continuous Use of buffered baby 0 Skin contact Gently and thoroughly H persists, seek medical a Inhalation Move the victim to a sale breathing is difficult, givE immediate medical atten Ingestion Do not induce vomitinnl 1 L704-NET-14 CAS # % by weight 100.42-5 40.7 7631-86-9 1 1-5 of water for at least 15 minutes, occasionally lifting the upper and lower eyelids. oo will aid in removal. Seek medical attention. the contaminated skin with running water and non-abrasive soap. If irritation area as soon as possible. Allow the victim to rest in a well -ventilated area. If oxygen. If the victim is not breathing, perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Seek Seek immediate medical attention. Section 5. Fire -fighting measures / The product is: Flammable liquid, Class IC. - Auto -ignition temperature 914°F(490-C) Sty ene Flash point 87.6°F (31 °C) Styrene -. Flammable limits Lower: 0.9% Upper: 6.8% (Styrene) Products of combustion May produce carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and irritating ' or toxic vapors, gases or particulate. Fire hazard Flammable in the presence of open flames, sparks, or heat Explosion hazard Can react with r'oxidizing materials. Explosive in the form of vapor when exposed to heat or flame. Material may Polymerize when container is exposed to heat (fire) and polymerization will increase pressure in a closed container which may cause the container to rupture violently. Fire -fighting media and SMALL FIRE: Use carbon dioxide, foam, dry instructions chemical or water fog to extinguish. LARGE FIRE: Evariiata s-.rc;,.;;ding areas Usa Wear carbon dioxide, foam, dry chemical or water fog to extinguish. self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and full fire -fighting protective clothing. Cool containing vessels with water spray in order to prevent pressure build-up, autoignition or explosion. Prevent run off to sewers or other water ways. Section 6. Accidental release measures Small spill Absorb with an inert material and place in an appropriate waste disposal container. Large spill Stop leak if without risk. Eliminate all ignition sources. Contain with an inert material, recover as much as possible and place the remainder in an appropriate waste disposal container. Warn unauthorized personnel to move away. Prevent entry into sewers or confined areas. Section 7. Handling and ------------- Handling Effective Date: 02/08/2013 WARNING! Use only in well -ventilated areas. Store away from direct sunlight. Avoid inhalation and contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment for your task. Ground and bond all containers when transferring the material. Empty containers may retain product and product vapor. Do not expose to heat, flame, sparks or other ignition sources such as cutting, welding, drilling, grinding or static electricity. Do not pressurize. Provide adequate safety showers and eyewashes in the area of use, 1 Supersedes Date: 10/29/2012 Page: 215 " J=MSDS#16662V2 I U04•NET•14 I Section 7. Handling and storage Storage Keep away from heat. Keep away from sources of ignition. Keep container tightly closed. Keep in a cool, well - ventilated place. Containers should be grounded. Section 8. Exposure controls/personal protection Exposure limits Styrene I ACGIH TLV (United States, 312012). Absorbed through skin. TWA: 20 ppm 8 hour(s). TWA: 85 mg/m' 8 hour(s). STEL: 40 ppm 15 minute(s). STEL:170 mg/m' 15 minute(s). OSHA PEL Z2 (United States,11/2006). TWA: 100 ppm 8 hour(s). AMP: 600 ppm 5 minute(s). CEIL: 200 ppm NIOSH REL (United States, 6/2009). TWA: 50 ppm 10 hour(s). TWA: 215 mglm' 10 hour(s). STEL:100 ppm 15 minute(s). STEL: 425 mglm' 15 minute(s). Silica, Amorphous NIOSH REL (United States, 6/2009). i TWA: 6 mg/m' 10 hour(s). Engineering controls Provide exhaust ventilation or other engineering controls to keep the airborne concentrations of vapors below their respective occupational exposure limits. Provide adequate safety showers and eyewashes in the area of use. I Personal protection Personal protective equipment may vary depending on the job being performed. Eye/face: Wear eye protection such as safety glasses with side shields, splash goggles or face shield with safety glasses. Skin: Avoid skin contact. Impervious gloves should be wom. Other items may include long sleeves, lab coats, or impervious jackets. 