HomeMy WebLinkAboutKSMft Tro AIL 60 KELLER, SCHLEICHER & MaCWILLIAM MARTIN (772) 337-7755 P.O. BOX 78-1377, SEBA: PALM BEACH (561) 845-7445 wwwAsmengir FAX (561) 845-8876 E-Mail: KSM@KSMEN C.A.: 5693 December 29, 2017 Lauren Hamilton Schulke, Bittle & Stoddard, LLC 1717 Indian Riv,6r Blvd., Suite 201 Vero Beach, Florida 32960 Re: Basile Residence 6600 N. Highway A1A Fort Pierce, Florida KSM Project #: 172665-b Dear Ms. Hamilton: As requested, KSM Engineering & Testing the referenced site. Presentation of the dal with our geotechnical related. opinions, are i A. Project Description: A two-story single family residence is plan Coastal Construction Control Line (CCC` supported on piles. Also a one-story garac this structure will be supported on a shallom ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. TIAN, FL 32978-1377 SEBASTIAN (772) 589-0712 ering.net MELBOURNE (321) 768-8488 'INEERING.NET ST. LUCIE (772) 229-9093 FAX (772) 589-6469 CANNED BY at Lucie Caboty Is performed a subsurface investigation at gathered during the investigation, together :luded in this report. ied to be constructed seaward of the State 1 This structure will be required to be will be constructed west of the CCCL and foundation. B. The scope of our study consisted of toe following: 1. Performed Standard Penetration Test Borings in the proposed construction area to estimate the subsoil relative densitv. 2. - Measured the groundwater level at each boring. 3. Evaluated the existing soil conditions with respect to the proposed construction and provided recommendations for site preparation and foundation design. 4. Prepared this report to document our findings. File �_ P-Irl f, Wallor P P R79QR / CI i i2 Aln:`•.R�rl :/ .hdia F Kallar_,P_E_� BRRF'ifi 1 0 KELLER, SCHLEICHER & MaCWILLIAM MARTIN (772) 337-7755 P.O. BOX 78-1377, SEBA PALM BEACH (561) 845-7445 wwwAsmengh FAX (561) 845-8876 E-Mail: KSM@KSMEP C.A.: 5693 6600 N. Highway A1A -2- Fort Pierce, Florida C. Site Investigation: The site investigation program consisted of penetration test borings in the proposed terminated at depths ranging from 10 to 4C borings are indicated on the attached boring I The SPT borings were completed in accorda 1586. A standard 1.5 inch I.D., 2 inch O.D. s successive blows of a 140 pound hammer blows required to drive the sampler 1 fo( Penetration Resistance, or "N" value. At reg the ground and opened to allow visual exai soil sample. Also, the groundwater table we groundwater elevation recorded from existing The records of the soils encountered, the level are shown on the attached logs. D. Engineering Evaluation and Conclus ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. TIAN, FL 32978-1377 SEBASTIAN (772) 589-0712 ering.net MELBOURNE (321) 768-8488 'INEERING.NET ST. LUCIE (772) 229-9093 FAX (772) 589-6469 December 29, 2017 performing a total of three (3) Standard construction area. The borings were feet below grade. The locations of the ocation Plan. ce with procedures described in ASTM D- flit-spoon sampler is driven into the soil by freely falling 30 inches. The number of t, after seating 6 in., is designated the Ilar intervals the sampler is extracted from iination and classification of the retained allowed to stabilize and the depth of the grade. penetration resistances and groundwater Based on the information obtained from thi's