HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0504 r .\ . ~ j. 11 " t, " I ~f---~- --' L 1 -~_-c"----'-_ " I J . . ,f i , ',~. '. ~I' 1, .' , ,.. I' "I . .'...., ... ; '. H' i ~t '. J _, , ' I. ' I, ".,' - ,~ '., .', 1 . ' , . I I :', i'., ..: I,. I..' f '/'" ;i ;, ., ,_::-:;""~~<~:".. . . ,/;:,:~ ,'.1 ,,',~:.y:.-.~:~;!...~', ,.- ...,....,':.'1:. :"'~':':T}:~.,:I,~~'.I ::I~ ,....:, ,~."., ". :""'~-,:q>\~~,;~!,,:~,,:,',A~ : '. ifQ~'il~n8' 'fOr-.ll~bpr, a'n4 iti&t~r181B "1pld~r thf i~WB',6f r~,he .S'tate '.OfFio~id,L , .. '\ I, , \ ~ , . ' ' . ',', " '.., 1'- ...... '. ", ,.', j .' .'.. ',' ,"., . 'I;',' ' ',.1 ,.... I, . \ " . ;., ',' '. .' :, \ i : \ '9..,' '~~'rllg~BII,l:Ih,ll :>>. e1"~Ch.~I:Snb8e~ue~t to' O~l r1'mUlttlneoU'~YW~tb, th~ ~Qn8t,rpott1pn' o~ ~~"<i' -L,\ " :,;1 I. ,ld:~ll~~i~' 'unitt8~'pe~1e~i\~hr,t~'Cl~' 07hfJ.'r!'18\. :1'8 \~flr8t~bt'a~ned~n'.~,\t1~\g;r~~oln,'$ehA \~OY~11erk '::\ '." \ QO~~nYr"\ Ga,r8g~B Bhall' bepO.DatrUo.ted of IthoBami~~e~1'alantt:. ot ~h" 8amealiq~i teotu;r~~ d'81gz:1. 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" . ~1l,a~ ,reside,n:oe.. bll1\1-ding,' 8ubje-ot" hew';-fJr., to. aU, et~er:re,striotie~ he.rein, clo,rl't8j, ~Ie,d '-prttt!l1D~~~.: .:. -, . ..\ '. ~ ,.,~ . . ".'" .. .. I. , , ~~~L'~ct~-0~-J;;;~-; _:,' .:-4931 . 'I ,""/ .,'; I;' ", f i " ., ~" , '-/ In':. i 'I' 'I '... \\ , : \n 'U , I ,. tej.ft81'~~noe. b~n'd1ngs.;.', :.' \' " ' I' .; 'I, , ..':,\ 12.T~e 8sid. nOY8~' P~arkgempa~. 1 t8auoo'BsO~" .e!, 8~Bl8.ns't :eha,11bave the' 'r1g~,t.. a1'ter ,'.:' .... ", .:. ...." -. '. ... - ,-,., <I :;;'." ':'.' ",. --.' ;'. "', ~" .;,", ':'" . .,-."- '.: . _ .....-. ~", ~~. .. 1 '(;J8~U8~ lst"',.;_1933,. ~t-o".r,'~.'.B8:"8n1:.,of th~ abQv8 .o~ to'r'8()lng.~'Bt~10't~:o-net ooh'4,~-tion8 .or, 11ml~t8tl~Q8 , . . . . . ' -O''' ...... . . ..... ". . . . ; _' '.. '. ~ . '_ ... -': . ~, . - ", .' ". '. -.. '. ~ . : :~i 8eBlfd'~1'i'8trumente d,uly. execute", :in aooe'n\8noe."w11;1i-the laws,ofth~,~tat. C!f PlorIda tor the ~ . - . . .' . ,; '. .' ." , , .- ~ , .o.onv"snoe of real,estat e. , , . . .---------:--~...--~-'-,~---' .._~~--~~ ~...'-_..-.---..~~._--_._----'--- -,"!.---,-,::.--------.--:---------:--.:...~-------:--=-----.-~-:---:-~~---'-- " .. ,', . ?-3., The Rr1V:lle'ge an~ ,~a~ement,.18 h...~.bY'fO~,~'~erre,8e,r,~~d:~~. 8~ldR~Y8ipa~ l;omPanYi' i,'1!' ' 'SUo()e~8QrB' ~md ;'8SQ~~n~, ..to' et,eet ~'nd ~1rit.al.il. p~lea'~ .~lrea '~nd,ethn~ 8uita'ble' equiPl!!'entfor eleo-tric, " .. ..' " . \' ,~' . . ; '. ,'.,' " < " '. . "', ..., .,' ..... ,:.':" .' "l~glit..,.pewer.:tele8i'~ph.telephori,e~nd o,ther- P.u.ol1o: uU:U t1e8. and tooon8.truC?tand m~4ntalr1 . , '., ~e~ers; '!~'te~.