HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0499 i~' . I '/, ,/, :'i---' "j',.... f .. -, I ~,~,"'. "-~..~,-~ .I' I -:'.~ " .' l~".i.: . ..,.. . "'-''r'r'~''~,-'c...:,-'~'''.'' "'4'0, o-,-~~;,::;-~~L~~'C~, .j.L-t-~"~~'_:':~"+': '.:" . ,:,,'" i ~'>; I . " .' , .: cro - I,' " ',1 j .' I -- --'T'--'--.'-;-'-,., ! ;I"?-- c I ' .I ~,' ."1 I: . .'i~ '. r ,'. ,_ \ " :;" I 1/ : ,"j' "i, ,. ',' I:I~' ,,:, "','/' ,. . ...,,' ,"I""'~J '.f".." ':', . ' ~., ''<'4 ..,.. ",:,\'1." : "i'" 1 \. ~'... I - l I," ~ j". " ;'1 \ ". * < .. I : _~ - I ::-_.--,---,:~,~~::~~ l~:~,.+..,}::;;.:;:.~I-~~~.~r~~-t''''~T''''~''~=~'~;:;'';':;,), ",~,--'t.~~".:',?..,:' ..:J ,,;, '- ':""=~-~=r'..'':::!;'';'~' '....:,.~:: ",$iO~QOO.;".o'r'ap~l'tme\'t~ O~lh()tel,"~5.0(j)Q"I II ":'{ I', ,"," .".' '. :.1,,'1 " "..\ i', "..,:..1. ~\ ~ot~ l' to 19,~~~lU:l~~.),~f 'blO~lc<1~~:1'8+ngl'\ r'\sld.en~. ~f.oo6;,,~r: ~IU~.1fix.t~a-tl$().fOO:( or':.dqu~~~' "!'/'::"~'\ 1,.',,/: '. :lho\l~.' $,10' 000' or 8partmen~'J ~J.5'OO~..1 .', '" \ \,1\ ,\ ( .,1,'.\, ',I ',I' '. ,'i,..' "i}~~~\.n~ \; ~t ~i!~8,.,a~~@le 'r~.ldo."or>~ ;~d ; .o~ 4~~in ;1~"~8 ,000';, O~dOt\b~~\:h~~.~l,~.~~~,:, ,;~:' " I)' '! Qrapartme~t~or. ' .~16,00~t,'.' \ .,'" . ,\'. \.' . . l" "<' "'\':. \ .'r.. \\~A1'l~o~eihc ~r~0~~,\fro~,t'~'n8~~.,Rdyai :p~1tin ~pUlf1V.~dt 8'\~~le,'l'eS11'~o\8 ~6~aOO;' or \~uPl~i tl~t I, :' . " " . ' .', . ,.' ." \, I," '. \ " , ,', . ' , . I..,' '. . ~e.oPQ: 'or','doubl~ \hou~~ ~h~tOOO; 'o~ apartinents or' h~t,~i$16.'OOO.\,. ' ,"'. ,". ~ . \ \~?t8' ~',:j9,:19, inOl~8~ve..' of 'bi,QOk":9"cSiri'~~e '.~,lt8lderic~ S6,~~~~o~~UPle,~ .,fIB ~.B6,O~~~,. Qr:, dOUb~t' "\~,'~' '\ \ . ,\' . hous,e ,~lO~OOO;. or p,pa~tJllente.,,'$16.QdO.\, 'P~vl,ded.that lots larld 2. tt1ay aleo be'ue8!1 :~OT hotel," ~~, ~'.,~. _,';'-'j ".J.4.-.'__-::-_ _"'. ~_,~_ ': ~-). ' . :__,...__'__\~. ..~..__ _'_:_\_'.:_ ':._~~._ _..' ',' 'H~" ' _ .".\.~:' - . ~.': .' \." ,~Urp08,,8;.:~,...: ..' _:' .,.. ,l.,~. )'.. '. " '\' I" .. '" .' ," .Lot l' '114 lqte27t0481J101uslv....,. .otblook 21. sing~e ree.1d.enoe ,~6.000;'orduphx fls't s,a'.O'oo;' , ",' ,..., . ':' or d~~b~'e~..hoUe~..'10.ooo;'o,r.~~:~1'.~e~~~...15:000. p'ro~lde~t~tlots",l;,~.4.,.~ocf 4e1uY'~8h be u8e~ ,.~:" >" " . :\ " . ." . ' . '-,,' "forhOte:t:~~rp08e&.,:. ..., , ' ." '. " ,,'.,. .'. Lots ,1,t.o.l91nQluslv4t of b16,o1t. ~2., 8lrigii' ;eB1~eno'. $6~OOOf: br"duP~e~ ',~le~ ta,QOO;: or clOU'bl~' . "ho~ee'lO.OOd;,'~r: ,~ip8,rtuie'nt8 $i~,o'oo. ',: , ,',' " , " " ,.' .' .'" " .... .' " . ~-~--:---c-----:-:-----'~~.~--:-----:--~~I . .--'--~c--~-:-~-.-~-'~~:--"--'~,-----,;--:'~~~~~~~~~-~- > Lot:.26. ';;o'f bio.ok, 24.81ngl..:re81~(j,nO.~OOlY t6,56()i,'u."~' ., __,.,.-_u, --~~c->-';,'~-c' ',~~_ ,', " ..".. . . " '_. .' .~;. ." a' . ' '- -.' '. ' ~. ~ . " . " '-.' . . . . ._ . ; ..' . . " . .. . . Lots 26,$nd27 o:t'l)lojlk 24.'.Blngle 'res1dQ'noe ,$0,600; 'or,d.upl:eX-flatf.a.OQO;'ot double:h9ue8,SlO;000; . -.-..... . .. .... . ;. ," " '. ~. : "- or . a l)artmentsSl~ .OOO~, .r " \ .' .Lots, 24.to 26 Inoluetve~' of blaCk:, 32,Bl.