site investigation we are pleased to offer the following evaluation: The subsurface conditions beneath the plan ned structure area consist mostly of fine to medium grained sand including shell fragments. These soils are considered satisfactory for the proposed project. Please refer to the soil boring logs for specific information relative to the soil description. E. Site Preparation: The proposed building area and areas to be paved, plus a minimum margin of five feet beyond the proposed construction shall be stripped and grubbed of surface debris, including vegetation, roots and organic matter. Stumps shall be removed entirely. The building area should be graded level and 1 roofrolled. Any soft yielding areas shall be excavated and replaced with clean compacted fill. Sufficient passes should be made during the compaction operations to produce a density no less than 95 percent of its modified dry Proctor value (ASTM D 1557)1 to a depth of two feet. Rnnald (­ Keller_ PF 37293 / SI Lir.. No.: 860 / Julie E_ Keller. P.E.: 68366 KELLER, SCHLEICHER & MacWILLIAIVi ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. MARTIN (772) 337-7755 P.O. BOX 78-1377, SEBASTIAN, FL 32978-1377 SEBASTIAN (772) 589-0712 PALM BEACH (561) 845-7445 www.ksmengineering.net MELBOURNE (321) 768-8488 FAX (561) 845-8876 E-Mail: KSM@KSMENGINEERING.NET ST. LUCIE (772) 229-9093 C.A.: 5693 1 FAX (772) 589-6469 6600 N. Highway Al Fort Pierce, Florida -3- After the exposed surface has been proofrolli be filled to the desired grades. Additional fil sand containing less than 10% material passil The contractor should review the Departmer ensure their fill requirement is satisfied. Struc layers of 12 inches in thickness and compacte Proctor value (ASTM D 1557). December 29, 2017 i, the building and pavement areas may material shall consist of clean granular I the U.S. Standard No. 200 mesh sieve. of Environmental Protection's permit to Iral fill should be placed in uniform loose to at least 95 percent of its modified dry After excavating for the footings, the disturbed footing subgrade should be recompacted to 95 percent (minimum) of its modified dry Proctor value. This can be best achieved by making several passes with a relatively (light -weight walk -behind vibratory sled or roller. We recommend field density tests be pe work operations in order to verify that the F. Pile Foundation: Based on our experience with structures experience that auger cast piles can be p stressed concrete pilings. We recommen cast -in -place piles (steel reinforced to resist not been furnished with estimated structl capacities will be sufficient to support the inii ned at appropriate times during the earth has been properly constructed. seaward of the CCCL, it has been our laced more economically than driven pre- i using 16 inch minimum diameter auger the anticipated forces). Although we have Iral loads, we assume that the following -nded loading. Pile Pile Pile Allowable Lateral Diameter Capacity Depth Uplift Load (Inches) (Kips) (Feet) (kips) (kips) 16 38 .