HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0500 T '. '/1 " ., ,(' I '.'r;!,. . \' J \: . .:~".~,c---~~:;Ir'-~-:-' I, l r " I I J ~ . ~".'- r .. t '1 '~~'" r 1819" I I ' " -~I'-~ , '.' I ' .' I j' " . ,:' 'J' ' 2-.. "(, - r~--~ . / ! . " : 1\.'.1 " ~ . , ! ~ ~ I ' '. , ',' . I', j . ,J., I' I '" I ' . ,I. I" ", ',', . l.' I . , . I " , I' ~: r I.,' 't;1 il..~~ ",r:~"lr~_'l." i.' ~, ~I."ll" ,';;'. .,', '. " i,,', .I'>~,_~ I.~ ""1. I"I'~'I L( 1.I,~~.l\,'."I, '" '1'1,1,' ': :;:...~_~ ~: 2;:'_T"i;,i.~;'_ ~__,.~>o.,. ':""':'_'_'''_A.~t.::;:'~-..~...:. .':"'_:" ,r:::-:-......- =:':"=_":":,;:.L:! :':::::::....: ___,; :_;..;'::.-. ~,.: }~ .~~_.,.".;.....,...,~ I -' .'. V", _: _ f.: ~ 4'1 '.".! .I l:' .' - J _' . . _j 1 - I . - - -, ;,' -,.. \.. ",', " ; ,"UOQeq,sorA! oraS'1g.na..:J1, . .', ,\', '., :.~, ..I,"'" \',' i .1.:,' '" ',',. ','-,:',). (I .' : I ' " ' t ' I, ,", ' " ,r " I I ," . I ' , '.",' ~ " .' '., .; 1 I .,~:', t, ',i!' 'r;' . 13\. ..'~aO'h.I1.l)t qt' ~he ab~ve'ideporib~d ,p:rem.l~ee' 8~11 ~t: the op,tllon lof S81d~0~inI'~rkqQqlP~n,Y:: .. , o' ,.' ' "., "'. ' . . ",,' ...; \. c' , ',: if', :. ' . \ I.' " \ ...: " . ,.;, ,'" ", I' I ; , " ,. I " ~ :SUb~'o't to 8s,s,s,ell)8nt by 188Jd iCOblp8W tor an ~9u~t not' to'\ ~xo.ed "l.p.O~: p81~ ye~r for t,he pithod, , n , ' , ". ',. '.' :b~ iii ~~nl! . t t~,;~ ~~ i ~ . ~U \~'d .n4, ,. 1141 Dg~. niir7 11, 1 ~3o"p~i~ ~i. ", no'o '1,1-Bri:i",i, " D~~~'1J~~" ~~ \ lj;\O:f;06.90:,"ao~' 0~Aprl11 '~4,\Uot.Ob~r:'.1' o~.e,oh YQar8tt~r~8\t'e O'{~hiB\d".il~ Wl1~C;~.,~~~'y'B, Shall',;,: . '<. '. \ \".\'I'b~U81"d . fOr th':~~l~t~nan,oe'f\nd:up~e.p, df~ .,~f4\8'~bd~...i810n,'~uOh \ae\.~e!ole~~I;g 01".10tB',.I~ar"\" ' , \', ,'. 91" ti'~e,8'\,~~rllbber.~8.~d Vi,ne8 't,h~r~~:J.h,,~n.e~~e'o~e4f, so 'ia~ae,thea,mq~n~,:~~~~e~t':d"~ii':pennit,' ( '8~' whioh ~he: 88idTellde~_,agr,ea to ,.pay 88 ~rie of. t~e oonslduatl ons 91't,h~Be' ,p)'~Bent8'; ,t~e' lien. . .. . . ,,' , ..... ' " ',' '. . " " . ., ". .',..,. '\ " ' , " \, ' 01' S\l,Oh a8B'eemi8n~,~ to'.-be plaoed and o611~ote.d In th((s"me manner as 18 RtC>vlded ,to~ liens ,1'o~ ' " . . -:.- ,- '- "', ..': '. ." - "-.,.' '. \.. \'. ,laooranil:, mat$,rl81s' Under' the~18we.ot'th.St8t.":\)fFlo'rlda. I" '. . '. ," ..'. . " \ . . , . \', .... -. '. . \ ' '~'" 9. Darages'8hfjl1l>e erected aubs.querit tQ\'or Simultaneously with 'the 'ooris't'ruotion o1'the .' .'. ' ,'..., . -' \ ,..., ,... ...,. ,.,... ", .... ....., , . " \, .. '\. dwe,l.l1ng. unl.88Dermleril'ont,o"do' otherw~8e i~ n~8t 0'l)'ta,1rie'd1n\n'1 Hog, frC)msald '~Q1al -Park ',Comiul~y'. GarageQ, aha'l:l:- 1)8' ooqetruoted 'of the s~e IIl8t~,rl~'l and 'pi' "th.' ~8me '8ro'hite~tur_al~e~i'~." \' . .. .~:'- ~',.~', - - . \ -' ~',;, '.-. ," .. -,' -' .. - : . ~~. - .', . . ", .. . -'" , - ~- .:. ' -' -~. ", . ",' -' ..sthe dw.llings and shall, ~ot,~n'aD1' eveqt:be useii,fo'r, reeldent1al'purp,os~s' e~atPt'1'or,' the '. , ,:\' - .;. - .. . '.,: .. ..' .: ~ :.,' .. .. . . ' · :"h0u8~1--eeriant8~~--' ", .