HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0503 : : ;I'j".' "'/'. ,', ,; -',492' --" '~'. " ..' ,1 , .' , , I I ", I . I . ,., ( "\ . I' .. ... , .- '1 I i' , I " . i, , , ,'.F " . YI; ~." ,I ':,1 . , ' J ~: 1 , I " ; ,. ""I J', ,I " . t., " I I t " ,'., ", ,. .i!. "'1' . '"I '.., ~ .' ..., '. 'i ~ : ~.- ~,~~1.-~~.I"'''-'''1~--t:'::.~~Jt~~'~~d-;~,,'~~(,..~_<,i:,:..~;.~ ,,",~[~";~<',:~,~:~;.,,i,,.,I>!,,_,: .,:~~.l. ':.;'..'..."W, :.'~~: i' , Ii 'r I, . 1 I' ~ " I " I' '" " . , " "I ' I. '.,'. .. \ ". ' '", I , , I, ' {' l L'ot 1 'Blrl~ '~ot8. 27 to 4() 1n<r1}ls1ve-. qf-biook 2l.,~l'ngl:e ree\denoe '5.0qO';, 9l!"d,~p1ex ~ia~ tf.t,QOO:(I'.':r \ '. . ,or d~Ubl~ h~~8e '$19 .bOo; ~r '~\pial'tmelnt~1 :$l~.OdO'., \~n) r~'~~'d. ' ~~~~t,loic, ~ ~ I' 4? 'and ,~181I11a)' ;~:l~?>~~.l ;\: 'i .i 1~,..., " .1..\\__.._\" \,"1' \...\.\i"\'. ' ...~,' t /', \ . ; qBe.d for 'l1otel pkpoees..": I '\:' I" ':. .; ", It " "I I' . " 1 ,'I, "'~,", ,1\1 : {' \',' i . ,/,,, '.:' ;'-1' i " ,I' . '. " , , ,\ . I' I , . ' Ii,. 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I: 'L!Jt '36 of' bl09k 33~ e1.rtgle r.slden,oe'~6.000;Qr' duplex !let'8~OOO;, or ~oub1e houe,"$10,ooOi',o.r " ", " - " ,,' ,.','..,' . ,'. . :,.: '.' .'.... , . .,' " ' . . , '......., . ." " I . ' I' : '~I?a~,tmente ~i,I5.<;>OO.., "~ \, '" ..... :'" , " ",. ':' " , ,.~., ..,' . ...'~ :::.t:~:o:::'::. ~:: :):P:l:::~:~:::~:bl0.~ 4.~ ~g.~'reo~~~no. $2: ~ L o{ d~)." not or " : 1':;' ... .', . . . ~ .:. . ,'. ' .' . \ ! ~ .L.O't'~ i3 to .,23, ,1l)oluslve ofb.look: 6,a1ngle re81deno~$2.600; or ~upi.ex :tlat ~OJ"'d~~bl~, hQ\ls.. ";:-$5.000';' Qr apa~en~e" $8;OOO~, . ',:"; ,', .,.. : Lote:'lto,,61noluelvG'snd ',io~'24 and: 25 of"bloOk 5.. 8rng],8:r'Bi'deno~ . .., . ",' ,"'. ". '.. . .. fJ' ': . j. , 1 . . . ~ \ '. .- < , ,', .\ - .' ~ ',...~: only ,~~,600,~ ',. ,~\:Jll lO~8' 1'n ,bi~ok .6, ~ 1n'gl.e ',~4Ieid..rio~ ,02.500; .~r"d~Ple.x~~lS>t".ord,otJ:ble' ~ouBe.~ $6.0()9;,'or' aliu1;m'en ta: . . '. . " . ',' ". c < " . '. 'C. . " ',- '. ,'. ~ _"". ," . '. . '. ;0.:. .... "". .,'. '. . ,__ ,~8.'QOO! ,":, '" . , ," .'," - '; . ~ " Lois' Ito't"-1n.olu,elve .o,f.~lOOk< 1f, ,s1ngle ,~81(\enOe on1y~6. 600. ' 'j"" ". :.... . " . ;-: Lots l8to:' 33"'l'no'lue1 ve, of ',bfO:bk, 19. 's.1nglereeldenc,e 'OP1Y",'$3,OOO'. All'lot~'1n. b'looit' 11. 'sing1,.8, ?"S1d.~poe onl~, $2,60.0., ' ~ Al{ Iou 1.n,~iook ,12: :slngle '~ec8ide~.. ,only .3~'doo. '. ::-~,.~. '.,1 . .... . f ! i 1 . :\All. ~,cits~n; blOOk?3.8:1~gi8. i'uldenOe, only, .'7,~OO.. P~.O~id~d ',,~~80 '., th8tla"te .2,.' :3 and ::4. m~ be ~Bed fcn:,'''' :Sw1~1J1g' pOOl'-,' ".