*15 10 6 16 50 I*20 18 6 16 62 1*25 26 6 16 71 I*28 32 6 * Below Scour Line An allowable bearing capacity of 2,000 psi may be used for any structure not required to be supported on pilings provided that the site is properly prepared. Ronald G_ Keller. P.E_: 37293 / SI Lie_ No.: 860 / Julie E. Keller. P.E.: 68366 KELLER, SCHLEICHER & MaCWILLIAM MARTIN (772) 337-7755 P.O. BOX 78-1377, SEBA: PALM BEACH (561) 845-7445 www.ksmengir FAX (561) 845-8876 E-Mail: KSM@KSMEN C.A.: 5693 6600 N. Highway A1A Fort Pierce, Florida -4- G. Recommendations for Auger -cast Piles: All piles should be installed and inspe published by the Auger Cast -In -Place Pile H. Closure: This report has been prepared in acco foundation engineering practices based on loading conditions. No warranties, either e This report does not reflect any variations variations appear evident during the course evaluate the recommendations of this projei Environmental conditions, wetland del requirements are not a part of this report. We are pleased to be of assistance to you be oi:La1,W130ier service to you or should y( aqk F'••. R' • 1JlAY. � �J Ie r, R r resent •,,�� LION P� rrrrrr1114o��e E-mail to: Ihamilton@sbsengineers.com; ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. TIAN, FL 32978-1377 SEBASTIAN (772) 589-0712 ering.net MELBOURNE (321) 768-8488 'INEERING.NET ST. LUCIE (772) 229-9093 FAX (772) 589-6469 December 29, 2017 in accordance to the recommendation mittee of the Deep Foundation Institute. ance with generally accepted soil and e results of the borings and the assumed tressed or implied, are intended or made. rhich may occur between the borings. If � construction, it would be necessary to re- ation, water quality, and municipal this phase of your project. When we may have any questions, please feel free to bsengineers.com I Ronald G. Keller. P.E.: 37293 / SI Lic. No.: 860 / Julie E. Keller. P.E.: 68366 KSM Engineering & Testing BORING NUMBER B-1 K]{ �' P.O. Box 78-1377 PAGE 1 OF 2 1V1 Sebastian, FL 32978 Tel: (772)-589-0712 Fax: (772)-589-6469 CLIENT Schuike Bittle and Stoddard LLC I ROJECT NAME 6600 N. Highway A1A PROJECT NUMBER 172665-b PROJECT LOCATION Fort Pierce Florida DATE STARTED .12a2/17 COMPLETED 12/22/17 ELEVATION HOLE SIZE inches (GROUND DRILLING CONTRACTOR GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Split Spoon Sample AT TIME OF DRILLING 6.67 It LOGGED BY MS/NV CHECKED BY JEK AT END OF DRILLING -- NOTES See Attached Location Plan AFTER DRILLING -- w o. o j w A SPT N VALUE A U W 20 40 60 SO PL MC LL I---C-I H 3: a- 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Co �o Cr 9 'Sze 0¢ H� w Z a m 0 D" 20 40 60 80 d �� . < U.v a UZ U 0 } x 0 FINES CONTENT (%) ❑ 0 a. 20 40 60 80 Light Brown Sand with Slight Traces of Shell Fragments :'••• SS (15) SS. 5-6-5 5 ' ... ... SS 3-" (8) S 3-2-3 SS (5) .... .............. 10 4-5-7 q::• : ;: Light Brown Sand with Traces of Shell Fragments SS 8-13-11 15 a- ... .;... a•;-.:;: Gray Sand with Traces of Shell Fragments SS 19-14-15 : .. (29) 20 ,. ::.Ck':- i..,....i.............i...... Dark Gray Sand with Some Shell Fragments 12-16-18 25`: ; o.; I KSS (34) i SS 13-14.17 30, i . 