HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0511 -rl' t. ~ n Ii ' I" ;, . . , ' ,~' J', , ,I ,., ,~, "':';' 'd~l u_ .~_'~... -1- t:)tl-.\"~--;-- ---:--,,~--,~~-' < I. ,.J ~J-;''-j~~,u''ci----- 'm_" ,n, .-:~ "" : ....... " I;' " ,', I.',. , ' . it. ,.., '. . . - f" . i ,-. , 'j .' I" I ~o ,.~L~"~;~~~~~"j:o:c~Sk~~';';-;':;'~'-,*-~/T ,.': :;:"~:~~:I'.~ "r-:-':=t; i I. \. I,.:, Lo~~ 19i2; and: ~eveo. of ,Sumne.r, He-1gbts. a3 p'e r' plat reoo.rd~d '-,,:. .,.', '-1.", '..', \l' ! . ".. ..' " ',: '. i.';"'" 1~'~1.8t; BO~k 5~ P81~~ ~l~. ~lI:;~~--d;~~~~~t;~ -~1~~~d8:. r,e'oO~ds..l,', '; 'i":-." ,I, (',';:' , . ,," "Ii t . ;~ ~nd 'the-8~~' -per~y. o.('the 8.'oo~~i';a~t'-'ber-eh;"o~~enant~' ,a.1<\ "~~~e8-tJ ,pay tQ ''the 8aild'p~rt'1.s 'O'f', ' . I '."',' . \.,' . "." , :'\i. .\.'.' " . ,'" . :,1 ",'. ", \:,' I' . I:' "". ,,\"";.' :,: I' ",-'1 !\, '"t~e;f'ir8t .~ax:t the ,sum,ot~URB~ HUNDllED(.~OO.OOl' ~lla1'Q..\~n:tM manner ,:to~1i)~1n~'~,'IrT't (~6~600~:~ , r '\'.,. 1'. .,. ....1' . \ \. \ ~ ~ \.. ~ .'(' ~ _ _ _ , . '\ . ':c __~~ ;-" \' !' ' ~L~,A~S dowft," a~ ,Tn~Y (~2~.OO~ t>o~~RS 'per, m,on:th' un~il rema~nder ~8 ,pa~,~:. . I'.l" .. . ~ .' \ I " ~ith' l~ter.',st ~t. the rat~o~'eJ~h~,~e~r, ~,e;ntUJll,,'p~~:.~nnwn",pa,~a~1f1,~,em!~8ri#U~1}r,.~~t,he:w~ola\au~" c~': l, remainin~.1'r,':lD!. ti,me to,tl,me ,unpeldt ;an'4 tf pay. all, ',~axe.. aB8ElSeme~tB()~' ~mposi U.OQ~ that m.ay:.be," t. ,. . . . . _'. ' " -. 4' ... . . \ .' - _ .. _ .' , \ . .' . .~. .':.' " \',' '_ . '. _ _ . .. _', . "\' . l..~" legaU-Y ievled .or'-imposed ,uRo'n. Bald land eilbsequent: to t'l\e,year. ~924 a 'alid.'tol(etp the '. bulldi ne:e . I" _ : ',' - " ; '. \. - :.' , . ~ '\ ,-. . '. . - '\ . .' .' I :'upon Sa\d'p'remt~es 'lneurec(in sortt$00rnp8nY ,eati8f~otQrito tlie: pa111es '~fthe'.',!1:rat,!>.8rt. lQa " i . > . . '. . . . . ~ ,". , ! ,dum ~ot less\~an '. Y Dobars,d.1lrl'hg' the:term."Df thls \,grume-nt: -'An'd in 08~~ ~f' fa'ill,lre; 'of , - .. .' ~ ..' . :.' . >. \ " ~ . ~ ~,'. ". " . .,' .: .".' \. ~ the e~i,~ 'party of the ,8 eoond' p.ai"t'to~1te..e1 ther ~f. the,p8Yrierih ,or e:'rly,part .there_()'!J~~~t'o .per-: I" "r,O~"8~Y. of ,t~: ~oYe~a.nt~ ',oh 'herpartbereby inade'and ent~red"into> .thl~'oon'treot :ah~lli,a't the:' :. .t', -.' \:' '.- ,~.'. '-~-:~' . . . '. . ," .~. :~. .. -. "" -. -, .::'. '. ,. . \op~io~ of the par:t1,8s of the 'f1ta,t:part, 'bo 'i'orfeited,8ndterm,in8ted,an,~:.tne,'Pltrtrof the'e~oond;, "'.' L ...p~r'1i. shall :t'()r.feit..ali: p'tly'~er\e'ma~e:bY )1er. on 'this oon~ra:ot; and ,8U01('p$Y!1len~~e~911:be"'r~~aine'd" '. '~"""'\':"'-' -.." '.: .-.... ',. '= '~-' ','. '. '.' . ". -.-.....- ,,;.~' -~"..' .''''-.,-':.';.' '-". :".": '._'.' '.~ -,'.--. , by the 881d ;'parUee'.oflthe.::fi1'8t' p,ar't in full 8lltls'faot1oli:'8o<l l1qU1dat1onQi' ,all'darnages,bY.tliem" , '. -. '.' '" ',' ", . ". " '.' . '. "..., " '. .'..... -.:t ~ '. ". .:. : r '. t1~s,~atn~.d. ,and' ,8ai,~: P,8!