HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0520 . I ;Ii j ,I.' ,. .: I . -1 j , H'~I .n....,....'__.H.", ,-," r...~~~~-~~'~'-L." ,',' ('r:J .-" _'~-~f--'---._~~~Ifl..~_", ~, ," .:I'~.;.,._.-,,-.-'.J50ji 9 :' , .. ,: '" I ~ i. ~'i " . i- ' 'i ' '., ' '!, I :, ' I .1 ' I '. r . , . . '... I " " " l' I I '!I' , .. I .' I I. I I . ", . I .,' ~".'~('." '.. ,.,.I~ ";i,;' I. .' " , I' I;,. . I"~ .)1 I,~' , I.' .-l ,: , "f' I I. , ,.,. , I! ' .. ,I . ' J. . ' L~~r=-L~~, ~4.', ~-;j~.;1; ',:;- .:,.,:,.~T."~': *_:';:l~~:, "'~,1'" ~..',;---<'<t..":"'-:l.-,..,~---;~ _." " '~.. ,:..; ,I: ::f~-t:.~\J:.:~~-~J .': ~.;:::,~.;=::~'=:~!.~i.~~:;~~=~'"L. r.~' ' ":'~'" .1.'(,'" '.' ;'1. ,.'.:.. :l" .;,.,., ..'. .\ . ", .' \.,' ,:1: <1\,', 1<, ':,1 "," ,i. '1" ~. , , '-I" ~ . ,(!\lled.aM., reootd~dolll' ~h\~ .~h. 12t,~day "ot, }J~~ ,;UU~~ at\t. ',., lll. ,1. \ . .:1 i'\ \ .'I.\;i' '," .!: :',,, ,J 1 ~i', 'i' t.:, \\1\.,...\ \ ',,' ..' .:.,', 'i,;\., 1 ,,~, I" jl ,'~' .'.. ': [~i '.\.'1:'\.". \ , ".,.," \ . i ' ~,. [, ,,' ,',', '. I.,." I I, ,t'.'..\'. . .+ ' \ I \m."___'~\ ?,. IQ..'Eldred,.. 'cierlt.,'clrO'l't.,tc.o.u.rt.... ,', ,( '~" II \ .'~ .' --:~ ' ' \.\\,', i. l ...\ I\"~' ',1 I I II. I, .i':' r.',"".d':,.1 ' .~.~',( \',~' . ',,~~<' .' ,\ " ", B1'~\('J1JJ ~~IiI.~;~__~ . U '"'. . '\.\ t'i.,.'._\" > I. . \ .:..'~ ; . .' . . c.'i' .' \' \ .\ \ ' . \'\' \ . " I : ,I II Y. " I" .' '. 4!' \ I" " " ' \\'~: -~t~~:::~~.;::-__,_.l~__._.m- "~-"~~:r"--~' _:c-".~~ --'-~~~'''-7~~-~.~;-:~'-:::~I ~~--~,-'_:- . ~ 1 '~ .. j \.'_ \.', . . . " 1\.... ' , .\ j \ ,i " '. I, ,'. , I "'\ " . \ . . ...i7ARAAll~ ,:pEED. . '" "" 0." ; . .._. .-.~: '. ~ _, '. ",\,.:. '., _,' .' "~\ . .,.' ': ' . ,', . " .\ ~', . . _ , 'TJfIS ,IIlJ)FJfTURE.i ,Hade this.. 15thda:f. btAp:rl1 A.. D. 1926; BE,"~~!t'H" ::A.'EiBner ~nd ... ","." \.... -.. ,.- .... .,'.. . " . , ,." .\ . , . . - .-" ~, ,..' " - ", . :LW11heinrlQ8 c. 'E.IBne~/ l1fB ~~1.:ie.'~f' .t~ Cou~ty: of .lle~ ,10'r~~n.dSt~te' .6:r ,New'Yoflt .par't'l~'s. of, the':-- ;"fi;~t' piirt~' pnd -R~: L.. ~GQod~ino.t..th8 County of St. LuOi,e,;'a,nd'State of Flo'l'ld~:b~rty Of,the '~8con~, ' . :ipart, wi!i.'nE~SETH; :t~t,:'th~'Ei,ai~''P~~i''e~ or,.the;irst pa:rt....for.snd in".ooI1Bideratiori'of the' ~m: · p'f.TB~ rio li~rB .