35 ..............................:....... Gray Sand, Slightly Silty with Traces of Shell Fragments v\j Ss 18-17-22 (Continued Next Page) Engineering & Testing I BORING NUMBER B-2 P.O. Box 78-1377 KSMKSM PAGE 1 OF 2 Sebastian; FL 32978 Tel: (772)-589=0712 Fax:(772)-589-6469 j CLIENT Schuike Bittle and Stoddard LLC RROJECT NAME 6600 N, Highway A1A PROJECT NUMBER 172665-b PROJECT LOCATION Fort Pierce Florida I DATE STARTED 12/22/17 COMPLETED 12/22/17 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR GROUND WATER LEVELS; DRILLING METHOD Split Spoon Sample I Z AT TIME OF DRILLING 6.83 ft LOGGED BY MS/NV CHECKED BY JEK I AT END OF DRILLING -- NOTES See Attached Location Plan I AFTER DRILLING -- w ♦ SPT N VALUE d zp acc Wm _ w©' Ci �Z� n ~ z 20 40 60 80 PL MC LL 1---�----i W �" p MATERIAL DESCRIPTION g a d O a Q m 0> Y" 20 40 60 80 4 z w V 0 0 FINES CONTENT (%) ❑ cn oc a o 0 20 40 60 80 Light Brown Sand with Slight Traces of Shell Fragments SS. I► ............................ 3) (1 ..... ....., 4-5-3 ;..•. SS 3-4-2 (6) ;:. SS 3-4.4 (8) (13) 10 ... ESS Light Brown Sand with Traces of Shell Fragments SS 7-9-12 (21 ) 15 Gray Sand with Traces of Shell Fragments SS 16-17-19 0;:" i....... i (36) .......i.. , .. ...... 20 25 p ` i ... ... .,.. ,.. Dark Gray Sand with Some Shell Fragments ASS 14��714 9-12-13 SS (Z5) , 30, Gray. Sand, Slightly Silty with Traces of Shell Fragments 16-20-19 SS (39.) ............ ....... ... ... 35 (Conbhued Next Page) I KSM Engineering & Testing BORING NUMBER B-Z KSMP.O. Box 78-1377 PAGE 2 OF 2 Sebastian, FL 32978 Tel:(772)-589-0712 Fax: (772)-589-W9 CLIENT Schulke Bittie and Stoddard LLC i PROJECT NAME 6600 N. Highway Al PROJECT NUMBER 172665-b PROJECT LOCATION Fort Pierce Florida a o z � ♦ SPT N VALUE • ZC7 wm _ W� z-it a He N ~ z a 20 40 60 80 PL MC LL w p q MATERIAL DESCRIPTION > p O 4 Co 0 > " � " F--I--I 20 40 60 80 0 O ¢ z w v? p w 0 FINES CONTENT (%) 35 � � � i7 20 40 60 80 Gray Sand, Slightly Silty with Traces of Shell Fragments (continued) ' „ 26-32 30 S8 at KSM Engineering & Testing BORING NUMBER B-3 P.O. Box 78-1377 M PAGE 1 OF 1 Sebastian, FL 32978 Tel: (772)-589.0712 Fax: (772)-58M469 CLIENT Schulke Bittle and Stoddard LLC PROJECT NAME 6600 N. Highway A1A LOCATION Fort Pierce Florida PROJECT NUMBER 172665-b PROJECT DATE STARTED 12122/17 COMPLETED 12/22/17 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR I GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Split Spoon Sample SAT TIME OF DRILLING 7.83 ft LOGGED BY MS/NV CHECKED BY JEK AT END OF DRILLING --- NOTES See Attached Location Plan AFTER DRILLING -- W o 1 SPT N VALUE A U a CO _ w� �rz� w 0. h 20 40 60 80 PL MC LL o O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION a. � > Cy O � a ¢ coo > N z � � CL 1—---+1--- -1 20 40 60 80 (� Z ui U z 00. 0 p FINES CONTENT (%) d Light Brawn Sand with Traces of Shell Fragments SS 4-4-6 (10) SS t 3 +:. S 5-3.4 (7) F °: S7 3-3-4 SS(7) .......:.............:...... ' 3-5-6 :.......:... Bottom of borehole at 10.0 feet, I a x m i gElE.N 1 k;a ! r \ 1i North z � � ��t..l n�. \ \j �L1PN� StAli cowd�uoa_ar:•as '� t.t t -. > � avrvr. - Ivs.w•rae [ t lalrvl - ,�/� cxarm • :z `_ � : ili..�aN�.ea�ceid we�ie ¢a•.xr �• y •y v 1` :l.;.--- ����om•m \I lvAt1�`��j"'ji� 11Na .. n- k•.^�{�{r.� iti tiv-+vra (�L�' i .c:...iil,we u•J 42�! \ ��� z A1 t ` � ra 1 �• � 3 as vnn di 1 .,c a i. f -� �I � a t .•y L � � 1' 5' 1 \� �1 e�-�ti ,t }4 Y,- ,iu,`�5 y 'ti '� �Yia •."� U 'r ` s "" '�' . a`'6"«• r+sS` cn'la `!r F - ®K t .. G. •. � + ' ^N ' . 1 .. \ m`x"ommrC' _ w_ D'... L ,l Sri • f ( r}7 S '� ' t� � � •. • . .. f � ... I•-t. 4 b/:Yi 4. 1 1 LOCATION OF TESTS PROJECT: Basile- Residence, 6600 N. Highway AiA, Fort Pierce, Florida. SHEET 1 OF 1 ENGIN DRAWN BY; J.L. PERMIT #:S DESIGNED BY: J.K. PROJECT #: 172665-b P A N D TV)�� - DATE: 20171229 NE mltvwmm SCALE: NONE