#'.' '. ..., ' . , . . :' , \ ., , " '. ~ ' ' ,:. ." . 10. ~08p1.rlt1l0~8 l1quoJ'~. 8h$ll'b~ SO~d o~. kePtu1'O-~: ,s.i~', UPOri~a1d p'remlBe.8~. , '. ", . .1,1~llot~hlg,ln these r.ti~rl0uonS;8hai~ b'e"oonetr'u.d 80 .as-to .preve~t theo~nstrUotlon, ()1',~. ' .' ^ .....:0 .". ", "." ".- .'0 '.' -.' '...- ". .'. ... .'.... ',1_ "", ' .." " . " ~01e'..~t1d" o h,uroh tS or' S6~~:~'t~"~r'~11,t':~nyp)iys'lo.1,an ,ord~nt~8t1'ro'm;:pracnOlng"h1s'~'r~fe8e.~9n,~ In any ,reslden04t 'buildlng:' sUbJeot,.however, to 03:1 ~thqr.~t~lcti:o~s 'herelncontained'pertalnHig '. . . ' " " '" '.' ,~ " .' ',' .. ,'~ ':.' " . ',' . ' to :~e.lden~Hlb~llaltig8.." .~. \, , " , : """ ..' .,' . ,..~ '.. .' , . ,1\eeton'each slde of each lot',her!l?l~~o(1veye~, and ,'f?i' s,tIch.pufoosea, .'8,S well as to repalr,. r..'-;, '" ", mC)v~ or reploo'e said pO,les. 19ii'e~:. fqtilp.men,t~' 8e';'er.s'~nd llla.1ns,.8eid ,Rola1 :park Companj. 'It,s ".. i ! . .-. . . SUOO!SSQ:rs andas'el@ns,ah81l:haV8 t'her~gh( ~lngre8a, eg:res88nd r...g~.es 8.S ~~yb. nec'.sB,~ry ,: or oOrlvenhntfor ail of's:a1dpurpOIit...." .' -. '. '! .. . ~ '", .. ..,"\ r i f ' !. : . . . . .. , '" .J. , . .. .". . ,..'. " .'...,.' . ,. 14..110 struotureexc.ept . ~ tence of,- the'. kind hetelnbetore aesoribed .may ever. b, er.eoted ,upo.n: . . .' ..... , . "....- ", .. '.' .'.. . '.. . '. .: . ". "'. <.artY part of the strips .01' lanc:l' ~n t,heeeprltlR18ee over wh1ohanoa8e~ent,;t'or pUblio ,ut1~1ty. . ,t.l 'purposes baa blJen, reserved. . , . 1~." On 8f.1d' aft'e2:':January: 1, 1134(( all of. tnefo'~egolng 'O~hditl ons'; re~~riotio~8' ~n\: limita tl'6'~e ---~- '--~'~~7~:~' fi~I"lr~rd' :Ctt'olfi-otIt~:Cf1.1--t'cr--n-eivt-i 12~tnC1\f~1've" 'B1111I1.'-lleO'9'fue"'J'elsase d wlthotitaI1y 80 tl on on the . ',. payt of said R01alPu:kCOf!l!l~n?,it:R,imnn"~~Or,f19!d8e9ifl'R8. . . .' , ~ . lodthe' said 'pa'rty of, thefiret part 'dot.h, oovenant with t)le 's'ald p8rty of. t he8econi .. c ~ r. r , In. " . . 'par,t' that: 1 t 16 laWfUlly 'seized oft he 88 Jd ,pret:11~~~1_~~~t theY8,rt "frei'.ofdl1 noumoi-an ete, : '; ',' .' ~ ~ .' '. ~. ~ . . ". (exo~pting811 tans find installments 'o.fssse8sment", 1'or,'munlol pal 1mnrovements'.' becom.1nfl' due' . and payable,tlfter the date ot this deed) ,and ,that ,lthas good rlght: and la4ftul authority to ae],1 th8-iJ~8inI1; 8nd'the S8111,P8 rty of rho firs: po rt does .hereby fully warrant the;tl i:18 to, said , and 8.n4 ; \'il1ldefend the same 8F'8 i ne-t theIa.fl.ll oloi ms ot a1l1 person's wl'iO'"Boever. ' nr' WITllF.RS i1HZRROlf>the, sJlld pa~tt1'ot_ t h8,fire,t :part' has' ~8,u8ed the se presents 1>0 , I s.'nam. biite President, 8nd ,its oor~rate seal to be a1'1'ix,d, 'attested by ita.' " and year ,above T,rlt,t.n. J . . ,Ll, By' ~OYAL P~RK C0U?rrr Waldo E. tlexton Pres1dent. - ~ --- ---- - -------~