11 Respiratory: Determine if airbome concentrations are below the recommended exposure limits in accordance your company's PPE program and regulatory requirements. If they are not, select a NIOSH-approved respirator that provides adequate protection from the concentration levels encountered. Air -purifying respirators are generally adequate for organic vapors. Use positive pressure, supplied -air respirators if there is potential for an uncontrolled release, if exposure levels are unknown, or under circumstances where air -purifying respirators may not provide adequate protection. Reference OSHA. 29 CFR 1910.134. Personal protection in case Chemical resistant gloves, full protective suit, and boots. Respiratory in accordance OSHA of a large spill protection with regulation 29 CFR 1910A34. A self-contained breathing apparatus should be used to avoid inhalation of the r, o . prvduc1, .�...��r.`�i I 9 Section 9. Physical and chemical properties) Physical state Liquid. I Color Clear to Amber. Odor Aromatic. i Molecular weight (glmol) 1000 to 15000 I Boiling point 293°F(1450C) Styrene Melting point Not available. pH (1% soln/water) Not applicable. Vapor pressure 4.5 mm Hg@ 68°F (20°C) Styrene Vapor density 3.59 Styrene (Air=i1) Specific gravity 1.1 (Water =1) Partition coefficient: n• Not available. octanol/water ' Effective Date: 02/08/2013 i Supersedes Date: 10/29/2012 Page: 3/5 i • - L - • fDispersibility on 9. Physical and chemical P rte t- ration rate Not available. • hreshold 0.14 ppm Styrene lity in water Slight. properties Not dispersed in water. Section 10. Stability and reactivity Stability This product is normally stable, polymerization, which could prc container. Instability temperature >170°F (77°C L704•NET 14 can become unstable at elevated temperatures and undergo s heat and fumes resulting in over -pressurization and rupture in a closed Conditions of instability Heat. I i Incompatibility with various Polymerizes in the presence of (organic peroxides, oxidizing materials, or heat. substances Corrosivity Our database contains no additional remark on the corrosivity of this product Section 11. Toxicological information I Toxicity to animals Name • I Result Species Dose Styrene . _ _ I Exposure LD501ntraperitoneal Rat 898 mglkg i LD50 Oral Rat 5000 mg/kg LD50 Oral Rat 2650 mg/kg _ TDLo Dermal Rat 26.4 mg/kg LC50 Inhalation Rat 11800 mg/m3 4 hours Vapor LC50 Inhalation Gas. Rat 2770 ppm 4 hours Special remarks on toxicity Lung effects that have been observed in mouse studies have been shown in some studies to be the result of to animals mouse specific enzymes (not in humans) that enable the mechanism cancer in mice. Special remarks on chronic A study of tong term effects of workers exposed to styrene levels in the range of 25-35 ppm, 8 hour TWA, effects on humans indicated a possible mild hearing loss. Special remarks on other No additional remark, nwmm�s I I Section 12. Ecological information Ecotoxicity Toxic to aquatic organisms. Should not be released to sewage system or other bodies of wafer at concentrations above limits established in regulations or permits. Section 13. Disposal considerations ' [Waste disposal Recycle to process, if possible. Consult your local or regional authorities. Ignitable characteristic. Section 14. Transport information DOT UN1866; Resin Solution; 3; Ill. Labels TOG UN1866; Resin Solution; 3; III<*> I IATA/lMDG UN1866; Resin Solution; I!3; 111 Effective Date: 02/08/2013 I Supersedes Date: 10/29/2012 _ Page: 4!5 MSDS #: 16662V2 L704-MET•14 Section 14. Transport information i Additional information US regulations require the reporting of spills when the amount exceeds the Reportable Quantity (RQ) for specific components of this material. See CERCLA in Section 15, Regulatory Information, for the Reportable Quantities. Section 15. Regulatory information Other regulations This section does not reference all applicable regulatory compliance lists. TSCA: All ingredients are listedlor compliant with TSCA. DSL: All ingredients are listed or compliant with the NSNR. Proposition 65 Warning: This product contains a chemical(s) known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects and/or reproductive harm. SARA 302 component(s): None. SARA 313 component(s): Styrene. CERCLA(RQ): Styrene - I000 lbs. (453.6 kg) Section 16.Other information I Prepared by AOC, LLC - Corporate Regulatory Affairs. Ca LEGAL DISCLAIMER The information contained in this data sheet is furnished ini good faith and without warranty, representation, or inducement or license of any kind, except that it is accurate to the best of AOC, LLC's knowledge, or was obtained from sources believed byAOC, LLC to be reliable. The accuracy, adequacy or completeness of health and safe precautions