~l"~_ ~i', the'_ ~l~S~ ,pilr.~' -~M~1.' ~v~.' t~~ rl~ht .to ,r~-~~te,r, and, ,take 'p'~ese~~loD' !.' of' tli~ In'eml:~e~ ~afbreeaid'.W.1thout' b:eing 11a~~e t.~ any. .aotl~r( tJ:e'~et~f.:. .,'..':. ,,'" .'..:-. i ,-, tT.IS 1 WrUALLY AORRRD. :bY, 'and between :the'part1&shEire'tb'.:that, the Ume of paYm8tit s~li ~ ,\. :. . ,.... . . '. .':< .~'. ,'.- .."'. ,.':- '..'" ". -., . .._,,'.,..'.....',....~ ' '.' ~.'- .. '..' .'..'. ' . " ! be en' ee~ential pa rt ot 'this oont1'8ot t and ',the 11 all :oo'v;enants: and ,agreements' lIerlitnoon taine-a . r" . . -~ :-' . ,.....' . ".; , ' ' J....-.' _ . _ . > [,: 'B)lti'l1~e~tend,.to and be obi~gato6.upo~.~~e"hel~B';. ~x~.~tr~,,',8~1?istrat;rB,~~d a6'8~~~.'~f..the t' " respeotiVei.parties... l ". ': ' ,I U i'fITlm81l ~R!O', fC "---lthe 'day,and'y'e8,r first above w.rl t ten,.. . I ": sig~ed ,S6al'ed :'a~d d'~li\~~red in pree'ence of~ < " i L.,O., OWElnsbl '. '," " .. .", \' f :Edl tho Ja.qkson'-.' .' .~, !. . .' , i l ;, " , " ~ t . ~ . o' '., \ ~. :,' . . . , .Tli,p8r~ie8 .~~ these pre,sen'te.~v~ ~be,reuiit~ ,Bet...thei~ :h8ndll',ancl ,s8ale " " .' ~ .-', .~ ~," ':;' '. . - ..;. '.' ." ,',-,'-", ....... . t . c," ..' . . . ....~ Angus,' Sumner JSeal} . " -'. I~ E~ Suinner ' '. (,Se,Sl), ., , te thleeri.-.BoYet '::,', I S.e.al) .t' ., '~..--.- I, i' "), ",' ~TAT~ OF 'Pt(jRln.~~' ~T.LUCn~ :COUNTl. . , I' ~, .. .O,?- tbla '4ayperSon811.Y 8Ppe~red b.efore :me', 'a.n.~f.:tio~r e~thqrl zed',totake a'er. 'owl~dgmen ts~,.~ .' " ,". 4 ',' ..' ,". '. . " , of dlJ8ds~ eto."AIlGUS ~m!nER,~.E.. sm.mER, ,hie 'wife, and KATHtE!-~jr oo'nT t~'me ',yell known,8Qd'kno~n',," .. . ~ , 'to ,be the,persons, W)1o 'exeoutGdthe Vilthin ape'ement. and '~Ckno"'ledFQci that'they exeoutedthe . saine ; -' ~ .... . .:'. .' :' ..' '. '. . :'," "";:' ,," . '.' ." ,... ': '.. ~'.--.:-=' ':. . ..' '~.~ for the purpo'sea thereln e~rel3!.eA~....'And tlA~..,.e.ill S. 'B.' SUmner, .V!Ueof the':sa,id ;\PF:uB Sumner';", ;-_:"'-:-~:-7"-:-.-_;~=-- ~~'~--';~--,-'~--;- --:-,--- < :'~~~.~"'" '... ..'.: ." ; ..., .' ~" " '. .....- .... ..~~.. ;:.... '; .'. .... I ..: ullo~ an ~X8~1 m tlon ,talffil ,py me s.parut~ ':aild apart' from h,er 'sald - hU'sband.8()knowledged that she i "e:xeCtit~d. "th~. s81dagr~em.~t 'freel~' and' ~o+u~ta:r11;, a,~d':Wlthout'any,d:O~stra.t~t ,~om,pul8i~.n!', , ! . apprehensfon or fear of or from her-B81dhU8bond~, ' ~, :s.eal.this 4th day of ,Ua;y, 1926.' -=--- . ~ ',.' . Edt th :Jaokson". ..' . notary Public, State ofilorida-$t~8rge. ltyoor.unlselon expirf)S August lB, '1928.' . - -, -' '.;, -. . . ,.,.. \,' " " I ~.' ~F'il ed f' . i I;. t/, ,. I I' f and: reoorded on thtsthe 23;>4 ,of ltay,1925, at 1,: 22 P'. H.., '. . '.. . 11 1J i > " ,} 't" 'p ,C.Jffdl' ed, ,QlerlcCl rcti1 t Court. . - .'- . . '_., :,'.... , . I I: , I . ":-$ C ~:~~'7J1L4~, D.'C. I "j' ,- ~-, I :.1 .. .'-','~- ,\, ,.y.,. .' , , . _' __ r . _. .. ~ ----- .,;t'. ':',