HomeMy WebLinkAboutREVISION 11-8-16• } OFFICE USE ONLY: �q� �r ;?g1LUM IAt'IBW j DATE FILED: it • $-1 �0 PERMIT # Q L+ GI REVISION FEE: `~I:S,• ®n RECEIPT rp 1. ill 3. 4. 5. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 'BUILDING & CODE REGULATION DIVISION 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FORT PIERCE, FL 34982.5652 (772) 462-1553 FAX (772) 462-1578 APPLICAT, ON FOR BUILDING PERMIT REVISIONS PROJECT INFORMATION ADDRESS: SITE 1400 6 11 S 0;1 9 I DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT I REVISIONS: 40 e i alUrbLh4 cifleC4ri'Cal r0►r r« "aker U ,pd a� ed I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: STATE of FL REG./CERT. #: BUSINESS NAME: r C f QUALIFIERS NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: PHONE (DAYTIME): OWNER/BUILDER INFORMATION: I I NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: PHONE: I ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMAI011 NAME: - IBCCfcGC ADDRESS: CITY: I PHONE (DAYTIME): Revised 07/22/2014 ST. LUCIE COUNTY CERT. #: L rUC41,0r7 [ O L LC STATE: FAX: 0 STATE: FAX: A6 d Fm (o ceVr.nG STATE: FAX: ZIP: ZIP: ZIP: Planning & Development Services Building & Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL. ,34982 Phorte:(7.72)4622172 Fax:(7721462-6443 PLANS EXAMINER ELECTRIC COMPLETE Comment: PLANS EXAMINER ELECTRIC APPROVED Comment: PLANS EXAMINER MECHANICAL COMPLETE Comment: PLANS EXAMINER MECHANICAL INCOMPLETE 10/17/2016 Comment: PLEASE SHOW DECTORS. PLANS. EXAMINER PLUMBING COMPLETE Comment: PLANS'EXAMINER PLUMBING COMPLETE Comment: PLANS EXAMINER REVIEW COMPLETE Comment: REVISIONS APPROVED Comment: REVISIONS 7/ /28/2016 7/28/2016 REVISIONS REVISIONS REVISIONS ZONING REVIEW REVIEW COMMENTS Page 2 Walter Pride 1211512015 12/28/2015 12128/2015 Waite Pride 9/28/2016 9/28/2016 9/28/2016 Kevin Singley 12110/2015 12/1012015 Carl I eterson 10/12/2016 LIANCE WITH 606.4 OF THE FLORIDA MECHANICAL CODE IF REMOVING THE DUCT GreiJSmyth 12/14/2015 4/4/2016 4/412016 I Greg Smyth 9/ 27/2016 vomit Ed oseberry 12/10/2015 3/10/2016 3/10/2016 Ed Roseberry 7/15/2016 7/25/2016 7/25/2016 Roseberry --- 712MO16 E�MBER, Comment: PLEASE NOTE SHEET N REVISION NUMBER, AND REVISION DESCRIPTION ON SIGNED, S EC AND DATED REVISION SUMMARY NARRATIVE. Comment: PLEASE NOTE REVISIOt NUMBER ON CLOUDED AREAS OF PLAN SHEETS, CORRELATING WITH REVIS SUMMARY NARRATIVE. Comment: PLEASE INCLUDE SIGNED, SEALED, AND DATED LETTER CERTIFYING NO CHANGE IN AREA OR OCCU LOAD. THIS MAY BE INCLUDED IN SUMMARY NARRATIVE. "" APPROVED ride 9128/2016 9/28/2016 2016 Comment: COMPLETE d Roseberry 9/27/2016 1011712016 10117/2016 Comment: PENDING Comment: COMPLETE Johnson 12/3/2015 1214/2015 12/412015 Comment: (Jeffrey 'PlanningA Development Services REVIEW COMMENTS Building & Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL. 34982 Phone:(772)462-2172 Fax:(772)462.6443 Page 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Address: 13400 Gilson Rd Owner(s): Harbour Ridge Country Club Inc City / State / Zip: Palm City, FI 34990 Parcel #: 4425-701-0016-000/4 Jurisdiction: SAINT LUCIE COUNTY Zoning: PUD Lot#: Block: APPLICATION INFORMATION Permit Number: 1511-0404 Stories:. Automatic Sprinkler System? No Permit Type: COMMERCIAL RENOVATION CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contractor Name: Donald L Tolliver Fax Number: 772-234-8188 Business Name: Proctor Construction Company, c t• a Business Addr: 2050 Us Hwy 1, Ste 200 Ir m City / State / Zip: Vero Beach, FI 32960 REVIEWS AND COMMENTS Review Type Status Reviewed By Date Started Date Completed Date Released DOCUMENTS MISSING COMPLETE Lashahna Ingram 4/21/2016 4/21/2016 4121/2016 Comment: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT COMPLETE Jeffrey Johnson 1/2612016 1/26/2016 1/26/2016 Comment: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW APPROVED Jennifer Evans 1217/2015 1217/2015 Comment: FIRE DEPARTMENT REVIEW COMPLETE Tony Jerger 4/19/2016 4/19/2016 Comment: FRONT COUNTER REVIEW COMPLETE Lashahna Ingram 11/25/2015 4120/2016 412012016 Comment: NOTIFIED FOR PICKUP - COMPLETE Lashahna Ingram 7/25/2016 7/25/2016 7/2512016 REVISIONS Comment: PE REVIEW COMMENTS (2) COMPLETE Ed Roseberry 318/2016 4/1/2016 4/1/2016 Comment: PE REVIEW COMMENTS (3) COMPLETE Ed Roseberry 4/4/2016 4/13/2016 4/1312016 Comment: Pcrmi`+ �# IS II-OiNO�I REVISION NO. 3: April 18, 2016 RE: Harbour Ridge Yacht & Country Club -1 Lifestyle Center Peacock + Lewis Project No.14-015 Revision 3: narrative City, FL • Lifestyle Center:14-015 1. Owner Changes .. 