set forth herein cannot be guaranteed, and the buyer is solely responsible for ensuring that the product is used, handled, stored, and disposed of safely and in compliance with applicable federal, state or provincial, and local laws. AOC, LLC disclaims liability f i any loss, damage orpersonal injury that arises from, or is in any way related to, use of the information contained in this data sheet. Effective Date: 02/08/2013 Supersedes Date: 10/29/2012 Page: 515 BY SAFETY DATA SHEET CATALYST TRIGONOX C 22307 Page: 1 Revision Date: 01/24/2008 Print Date: 5/16/2008 MSDS Number: R0004997 Version: 1.4 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE OM]PANY/UNI)ERTAKING Ashland P.O. Box 2219 Columbus, OH 43216 Product name Product code Product Use Description 2. HAZARDS Information Number telephone CATALYST TRIGONOX C 22307 No data - Emergency Overview I Appearance: liquid„ Colorless 0 slight yellow Potential Health Effects Routes of exposure Inhalation, Skin al Eye contact Can cause permanc and swelling of eyes. Can Skin contact Can cause severe skin, and other skin damp 1-800-325-3751 614-790-3333 1-800-ASHLAND (1-800-274-5263) ion, Skin. contact, Eye Contact, Ingestion eye injury. Symptoms include stinging, tearing, redness, ure the cornea and cause blindness. irritation. Symptoms may include redness and burning of Ingestion Swallowing small amounts of this material during normal handling is not likely to cause harmful effects. Swallowing large amounts may be harmful. Exposure causes severe irritation of the gastrointestinal tract. i Inhalation i It is possible to breathe this material under certain conditions of handling and use (for example, during hearing, spraying, or stirring). Breathing small amounts of this Page 1 / 8 i ` I ASHLAND, Page:2 SAFETY DATA SHEET i Revision Date: 01/24/2008 Print Date: 5/16/2008 " - CATALYST TRIGONOX C 2230MSDS Number: R0004997I7 Version: 1.4 material during normal handling is of likely to cause harmful effects. Breathing large amounts may be harmful. Aggravated Medical Condition Preexisting disorders of th following organs (or organ systems) may be aggravated by exposure to this material:, Skin, lung (for example, asthma -like conditions) Symptoms Signs and symptoms of exposure to this material through breathing, swallowing, and/or passage of the material through the skin may include:, stomach or intestinal upset (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea), irritation (nose, throat, airways), headache, dizziness Target Organs No data Carcinogenicity • - This material is not listed as a carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the National Toxicology Program (NTP), or the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Reproductive hazard Based on the available information, risk to the fetus from maternal exposure to this material cannot be assessed. 3. COMPOSITIONANFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS_ Components I rA C-Na �•__ _ _ __ .. �.uucCulra[lUn T-BUTYL PERBENZOATE 614-45-9 <=100% I 4. FIRST AID MEASURES Eyes If material gets into the eyes, immediately flush eyes gently with water for at least 15 minutes while holding eyelids apart. If symptoms develop as a result of vapor exposure, immediately move individual away from exposure and into fresh air before flushing as recommended! above. Seek immediate medical attention. Skin Page 2 / 8 \' I I -ASHL Page: 3 SAFETY .DATA- SKEET �' Revision Date: 01/24/2008 Print Date: 5/16/2008 CATALYST TRIGONOX C 22307 MSDS Number: R0004997Version: 1.4 Remove contaminated clothing. Flush exposed area with large amounts of water. If skin is damaged, seek immediate medical attention. If skin is not damaged and symptoms persist, seek medical attention. Launder clothing before reuse. Ingestion Seek medical attention. If individual is drowsy or unconscious, do not give anything by mouth; place individual on the left side with the head down. Contact a physician, medical facility, or poison control center for advice about whether to induce vomiting. Ifpossible, do not leave individual unattended. Inhalation If symptoms develop, immediately move individual away from exposure and into fresh air. Seek immediate medical attention; .keep person warm and quiet. If person is not breathing, begin artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, administer oxygen. Notes to physician • . Hazards: No informati I n available. Treatment: No information available. 