~,f ot'll,r"'lu.ii~ :.".;d :r.~; On ~. to them In ha rid paid,' the rB celP~ . he{, 0 f . ~ .' '.' . " : '" . '. . "'. . '. ' ", ", ~ .' . , :. ~ . ~ '. - ~ ".' ...' , '.' . . . '. ... f . < ",' _ ",' ' . fs', he~eby 'aOkllD~ledgiid'. 'lis"e,granted,barptned-,Bold a~d"t~ns(erred.: ~nd~b-yt~ese presentB d'o . . ':.. ' .' . . .- ~ . . - . . . '.. . .' '. . '. :'" " . -. :) , ~ ' . . - - , . ~ront, bargain. ,sell '8~d ,tran&~er: .~t,o 'the ,fUll d :pa'r.ty, o'f the ee90nd 'part ~nd hts heirs' aud QS$ign,. ": ~ for~Ter. 'alr, that 0~;4in p'arOfil,:Of :~and ,'l.;fiagaU'd bGi',ig 'in '~~,~. ~~unt.Y'ofSt. ~llol'~i ani~tau:: ,', .' .~ ,.,. .,.:' . '., . ,.' " ,... . ". ", .. -""'u .,,' . . of~10:rid8. : l1n<\i,Tided,l/2i~hie,Bt inthefollo\,t1ng desoribed 'prop'e,rt1 ::,' .'.. , , '. ~ .~ o'~ ..B~~111~r:t. at"t~e U?r:'thweB't"CQrner'~~': Ld~;'lve: '.(pri~"B'!.?~Ok, ,~e~ye'(12) i' . , , . . , ~ .......... -~ . ; " ~ .-.'.- ,. . ~. -., '. ,..:'. - : A"G",) :of.Aaro~ Lee's P.J:8t.Of,.E~gutown in F?~t'.Pl,~'roe;.,Flor~d8) .ru~ 'SoutH AloPg.UJ1i~ ).ve~,~~' Po~ty' (40) fGet;thenoe ?:astUlnety {90) teet; thenQe nor,th~Of'eet; 'th~~.ce wE!~t '96feet.to~.he' '. . :. ' . " , . . .:' " . . pOi,nt Of',l~~"giniling, ,t,he sam.e being t'h~ Uorth Forty' (-40) By 'Uine't,y' (gO) fe.et. Of Lot rive '(6), of, , - ..... ~ . '-~ ' '. J' .! " .. " '1 ;'. ~- . 'J I ; .4' . ,'. " ~I' , " ,..: .,: ." ..,,\ I:Blook :~~lve (12),aoc~ rdlng~1t6.' the o'ffi 0 inl ',map: :01- 1"Qrt ,1>ieroe" F]:~rld~~" ,;:,; . - -. ~, . .' ", '. . . . .. ,~. ~ 1'.- .'. ' : 'Ale,o,'Be~il1;nHig' on,:t,lJ_ .~as~ side 'ot Ur1,lortStreot( .fltow.P~ne St~eet' in th'C1t~o:f' < , " -..' - -' '-.' . " ~-" ,._'~. ',...'~'.. . '.: '. ',' .".-' '.' . ,~. -. ...- ,.,' Fort. .P'i,. ro~ ~ '40 ,tee~ 'South of' the -,northweet, oorner of Lot ,5';. ttlook 12 ( G) ~of' the pJ;at oftl)e .... .; '.~- ,.-..'.' ,,'- ':..~ .' ~'" '.' ,_.'" .' ' .. ~" . ;', . ~ ..",,' . No'l"thpa'l1;'!if' l'ort ?i~rO.,it.the~o~ S6~t,h tl ~~ngUriicm...