HomeMy WebLinkAboutPROJECT SUMMARY• W St Lude Collinto Florida Building Code, Fifth Edition (2014) - Energy Conservation EnergyGauge Summit® F a/Com-2015, Effective Date: June 30, 2015 -- Form 506-2014 IECC 2012 Total Building -Performance Compliance Option i Check List Applications for compliance with the Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation shall include: ffd This Checklist Ee An Input report generated from the software just after completing compliance calculations without any urther changes The full compliance repo generated by the software that contains the project summary, complaince s ary, certifications and detailed component compliance reports Boxes appropriately chec ed in the Miscellanous report generated by the software at the end of the compliance report 0 EnergyGauge Summit® Fla/Com-2014. Section 506.4 Compliant Software. Effective Date: June 30, 2015 11/1/2015 I Page 1 of 18 PROJECT SUMMARY' Short Desc: Harbour Ridge Description: Harbour Ridge Owner: Harbour Ridge Addressl: 12600 Harbour Ridge Blvd City: Palm City Address2: State: FL Zip: 34990 Type: Exercise Center Class: New Finished building Jurisdiction: MARTIN COUNTY, MARTIN COUNTY, FL (531000) Conditioned Area: 17058 SF Conditioned & UnConditioned Area: 17058 SF No of Stories: 1 Area entered from Plans 16200 SF Permit No: 0 Max Tonnage 15 If different, write in: Compliance Summ Component Gross Energy Cost (in $) LIGHTING CONTROLS EXTERNAL LIGHTING HVAC SYSTEM PLANT WATER HEATING SYSTEMS ;. PIPING SYSTEMS s r Met all required compliance from Check List? Design 10,181.0 Criteria Result 12,019.0 PASSED PASSES PASSES PASSES No Entry PASSES PASSES Yes/No/NA IMPORTANT MESSAGE Info 5009 -- -- -- An input report of this design building must be submitted along with this Compliance Report EnergyGauge Summit® Fla/Com-2014. Section 506.4 Compliant Software. Effective Date: June 30, 2015 11/1/2015 Page 2 of 18 CERTIFICATIONS I hereby certify that the plans and specifi a ion overed by this calculation are in compliance with the Florida Energy Code Prepared By: o- Coo er PE Building Official: � Date: //I i Z Date: certify that this building is in complil nce with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code Owner Agent: Date: If Required by Florida law, I hereby ce ify (*) that the system design is in compliance with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code Architect: Reg No: Electrical Designer: Ryan Moms is PE Reg No: 5454 / 76459 Lighting Designer: Reg No: Mechanical Designer: Robert Davlenport PE Reg No: 5454 / 31932 Plumbing Designer: Robert Da ' port PE Reg No: 5454 / 31932 (*) Signature is required where Florida La�iv requires design to be performed by registered design professionals. Typed names and registration numbers may be used where all relevant information is contained on signed/sealed plans. •�`' '� °°°�CENS°°'°�� �"'� `gym No.76459 F � % 9 V ®NAI. EnergyGauge Summit® Fla/Com-2014. 11/1/2015 G. DAVF'�.. G NSF• s •• 1932 • � i S�A E OF ; 141 •� O Ft�..• /O N A% S� ���� �%//11111���� 506.4 Compliant Software. Effective Date: June 30, 2015 Page 3 of 18 Project: Harbour Ridge Title: Harbour Ridge Type: Exercise Center (WEA File: Miami.tmv) Building End Uses 1) Proposed 2) Baseline Total 649.50 898.80 $10,181 $14,140 ELECTRICITY(Ml3tulkWhl$) 649.50 898.80 190303 263321 $10,181 $14,140 AREA LIGHTS 156.00 179.00 45704 52434 $2,445 $2,816 MISC EQUIPMT 116.50 116.50 34133 34133 $1, 826 $1, 833 PUMPS & MISC 0.10 0.10 24 25 $1 $1 SPACE COOL 316.00 396.50 92595 116176 $4,954 $6,239 SPACE HEAT 1.30 1.60 373 461 >a9''=srasp�;Y $20 $25 VENT FANS 59.60 . .� 205:10 ' �" =�, w'y a S S J �✓ °cTti� �, `, 17474 ' 60092 ; $935 $3,227 Credts'Applied� None a ys ; . �,, w t PASSES nC b Passing -,Criteria _; -12019 �' "; " 3TAT2 �` io �• a., ,m C, Design (includingal3y credits)==101,$ d r 0 �•°/'� `" wJ "= .� Passing, xequires Proposed BuildirigF ost'to lie`iost 85% of .� 1. d 7. ^.I ° � i Baselin�'e;:co'stc his Proposed Buildingis;atg7/2 /d e{t�eFxeseWC\��b - EnergyGauge Summit® Fla/Com-2014. Section 506.4 Compliant Software. Effective Date: June 30, 2015 11/1/2015 Page 4 of 18 Project: Harbour Ridge Title: Harbour Ridge Type: Exercise Center (WEA File: Miami.tmy) ` External Lighting Compliance Description Categor� Tradable? Allowance Area or Length ELPA CLP I (W/Unit) or No. of Units (W) (W) (Sgft or ft) Ext Light 1 SA Uncovered Parking Areas -- Yes 0.15 80,000.0 12,000 2,650 Parking loss and Drives Ext Light 2 SB Uncovere Parking Areas -- Yes 0.15 2,000.0 300 660 Parking lot and Drives Ext Light 4 D Walk way l�ss than 10 feet wide Yes 1.00 600.0 600 1,044 Ext Light 5 S 1 Other (door ) than main entries Yes 20.00 6.0 120 120 Ext Light 6 S1 Main entr; Yes 30.00 6.0 180 120 Ext Light 7 Pl Canopies (freestanding, attached Yes 1.25 300.0 375 180 and Overhangs) Ext Light 8 D2 Canopies (fr estanding, attached Yes 1.25 2,600.0 3,250 707 and Overhan s) Ext Light 9 S4 Other (doors) than main entries Yes 20.00 6.0 120 120 i Tradable Surfaces: 5600.8 (W) A{lowance for Tradable: 12170 (W) PASSES All External Lighting: 5600.8 (V� Complicance check includes a excess/Base allowance of 750.00(V) EnergyGauge Summit® Fla/Com-2014. Section 506.4 Compliant Software. Effective Date: June 30, 2015 11/1/2015 1 Page 5 of 18 Project: Harbour Ridge Title: Harbour Ridge Type: Exercise Center (WEA File: Miami.tmy) Lighting Controls Compliance Acronym Ashrae Description Area Design Min Compli- ID (sq.ft) CP CP ance 1002 FUNCT TRI 8,001 Exercise Area (Exercise Center) 343 1 1 PASSES 1006 FITNESS 8,001 Exercise Area (Exercise Center) 4,458 4 2 PASSES 1072 SPIN 8,001 Exercise Area (Exercise Center) 612 1 1 PASSES 1003 FITNESS G� 5 Corridor 423 3 1 PASSES 1010 THER OFFI( 10,010 Physical Therapy (Hospital) 124 1 1 PASSES 1011 PHYS THER 10,010 Physical Therapy (Hospital) 120 1 1 PASSES 1017 VEST 5 Corridor 51 1 1 PASSES 1064 ENT VEST 5 Corridor 51 2 1 PASSES 1067 CORR 5 Corridor 77 1 1 PASSES 1071 MAIN GALI 5 Corridor 809 3 1 PASSES 1076 STOR 3 Storage & Warehouse - Bulky 104 1 1 PASSES Active Storage 1004 GRP MVMT 8,001 Exercise Area (Exercise Center) 1,101 3 1 PASSES 1008 STAFF OFF 16 Office - Open Plan 340 1 1 PASSES 1009 DIR OF FIT 17 Office - Enclosed 109 1 1 PASSES 1012-16,45 RR 6 Toilet and Washroom 408 4 1 PASSES 1020-27 RR 6 Toilet and Washroom 384 4 1 PASSES 1038 HC RR 6 Toilet and Washroom 62 2 1 PASSES 1039,41 MENS L( 23 Locker Room 155 2 1 PASSES 1042 W VEST 5 Corridor 118 2 1 PASSES 1043 WOMENS L 23 Locker Room 96 1 1 PASSES 1073 HC RR 6 Toilet and Washroom 65 2 1 PASSES 1007 STOR 3 Storage & Warehouse - Bulky 130 1 1 PASSES Active Storage 1028,29 RR 6 Toilet and Washroom 104 2 1 PASSES 1031 EMP BRK R 9 Food Service - Bar/Lounge 158 1 1 PASSES 1032 TENN OFF 17 Office - Enclosed 130 1 1 PASSES 1033 TENN PRO: 17 Office - Enclosed 1,050 2 1 PASSES 1035 STOCK RM 3 Storage & Warehouse - Bulky 158 1 1 PASSES Active Storage 1037 FD BEV CN' 9 Food Service - Bar/Lounge 161 2 1 PASSES 1074,75 RR 6 Toilet and Washroom, 104 2 1 PASSES 1065 PRIV PIL 8,001 Exercise Area (Exercise Center) 234 1 1 PASSES 1066 PRIV PIL 8,001 Exercise Area (Exercise Center) 239 1 1 PASSES 1068 GROUP PIL, 8,001 Exercise Area (Exercise Center) 752 1 1 PASSES 1040 STOR 3 Storage & Warehouse - Bulky 33 1 1 PASSES Active Storage 1051 CORR 6 Toilet and Washroom 104 2 1 PASSES 1052 CORR 9 Food Service - Bar/Lounge 252 1 1 PASSES 1053 NETWORK 1 Electrical Mechanical Equipment 30 1 1 PASSES Room - General 1054 DISPENSOP 17 Office - Enclosed 155 2 1 PASSES 1055 CORR 6 Toilet and Washroom 92 2 1 PASSES 1056 CORR 6 Toilet and Washroom 38 2 1 PASSES 1061 JAN 3 Storage & Warehouse - Bulky 20 1 1 PASSES Active Storage 1062 SPA GLRY 9 Food Service - Bar/Lounge 331 1 1 PASSES EnergyGauge Summit® Fla/Com-2014. Section 506.4 Compliant Software. Effective Date: June 30, 2015 11/1/2015 Page 6 of 18 1063 SPA RECEP 9 Food Service - Bar/Lounge 334 1 1 PASSES 1056 BARBER 25,001 Sales Area 65 2 1 PASSES 1058 RR 6 Toilet and Washroom 44 2 1 PASSES 1059 HAIR COL 25,001 Sales Area 73 1 1 PASSES 1069 SALON 25,001 Sales Area 955 4 1 PASSES 1077 MECH 1 Electrical Mechanical Equipment 65 1 1 PASSES Room -General 1060 DRY LNG 9 Food Service - Bar/Lounge 481 4 1 PASSES 1078 MECH 25,001 Sales Area 56 1 1 PASSES 1048 MASSAGE 10,010 Physical I Therapy (Hospital) 160 1 1 PASSES 1049 MASSAGE 10,010 Physical Therapy (Hospital) 178 1 1 PASSES 1047 MASSAGE 10,010 Physical Therapy (Hospital) 161 1 1 PASSES 1046 CPLS MSG 10,010 Physical Therapy (Hospital) 201 2 1 PASSES PASSES EnergyGauge Summit® Fla/Com-2014. Section 506.4 Compliant Software. Effective Date: June 30, 2015 11/1/2015 Page 