1.1. Revise fitness equipment layout 1.2. Revise fitness director office location from 1009 to 1076 C Py 1.3. Revise storage in group movement 1004 1.4. Revise,LE 1076 to 1009dd AV flip door to access fitness A . 1.5. Revise staff office 1008 mill ork to include employee break 'room 1.6. Eliminate staff office door to exterior 1.7. Eliminate employee break room 1031 break room millwork 1.8. Add changing room to golf pro shop 1.9. Add hair washing station atJ1057 (revised salon equipment layout) 1.10. Revise millwork storagelocation from 1067 to 1068 1.11: Revise concrete deck and p ?ol pavers per owner selection. (note: GC pricing came back more expensive than specified) Plan not q 'dated. Owner to provide pattern. 1.12. Elinunate millwork storage �at Dry Lounge 1060. 1.13. Eliminate glass wall at group movement 1004 2. Value Engineering Changes 2.1. See attached log for acce; ted changes (note: not all items on VE log relate to P+L or consultants drawing revisions) 3. Constructability Changes 3.1. Revise A-801 to coordinate. door types 3.2. Add glass lockers at women s locker room 3.3. Coordinate ID light fixture locations with electrical drawings 3.4. Eliminate millwork cabinets at Spa Gallery END of narrative PEACOCK + LEWIS 'Architects, and Planners, LLC Lic. # AAC 000020 1295 US Highway One North Palm Beach, FL 33408 T:56.1.626.9704 F: 561.626.9719 1610 Trade Center Way Suite #5 Naples, FL 34109 T:239.631.2382 .F:239.300.6402 Architecture Planning Interior Design Programming Graphic Design Project Delivery Member AIA www,peacockandlewis.com 15, St. Lucie County Planning & Development Se: Building & Code Regulation 2300 Virginia Avenue. Fort Pierce, FL 34982 RE: Harbour Ridge Cow 134 Cilson Rd, Palm :Specification Comm, Peacock + Lewis Pro Dear Plan Reviewers, In regards to the planning the issues raised in the res below. Revisions Club .y, FL 34990 s for Permit No.1511-0404 No.14-015 nts for the_above referenced project, I am writing to clarify . received on August 1; 2016. Responses are listed in bold 1. Comment: PleOII note sheet number, revision number and revision description on signed,'sealed and dated revision summary narrative. Response, See attached for sigiied/sealed summary narrative with sheet number, revision: number and description of revisions. 2. Comment: Please note revision number on clouded areas of plan sheets, correlating with revision su 7 ary narrative. Response: Sheets are clouded with a delta 3 for revision 3. Updated summary narrative has a detailed description of changes per sheet. 3. Comment: Pleale.mclude signed, sealed and dated letter certifying no change in area or occupant load.1This may be included in a summary narrative. Response: Seelattached signed, sealed narrative for letter certifying occupant load. Sincerely, Peacock + Lewis Sean Sukhu Architect :hitects and Planners,:LLC ZFRfD.A��`�.. St. "!" cie County Building Responses for Harbour Ridge 09.15.16 r:.