HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0523 , ;'5.1,2-' . ", " ' i' ..';;-:-.;::L~, .. 1." , . ' I, i:" ., ;;. . r- . t. ---I--'- ---'-'-'---,+------' I' I j . ,.!,'. - ;~, . t'-'- -! I I I ;' ~ 1 I' ,.. i I I ' , I':':; I J, . " 'I ;" ~ " :: I. . .'. . I . . _ _ ---- -.~.I;,. --,--" ~t . I ,-'. 1 . t, t' r.:r ~ I .' , -,- - ,- I I I ."', I ( .' '1 . " ' I ' II ., I f -:, ' ,,.. " , I 'I":~T;:;'+'; .-. ;,.~ .,~L~;:~':;-0::--.t~I~-.,~,.i'~~.. .',.,.,~~:-.~.;-~.":,'.,l..;~~i+-:;~~7'7~'~~..,.',' ;i'~=~ ';:;.~~~~: ,.-:.., ,t+,., ::~~"-'",~~.~-~..:;.:: I I .'~n~ ~~8nb,~er ~~~~~., ~,he ~8'~d.pa~t~' bf.,~,h,e. 8~~'op~'I1(r.t and.'\h\~,:h'~trB"s~,~! ~s~~gfljB. ',f,Of.6Vbr,. ~t~ \ ~~a~.,; II.' I" "'.' I' . per.ta1n Lpa.~j)\e~ 'BIt l.n~\ ly,lng a,n\ibedn~; in the "C~untY:'Qf,st. 'Ltl?ie~r1d,: Stat !).:of ;:l,~_rl~~,', m~r~i i \ ; I,: ~, '\".\ '. ,P8rtf(r~iii'rly\ dGd()~l\bedBa:toll~i,B:'," \ \ ", I' :\ '-{ i' ',.\ ':-~:-.:~-'c,:~,o::',L.,~ ~\'" ; \,.1 the \rdrth~a~t . q~art~ ~ dtt h, ~ 'S~~~'h9~~t ,~~ot;t~t ~f ~e~tlon \2'2,To~nsh'1p35 ~outh,', hongel', " '; \ .'" ". 1 \"..' \ \ ,\ \ - . ~ . \-: '\ "., , . '. ." ., '. . ~ ,~~.'~~_t, ,: ~,'~--~--'--;: ~.::\'=~-:::.:- ~~\:--~;:=- ,c:_x:~~.':. ,~: ~--: -'--\-~-:::. :-'. =;,~<. --'c;..c=-\- " ; II \' \, ' ,The l'1est holf,'of. the 7lestholf of ,Seot1'ari 26',' 8rtd tM ~,outh08St' quortel',oj South~est I "., .:\.'.' ,...' ..:. '... ,,~l ".1' . ",. I' '.' :.\.' I ' ','" ~.': , . ,q~rter ot, ~o'b\t1()n26:,al1 in' Township ,368Q~tl\,' R,ehge40 ~Qst. . .. ,'. \ , .' \ .il,. ~. ....', . ,'-. -,.,' ,.,'., ",\': #. ,"... "-~' .' :' ','., . \'.' " ',' ..... . '. ~. ~ \. ~ 'TdGRTilE~' with.. ell t~et~Mmonte, he,re~Utomeiits and appu-rtenanoes';',l!ithevory pr1v~'1ege ,,__., . " ,. \ ,,_ \ '", . . ~" ,.-' . " . ~. .\~" . \. ',- 1 't":' t ., ri~ht: ~1t~.~ ~ .~nte,r~~t. _~nd es~a,t~.".~.~~e~' a,~~ ~gh~ \ o.t, dO!ler: ~e,~e,rs,lo:n; r~~8iU~~' oM Qes.~~Qnt tne,~e'to.' , belonging'or i-n anywiso,app;ertalnin'g: .,' . q, l' \ -':" ' . r ,. . . " .~. \ . . . :, ',." \ , TO'HA~',A1rD'T'OH9r.D\.thG.~'f,&Me.j,n 'fG~"Simple. fOr'e~er.. " ..'. , . '\ . . Andth,e' S8~d. par~y.. oftl1e.tirst p.art QOeBOOye,~~tw~'t~.' t~e\:'~~~ party, ,of, tho' sooondpaj't , .~hat he. 'ls l.awtully seized :of ~'he' S8~d' pro!nl~es~th6t .thei'iire: -free frp'mol1 luc\lmbrancee ,ant\ :t'bnt" . '," .........,'. .~. ..., . _':', ,.._.:,.., " ,\ ;'. ' ,~~, ',_ : ~ ',.~ '.. ~,. ." -';":' ..:c.....~_: _ ' ~' , ." '.'_..~' '.::: . 'he has ~Oo(rri~htend'.la\y:t111;ou1;h.orltyto 8911 the"some:,ond.the Bl1i<l',oarty, oftM firat,pertdoo~ ----.-:---------'---=::-==~'....----. --------..,..-- ~..---.--,:-----.,-- ---'<-..... " _...." ':. '. .,.'" ..... .', ':. '. ,;," '.: ,~~ :'::~' .