7 of 18 Project: Harbour Ridge Title: Harbour Ridge Type: Exercise Center (WEA File: Miami.tmy) System Report Compliance PrOSyl System 1 Constant Volume Packaged No. of Units System 1 Component Category Capacity Design Eff Design IPLV Comp- Eff Criteria IPLV Criteria liance Cooling System Air Conditioners Air Cooled 180000 11.00 11.00 12.20 11.20 PASSES 135000 to 240000 Btu/h Clg Capacity Heating System Electric Furnace 61416 1.00 1.00 PASSES Air Handling Air Handler (Supply) - 6400 0.35 0.82 PASSES System -Supply Constant Volume PrOSy2 System 2 Constant Volume Packaged No,,of Units System I Component Category Capacity Design Eff Design IPLV Comp- Eff Criteria IPLV Criteria liance Cooling System Air Conditioners Air Cooled 30000 14.50 13.00 12.20 PASSES 0 to 65000 Btu/h Cooling Capacity Heating System Electric Furnace 9827 1.00 1.00 PASSES Air Handling Air Handler (Supply) - 1100 0.17 0.82 PASSES System -Supply Constant Volume PrOSy3 System 3 Constant Volume Packaged No. of Units System I Component Category Capacity Design Eff Design IPLV Comp- Eff Criteria IPLV Criteria liance Cooling System Air Conditioners Air Cooled 30000 13.00 13.00 12.20 PASSES 0 to 65000 Btu/h Cooling Capacity Heating System Electric Furnace 12284 1.00 1.00 PASSES Air Handling Air Handler (Supply) - 975 0.19 0.82 PASSES System -Supply Constant Volume PrOSy4 System 4 Constant Volume Packaged No. of Units System I Component Category Capacity Design Eff Design IPLV Comp- Eff Criteria IPLV Criteria liance EnergyGauge Summit® Fla/Com-2014. Section 506.4 Compliant Software. Effective Date: June 30, 2015 11/1/2015 Page 8 of 18 Cooling System Air Conditioners Air Cooled 48000 13.00 13.00 12.20 PASSES 0 to 65000 Btu/h Cooling Capacity 1 Heating System Electric Furnace 12830 1.00 1.00 PASSES Air Handling Air Handler (Supply) - 1900 0.29 0.82 PASSES System -Supply Constant Volume PrOSy5 System 5 Constant Volume Packaged No. of Units System 1 Component Category Capacity Design Eff Design IPLV Comp- Eff Criteria IPLV Criteria liance Cooling System Air Conditioners Air Cooled 30000 13.00 13.00 12.20 PASSES 0 to 65000 Btu/h Cooling Capacity Heating System Electric Furnace 12829 1.00 1.00 PASSES Air Handling Air Handler (Supply) - 1180 0.31 0.82 PASSES System -Supply Constant Volume I PrOSy6 System 6 Constant Volume Packaged No. of Units System 1 Component Category Capacity Design Eff Design IPLV Comp- Eff Criteria IPLV Criteria liance Cooling System Air Conditioners Air Cooled 60000 13.00 13.00 12.20 PASSES 0 to 65000 Btu/h Cool' g Capacity Heating System Electric Furnace 15800 1.00 1.00 PASSES Air Handling Air Handler (Supply) - 2060 0.27 0.82 PASSES System -Supply Constant Volume PrOSy7 System 7 Constant Volume Air Cooled No. of Units Split System < 65000 Btu/hr 1 Component Category Capacity Design Eff Design IPLV Comp- Eff Criteria IPLV Criteria liance Cooling System Air Conditioners Air Cooled 20000 16.00 12.23 8.00 PASSES Split System < 65000 Btu/h Cooling Capacity Heating System Heat Pumps Air Cooled 20000 10.00 7.70 PASSES (Heating Mode) Split System < 65000 Btu/h Cooling Capacity Air Handling Air Handler (Supply) - �I 600 0.35 0.82 PASSES System -Supply Constant Volume I 11/1/2015 1 1 EnergyGauge Summit® Fla/Com-2014. Sectioln 506.4 Compliant Software. Effective Date: June 30, 2015 Page 9 of 18 i PrOSy9 System 9 Constant Volume Packaged No. of Units System I Component Category Capacity Design Eff Design IPLV Comp- Eff Criteria IPLV Criteria liance Cooling System Air Conditioners Air Cooled 24000 13.00 13.00 12.20 PASSES 0 to 65000 Btu/h Cooling Capacity Heating System Electric Furnace 12284 1.00 1.00 PASSES Air Handling Air Handler (Supply) - 800 0.23 0.82 PASSES System -Supply Constant Volume PrOSy10 System 10 Constant Volume Air Cooled No. of Units Split System < 65000 Btu/hr 1 Component Category Capacity Design Eff Design IPLV Comp- Eff Criteria IPLV Criteria liance Cooling System Air Conditioners Air Cooled 36000 15.00 12.23 8.00 PASSES Split System < 65000 Btu/h Cooling Capacity Heating System Heat Pumps Air Cooled 36000 9.00 7.70 PASSES (Heating Mode) Split System < 65000 Btu/h Cooling Capacity Air Handling Air Handler (Supply) - 1095 0.38 0.82 PASSES System -Supply Constant Volume PrOSyll System 11 Constant Volume Packaged No. of Units System I Component Category Capacity Design Eff Design IPLV Comp- Eff Criteria IPLV Criteria liance Cooling System Air Conditioners Air Cooled 36000 13.00 13.00 12.20 PASSES 0 to 65000 Btu/h Cooling Capacity Heating System Electric Furnace 12284 1.00 1.00 PASSES Air Handling Air Handler (Supply) - 1500 0.37 0.82 PASSES System -Supply Constant Volume PrOSy12 System 12 Constant Volume Packaged No. of Units System I Component. Category Capacity Design Eff Design IPLV Comp- Eff Criteria IPLV Criteria liance Cooling System Air Conditioners Air Cooled 18000 14.50 13.00 12.20 PASSES 0 to 65000 Btu/h Cooling Capacity EnergyGauge Summit® Fla/Com-2014. Section 506.4 Compliant Software. Effective Date: June 30, 2015 11/1/2015 Page 10 of 18 Heating System Electric Furnace 12284 1.00 1.00 PASSES Air Handling Air Handler (Supply) - 600 0.31 0.82 PASSES System -Supply Constant Volume IPlant Compliance Description Installed Size Design Min Design Min Category Comp No I Eff Eff IPLV IPLV liance None Project: Harbour Ridge Title: Harbour Ridge Type: Exercise Center (WEA File: Miami.tmy) Wa>ier Heater Compliance Description Type Category Design Min Design Max Comp Eff Eff Loss Loss liance Water Heater 1 Electric water heater <= 12 [kW] 0.98 0.86 PASSES II PASSES 11/1/2015 I i I I EnergyGauge Summit® Fla/Com-2014. Section 506.4 Compliant Software. Effective Date: June 30, 2015 Page 11 of 18 Project: Harbour Ridge Title: Harbour Ridge Type: Exercise Center (WEA File: Miami.tmy) Piping System. Compliance Category Pipe Dia Is Operating Ins Cond Ins Req Ins Compliance [inches] Runout? Temp [Btu-in/hr Thick [in] Thick [in] [F] .SF.F] Domestic and Service Hot Water 2.00 False 110.00 0.25 1.50 1.00 PASSES Systems PASSES EnergyGauge Summit® Fla/Com-2014. Section 506.4 Compliant Software. Effective Date: June 30, 2015 11/1/2015 Page 12 of 18 Project: Harbour Ridge Title: Harbour Ridge Type: Exercise Center (WEA File: Nliami.tmy) Mandatory Requirements (as applicable) Material Courtesy of PNNL - COMCheck resources Topic Section Component Description Yes N/A Ex Air Leakage C402.4.1,C402.4.2 Envelope The building envelope contains a continuous air Vn barrier that is sealed in an approved manner and YY'' '"''"' either constructed or tested in an approved manner. Air barrier penetrations are sealed in an approved manner. Air Leakage C402.4.3,C402.4.4 Envelope Factory -built fenestration and doors are labeled as� meeting air leakage requirements. Air Leakage C402.4.7 I Envelope Vestibules are installed on all building entrances. Doors have self -closing devices. Air Leakage C402.4.1.1 Envelope All sources of air leakage in the building thermal ,' envelope are sealed, caulked, gasketed, weather stripped or wrapped with moisture I vapor -permeable wrapping material to minimize air leakage. Air Leakage C402.4.6 Envelope Weatherseals installed on all loading dock cargo 11 doors. Air Leakage C402.4.8 Envelope Recessed luminaires in thermal envelope to limit f❑ 11 ` infiltration and be IC rated and labeled. Seal Fenestration C303.1.3 En elope between interior finish and luminaire housing. Fenestration products rated in accordance with NFRC. Fenestration C303.1.3 Envelope Fenestration products are certified as to 'y ❑ ❑ performance labels or certificates provided. Fenestration C402.2.7 Envelope U-factor of opaque doors associated with the ' ❑ ❑ building thermal envelope meets requirements. Insulation C303.2 Envelope Below -grade wall insulation installed per ❑ �/a' manufacturer's instructions. �Y1��'' Insulation C303.2 Envelope Slab edge insulation installed per manufacturer's11 f r' I instructions. Insulation C402.2.6 Envelope Slab edge insulation depth/length. Slab insulation extending away from building is covered by �1" Insulation C403.2.7,C408.2.8,( Envelope pavement or >= 10 inches of soil. Exterior insulation protected against damage, sunlight, moisture, wind, landscaping and equipment maintenance activities. Insulation C402.4.2.1 Envelope Roof R-value. For some ceiling systems, WO El verification may need to occur during Framinq Insulation C303.2 Envelope I Inspection. Roof insulation installed per manufacturer's ��,�� ell instructions. Blown or poured loose -fill insulation ''``��'' is installed only where the roof slope is < 3 in 12. Insulation C402.2.1 Envelope I Skylight curbs are insulated to the level of roofs with insulation above deck or R-5. Vr Insulation C402.2.1.1 Envelope I High-albedo roofs satisfy one of the following: 3-Year-aped solar reflectance >= 0.55 and thermal emittance >= 0.75, 3-year-aged solar reflectance index >= 64.0, initial year solar reflectance >= 0.70 and thermal emittance — 0.75, or initial year Insulation C303.2 Envelope solar Above -grade wall insulation installed per manufacturer's instructions. Insulation C303.2 Envelope Floor insulation installed per manufacturer's I instructions. Insulation C303.1 Envelope Building envelope insulation is labeled with !' R-value or insulation certificate providing R-value and other relevant data. EnergyGauge Summit® Fla/Com-2014. 