~81~ ,r~Bide~o.'eHD:;OOO;' or dup,~e:w.: ,flat,a.ooo; 'ord,ouoU,; hoifseilo~'oOO; '~or -sPar'tments .or :hot'l ,.16:000:-- ,~ > ~ .. ~ :'. . - .' " :. 0 - :: . ..' ; " . . . ' .". ~ . " 0'" . J i.. . . . Lot ~6()f bloolt ,33., 8ln.gle~ rdid'enc~'S6.6oo'; 'or d~p18:w.: flat,:$8.60o,; or 4ouble.' hoti~. _.lO.OOO,-or, , '\: , ': .t ".". . . ' ap8.1'tmerit8 .8.16 ,.qoq.' , .' -_.;:_-.::~ ~ ~ " "J' ,I '..,.., ",'t, -', ",J l . . All l'ote'8xoept 16ts.~tQ,1'2il10111~1Ve.'ln:'blOoic 4.~S1l,1gle'rh~~epoe ~~.590:; "or'.duD1e~ ,1!la't ~.r, . , ',dc)uble:)touee $6. oQO; or apart~e~te ,$B .OQO..,' ;- '-'" ,."_:",-~.",,,':,k.._._ . Lots' l3to'23~ lnQi.~81ve,,<)t, blqok' 5.' single.residenoe' .2.5~O;, ,brduP,lex. fl.at ord9~ble.houee' II 1)5;Oo61~or-'8jl8rtlll~nt~$a;00o., ~ .', '., ,... . ..... ..",'....:~'::'. "'~ . _.___~O!!,;~}O' 6,1~()lua1ve'. and, lo.t8, ~ aOd,,25 of:bl<?~~6~ eipgle re.elclElnoe oril!__,~.l~,!...~?O~',~.:,:.,_ .4.ll.10te in biock 6', single re.ldenoe "2.,600; ,orduplu, flat or.'dO\lble 'houee :~5,060; 'or' ap~r:tr.\.Eln~e . . ~ . I . , . $8.000..., . " .' .. ~---'---~ . .' tt .' . . '..,", . Lots 1:to171~.cluslve. of 'blook 10. ein~18 ,r.e's1denoe. on~,~6.~00. , , ' " ' ' .'. ' . . \' ) '" :tote 18 to 33~ 1noluelve0'7of'blooklO~ 's1ngle'res1:deqoe, onlY $3.000. . . All lote In~l'Ok}l: Qingle,re~idence onlY'$2.600. ,OO:,Alllot8'lP~100k~i2,; srogle residenoe ;6illf $3.000. ' .. .. - - - 01181n8s's ioofdental':-t~well equi!>ped ..hohlt. ~ '." .. . . -, '- . , /.'~ ___---.:____ .___._ ____~_ I 5., -The .xt.ri.Or--40netru\)-ti~Q~ of~...l1 bUOOj}ge-:~in ea1d,J{oyal parK- 8ha}-1~:be;..~f stone ~ briQk; . ' ...'.' .' _ .V'" _ ~------------:- : . . _ . _ _ _ ,', --~------..;~'"----~-- # n. stuooo or cOnOl>e-t---:-b~t-notof .oonorete blooks,' unless, eernels8urfaoed.wl't-h-st-tlcoo.i ,.an!lall . buildings shalloe of Span'ish. .'uoeris;(:'Itahan. 110r1a1an ',or t81lt~ia 1'~ tYP~B of n~olil tecture. ,-'.-,- . All, lots in ploolc13.,s1ngle resia~'noe on1;1'. M~'6QO.P:rov1ded.,e1so. that 10t82~ 3 arid 4 may bQ \lsd .for. af e1f~rr~lng p091. .' .. I ' ~eiUng houses.' t1a-1:e.' and apartment ,houees shall. be \leedf-or residen'tlalpurooses 'only. '. {-, . ' - .'; ',' , '. . '.~. '. ~ > '- , " .. :. "~.' ~ " " -',' ,.... :. ....~' , .' '.: . ", .<." no morrthan~:one--prlv8te-'F1ln1g..-- for- use-~~f-c:iU)OUp8.t'1tS.8 MlJ-:be'e reoted,oh-$riY--On.-l.ot~,~c-.' ,--~-_:,~.~---,':j'-'" ~ . . . ',' ,'> .' , ~ . '. J' . ' "HGhl pu:rnoses"Sllalt irto;t\idegift slloPS. drug store, '.barbel:' and b8Tinti shops. and any . .. ( 6. lo'enoee.'in !front 'of the ~g~ iiUhi.rty inohes . in height. 't in the rear. or back of the bullding line of alllote, shell .beornamont81 ;,j. ,- '~ ;~ and not morflthan flve' feet hi.gh. "\~ --.-...........---- -'-.--<- ~ I her e1nbe:fore set forth~hall be ue.,dt;li1ly 'for ornamental 'Pur!,>o~es. "',. J. . --: .--=--~ . . . 7. ,No 8~gn8 or bll1boardsof any 'lt1l1~ or ohar&9ter shall be eXhi?1 ted, displayed, ,oonBt~\ot~d or. malnt.l'~ 018814 eubrl1Ti8lon w1thout the written o'onsen..of said !;loyal ParK ComJ.>anY.its - -~--~ ----