5. FIRE -FIGHTING MEASURES .. I Suitable extinguishing media Foam, Dry chemical, Water spray, Carbon dioxide (CO2) Hazardous combustion products May form:, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons Precautions for fire -fighting If product is heatedI1 Bove its flash point it will produce vapors sufficient to support combustion. Vapors are heavier than air and may travel along the ground and be iaanited by heat, pilot lights, flames and ignition sources at locations near the point of release. Substance is an oxidizer that will cause moderate increase in the burning rate of combustible materials with which it comes into contact. Never use welding or cutting torch on or near drum (even empty) because product (even just residue) can. ignite explosively. Wear full firefighting turn -out gear (full Bunker gear), and respiratory protection (SCBA). Use water spray to cool fire exposed containers and structures until fire is out if it can be done with minimal risk. Avoid spreading burning liquid with water used for cooling purposes. Flammability Class for Flammable Liquids Combustible Liquid Class IIIA Page 3/8 'ASHLANO. SAFETY DATA SHEET • i CATALYST TRIGONOX C 22307 i 16. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Personal precautions For personal protection should be excluded from area c Environmental precautions No data Methods for cleaning up Immediately soak up sparking equipment after we Page: 4 Revision Date: 01/24/2008 Print Date: 5/16/2008 MSDS Number: R0004997 Version: 1.4 section 8. Persons not wearing protective equipment ill until clean-up has been completed. with perlite or vermiculite. Sweep up°with non - down with 10% NaOH. Handling Containers of this interial may be hazardous when emptied. Since emptied containers retain product residues (vapor, liquid, and/or solid), all hazard precautions given in the data sheet mustlb.e observed. Static: ignition:hazard.can result,from,handling and use. Electrically bond and ground all containers, personnel and equipment before transfer or use of material. ISpecial precautions may be necessary to dissipate static electricity for non-conductive containers, Use proper bonding and grounding during product transfer as described in National Fire Protection Association document NFPA 77, Storage j Store below 27 degrees C (80 degrees F) in original container. Store out of direct sunlight away from incompatible and en,mh„s�hiA yat_^^'� r _r _ — 1T �..u=,. L�viol w National sire Protection Association (NFPA) Code 432, Code for the Storage of Organic Peroxide Formulations. I I i 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTION Exposure Guidelines General advice These recommendations provide general guidance for handling this product, Personal protective equipment should be selected for individual applications and should consider factors which affect exposure potential, such as handling practices, chemical Page 4/8 I I s ASHLAND i Page:5 • SAFETY DATA SHEET _ Revision Date: 01/24/2008 Print Date: 5/16/2008 MSDS Number: R0004997 CATALYST TRIGONOX C 22307 Version: 1.4 concentrations and ventilation. It is lultimately the responsibility of the employer to follow regulatory guidelines established by local authorities. Exposure controls I Provide sufficient mechanical (general and/or local exhaust) ventilation to maintain exposure below level of overexposure (from known, suspected or apparent adverse effects). Eye protection I Chemical splash goggles inl compliance with OSHA regulations are advised; however, OSHA regulations also permit other type safety glasses.. Consult your safety representative. Skin and body protection Wear resistant gloves (consult your safety equipment supplier). To prevent repeated or prolonged skin contact, wear impervious clothing and boots. IRespiratory protection If overexposure has been determined or documented, a.NIOSH-approved air supplied respirator is advised in absence of proper environmental control. OSHA regulations also permit other NIOISH respirators under specified conditions. (See your safety equipment supplier.) Engineering or administrative controls should be implemented to reduce exposure,j 1 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Physical state Form Colour Odour Boiling point/boilingrange Melting point/range PH Flash point Evaporation rate Explosion limits Vapour pressure Vapour density Density I Solubility Page 5/8 liquid K Colorless to slight yellow Mild aromatic odor 75.00 - 76.00 °C / 167 - 169 OF@ 0.02 kPa 46°.F/8°C No data 144.99 OF / 62.77 °C No data No data 0.04 kPa @ 122 OF / 50 °C 6.700 (AIR=1) 1.021 g/cm3 @ 77 OF / 25 °C 8.651b/gal @ 77 OF / 25 °C No data