11/1/2015 Section 506.4 Compliant Software. Effective Date: June 30, 2015 Page 13 of 18 Insulation C303.2.1 Envelope Exterior insulation is protected from damage with 0 a protective material. Verification for exposed foundation insulation may need to occur during Insulation C402.2.1 Envelope Foundation Inspection. Insulation intended to meet the roof insulation 13 requirements cannot be installed on top of a suspended ceiling. Mark this requirement compliant if insulation is installed accordingly. �/� Plan Review C103.2 Envelope Plans and/or specifications provide all information f�/,l with which compliance can be determined for the — building building envelope and document where exceptions to the standard are claimed. Controls C405.2.4 Exterior Lighting Automatic lighting controls for exterior lighting installed. Plan Review C103.2 Exterior Lighting Plans, specifications, and/or calculations provide all information with which compliance can be determined for the exterior lighting and electrical systems and equipment and document where exceptions to the standard are claimed. Information provided shoul Post Construction C408.3 Exterior Lighting Lighting systems have been tested to ensure IV proper calibration, adjustment, programming, and operation. Wattage C405.6 Exterior Lighting Exterior grounds lighting over 100 W provides >60❑ Im/W unless on motion sensor or fixture is exempt from scope of code or from external LPD. Wattage C405.6.2 Exterior Lighting Exterior lighting power is consistent with what is shown on the approved lighting plans, demonstrating proposed watts are less than or equal to allowed wafts. Controls C405.2.2.1 Interior Lighting Automatic controls to shut off all building lighting installed in all buildings. Controls C405.2.1.1 Interior Lighting Independent lighting controls installed per 0 ❑ approved lighting plans and all manual controls readily accessible and visible to occupants. Controls C405.2.1.2 Interior Lighting Lighting controls installed to uniformly reduce the ;5? ❑ El lightinq load by at least 50%. Controls C405.2.2.3 Interior Lighting Daylight zones provided with individual controls that control the lights independent of general area Controls C405.2.3 Interior Lighting lighting. Sleeping units have at least one master switch at []NO ❑ the main entry door that controls wired luminaires and switched receptacles. Controls C405.2.2.2 Interior Lighting Occupancy sensors installed in required spaces. Na ❑ Controls C405.2.2.3 Interior Lighting Primary sidelighted areas are equipped with required li-ghting controls. Controls C405.2.2.3 Interior Lighting Enclosed spaces with daylight area under skylights and rooftop monitors are equipped with required lighting controls. Controls C405.2.3 Interior Lighting Separate lighting control devices for specific uses installed pera roved lighting lans. Controls C405.3 Interior Lighting Fluorescent luminaires within odd numbered lamp configurations that are with 10 feet center to center (if recess mounted) or are within 1 foot edge to edge (if pendant or surface mounted) Plan Review C103.2 Interior Lighting shall be tandem wired. Plans, specifications, and/or calculations provide all information with which compliance can be determined for the interior lighting and electrical systems and equipment and document where exceptions to the standard are claimed. Information provided shoul Post Construction C408.2.5.1 Interior Lighting Furnished as -built drawings for electric power le systems within 30 days of system acceptance. Post Construction C303.3,C408.2.5.2 Interior Lighting Furnished O&M instructions for systems and equipment to the building owner or designated representative. EnergyGauge Summit® Fla/Com-2014. Section 506.4 Compliant Software. Effective Date: June 30, 2015 11/1/2015 Page 14 of 18 Post Construction C408.3 1 Interior Lighting Lighting systems have been tested to ensure proper calibration adiustment programming and 1 operation. Wattage C405.4 ` Interior Lighting Exit signs do not exceed 5 watts per face. e Wattage C405.2.3 �` Interior Lighting Additional interior lighting power allowed for 'r special functions per the approved lighting plans and is automatically controlled and separated from general lighting. Wattage C405.5.2 Interior Lighting Interior installed lamp and fixture lighting power is �'J ❑ ❑ consistent with what is shown on the approved lighting plans, demonstrating proposed watts are less than or equal to allowed watts. HVAC C403.2.4.5 Mechanical Freeze protection and snow/ice melting system 0WE] sensors for future connection to controls. HVAC C403.2.3 Mechanical HVAC equipment efficiency verified. Air Leakage C402.4.5.1 I Envelope Stair and elevator shaft vents have motorized dampers that automatically close. Air Leakage C402.4.5.2 (Envelope Outdoor air and exhaust systems have motorized❑ dampers that automatically shut when not in use ' and meet maximum leakage rates. Check gravity dampers where allowed. HVAC C403.2.5.1 echanical Demand control ventilation provided for spaces >500 ft2 and >25 people/1000 ft2 occupant I density and served by systems with air side yll economizer, auto modulating outside air damper control, or design airflow >3,000 cfm. HVAC C403.2.8.1 Mechanical Piping Insulation exposed to weather is protected❑ from damage due to sun moisture wind etc.). HVAC C403.2.7 Mechanical HVAC ducts and plenums insulated. Where ducts ✓ or plenums are installed in or under a slab, verification may need to occur during Foundation Inspection. HVAC C403.2.8 Mechanical Thermally ineffective panel surfaces of sensible ❑ Q�1 heating panels have insulation — R-3.5. HVAC C403.2.7 Mechanical Ducts and plenums sealed based on static pressure and location. HVAC C408.2.2.1 Mechanical Air outlets and zone terminal devices have means ` � ❑ ❑ for air balancing. HVAC C403.2.6 Mechanical Exhaust air energy recovery on systems meeting Table C403.2.6 HVAC C403.2.11 Mechanical Unenclosed spaces that are heated use only radiant heat. HVAC C403.2.4.1 Mechanical Heating and cooling to each zone is controlled by a thermostat control. HVAC C403.2.4.2 Mechanical) Thermostatic controls have a 5 °F deadband. HVAC C403.2.4.2 Mechanical I Temperature controls have setpoint overlap W ❑ I restrictions. HVAC C403.2.4.3 Mechanical ` Each zone equipped with setback controls using 1 automatic time clock or programmable control HVAC C403.2.4.3 Mechanical ` system. Automatic Controls: Setback to 55°F (heat) and a0 El 85°F (cool); 7-day clock, 2-hour occupant override, 10-hour backup Plan Review C103.2 Mechanical Plans, specifications, and/or calculations provide all information with which compliance can be determined for the mechanical systems and equipment and document where exceptions to the standard are claimed. Load calculations per acceptable engineering st Plan Review C103.2 Mechanical Plans, specifications, and/or calculations provide ❑ ❑ all information with which compliance can be determined for the service water heating systems and equipment and document where exceptions to 'the standard are claimed. Hot water system sized per manufact EnergyGauge Summit® Fla/Com-2014. 