~' " '.. . . '. . . ." ". . . - .~ . . " l>well1nghQuse,s. flats ari4 8P~rtm'~nt hou,seash~ll be 'u8e~,f~ reS1dential purpose,s only.' , No more tha~ on.'.~1Vat.:- ga'tl;lge for u8eofOOOUP8nts~Bh8il,bG'e'rec'tea,~!1'~!1Y o~e,iot.' ..,~ . .' ,'. ' . ' .,' r' . : .~. o'-~--"Hotel'-oi>u rp oBeB-"~i1:r:=imilud rgl 'ft-troOP8T-d'ru~8tO re, . ~arbeJ""nnd:beaU~hops,--.and~ 'bu81nj)l3s,1nc1dentalto . well, ~qu1ppedllotels. . ."".. -.- .'..., 6. .The exterior oor1etruot1on. ofa.ll btil'ldyngs ln ~i ~"Rol'al Pa,nc I3hall be.. of' ,~tj)ne .br1ok. ,l3tt10QO oro'~ncret.' b.U~" no't,o.t oO~C~~~.~OOkS~,', \1nlus.,the' Bam~', 1,s, ~r~a~,ed"lth 8't~oOO,',. n,~c!-." :'allbulldings ehall .~be of' .~pan18h~ Uorr~,s '~ ~ -lt~l1ari. ll'lori~lan' or'slm11"ar types ofarohltectur8~:, "6. Penoes 111 fron!/~l' tha' bU.lldl.ng ,l1~88~hal,lbe'ornam',ntelan(l . note:x:oeed'thlrty' Ipohe8 . 1n 1l~i~t.t., . Feno. ,~.1~the, r',ar.o,! balli o~, ~he,.bUllding,. ~ine of all 10t..~~~~11' be, orn8m~ntrq. andno't lnj):retha~f1.v.8 feet high. ,"~ . . . ' . ","_, "AllPO, ru"~~;.t, ...1,"rOretorn. d't;~.'lri. t, ~~e, tr..~, ~10UOj,B'l.Ylngl~ t~nt ". t~~; bUildlng_Une BO, __,_..h~~.a1'OUc...B.e.t.Jp.r.t'.~~.u_~~ed,_,-OD;ly-1'~mentaHtn:nose8..-~.-'-----;-~----c--- . . J "" ',''7.-, nci, B~gr18 :;bU~board8 ,ot,' a~~ ~kln~ ~r oharaoter ~b811 be' itxhibl ted. displayed, ~o~.nst,ruot.~, ol'rnalntalnedo Bald subd1vfe1on without the wrlttdq ooneent'o.f Baid'Royal ~8rtc: cOmPSDy.f,t8 . ... ',~ " suooessors or8ssigne. \ ~. . .. ... 8. Eaoh loto! the. above. desoribed. -premises shall at theoptton o.f said ~oy~l: Park Company- , . .' > . , ! I - -, '. \, I. I'.' . . .' , ' '.,. " . be eubJe,ot toassessroe.ntb:(8a14 Comp,lnyfor an amount'no,t to exceed '110.00 p..er :rear for the. ~ . . - .. ..' . : '. " ".' .' '-:. ' period be~inning at' the da'btot th1sdeed alfd- end1ng~"nuar1 .-1. '1930, payable '1p eemi-annual _, . - . - '~ ,i. ' , '. :. '. .___.... '_.~.... 1 .'" ~ . ' . , . '. . 1nstallments of $5,00 .aoh on April f and ,October 1 ,of taoh y.ar after date of thi s de$d,wh1oh . . . " -. - I . 1 ~ - , monefs shall be use4for the ma1ntenanoe and upkeep ofsa1d subd1vislon.' suoh. as the. o'~ea;r1ng' of, I , ',. j, I. . I ' of-true. 8hru'bb.4tr1 and vines 'thereon '(wh.n negleoted) .BO far as'the.amount colleoteci agrees yO pay 88 one ot fthe oone1der~tions of. theee '~ of suqh. aSl3tB8ment8, to be plaoed ~nd collectd Inp16 same rnanl1er as 1B piQv1de,t c i \ -~- - -_.__.~--~ I , I .. ~ j;, 4".,;,