~1:ns ~nd:ga8 ma1,i119n~'1ri a~(\ urider'.'t~&.rear, ~lve:f~~et~ e,:~d'th'e",.+~ee,'fe~t:,~,~ e8,Ch" '\ . ~l~-of 8aoh lot bereby oonveyed. arid fer suoh pur908ea,'a8. w,ell a8 to repair,,' remove 0.1' replaC?e . " - :..... ": '...'~ ,.,.' -".. .!.:, ~ " . .,..., .~., . -.... .; -.,'" ';. '". ". " " '- . . .~~id PO,bB. Wire,B, '!I'quilline(,lt~' 's~1f~nd0a1u~..~ald:Re~al 'Park OelllpanY; Its~~oCeS801'e and,. ",-, ',. . "- ~'. - -~..., .',.... '- :.,~.'" '. ~ , . . -' .' . " .., ._--~ . :. ; .... . ,8ssigns ".8hail have'the ri ~t ef ingress, .'egress andregr'8~ 'a8 may, be' necessary' er"cenve-nlent . . " ,. .. ~ " ' . _ .'.' ,." . .' 0:.' '.' 'O' . . '. '. _.' .. . . , . _O' " . . ,",. :.',',',.: a"..". ij . , "for aU: .-of said' purpc>ses'. .' - ~. '.. ." . .' . -:.' .. - - .14.110' _8t.rtl~.'t;1~e ~xoe('t:~ f,eDoe Of.~thG . '.. .. ; ,..... '.. :. . ..,. . aJlYpart of; the8~rtpt5,ot~an.d '1,!l~th~8e .. .. klnd';n4frelJ:lbe1()r~':.d880r1bed mal -ev.e.r'be .erected ..'\ :. '. " - . ", . .' .. -. . . -~. .."~ - prell18es, o,!~r, W~fCh an 'ea8ement: fer 'publio, ut11~ty.- upen r. fpurPoses ,has.be~n reae-rv~C\.,' '. .l5. On ands.fta r "'anus'ry.' ;1'. 1910. 'l1.11 0. f: ~llf) fel'eeOIrlfl.' ootid'! tI en'a .;.r88trI~tle ns:and',H~1t8 tlone . ~' . .' , " \ ~nd' t~~ S,a1~P8rty. et th~f~Te~ p~'~,deth!loven.ant w1 ~ht\he 88~d,' pa rtyef' ; t~e : @!!09~nd, ~; ;~ar\ t~t 1 t 1s ,laWf~11l1, Bth~d ef t~e said' pr~~lBe8i ,~ha~, the~' 82:~ "f're'e,. of: aii~ric~m~ra~peB; . ,Oexoe!>ting"'8~1 t8xe~ arid' 8~1; 1n,S~allm.e~te of,~esea~~entB .fer munloiP81,1m~vem,e,n7,8 beoe,~fng due: ,andpaY8bleafhr 'the 'd~te of thIs ,ded) , ~'nd' ~~hat ,it h~.~. geOd, .rlgh:~ and. ~8wfut $utherIty' to'he;q , . ',the 8'ame; 8nd,theaold' partye~'the .first~rt ,dees here'b~' fullY warrant theti tle to ssid hnd., . and will: defend ~~.; Same.ag81nstthe:, lawful clail!ls 'Of'~P'p(t~80nEi whems~8ver. :' '. " '. .J!1'rITlnSR "!H:m~O'.thes~ld party ()f.:the flrs,t.par,t,has, 'aaueedthese preSt:lnts ;t'e'be. . " " , .' . '..:. . " , "., _ n.:.,. _~...~-,<lI,..,' ,',_, .: 'si@ned iri ited!l$me'b~'1ts 2reSIdel)~, and, i~soerporot. ~eai to be-aff1xed, ,a'ttest,Eld bY' 1ts -.t:. '. above' wr."1 tt'en.: ".: . ,. ROYAL PA.iK CO!J?AllY . ,}3Y. Walde E. Se.ten' ./ Pres1 dent. ~ (CO . ,0 .-: (..1'" ' U' .. ' . f'.' AttOBtl' P. L.. Hemml~8 Seoretary / Signed, sealed anddel1ver~d 1n'eur preBencel Har/lsret Z. Rogers I ~, ;..' (~hOO;-I .R.Ste.J::lls' oan.) I. . '~'~; ,':, iJ.....j, i_ . . ~, ". ,. - -"'--"'''.' -' , l .'-'=;..- .,....:;:: .. -~ .STAT3 O? FLO!UDA ' . " , , I COUHTY OF ST. WeIE I ---- .., th8.t,O~1-e--3lat dayofflaX'.Qh. A. D. 1926'~ before me personally 1; ~ ---..-- ~...._'. I'