11/1/2015 Section 506.4 Compliant Software. Effective Date: June 30, 2015 Page 15 of 18 Post Construction C408.2.5.1 Mechanical Furnished HVAC as -built drawings submitted ju El 11 within 90 days of system acceptance. vv��'''-' Post Construction C303.3,C408.2.5.2 Mechanical Furnished O&M manuals for HVAC systems within ❑ 11 90 days of system acceptance. Post Construction C408.2.5.3 Mechanical An air and/or hydronic system balancing report is provided for HVAC systems. Post Construction C408.2.1 Mechanical Commissioning plan developed by registered design professional or approved agency. Post Construction C408.2.4 Mechanical Preliminary commissioning report completed and certified by registered design professional or approved agency. Post Construction C408.2.5.4 Mechanical Final commissioning report due to building owner '"''' within 90 days of receipt of certificate of occupancy. Post Construction C408.2.3.1 Mechanical HVAC equipment has been tested to ensure ❑ Post Construction C408.2.3.3 Mechanical Economizers have been tested to ensure proper operation. SYSTEM C404.3 Mechanical Temperature controls installed on service water —SPECIFIC heating systems (110 OF for dwelling units and lavatories in public restrooms and 90 OF for other occupancies.) SYSTEM C404.4 Mechanical Automatic time switches installed to automatically —SPECIFIC switch off the recirculating hot-water system or SYSTEM C404.2 Mechanical heat trace. Heat traps installed on non -circulating storage —SPECIFIC water tanks. SYSTEM C403.2.3 Mechanical PTAC and PTHP with sleeves 16 in. by 42 in. —SPECIFIC labeled for replacement only as per Footnote b to Table C403.2.3(3). SYSTEM C403.4.2 Mechanical VAV fan >= 7.5 hp are driven by mechanical or —SPECIFIC electrical variable speed drive, or driven by vane -axial with variable speed blades, or operate with motor demand <=30% design kW at 50% design flow - calculations required SYSTEM C403.2.8 Mechanical HVAC piping insulation thickness. Where piping is —SPECIFIC installed in or under a slab, verification may need to occur during Foundation Inspection. SYSTEM C403. Mechanical Ductwork operating >3 in. water column requires ❑ ❑ —SPECIFIC air leakage testing. SYSTEM C403.3.1,C403.3,1.1 Mechanical Air economizers provided where required, meet —SPECIFIC the requirements for design capacity, control signal, ventilation controls, high -limit shut-off, integrated economizer control, and provide a means to relieve excess outside air during SYSTEM C403.3.1,C403.4.1 Mechanical operation. Water economizers provided where required, —SPECIFIC meet the requirements for design capacity, maximum pressure drop and integrated SYSTEM C403.4.1.4 Mechanical economizer control. Economizer operation will not increase heating —SPECIFIC ener-gy use during normal operation. ^iP" SYSTEM C403.4.5 Mechanical Zone controls can limit simultaneous heating and NV —SPECIFIC cooling and sequence heating and cooling to each SYSTEM C403.4.3.1 Mechanical zone. Three -pipe hydronic systems using a common —SPECIFIC return for hot and chilled water are not used. SYSTEM C403.4.3.2 Mechanical Two -pipe hydronic systems using a common —SPECIFIC distribution system have controls to allow a deadband >=15 IF, allow operation in one mode for at least 4 hrs before changeover, and have rest controls to limit heating and cooling supply temperature to <=30 OF. SYSTEM C403. Mechanical Hydronic heat pump systems connected to a ❑ � ❑ —SPECIFIC common water loop meet heat resection and heat addition requirements. SPECIFIC C408.2.2.2 Mechanical HVAC hydronic heating and cooling coils have El WE]SYSTEM means to balance and have pressure test connections. EnergyGauge Summit® Fla/Com-2014. Section 506.4 Compliant Software. Effective Date: June 30, 2015 11/1/2015 Page 16 of 18 SYSTEM —SPECIFIC C403.2.10.1 I Mechanical HVAC fan systems at design conditions do not 12f ❑ ❑ I exceed allowable fan system motor nameplate hp or fan system bhp. SYSTEM —SPECIFIC C403.2.10.2 Mechanical HVAC fan motors not larger than allowable limits. Nei] ❑ SYSTEM —SPECIFIC C403.4.2 I Mechanical VAV fan motors >=7.5 hp to be driven by variable f I speed drive, have a vane -axial fan with variable pitch blades, or have controls to limit fan motor SYSTEM —SPECIFIC C403.4.2.1 Mechanical demand. VAV fans have static pressure sensors positioned ❑ Ne El so setpoint <=1/3 total design pressure. SYSTEM —SPECIFIC C403.4.2.2 I Mechanical Reset static pressure setpoint for DDC controlled El 1 VAV boxes reporting to central controller based on the zones requiring the most pressure. SYSTEM —SPECIFIC C403.4.5.4 I Mechanical Multiple zone HVAC systems have supply air temperature reset controls. SYSTEM —SPECIFIC C403.4.3.4 ` Mechanical Hydronic systems greater than 300,000 Btu/h 1 designed for variable fluid flow. SYSTEM —SPECIFIC C403.4.3.5 (Mechanical Reduce flow in pumping systems >10 hp to multiple chillers or boilers when others are shut down. SYSTEM —SPECIFIC C403.4.3.4 Mechanical Temperature reset by representative building loads in pumping systems for chiller and boiler systems >300, 000 Btu/h. SYSTEM —SPECIFIC C403. chanical Two -position automatic valve interlocked to shut El eEl I off water flow when hvdronic heat pump with pumping system >10 hp is off. SYSTEM —SPECIFIC C403.4.4 Mechanical Fan systems with motors >=7.5 hp associated with heat resection equipment to have capability to operate at 2/3 of full -speed and auto speed controls to control the leaving fluid temperature or condensing temp/pressure of heat rejection device. SYSTEM —SPECIFIC C403.4.6 Mechanical Condenser heat recovery system that can heat ❑ �'�' water to 85 OF or provide 60% of peak heat """►►►" rejection is installed for preheating of service hot water in 24/7 facility, water cooled systems reject >6 MMBtu, SHW load >=1 MMBtu. SYSTEM —SPECIFIC C403.4.7 Mechanical Hot gas bypass limited to:� <=240 kBtu/h — 50% lical >240 kBtu/h — 25% SYSTEM —SPECIFIC C404.2 Mecha Service water heating equipment meets efficiency ❑ El requirements. SYSTEM —SPECIFIC C403.2.4.2 Mechanical Heating and cooling to each zone is controlled by a thermostat control. Minimum one humidity control device per installed humidification/dehumidification system. SYSTEM —SPECIFIC C403. Mechanical Systems include optimum start controls. El 0 SYSTEM_ SPECIFIC C403. Mechanical Heat pump controls prevent supplemental electric El Iff resistance heat from coming on when not needed. SYSTEM —SPECIFIC C404.3 Mechanical I Public lavatory faucet water temperature <=110°F. V SYSTEM_SPECIFIC C404.5 Mechanical I All piping in circulating system insulated ❑ Ero SYSTEM —SPECIFIC C404.5 Mechanical I First 8 ft of outlet piping is insulated SYSTEM —SPECIFIC C404.5 Mechanical I All heat traced or externally heated piping insulated SYSTEM —SPECIFIC C404.6 Mechanical I Controls are installed that limit the operation of a recirculation pump installed to maintain Itemperature of a storage tank. SYSTEM —SPECIFIC C404.7.1 Mechanical Pool heaters are equipped with on/off switch and Nei] El mo continuously burning pilot light. SYSTEM_ SPECIFIC C404.7.3 Mechanical Vapor retardant pool covers are provided for rF heated pools and permanently installed spas. 11/1/2015 EnergyGauge Summit® Fla/Com-2014. Section 506.4 Compliant Software. Effective Date: June 30, 2015 Page 17 of 18 SYSTEM SPECIFIC C404.7.2 Mechanical Time switches are installed on all pool heaters and pumps SYSTEM —SPECIFIC C403.2.3 Mechanical Centrifugal fan open -circuit cooling towers having combined rated capacity >= 1100 qpm meets minimum efficiency requirement: >=38.2 gpm/hp. Testing C408.2.3.2 Mechanical HVAC control systems have been tested to ensure proper operation calibration and adjustment of controls. Mandatory Additional C406 Project Efficient HVAC performance, efficient lighting system or on -site supply of renewable energy consistent with what is shown the approved plans. Insulation C402.2.8 Project Bottom surface of floor structures incorporating radiant heating insulated to >=R-3.5. Plan Review C406 Project Plans, specifications, and/or calculations provide all information with which compliance can be determined for the additional energy efficiency package options. Plan Review C402.3.2.2 Envelope Skylights in office, storage, automotive service, ❑ ❑ manufacturing non -refrigerated warehouse, retail store, and distribution/sorting area have a measured haze value > 90 percent unless designed to exclude direct sunlight. EnergyGauge Summit® Fla/Com-2014. Section 506.4 Compliant Software. Effective Date: June 30, 2015 11/1/2015 Page 18 of 18 Project Name: Harbour Ridge Project Title: Harbour Ridge Address: 12600 Harbour Ridge Blvd State: FL Zip: 34990 Owner: Harbour Ridge EnergyGauge Summit® v5.10 INPUT DATA REPORT Project Information Orientation: North ding Type: Exercise Center Building Classification: New Finished building No.of Stories: 1 GrossArea: 17058 SF Zones No Acronym Description Type Area Multiplier Total Area lsfl lsfl 1 PrOZol Zone 1 CONDITIONED 4801.0 1 4801.0 ❑ 2 PrOZo2 Zone 2 CONDITIONED 612.0 1 612.0 ❑ 3 PrOZo3 Zone 3 CONDITIONED 1759.0 1 1759.0 ❑ 4 PrOZo4 Zone 4 CONDITIONED 1550.0 1 1550.0 ❑ 5 PrOZo5 Zone 5 CONDITIONED 1288.0 1 1288.0 ❑ 6 PrOZo6 Zone 6 CONDITIONED 1995.0 1 1995.0 ❑ 11/1/2015 EnergyGauge Summit® v5.10 1 7 PrOZo7 Zone 7 CONDITIONED 234.0 1 234.0 ❑ 8 PrOZo7b Zone 7b CONDITIONED 239.0 1 239.0 ❑ 9 PrOZo9 Zone 9 