�ra.a wni PEACOCK + LEWIS Architects and Planners, LLC Lic. # AAC 000020 1295.US Highway. One North Palm Beach, FL 33408 T:561.626.9704 F: 561.626.019 1610 Trade Center Way Suite #5 Naples, FL 34109 T:239.631.2332 F:239.300.6402 Architecture Planning Interior Design Programming Graphic Design Project Delivery Member AIA www,oeicockandIewis.com 15, 2016 St. Lucie County Planning & Development Se Building & Code Regulation 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 RE: Harbour Ridge Cow 134 Gilson Rd; Palm Specification Comm Peacock + Lewis Prc Dear Plan Reviewers, In regards to the planning cc the -issues raised in the respc I am writing this letter to c II 2016 did not change the area Sincerely, Peacock + Lewis Sean Sukhu Architect AR974W ity Club City, FL 34990 !nts for Permit No. 1511-0404 ject No.14-015 mments for the.above referenced project, I am writing to clarify ises received on August 1, 2016. ify that the revisions to plan made in revision 3, dated March 25, of the building or the occupant load of the spaces. is and Planners, LLC St. Lucie County Building Responses for Harbour Ridge 09.15.16 REVISION NO.3: April 18, 2016 RE: Harbour Ridge Yacht & Country Club - LifeStyle Center Peacock + Lewis Project No.14-015 Revision 3: narrative Lifestyle Center:14-015 Architecture A-101 • Revise 1657 and 1.669 layout to coordina • Eliminate millwork closets at 1060.. • Revise millwork towel drop location fro • Revise fitness director office-locationfrox • Revise storage location from m 1076 to 10 S • Revise fitness equipment layout. to:coor • Eliminate. towel drop millwork at 1004. • Revise employee break room location frc • Eliminate exterior doors at 1008. • Add changing:room at 1033. •. Add.door from 1032 to 1031. A-103 • Revise ceiling to coordinate at 1057.ar • Revise ceiling layout at 1067 and 1068 • Revise ceiling layout at 1076 to coordi • Revise ceiling layout at 1008 and 1009 • Revise ceiling layout at 1033 to coordi ..• Eliminate 7 ceiling fans at viewing ter AA04 A-105 A-201 • • City,. FL with owner equipment. 1067 to 1068 1009 to 1076. with owner equipment 1031 to :1009. Add sink location. 1069 to coordinate with plan revision. _coordinate with plan revision. .te with plan revision. coordinate with plan revision. to with added changing room. ;o Eliminate recessed slab at 1007 and 1037. Revise walk duct system location to co r Revise overhangs at plan east and west gables. Eliminate 2 dormers at viewing terrace roof. with owner equipment Revise West elevation to show reduced overhangs to coordinate with roof plan. revision. Revise West.elevation gable detail per field coordination. Revise South elevation to show gable detail field coordination. Revise South elevation to show simplified gable detail. Revise South elevation to. show eliminating roof dormer. A-202 • Revise East elevation to show eliminating roof dormers. , ,S • Revise North elevation to show elimin,- • Revise North elevation to show simplif • Revise North elevation gable detail per g roof dormer. gable detail. d coordination. A-301 • Revise building section A to show reduc d overhangs • Revise building section C to show eliminated roof dormers A-302 • Revise building section F to show reduced overhangs A-401 • Revise wall section 1 to show eliminated roof dormer A-402 • Revise wall section Land 2 to show eliminated fire lid at trusses. A-403 • Revise wall section 1 to show reduced o erhang • Revise wall section land 2 to show. el' ' "ated fire rated gypsum -Assembly at trusses. • Revise wall section Ito show fire rated gypsum assembly eliminated at mezzanine framing A-404 • Revise wall section 1 to show reduced overhang • Revise wall section 1 and 2 to. show eliminated fire rated gypsum assembly at trusses. • Revise wall section 2 to show fire rate gypsum assembly eliminated at mezzanine framing A-501- A-503 • Revise 10.57 and 106.9 layout to coord' a • Eliminate millwork closets at 1060. • Revise millwork towel drop location fro: • Revise fitness director office location fro: • Revise storage location from 1076 to 100, • Revise fitnessequipment-layout to coorc • Eliminate towel drop millwork at 100�. • Revise employee break room location lfr4 • Eliminate exterior doors at 1008. • Add changing room.at 1033. • Add door. from 1032 to 1031. • Revise key note 71 to eliminate fire rates A=601 - A-603 • Revise ceiling to coordinate at 1057 • Revise ceiling layout at 1067 and 1a • Revise ceiling layout at 1076 to coo,j • Revise ceiling layout at 1008 and 10 • Revise ceiling layout at 103.3 to cool • Eliminate 7 ceiling fans at viewing 1 A-801 • Revise door frame schedule and with owner equipment. 