\:' .:. herebt t~lly',.a.r~aqt, tbG,Utl~":~(), 's.al~ lend,' W?d""/~ll' "d'ofend ~htt'iHttlO' 'oSa~l1.Bt:,the.'l~w,f"ul, cIa ims:9,:t all persons' whomsoev~'r.".. In,'~71'Tl1ESS ..'I!C;,~~F.,' the, aSid pori\<;oi': the;il~t.~~r~ 'baa h~f~~n~()"'bet ~l:~~ban'd'o'~d ~eal.,tia, " " , . . .., .. ~ . .. , 1 ,~,-x",." ,.- _,o,~., '.1 ..;- j , I I .~I . ' ~" ~tJ . \ ..,. I~ II' /"': .~ " .~ ;~. ; ',,-~ !lay :and YBli'r ,above' ~~t'tGii. " 'Signed, 8,eolodQ.and " Katherine Rowan., - Eli#ene Lovelaoe" '}, deUV'er.ed in our. pr:eSenoe: ?OB~,P9.. J~ HG1.fI ( Se.el:>' : -. t'. . . .' "" ~- ,.a .. .'40, . 'I.'., , .....: ".'" ' , . STATZ OF ,m~~orJRI Is's. ,COUilTY OF, ,.:rACK 80)1 ,) .'. ,.... .', 1 ':'-..... "~t ". I-liereby'oenlfy. that on th18, 30th day of t!orohA.--D. '1926,'beforp me'peraon8l1y.'ot)l)oored',~ . ~.~, ~', ~:' ~ .:: -. ". :...--~:6: ..... 'J~:";' ~:.' "'Q' :'_' .' _..-.. ; ,,' ":' ~ - '.'~. "'-- .... ,,' . -_ ...,.....-' :-.... it' -:........ - "'-.":,: , J06epUi.J. Helm,e. wl<lowe,r, to' me, kn0Wn to 'b.9 th,e 'per$one 'dosorlbo,d in and '\;lho exeou'ted the foregOing. . ," . " ". '.' '.' ."..." -.. --~"'- .....~.. .,.. '-~ -..,; ....' . '.' .....~:. . .,.. .,' -...... oonvoY;~n~e, and'aoknowl'ea:>q~,t.heexeotiti6i1 :thereoi to' be' his"fre~' &ct 8,nd deod :for.. .t1,6 ;,usea a~d ,'. . . _! . . '. pUrP,)SGS ,thereln,.moptlonOd. : ": .' :1!:'IT::S8.,~.; etgnature, and .()ffioie~ seal 'Qt.Y.o.n~ilsCHY .iri the CuntY"Qt Joc~6Qn am Sta'te:' . " ofl.Useouri the da~'Qna year '1:est,-!.f9:J;e,Soid.;. . ~ 1 .. . ~ .. I'" (~leo:.oo I .R.StaflJ>8' can.) 1/' , " A~o)ph'l'. Uey~r .f Seal) , .' Hotar;{'tu'blio. ~.te ~eot, J:llsElourl Hi 90f',misaion' axjl'! ree Deoe\ilbet 1926~ ..",".. l~t,h, ,,; "7 Flled~ua reoorded op thls the 12th d.f(i of' Uay.' 1925. at.'ll: 30 A .P.. <<'I '.. .... . ", '~.',.' . . -~ . .1;. ; -~~i' - '-;- ~, . .'; _,"n' _,' :~'\?_ . . 'p.J C. ~ldr~d't C1 tlrk -crire'ui t C()ud;; . , ?X' , . .' .' tJ.. . __.-~ :j;~', -c., '. . . , . . .. ': . D,C. ,-,' <~7JJ.UJ 14LL. . . ~ . '. - " ' . . . ~ '. ,-. . . ~ ,".~-~ --'--~ _m"~___ .~-:~"'-- - -- ,--.~-- --~~ ~--: -~c~-::::.:;:__::~~-~"".'-- --- - ",.,. ---- _,_. ___-__ R. -R. lit.?TIU TO. LE'o'/I$lo~.HA~DER . : ~I " - y W4R;~:;':'Y.' npm ' ~ o.nl OfT~:: :::~:"~:"e::?::::e::~t::::::::;:.: 'p:~~ 9::, t~:T;::~tJI :B::;~::' ::;~::~":i"H~- '.-, ,. of t}1e CQ;,mty of Columbia !.lndSt,ute of'HeH "{or}: party-o! tho sec0nd iH:.rt, "'I 'l'li;:')S:::i'H , tla.t tl-.e, paid part] of tho 1irat part, tor and' in' 'conetdero'tlon ~'ft~iO sum. of :.,/"Dolla~, tohlr,lin hand '. . I . I , pd4,thot.6G~pt whoreoi' le, lllreby aoknowiedeed', h,*e 'r.ranted, barpoioed, sold' ond .transferred, I1nd.~ these presents does ~rt.lntf berpnin, sell and ':ran$:'er ur,~';o', tho sald party: of tho cocor1d . . . - I . p,rt an~, hie heiraand 8~SG1~mg ,forever, all that o.rta1np(l~-cel Of' l.a r'4 being In, the more partiGularly desoribed as