CONDITIONED 752.0 1 752.0 ❑ 10 PrOZo5 Zone 5 CONDITIONED 1389.0 1 1389.0 ❑ 11 PrOZoII Zone 11 CONDITIONED 1202.0 1 1202.0 ❑ 12 PrOZOI2 Zone 12 CONDITIONED 537.0 1 537.0 ❑ 13 Pr0ZoI0D Zone IOD CONDITIONED 160.0 1 160.0 ❑ 14 PrOZoIOA Zone 10A CONDITIONED 178.0 1 178.0 ❑ 15 Pr0ZOI0C Zone IOC CONDITIONED 161.0 1 161.0 ❑ 16 PrOZoIOB Zone lOB CONDITIONED _ 201.0 1 201.0 ❑ Spaces No Acronym Description Type Depth Width Height Multi Total Area Total Volume [ft] [ft] [ft] plier [sf] [cf] In Zone: PrOZol 1 1002 FUNCTTH002 FUNCTIONAL Exercise Area (Exercise 10.00 34.30 15.00 1 343.0 5145.0 ❑ TRAINING -Al Center) 2 1006 FITNESS 1006 FITNESS Exercise Area (Exercise 10.00 445.80 15.00 1 4458.0 66870.0 ❑ -A1,D2,G,P6 Center) In Zone: PrOZo2 1 1072 SPIN 1072 SPIN -P Exercise Area (Exercise 10.00 61.20 15.00 1 612.0 9180.0 ❑ Center) In Zone: PrOZo3 1 1003 FITNESS (1003 FITNESS Corridor 10.00 42.30 15.00 1 423.0 6345.0 ❑ GALLERY-D2,S,S3 2 1010 THER OFF1010 THERAPY EVAL Physical Therapy (Hospital) 10.00 12.40 15.00 1 124.0 1860.0 ❑ OFFICE -A3 3 1011 PHYS THF1011 PHYS THERAPY Physical Therapy (Hospital) 10.00 12.00 15.00 1 120.0 1800.0 ❑ -A3 4 1017 VEST 1017 VESTIBULE -D1 Corridor 10.00 5.10 15.00 1 51.0 765.0 ❑ 5 1064 ENT VEST1064 ENTRY Corridor 10.00 5.10 15.00 1 51.0 765.0 ❑ VESTIBULE -F3,P3 6 1067 CORR 1067 CORRIDOR -D2 Corridor 10.00 7.70 15.00 1 77.0 1155.0 ❑ 11/1/2015 EnergyGauge Summit® v5.10 7 1071 MAIN GA1071 MAIN Corridor 10.00 80.90 15.00 1 809.0 12135.0 GALLERY-D2,F3,P3 8 1076 STOR 1076 STORAGE -A2 Storage & Warehouse - 10.00 10.40 15.00 1 104.0 1560.0 Bulky Active Storage In Zone: PrOZo4 1 1004 GRP MVM1004 GROUP Exercise Area (Exercise 10.00 110.10 15.00 1 1101.0 16515.0 MOVEMENT Center) -A1,F3,XX 2 1008 STAFF OF1008 STAFF OFFICE Office - Open Plan 10.00 34.00 15.00 1 340.0 5100.0 -A2 3 1009 DIR OF FI'1009 DIRECTOR OF Office - Enclosed 10.00 10.90 15.00 1 109.0 1635.0 FITNESS -A2 In Zone: PrOZo5 1 1012-16,45 RR 1012-16,45 RR Toilet and Washroom 10.00 40.80 15.00 1 408.0 6120.0 0- -D 1,FX,P4,S5 2 1020-27 RR 1020-27 RR Toilet and Washroom 10.00 38.40 15.00 1 384:0 5760.0 -D1,DX,P4,S5 3 1038 HC RR 1038 HC RR -D1,S5 Toilet and Washroom 10:00 6.20 15.00 1 62.0 930.0 ❑ 4 1039,41 MENS 11039,41 MENS' Locker- Room 10.00 15.50 15.00 1 155.0 2325.0 ❑ LOCKER -D1,S5 .-.5-1042-W-VEST 1042 WOMENS Corridor 10.00 11.80 15.00 1 118.0 1770.0 VESTIBULE -D 1,P2 6 1043 WOMENS 1043 WOMENS Locker Room 10.00 9.60 15.00 1 96.0 1440.0 LOCKER -D 1 7 1073 HC RR 1073 HC RR -D1,S5 Toilet and Washroom 10.00 6.50 15.00 1 65.0 975.0 In Zone: PrOZo6 1 1007 STOR 1007 STORAGE -A3 Storage & Warehouse - 10.00 13.00 15.00 1 130.0 1950.0 ❑ Bulky Active Storage 2 1028,29 RR 1028,29 RR -D1,S Toilet and Washroom 10.00 10.40 15.00 1 104.0 1560.0 3 1031 EMP BRK 1031 EMPLOYEE Food Service - Bar/Lounge 10.00 15.80 15.00 1 158.0 2370.0 BREAK ROOM -A3 4 1032 TENN OF11032 TENNIS PRO Office - Enclosed 10.00 13.00 15.00 1 130.0 1950.0 OFFICE -A2 5 1033 TENN PR(1033 TENNIS PRO Office - Enclosed 10.00 105.00 15.00 1 1050.0 15750.0 SHOP -B2,F3 6 1035 STOCK RP1035 TENNIS SHOP Storage & Warehouse - 10.00 15.80 15.00 1 158.0 2370.0 STOCK ROOM -A2 Bulky Active Storage 7 1037 FD BEV C103 FOOD Food Service - Bar/Lounge 10.00 16.10 15.00 1 161.0 2415.0 BEVERAGE COUNTER -DI,P8 11/1/2015 EnergyGauge Summit® v5.10 3 8 1074,75 RR 1074,75 RR -D1,S5 Toilet and Washroom 10.00 10.40 15.00 1 104.0 1560.0 El In Zone: PrOZo7 1 1065 PRIV PIL 1065 PRIVATE Exercise Area (Exercise 10.00 23.40 15.00 1 234.0 3510.0 PILATES -P Center) In Zone: PrOZo7b 1 1066 PRIV PIL 1066 PRIVATE Exercise Area (Exercise 10.00 23.90 15.00 1 239.0 3585.0 PILATES -P Center) In Zone: PrOZo9 1 1068 GROUP PI1068 GROUP Exercise Area (Exercise 10.00 75.20 15.00 1 752.0 11280.0 PILATES -P Center) In Zone: PrOZo5 1 1040 STOR 1040 STORAGE -A3 Storage & Warehouse - 10.00 3.30 15.00 1 33.0 495.0 Bulky Active Storage 2 1051 CORR 1051 CORRIDOR - Toilet and Washroom 10.00 10.40 15.00 1 104.0 1560.0 3 1052 CORR 1052 CORRIDOR Food Service - Bar/Lounge 10.00 25.20 15.00 1 252.0 3780.0 4 1053 NETWOR11053 NETWORK - Electrical Mechanical 10.00 3.00 15.00 1 30.0 450.0 Equipment Room - General 5 1054 DISPENSCIO54 DISPENSORY - Office - Enclosed 10.00 15.50 15.00 1 155.0 2325.0 6 1055 CORR 1055 CORRIDOR - Toilet and Washroom 10.00 9.20 15.00 1 92.0 1380.0 El 7 1056 CORR 1056 CORRIDOR - Toilet and Washroom 10.00 3.80 15.00 1 38.0 570.0 11 8 1061 JAN 1061 JAN - Storage & Warehouse - 10.00 2.00 15.00 1 20.0 300.0 El Bulky Active Storage 9 1062 SPA GLRY1062 SPA SALON Food Service - Bar/Lounge 10.00 33.10 15.00 1 331.0 4965.0 El GALLERY - 10 1063 SPA RECE1063 SPA SALON Food Service - Bar/Lounge 10.00 33.40 15.00 1 334.0 5010.0 El RECEPTION - In Zone: PrOZoll 1 1056 BARBER 1056 BARBER -D2,S5 Sales Area 10.00 6.50 15.00 1 65.0 975.0 2 1058 RR 1058 RR -D2,S5 Toilet and Washroom 10.00 4.40 15.00 1 44.0 660.0 3 1059 HAIR C011059 HAIR Sales Area 10.00 7.30 15.00 1 73.0 1095.0 COLORING -P3 4 1069 SALON 1069 SALON Sales Area 10.00 95.50 15.00 1 955.0 14325.0 -A3,D2,F3,SX 5 1077 MECH 1077 MECHANICAL Electrical Mechanical 10.00 6.50 15.00 1 65.0 975.0 -F Equipment Room - General In Zone: Pr0Zo12 11/1/2015 EnergyGauge Summit® v5.10 4 1 1060 DRY LNG 1060 DRY LOUNGE Food Service - Bar/Lounge 10.00 48.10 15.00 1 481.0 7215.0 -D 1,F3,P5,P8 2 1078 MECH 1078 MECHANICAL Sales Area 10.00 5.60 15.00 1 56.0 840.0- ❑ -F In Zone: Pr0Zo10D 1 1048 MASSAG11048 MASSAGE Physical Therapy (Hospital) 10.00 16.00 15.00 1 160.0 2400.0 ROOM -F4 In Zone: Pr0Zo10A 1 1049 MASSAGI1049 MASSAGE Physical Therapy (Hospital) 10.00 17.80 15.00 1 178.0 2670.0 ❑ ROOM -F4 In Zone: Pr0Zo10C 1 1047 MASSAGI1047 MASSAGE Physical Therapy (Hospital) 10.00 16.10 15.00 1 161.0 2415.0 ROOM -F4 In Zone: Pr0Zo10B 1 1046 CPLS MS(1046 COUPLES Physical Therapy (Hospital) 10.00 20.10 15.00 1 201.0 ---3015.0 MASSAGE -D 1,F4 Lighting No Type Category No. of Watts per Power Control Type No.of Luminaires Luminaire [W] Ctrl pts In Zone: PrOZol In Space: 1002 FUNCT TRNG 1 LED General Lighting 8 35 278 Programmable timer 1 without Daylighting In Space: 1006 FITNESS 1 LED General Lighting 32 35 1114 Programmable timer 1 without Daylighting 2 LED General Lighting 20 23 456 Programmable timer 1 without Daylighting 3 LED General Lighting 8 45 362 Programmable timer 1 without Daylighting 4 Incandescent General Lighting 8 60 480 Programmable timer 1 without Daylighting In Zone: PrOZo2 In Space: 1072 SPIN 1 LED General Lighting 48 12 576 Occupancy sensor without 1 Daylighting In Zone: PrOZo3 11/1/2015 EnergyGauge Summit® v5.10 In Space: 1003 FITNESS GAL 1 LED General Lighting 4 23 91 Programmable timer 1El without Daylighting 2 LED General Lighting 2 60 120 Programmable timer 1El without Daylighting 3 LED General Lighting 2 60 120 Programmable timer 1 El without Daylighting In Space: 1010 THER OFFICE 1 LED General Lighting 2 35 70 Occupancy sensor without 1 El Daylighting In Space: 1011 PHYS THER 1 LED General Lighting 2 35 70 Occupancy sensor without 1 ❑ Daylighting In Space: 1017 VEST 1 LED General Lighting 1 18 18 Programmable timer 1 without Daylighting In Space: 1064 ENT VEST 1 LED General Lighting 30 3 96 Programmable timer 1 without Daylighting 2 Incandescent General Lighting 1 60 60 Programmable timer 1 without Daylighting In Space: 1067 CORR 1 LED General Lighting 2 23 46 Programmable timer 1El without Daylighting In Space: 1071 MAIN GALLERY 1 LED General Lighting 6 23 137 Programmable timer 1El without Daylighting 2 Incandescent General Lighting 2 60 120 Programmable timer 1 El without Daylighting 3 LED General Lighting 71 3 227 Programmable timer 1 without Daylighting In Space: 1076 STOR 1 LED General Lighting 2 55 I10 Occupancy sensor without 1 Daylighting In Zone: PrOZo4 In Space: 1004 GRP MVMT 1 LED General Lighting 12 35 418 Occupancy sensor without 1 Daylighting 2 LED General Lighting 140 3 448 Occupancy sensor without 1 ❑ Daylighting 3 LED General Lighting 2 17 34 Occupancy sensor without 1 El Daylighting 11/1/2015 EnergyGauge Summit® v5.10 6 In Space: 1008 STAFF OFF 1 LED General Lighting In Space: 1009 DIR OF FIT 1 LED General Lighting Zone: PrOZo5 In Space: 1012-16,45 RR 1 LED General Lighting 2 Suspended Fluorescent General Lighting 3 Incandescent General Lighting 4 Incandescent General Lighting In Space: 1020-27 RR 1 LED General Lighting 2 LED �_--------General Lighting 3 Incandescent General Lighting 4 Incandescent General Lighting In Space: 1038 HC RR 1 LED General Lighting 2 Incandescent General Lighting In Space: 1039,41 MENS LOCKER 1 LED General Lighting 2 Incandescent General Lighting In Space: 1042 W VEST I LED General Lighting 2 Incandescent General Lighting In