106.7 to 1068 1009 to 1076. r ju late: with owner equipin 1031 to 1009. Add sink location. gypsum assembly at steel columns. d 1069 to coordinate with plan revision. to coordinate with plan revision. late with plan revision. to coordinate with plan revision. .late with added changing room. types for coordination. j L 1 S-101 Foundation Plan • Notes depicting the slab have been ider • Depressions in the slab have been coon • Where possible, interior masonry walls the "WallFooting Schedule" . S=102 Roof Framing Plan • W-beams along J=M have been , o HSS beams along I and beam. o Architectural roof over been removed: S-205 Framing Detail. ied on the plan and clarified on foundation note 2 ated with the architect. between gridlines B-D:18-19, I-M.22-29 now depicted as a thickened slab foundation. Defined in ue engineered -to be a smaller size . between gridlines 19-29 have been value engineered to a W- dormers have between gridlines C-D:9 and 19 have • Detail 13 is no longer necessary as the HSS beam has been value engineered to a W-beam. S-206 Framing Details • Details 17 and 18: have been removed as the HSS. beam has. been value engineered to a W-beam. S-301 BLDG Patio Detail • Section 1 depicts.a clarification for a gable end truss S-303 BLDG Section • Section 1 depicts W-beam and W-beam connections to HSS columns connections in lieu of HSS beam and HSS beam:connections. Sheet E1.1 Electrical Floor Plan • Rm.1031 deleted GFI outlets. Provide convenience outlets only., • Rms.1046,1047,1048,1049 added 4 duple' outlets inside cabinetry per room. • Rm.1054 added outlet.for dryer. • Rm..1053 added (2) 4" conduit for Tele/Data. • Rm 1060,1056,1068,1033 addlId TV outlet. • Rm.1004 added duplex outlet and TV outlet. •. Rm.1006 added. TV and duplex outlet. Relocated power and data per new equipment layout. Added outlet for HCEWGI. Rm.1009 relocated duplex outlet Rm.1008 deleted quad outlets Jar Sheet.E1.3 Electrical Site plan • Deleted Bollard lighting • Redesign of the site lighting per VE. and data drops due to new room layout. 3 data drops. Added GFI outlets. E2.1 Electrical Lighting Plan • Viewing Terrace deleted ceiling fans. • Rms. 1010 and 1011 added unde cabinet lights. • Rms. 1120 and 1044 added circuii. • Rms. 1039 and 1043 added strip lights at lockers. • Rm. 1060 added P8 pendent lighi fixture. • Rm. 1Q.69 deleted D2 downlight d added PX pendant fixture. Rin. 1033 removed/added added light Pixture to accommodate new ceiling layout. Added J-box'for lighting controls. • Rm.1086 removed drywall ceiling and changed to acoustical. 133-1 Electrical Schedule & Riser • Revised electrical panel to reflected change made on E1.1, E1.3, E2.1. E3.2 Electrical Schedule and Details • Revised lighting schedule to -re ect change made on E2.1 P"211 Enlaree Sanit • Rm. 1054 show new sanitary line for slipper washer. • Revised FU note on sanitary line P-212 EnlargLed.Sanitary. • Rm.1031 Deleted sink P-311 Enlarged -Domestic Water Floor plan • Revised TFU at note. • Rm.1008:add hot amd cold water for new sink. • Room 1054 added hot and cold water at slipper washer.. P-312 Domestic Water Floor:Plan • Rm. 1031 deleted hot and cold water f r deleted sink. P-401 Sanitary ISO Plan 0 Revised ISO plan to reflect changes on P-211, P-212, P-311, and P-312. P-8.01.Domestic Water 1$0- Plan • Revised ISO plan to reflect changes: on P-211, P-212, P-311, and P-312. P-901 Plumbing Fixtur&Schedule • Revised F-ikt&'es Schedule. • Revised Sanitary and Domestic Watery Demand Schedule. M-0.1 Mechanical Notes, Legend:& Sheet Index • Revised the outside air duct.specffication - general note 13. M-2.1 Partial Mechanical Floor Plan - Northeast • Key Note 2 added to all ducts that route o the mechanical platform and the roof. M-2.2 Partial Mechanical Floor -Plan - Southeast • Key Note 2 added to all ducts that route to the. mechanical PlAtform, and. the roof. M-2.4 Mechanical Mezzanine Floor Plan • Key Note 2 removed. • All the fire dampers were removed from the ducts. END of narrative