\v~nue' (:tt~. Pi~e, Stre~t) ,40~'~et ~"th~nc'~,:<. . ~af;it, 90iee-t, thenoe 'IlO,l1;h.40'fe~t ~,t,henoe '~7~et. ,to .voint, ,of Qe~lnntM; being-t.lle> ~outh,4,O feet, . '> of the llort~ 80 ~eet of' t~a't' 'par.t of Lot Five' (5), deeded: ,t~ .tQlln J~ tray byJ."L. B~d Shoe . Company : 'recorde<\ f~?eed ~ook. 6 '. pa'g,~ 5i~> reC,Jr!iB ..~t' St.':L~o~-~ County .Florld~: ,.' ~u_ ,TOGETHER' wi th all the tenooenta, here di tamentsand ~ppurtenanoe8, 'Wl1:11 every, pri vllege~ right', .' . . '. '; .' - ~'4>' ~'.' ~ :' . " . - .. " '. . " .' . . -. , ' ." ,. . . - '. -' . -' i ". ' ~r.tJ,e, interest ~nd estate, ',do'we~'8D~right.of .dowe~.; .reverel,ori,'.rernai,n'd81~ arid' 8asementther.eto be.l~'ngingO~ l~,,'arww1e'EI appert8in~nB: roHAVE' AllDTO~OL1> th(Lsame'ln' in .~fm~le ~c5rev~r.' , . . . Alid,' ~h8'(!dd partie Bot t h~ first, p,ar.t' do' Qoverta~t wUh; the~ai ~ party or' ~he' ;eec~nd ~r ", . _ . _ ,.' .". " ..... ' ". ~ ". ,'. . '. . .., . p~ rt t,hat they 'ar~ lawfully' seized . of'the,881d ~~'emiBes.tbat ,th'ey o:re free. ,for'om a.l~ ,ino,umbrm o,ee aod t~at, th,e~have gOOd~8~d~law#.'ui'a~~bQrity. tos~l~ ,the ~ari1e;'8'ndthe"8a'ldP8'r:tj"e8 ~f"the, I :first, p8~t,do hereby full1 warrant the,. title. to.8.~id18nd; '8ndw'~l:ld,efend the ,same ag"a1nst., the-: 0) '. , ? ~~ f ,., . t. f r<,', , . ~~--:------ " iawfulclahltJ 'of allperso ns. whomsoever.. , , .' , f:' . ~ ~, , . ~ \. . '" ., . .nl~1X~llE~R'~'HF3EOF, the e9id parties of' tho' flrst paft',have hereunto.set. t,hei1'~h8nde , . .... ;-~-~~ , . ~" :U' . ~,,"~ '.' " i,: " c' I,'. . . ~.' .. ", and soois thEl"~8Y' al'ldyear.'abov~written.' ,Sif~nEld. Beale,d anddUlv8T(id in()ur preeence: 'GllbertYetes Habel Crawford Gilbert Yates ~ llabn C1'1lwford H. 'A. Eisner' wi1hilmlns'C. EIBn>>r ( Seai) (Seal) f J- . STATE OF llE'R YORK ,~ '=-----~ =-'.~~ ~' r- COJllTY O!t' 1l~ YOP.K '( ., '. 8ppe~-1I..-A". Eisner '8nd'W:t111elml'na C. Eis~er; hi13 I " '- _I in and whb exe?uted the ~ I }~R:m CERTIFY, That' on this 15th d8,7 of Aprll,A.D. 1925"before. me pereonslly wU'e to me knOl'll to be th.' .'per.Bon~ desori bed ther~ the1,r. free act and deed for the usee ond purposes tlJere in ment ion f f9regoj,nf!,oonvfiyanoe to R. L.'GOodwi~, and sever81~y aoknow1edgeil the. ". -.' . ..,...- and' .-"~-~