Space: 1043 WOMENS LOCKER 4 55 220 Programmable timer without Daylighting 2 55 110 Occupancy sensor without Daylighting 15 18 263 Programmable timer without Daylighting 1 108 108 Occupancy sensor without Daylighting 2 60 120 Programmable timer without Daylighting 1 60 60 Programmable timer without-Daylighting 15 18 263 Programmable timer without Daylighting 1 23 23 Programmable timer without Daylighting 2 60 120 Programmable timer without Daylighting 1 60 60 Programmable timer without Daylighting 2 18 35 Occupancy sensor without Daylighting 1 60 60 Occupancy sensor without Daylighting 3 18 53 Programmable timer without Daylighting 2 60 120 Programmable timer without Daylighting 2 18 35 Programmable timer without Daylighting 3 60 180 Programmable timer without Daylighting 1 1 1 1 11/1/2015 EnergyGauge Summit® v5.10 7 I LED General Lighting 2 18 35 Programmable timer 1El without Daylighting In Space: 1073 HC RR 1 LED General Lighting 3 18 53 Programmable timer 1 without Daylighting 2 Incandescent General Lighting 1 60 60 Programmable timer 1 El without Daylighting In Zone: PrOZo6 In Space: 1007 STOR 1 LED General Lighting 2 35 70 Occupancy sensor without 1 Daylighting In Space: 1028,29 RR 1 LED General Lighting 2 18 35 Occupancy sensor without 1 Daylighting 2 Incandescent General Lighting 2 60 120 Occupancy sensor without 1 El Daylighting In Space: 1031 EMP BRK RM 1 LED General Lighting 2 35 70 Occupancy sensor without 1 Daylighting In Space: 1032 TENN OFF 1 LED General Lighting 2 55 110 Occupancy sensor without 1 Daylighting In Space: 1033 TENN PRO SHOP 1 LED General Lighting 8 90 720 Occupancy sensor without 1 Daylighting 2 LED General Lighting 150 3 480 Occupancy sensor without 1 El Daylighting In Space: 1035 STOCK RM 1 LED General Lighting 2 55 110 Occupancy sensor without 1 Daylighting In Space: 1037 FD BEV CNTR 1 LED General Lighting 6 18 105 Occupancy sensor without 1 Daylighting 2 Incandescent General Lighting 2 60 120 Occupancy sensor without 1 Daylighting In Space: 1074,75 RR 1 LED General Lighting 4 18 70 Occupancy sensor without 1 Daylighting 2 Incandescent General Lighting 2 60 120 Occupancy sensor without 1 Daylighting In Zone: PrOZo7 In Space: 1065 PRIV PIL 11/1/2015 EnergyGauge Summit® v5.10 8 I LED General Lighting 16 12 192 Manual Continuous 1 Dimming In Zone: PrOZo7b In Space: 1066 PRIV PIL 1 LED General Lighting 16 12 192 Manual Continuous 1 Dimming In Zone: PrOZo9 In Space: 1068 GROUP PILATES 1 LED General Lighting 70 12 840 Manual Continuous 1 Dimming In Zone: PrOZoS In Space: 1040 STOR 1 LED General Lighting 2 35 70 Occupancy sensor without 1 Daylighting In Space: 1051 CORR 1 LED General Lighting 2 18 35 Occupancy -sensor without 1 El Daylighting 2 Incandescent General Lighting 60 120 Occupancy sensor without 1 Daylighting In Space: 1052 CORR —LED General Lighting 2 35 70 Occupancy sensor without 1 Daylighting In Space: 1053 NETWORK I LED General Lighting 2 55 110 Occupancy sensor without 1 Daylighting In Space: 1054 DISPENSORY I LED General Lighting 8 23 182 Occupancy sensor without 1 Daylighting 2 LED General Lighting 10 3 32 Occupancy sensor without 1 Daylighting In Space: 1055 CORR 1 LED General Lighting 2 18 35 Occupancy sensor without 1 Daylighting 2 Incandescent General Lighting 2 60 120 Occupancy sensor without I Daylighting In Space: 1056 CORR I LED General Lighting 2 18 35 Occupancy sensor without 1 Daylighting 2 Incandescent General Lighting 2 60 120 Occupancy sensor without 1 Daylighting In Space: 1061 JAN 11/1/2015 EnergyGauge Summit® v5.10 9 I LED General Lighting 1 35 35 Occupancy sensor without 1 ❑ Daylighting In Space: 1062 SPA GLRY 1 LED General Lighting 2 35 70 Occupancy sensor without 1 Daylighting In Space: 1063 SPA RE CEP 1 LED General Lighting 2 35 70 Occupancy sensor without 1 El Daylighting In Zone: PrOZoll In Space: 1056 BARBER 1 LED General Lighting 1 23 23 Occupancy sensor without 1 Daylighting 2 Incandescent General Lighting 2 60 120 Occupancy sensor without 1 Daylighting In Space: 1058 RR 1 LED General Lighting 1 23 23 Manual On/Off 1El 2 Incandescent General Lighting 1 60 60 Manual On/Off 1 ❑ In Space: 1059 HAIR COL 1 Incandescent General Lighting 1 60 60 Occupancy sensor without 1 Daylighting In Space: 1069 SALON 1 LED General Lighting 1 35 35 Manual Continuous I El Dimming 2 Incandescent General Lighting 11 23 251 Manual Continuous 1 El Dimming 3 Compact Fluorescent General Lighting 64 6 397 Manual Continuous 1 EJ Dimming 4 Compact Fluorescent General Lighting 7 60 420 Manual Continuous 1 Dimming In Space: 1077 MECH 1 Suspended Fluorescent General Lighting 1 108 108 Manual On/Off 1 In Zone: PrOZo12 In Space: 1060 DRY LNG I LED General Lighting 6 18 105 Manual Continuous 1 Dimming 2 LED General Lighting 69 3 221 Manual Continuous I Dimming 3 Incandescent General Lighting 2 60 120 Manual Continuous 1 Dimming 11/1/2015 EnergyGauge Summit® v5.10 10 4 Incandescent General Lighting 3 60 180 Manual Continuous 1El Dimming In Space: 1078 MECH 1 Suspended Fluorescent General Lighting 1 108 108 Manual On/Off 1 In Zone: Pr0Zo10D In Space: 1048 MASSAGE 1 LED General Lighting 36 6 198 Manual On/Off 1 In Zone: Pr0Zo10A In Space: 1049 MASSAGE 1 LED General Lighting 36 6 198 Manual On/Off 1 In Zone: Pr0Zo10C In Space: 1047 MASSAGE 1 LED General Lighting 36 6 198 Manual On/Off __,�1�—❑ _ In Zone: Pr0Zo10B In Space: 1046 CPLS MSG 1 LED General -Lighting-' 1 . 18 18 Manual Continuous •1 Dimming LED General Lighting 36 6 199 Manual Continuous 1 ❑ Dimming Walls No Description Type Width H (Effee) Multi Area Direction Conductance Heat Dens. R-Value IN [ft] plier [sq [Btu/hr. sf. F] Capacity [lb/cf] [h.sf.FBtu] [Btu/sEF] In Zone: PrOZol 1 1002 S 8" Block with ext 14.20 15.00 1 213.0 South 0.0641 5.653 37.15 15.6 ❑ stucco & R13 Insulation int 2 1006 E 8" Block with ext 16.00 15.00 1 240.0 East 0.0641 5.653 37.15 15.6 ❑ stucco & R13 Insulation int 3 1006 E2 8" Block with ext 53.00 15.00 1 795.0 East 0.0641 5.653 37.15 15.6 ❑ stucco & R13 Insulation int 4 1006 E3 8" Block with ext 16.00 15.00 1 240.0 East 0.0641 5.653 37.15 15.6 ❑ stucco & R13 Insulation int 11/1/2015 EnergyGauge Summit® v5.10 11 5 1006 E4 8" Block with ext 5.40 15.00 1 81.0 East 0.0641 5.653 37.15 15.6 ❑ stucco & R13 Insulation int 15.6 ❑ 6 1006 N 8" Block with ext 6.70 15.00 1 100.5 North 0.0641 5.653 37.15 stucco & R13 Insulation int 15.6 ❑ 7 1006 N2 8" Block with ext 49.70 15.00 1 745.5 North 0.0641 5.653 37.15 stucco & R13 Insulation int 37.15 15.6 ❑ 8 1006 N3 8" Block with ext 12.20 15.00 1 183.0 North 0.0641 5.653 stucco & R13 Insulation int 15.6 ❑ 9 1006 S 8" Block with ext 49.60 15.00 1 744.0 South 0.0641 5.653 37.15 stucco & R13 Insulation int 37.15 15.6 ❑ 10 1006 S2 8" Block with ext 6.70 15.00 1 100.5 South 0.0641 5.653 stucco & R13 Insulation int In Zone: PrOZo2 15.6 ❑ 1 1072 S 8" Block with ext 24.10 15.00 1 361.5 South 0.0641 5.653 37.15 stucco & R13 Insulation int In Zone: PrOZo3 37.15 15.6 ❑ 1 1064 S 8" Block with ext 12.80 15.00 1 192.0 South 0.0641 5.653 stucco & R13 Insulation int 2 1071 N 8" Block with ext 11.10 15.00 1 166.5 North 0.0641 5.653 37.15 15.6 El stucco & R13 Insulation int In Zone: PrOZo4 15.6 ❑ 1 1008 N 8" Block with ext 16.80 15.00 1 252.0 North 0.0641 5.653 37.15 stucco & R13 Insulation int 2 1009 N 8" Block with ext 10.20 15.00 1 153.0 North 0.0641 5.653 37.15 15.6 El stucco & R13 Insulation int 3 1009 W 8" Block with ext 2.30 15.00 1 34.5 West 0.0641 5.653 37.15 15.6 El stucco & R13 Insulation int In Zone: PrOZo5 11/1/2015 EnergyGaugc Summit® v5.10 12 1 1020-27 N 8" Block with ext 17.30 15.00 1 259.5 North 0.0641 5.653 37.15 15.6 U stucco & R13 Insulation int 2 1042 N 8" Block with ext 5.60 15.00 1 84.0 North 0.0641 5.653 37.15 15.6 ❑ stucco & R13 Insulation int 3 1073 N 8" Block with ext 12.00 15.00 1 180.0 North 0.0641 5.653 37.15 15.6 ❑ stucco & R13 Insulation int 4 1073 W 8" Block with ext 5.20 15.00 1 78.0 West 0.0641 5.653 37.15 15.6 ❑ stucco & R13 Insulation int In Zone: PrOZo6 1 1007 E 8" Block with ext 10.50 15.00 1 157.5 East 0.0641 5.653 37.15-J5.6-❑- stucco & R13 Insulation int 2 1028,29 E 8" Block with ext 9.00 15.00 1 1'35:0 East 0.0641 5.653 37.15 15.6 ❑ stucco & R13 Insulation int 3_1028,29-5 8" Block with ext 14.40 15.00 1 216.0 South 0.0641 5.653 37.15 15.6 ❑ stucco & R13 Insulation int 4 1031 W 8" Block with ext 12.70 15.00 1 190.5 West 0.0641 5.653 37.15 15.6 ❑ stucco & R13 Insulation int 5 1032 N 8" Block with ext 14.30 15.00 1 214.5 North 0.0641 5.653 37.15 15.6 ❑ stucco & R13 Insulation int 6 1032 W 8" Block with ext 11.10 15.00 1 166.5 West 0.0641 5.653 37.15 15.6 ❑ stucco & R13 Insulation int 7 1033 N 8" Block with ext 38.25 15.00 1 573.8 North 0.0641 5.653 37.15 15.6 ❑ stucco & R13 Insulation int 8 1033 S 8" Block with ext 25.70 15.00 1 385.5 South 0.0641 5.653 37.15 15.6 ❑ stucco & R13 Insulation int 9 1035 S 8" Block with ext 12.40 15.00 1 186.0 South 0.0641 5.653 37.15 15.6 ❑ stucco & R13 Insulation int 11/1/2015 EnergyGauge Summit® v5.10 13 10 1037 E 8" Block with ext 13.50 15.00 1 202.5 East 0.0641 5.653 37.15 15.6 ❑ stucco & R13 Insulation int 11 1037 N 8" Block with ext 14.20 15.00 1 213.0 North 0.0641 5.653 37.15 15.6 ❑ stucco & R13 Insulation int 12 1074,75 S 8" Block with ext 14.30 15.00 1 214.5 South 0.0641 5.653 37.15 15.6 ❑ stucco & R13 Insulation int 13 1074,75 W 8" Block with ext 9.30 15.00 1 139.5 West 0.0641 5.653 37.15 15.6 ❑ stucco & R13 Insulation int In Zone: PrOZo7 1 1065 S 8" Block with ext 15.80 15.00 1 237.0 South 0.0641 5.653 37.15 15.6 ❑ stucco & R13 Insulation int In Zone: PrOZo9 1 1068 S 8" Block with ext 22.00 15.00 1 330.0 South 0.0641 5.653 37.15 15.6 ❑ stucco & R13 Insulation int In Zone: PrOZoll 1 1069 S 8" Block with ext 41.70 15.00 1 625.5 South 0.0641 5.653 37.15 15.6 ❑ stucco & R13 Insulation int 2 1069 W 8" Block with ext 16.00 15.00 1 240.0 West 0.0641 5.653 37.15 15.6 ❑ stucco & R13 Insulation int 3 1077 S 8" Block with ext 7.30 15.00 1 109.5 South 0.0641 5.653 37.15 15.6 ❑ stucco & R13 Insulation int 4 1077 W 8" Block with ext 10.00 15.00 1 150.0 West 0.0641 5.653 37.15 15.6 ❑ stucco & R13 Insulation int In Zone: PrOZo12 1 1060 W 8" Block with ext 33.00 15.00 1 495.0 West 0.0641 5.653 37.15 15.6 ❑ stucco & R13 Insulation int 2 1078 N 8" Block with ext 7.30 15.00 1 109.5 North 0.0641 5.653 37.15 15.6 ❑ stucco & R13 Insulation int 11/1/2015 EnergyGauge Summit® v5.10 14 3 1078 W 8" Block with ext 10.00 15.00 1 150.0 West 0.0641 5.653 37.15 15.6 ❑ stucco & R13 Insulation int In Zone: PrOZolOC - 1 1047 N 8" Block with ext 13.30 15.00 1 199.5 North 0.0641 5.653 37.15 15.6 ❑ stucco & R13 Insulation int 2 .1047 W 8" Block with ext 15.20 15.00 1 228.0 West 0.0641 5.653 37.15 15.6 ❑ stucco & R13 Insulation int In Zone: PrOZo1OB 1 1046 N 8" Block with ext 20.25 15.00 1 303.8 North 0.0641 5.653 37.15 15.6 ❑ stucco & R13 Insulation int �Nindows No Description Type Shaded U SHGC Vis.Tra W H (Effee) Multi Total Area [Btu/hr sf F] IN IN plier [sf] In Zone: PrOZol In Wall: 1002 S 1 PrOZo 1 Wal Wi 1 User Defined Yes 0.5000 0.48 0.50 7.50 8.00 1 60.0 ❑ In Wall: 1006 E 1 PrOZo1Wa2Wi1 User Defined Yes 0.5000 0.48 0.50 9.00 8.00 1 72.0 ❑ In Wall: 1006 E2 1 PrOZo1Wa2Wi1 User Defined Yes 0.5000 0.48 0.50 8.70 8.00 5 348.0 ❑ In Wall: 1006 E3 1 PrOZo 1 Wa2Wi 1 User Defined Yes 0.5000 0.48 0.50 9.00 8.00 1 72.0 ❑ In Wall: 1006 N 1 PrOZo 1 Wa2Wi 1 User Defined Yes 0.5000 0.48 0.50 3.00 8.00 1 24.0 ❑ In Wall: 1006 N2 1 PrOZo1Wa2Wi1 User Defined Yes 0.5000 0.48 0.50 7.20 8.00 4 230.4 ❑ In Wall: 1006 N3 1 PrOZo1Wa2Wil User Defined Yes 0.5000 0.48 0.50 6.00 9.90 1 59.4 ❑ In Wall: 1006 S 1 PrOZol Wa2Wi1 User Defined Yes 0.5000 0.48 0.50 " ' 5.00 7.80 2 78.0 2 PrOZo1Wa2Wil User Defined Yes 0.5000 0.48 0.50 3.00 9.90 1 29.7 3 PrOZo1Wa2Wi1 User Defined Yes 0.5000 0.48 0.50 5.00 7.80 1 39.0 11/1/2015 EnergyGauge Summit® v5.10 15 In Wall: 1006 S2 1 PrOZo1Wa2Wi1 User Defined Yes 0.5000 0.48 0.50 3.00 8.00 1 24.0 In Zone: PrOZoll In Wall: 1069 S 1 PrOZo l l Wal Wil User Defined Yes 0.5000 0.48 0.50 5.00 8.00 2 80.0 2 PrOZo l l Wal Wi 1 User Defined Yes 0.5000 0.48 0.50 3.00 9.90 1 29.7 3 PrOZo 11 Wa1 Wi3 User Defined No 0.5000 0.48 0.50 7.50 8.00 1 60.0 In Zone: PrOZo12 In Wall: 1060 W 1 PrOZol2Wa1Wil User Defined Yes 0.5000 0.48 0.50 3.00 8.00 2 48.0 H 2 PrOZo12Wa1 Wit User Defined Yes 0.5000 0.48 0.50 9.50 8.00 1 76.0 In Zone: PrOZo2 In Wall: 1072 S 1 PrOZo2Wa1Wil User Defined Yes 0.5000 0.48 0.50 5.00 8.00 1 40.0 H 2 PrOZo2Wa1Wi1 User Defined Yes 0.5000 0.48 0.50 5.00 8.00 1 40.0 In Zone: PrOZo3 In Wall: 1064 S 1 PrOZo3Wa1Wi1 User Defined Yes 0.5000 0.48 0.50 9.20 10.00 1 92.0 In Wall: 1071 N 1 PrOZo3Wa1Wi1 User Defined Yes 0.5000 0.48 0.50 6.00 9.90 1 59.4 In Zone: PrOZo6 In Wall: 1032 N 1 PrOZo6Wa5Wil User Defined Yes 0.5000 0.48 0.50 8.70 8.00 1 69.6 In Wall: 1033 N 1 PrOZo6Wa5Wil User Defined Yes 0.5000 0.48 0.50 8.70 8.00 2 139.2 H 2 PrOZo6Wa5Wil User Defined Yes 0.5000 0.48 0.50 10.00 10.20 1 102.0 In Wall: 1033 S 1 PrOZo6Wa5Wi1 User Defined Yes 0.5000 0.48 0.50 10.00 9.90 1 99.0 El In Wall: 1037 E 1 PrOZo6Wa1OWi1 User Defined No 0.5000 0.48 0.50 3.00 8.00 1 24.0 El In Wall: 1037 N 1 PrOZo6Wa5Wil User Defined Yes 0.5000 0.48 0.50 8.70 8.00 1 69.6 In Zone: PrOZo7 In Wall: 1065 S 1 PrOZo7WalWil User Defined Yes 0.5000 0.48 0.50 5.00 8.00 1 40.0 In Zone: PrOZo9 In Wall: 1068 S 1 PrOZo9Wa1Wi1 User Defined Yes 0.5000 0.48 0.50 7.50 8.00 1 60.0 Hj 2 PrOZo9Wa1Wi1 User Defined Yes 0.5000 0.48 0.50 5.00 8.00 1 40.0 11/1/2015 EnergyGauge Summit® v5.10 16 Doors No Description Type Shaded? Width H (Effec) Multi Area Cond. Dens. Heat Cap. R-Value [ft] [ft] plier [sf] [Btu/hr. sf. F] [lb/cf] [Btu/sf. F] [h.sf.F/Btu] In Zone: PrOZo6 In Wall: 1007 E 1 PrOZo6Wa1Drl Solid core flush No 3.00 8.20 1 24.6 0.3504 0.00 0.00 2.85 ❑ (2.25) In Wall: 1028,29 S 1 PrOZo6Wa3Drl Solid core flush No 3.00 8.00 2 24.0 0.3504 0.00 0.00 2.85 ❑ (2.25) In Wall: 1031 W 1 PrOZo6Wa1Drl Solid core flush No 3.00 8.20 1 24.6 0.350_4-0:00 0.00 2.85 ❑ (2.25) In Wall: 1074,75 S 1 PrOZo6Wa3Dr1 Solid-coreflus Yes 3.00 8.00 2 24.0 0.3504 0.00 0.00 2.85 ❑ (2.25) In Zone: PrOZoll In Wall: 1077 W 1 PrOZoll Wa4Drl Solid core flush No 6.00 7.50 1 45.0 0.3504 0.00 0.00 2.85 ❑ (2.25) In Zone: PrOZo12 In Wall: 1078 W 1 PrOZol2Wa3Drl Solid core flush No 6.00 7.50 1 45.0 0.3504 0.00 0.00 2.85 ❑ (2.25) Roofs No Description Type Width H (Effec) Multi Area Tilt Cond. Heat Cap Dens. R-Value [ft] [ft] plier [sf] [deg] [Btu/hr. Sf. F] [Btu/sf. F] [lb/ct] [h.sf.F/Btu] In Zone: PrOZol 1 PrOZoIRfl Metal Roofing on 48.01 100.00 1 4801.0 0.00 0.0298 2.07 44.87 33.6 ❑ 3/4" Ply, Wood Trusses, R30 Spray Insul In Zone: PrOZo2 11/1/2015 EnergyGauge Summit® v5.10 17 I PrOZo2Rfl Metal Roofing on 61.20 10.00 1 612.0 0.00 0.0298 2.07 44.87 33.6 ❑ 3/4" Ply, Wood Trusses, R30 Spray Insul In Zone: PrOZo3 44.87 33.6 ❑ 1 PrOZo3Rfl Metal Roofing on 175.90 10.00 1 1759.0 0.00 0.0298 2.07 3/4" Ply, Wood Trusses, R30 Spray Insul In Zone: PrOZo4 1 PrOZo4Rfl Metal Roofing on 15.50 100.00 1 1550.0 0.00 0.0298 2.07 44.87 33.6 ❑ 3/4" Ply, Wood Trusses, R30 Spray Insul In Zone: PrOZo5 1 PrOZo5Rfl Metal Roofing on 128.80 10.00 1 1288.0 0.00 0.0298 2.07 44.87 33.6 ❑ 3/4" Ply, Wood Trusses, R30 Spray Insul In Zone: PrOZo6 1 PrOZo6Rfl Metal Roofing on 19.95 100.00 1 1995.0 0.00 0.0298 2.07 44.87 33.6 ❑ 3/4" Ply, Wood Trusses, R30 Spray Insul In Zone: MZo7 1 PrOZo7Rfl Metal Roofing on 23.40 10.00 1 234.0 0.00 0.0298 2.07 44.87 33.6 ❑ 3/4" Ply, Wood Trusses, R30 Spray Insul In Zone: PrOZo7b 1 PrOZo8Rfl Metal Roofing on 23.90 10.00 1 239.0 0.00 0.0298 2.07 44.87 33.6 ❑ 3/4" Ply, Wood Trusses, R30 Spray Insul In Zone: PrOZo9 1 PrOZo9Rfl Metal Roofing on 75.20 10.00 1 752.0 0.00 0.0298 2.07 44.87 33.6 ❑ 3/4" Ply, Wood Trusses, R30 Spray Insul In Zone: PrOZo5 11/1/2015 EnergyGauge Summit® v5.10 18 1 PrOZo6Rfl Metal Roofing on 13.89 100.00 1 1389.0 0.00 0.0298 2.07 44.87 33.6 ❑ 3/4" Ply, Wood Trusses, R30 Spray Insul In Zone: PrOZoll 1 PrOZo11Rfl Metal Roofing on 12.02 100.00 1 1202.0 0.00 0.0298 2.07 44.87 33.6 ❑ 3/4" Ply, Wood Trusses, R30 Spray Insul In Zone: PrOZo12 1 PrOZo12Rfl Metal Roofing on 53.70 10.00 1 537.0 0.00 0.0298 2.07 44.87 33.6 ❑ 3/4" Ply, Wood Trusses, R30 Spray Insul In Zone: PrOZOOD 1 PrOZol3Rfl Metal Roofing on 16.00 10.00 1-160.0 0.00 0.0298 2.07 44.87 33.6 ❑ 3/4" P Trusses, R30 Spray Insul In Zone: PrOZo1OA 1 PrOZol3Rfl Metal Roofing on 17.80 10.00 1 178.0 0.00 0.0298 2.07 44.87 33.6 ❑ 3/4" Ply, Wood Trusses, R30 Spray Insul In Zone: PrOZo1OC 1 PrOZo13Rf1 Metal Roofing on 16.10 10.00 1 161.0 0.00 0.0298 2.07 44.87 33.6 ❑ 3/4" Ply, Wood Trusses, R30 Spray Insul In Zone: PrOZo1OB 1 PrOZol3Rf1 Metal Roofing on 20.10 10.00 1 201.0 0.00 0.0298 2.07 44.87 33.6 ❑ 3/4" Ply, Wood Trusses, R30 Spray Insul Skylights No Description Type U SHGC Vis.Trans W H (Effec) Multiplier Area Total Area [Btu/hr sf F] IN [ft] [Sf] [Sf] 11/1/2015 EnergyGauge Summit® v5.10 19 In Zone: In Roof: Floors No Description Type Width H (Effec) Multi Area Cond. Heat Cap. Dens. R-Value [ft] [ft] plier [sf1 [Btu/hr. sf. F1 [Btu/sf. FI [lb/cf1 [h.sf.F/Btu] In Zone: PrOZol 3.73 ❑ 1 PrOZo1F11 1 ft. soil, concrete 48.01 100.00 1 4801.0 0.2681 34.00 113.33 floor, carpet and rubber pad In Zone: PrOZo2 ❑ 1 PrOZo2F11 1 ft. soil, concrete 61.20 10.00 1 612.0 0.2681 34.00 113.33 3.73 floor, carpet and rubber pad In Zone: PrOZo3 3.73 ❑ I PrOZo3F11 1 ft. soil, concrete 17.59 100.00 1 1759.0 0.2681 34.00 113.33 floor, carpet and rubber pad In Zone: PrOZo4 3.73 ❑ 1 PrOZo4F11 1 ft. soil, concrete 15.50 100.00 1 1550.0 0.2681 34.00 113.33 floor, carpet and rubber pad In Zone: PrOZo5 ❑ 1 PrOZo51711 1 ft. soil, concrete 128.80 10.00 1 1288.0 0.2681 34.00 113.33 3.73 floor, carpet and rubber pad ' In Zone: PrOZo6 ❑ 1 PrOZo6F11 1 ft. soil, concrete 19.95 100.00 1 1995.0 0.2681 34.00 113.33 3.73 floor, carpet and rubber pad In Zone: PrOZo7 1 PrOZo7F11 1 ft. soil, concrete 23.40 10.00 1 234.0 0.2681 34.00 113.33 3.73 ❑ floor, carpet and rubber pad In Zone: PrOZo7b 11/1/2015 EnergyGauge Summit® V5.10 20 I PrOZo8F11 1 ft. soil, concrete 23.90 10.00 1 239.0 0.2681 34.00 113.33 3.73 ❑ floor, carpet and rubber pad In Zone: PrOZo9 1 PrOZo9F11 1 ft. soil, concrete 75.20 10.00 1 752.0 0.2681 34.00 113.33 3.73 ❑ floor, carpet and rubber pad In Zone: PrOZo5 1 PrOZo6F11 1 ft. soil, concrete 13.89 100.00 1 1389.0 0.2681 34.00 113.33 3.73 ❑ floor, carpet and - rubber pad In Zone: PrOZoll 1 PrOZo11F11 1 ft. soil, concrete 12.02 100.00 1 1202.0 0.2681 34.00 113.33 3.73 ❑ floor, carpet and rubber pad In Zone: PrOZo12 1 PrOZo12Fll 1 ft. soil, concrete 53.70 10.00 1 537.0 0.2681 34.00 113.33 3.73 ❑ floor, -carpet and rubber pad In Zone: PrOZo1OD 1 PrOZo13F11 1 ft. soil, concrete 16.00 10.00 1 160.0 0.2681 34.00 113.33 3.73 ❑ floor, carpet and rubber pad In Zone: PrOZo1OA 1 PrOZo13F11 1 ft. soil, concrete 17.80 10.00 1 178.0 0.2681 34.00 113.33 3.73 ❑ floor, carpet and rubber pad In Zone: PrOZo1OC 1 PrOZol3F11 1 ft. soil, concrete 16.10 10.00 1 161.0 0.2681 34.00 113.33 3.73 ❑ floor, carpet and rubber pad In Zone: PrOZo10B 1 PrOZol3F11 1 ft. soil, concrete 20.10 10.00 1 201.0 0.2681 34.00 113.33 3.73 ❑ floor, carpet and rubber pad Systems 11/1/2015 EnergyGauge Summit® v5.10 21 PrOSyl System 1 Constant Volume Packaged System No. Of Units 1 Component Category Capacity Efficiency IPLV 1 2 3 Cooling System Heating System Air Handling System -Supply 180000.00 11.00 61416.00 1.00 6400.00 0.35 12.20 ❑ ❑ ❑ PrOSy2 System 2 Constant Volume Packaged System No. Of Units 1 Component Category Capacity Efficiency IPLV 1 2 3 Cooling System Heating System Air Handling System -Supply 30000.00 14.50 9827.00 1.00 1100.00 0.17 12.20 ❑ ❑ ❑ PrOSy3 System 3 Constant Volume Packaged System No. Of Units 1 Component Category Capacity Efficiency IPLV 1 2 3 Cooling System Heating System Air Handling System -Supply 30000.00 13.00 12284.00 1.00 975.00 0.19 12.20 ❑ ❑ ❑ PrOSy4 System 4 Constant Volume Packaged System No. Of Units 1 Component Category Capacity Efficiency IPLV 1 2 3 Cooling System Heating System Air Handling System -Supply 48000.00 13.00 12830.00 1.00 1900.00 0.29 12.20 ❑ ❑ ❑ 11/1/2015 EnergyGauge Summit® v5.10 22 PrOSy5 System 5 Constant Volume Packaged System No. Of Units 1 Component Category Capacity Efficiency IPLV 1 2 3 Cooling System Heating System Air Handling System -Supply 30000.00 13.00 12829.00 1.00 1180.00 0.31 12.20 EJ El El PrOSy6 System 6 Constant Volume Packaged System No. Of Units 1 Component Category Capacity Efficiency IPLV 1 2 3 Cooling System' Heating System Air Handling System -Supply 60000.00 13.00 15800.00 1-00 2060.00 0.27 12.20 -- —PrOSy7 System 7 Constant Volume Air Cooled Split System < 65000 Btu/hr No. Of Units 1 Component Category Capacity Efficiency IPLV 1 2 3 Cooling System Heating System Air Handling System -Supply 20000.00 16.00 20000.00 10.00 600.00. 0.35 8.00 PrOSy9 System 9 Constant Volume Packaged System No. Of Units 1 Component Category Capacity Efficiency IPLV 1 2 3 Cooling System Heating System Air Handling System -Supply 24000.00 13.00 12284.00 1.00 800.00 0.23 12.20 ❑ ❑ 11/1/2015 EnergyGauge Summit® v5.10 23 Pr0Sy10 System 10 Constant Volume Air Cooled Split System < 65000 Btu/hr No. Of Units 1 Component Category Capacity Efficiency IPLV 1 Cooling System 2 Heating System 3 Air Handling System -Supply 36000.00 15.00 36000.00 9.00 1095.00 0.38 8.00 ❑ ❑ ❑ PrOSyll System 11 Constant Volume Packaged System No. Of Units 1 Component Category Capacity Efficiency IPLV 1 Cooling System 2 Heating System 3 Air Handling System -Supply 36000.00 13.00 12284.00 1.00 1500.00 0.37 12.20 ❑ ❑ ❑ Pr0Sy12 System 12 Constant Volume Packaged System No. Of Units 1 Component Category Capacity Efficiency IPLV 1 Cooling System 2 Heating System 3 Air Handling System -Supply 18000.00 14.50 12284.00 1.00 600.00 0.31 12.20 ❑ ❑ ❑ Plant Equipment Category Size Inst.No Eff. IPLV El - Water Heaters W-Heater Description Capacity Cap.Unit I/P Rt. Efficiency Loss 1 Electric water heater 80 [Gal] 9 [kW] 0.9800 [Ef] [Btu/h] ❑ 11/1/2015 EnergyGauge Summit® v5.10 24 Ext-Lighting Description Category No. of Watts per Area/Len/No. of units Control Type Wattage Luminaires Luminaire [sf/ft/No] [W] 1 Ext Light 1 SA Uncovered Parking Areas -- 10 265 80000.00 Astronomical Timer Contra 2650.00 ❑ Parking lots and Drives 2 Ext Light 2 SB Uncovered Parking Areas -- 5 132 2000.00 Astronomical Timer Contra 660.00 ❑ Parking lots and Drives 3 Ext Light 4 D Walkway less than 10 feet 36 29 600.00 Astronomical Timer Contra 1044.00 ❑ wide 4 Ext Light 5 S 1 Other (doors) than main 2 60 6.00 Astronomical Timer Contr+ 12000—❑— entries —5 Ext-L-ight 6-S-1 Main entries 2 60 6.00 Astronomical Timer Contra 120.00 ❑ 6 Ext Light 7 P1 Canopies (freestanding, 3 60 300.00 Astronomical Timer Contra 180.00 ❑ attached and Overhangs) 7 Ext Light 8 D2 Canopies (freestanding, 31 23 2600.00 Astronomical Timer Contra 706.80 ❑ attached and Overhangs) 8 Ext Light 9 S4 Other (doors) than main 2 60 6.00 Astronomical Timer Contra 120.00 ❑ entries Piping No Type Operating Insulation Nomonal pipe Insulation Is Runout? Temperature Conductivity Diameter Thickness [F] [ Btu-in/h.sf.F] [in] [in] 1 Domestic and Service Hot Water Systems 110.00 0.25 2.00 1.50 No ❑ Fenestration Used Name Glass Type No. of Glass SHGC VLT Conductance Panes [Btu/h.sf.F] 11/1/2015 EnergyGauge Summit® v5.10 25 Double Coated User Defined 2 0.5000 0.4800 0.5000 1/4" Materials Used Only R-Value RValue Thickness Conductivity Density SpecificHeat Mat No Acronym Description Used [h.sf.FBtu] [ft] [Btu/h.ft.F] [lb/cf] [Btu/1b.F] 187 Mat1187 GYP OR PLAS No 0.4533 0.0417 0.0920 50.00 0.2000 Li BOARD,1/2IN ❑ 178 Mat1178 CARPET W/RUBBER PAD Yes 1.2300 265 Mat1265 Soil, 1 ft No 2.0000 1.0000 0.5000 100.00 0.2000 ❑ 48 Mat148 .6 in. Heavyweight concrete No 0.5000 0.5000 1.0000 140.00 0.2000 ❑ 256 Mat1256 WOOD, SOFT, 1-1/21N No 1.8939 0.1250 0.0660 32.00 0.3300 ❑ 268 Mat1268 0.625" stucco No 0.1302 0.0521 0.4000 16.00 0.2000 ❑ 42 Mat142 8 in. Lightweight concrete No 2.0212 0.6670 0.3300 38.00 0.2000 ❑ block 480.00 0.1000 ❑ 4 Mat14 Steel siding No 0.0002 0.0050 26.0000 80 Mat180 AIR LAYER, 41N OR Yes 0.9200 ❑ MORE, HORIZ. ROOFS 245 Mat1245 PLYWOOD, 5/81N No 0.7894 0.0521 0.0660 34.00 0.2900 ❑ 1002 ApLbMat1002 R-13 Generic Insulation Yes 13.0000 ❑ 1003 ApLbMat1003 R-30 Generic Insulation Yes 30.0000 ❑ Constructs Used Simple Massless Conductance Heat Capacity Density RValue No Name Construct Construct [Btu/h.sf.F] [Btu/sf.F] [lb/cf] [h.sf.FBtu] 1057 1 ft. soil, concrete floor, carpet and rubber pad No No 0.27 34.00 113.33 3.7 ❑ Layer Material Material Thickness Framing No. [ft] Factor 1 265 Soil, I ft 1.0000 0.000 ❑ 2 48 6 in. Heavyweight concrete 0.5000 0.000 ❑ 3 178 CARPET W/RUBBER PAD 0.000 ❑ 11/1/2015 EnergyGauge Summit® v5.10 26 Simple Massless Conductance Heat Capacity Density RValue No Name Construct Construct [Btu/h.sf.F] [Btu/sf.F] [lb/ct] [h.sf.F/Btu] 1058 Solid core flush (2.25) No Yes 0.35 2.9 ❑ Layer Material Material Thickness Framing No. [ft] Factor 1 279 Solid core flush (2.25") 0.000 ❑ Simple Massless Conductance Heat Capacity Density RValue No Name Construct Construct [Btu/h.sf.F] [Btu/sf.F] [lb/cf] [h.sf.FBtu] 1060 8" Block with ext stucco & R13 Insulation int No o 0. 6 _3 7. El - Layer Material Material Thickness Framing No. IN Factor 1 268 0.625" stucco 0.0521 0.000 ❑ 2 42 8 in. Lightweight concrete block 0.6670 0.000 ❑ 3 1002 R-13 Generic Insulation 0.1670 0.000 ❑ 4 187 GYP OR PLAS BOARD,1/21N 0.0417 0.000 ❑ Simple Massless Conductance Heat Capacity Density RValue No Name Construct Construct [Btu/h.siF] [Btu/sf.F] [lb/cf] [h.sf.F/]Btu] 1061 Metal Roofing on 3/4" Ply, Wood Trusses, No No 0.03 2.07 44.87 33.6 ❑ R30 Spray Insul Layer Material Material Thickness Framing No. [ft] Factor 1 4 Steel siding 0.0050 0.000 ❑ 2 245 PLYWOOD, 5/81N 0.0521 0.000 ❑ 3 1003 R-30 Generic Insulation 0.5000 0.000 ❑ 4 80 AIR LAYER, 41N OR MORE, HORIZ. 0.000 ❑ ROOFS 5 256 WOOD, SOFT, 1-1/21N 0.1250 0.000 ❑ 11/1/2015 EnergyGauge Summit® v5.10 27