HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0524 ,Ii' T I ' , ~ \' ,., I. ",~ n:'~T"", ,'; t;' ." .i'-":~"-'I~''''''~'' '.' ~~!Q ,,' L, _Ln___~:. i _<i. '._.1 ',I. .;, I..' J ," . ~-,~.l_~-f'---'~V-.t-O ~" -L~,'-,~,_n . ,1,;:" , J' I ,Ji .. I. 'I . 'i. , .' ;1" n',_,_ :..1 r' I '~.' ,', ' f. I' "'; 'I " .' l . I, , . . .", J " . I I. t I I , . I,. I [,';,' I .., L '.' . .' I . ,,' " I I' :. I .' ,I ..,~-;:i.~~~L>..~,~L~',~~~,'~;'>~L:J;'L:..;," ,:~..:: ,...,..:...:,. ~.:: ,: .., ,..:~~~,~~~~~~S_~~.:~:.'~.J,,"~'iJ: I, ,::,:~ ',' ,i'~~ ::,..1..'.':.: : :~~,~l ";"1.(,___,.:: .:' ..,. .,': .. . I.' ,', 1 1," -:,,' "'" :'., ,;,' ", I~,. ,....." ',\: I, '. . ',\ . -:.1 I '.\,. The9o\lt'h'lleB~'qu~rt,r of, SQutl,1eaBlt,qua'rter' of \Se,ot~on,2Qi.TO,\\11thi,P ,55 South.,: { ,. . ';, 'I" ' . \ ' , 'I, \ I:,' ; . .. ,. \ 1 , ,';.. 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'. . t ' .' .- . '. , "" \ .... -' . . -~,', .' . . . "'..',.' . '.'," ~ . _.' .. . i ". _ ,,.: ,'-" I ,",: And the Baid,p~rty of' t.he' firSt~part~oeecoveriant' with',' the Bald' party 'of the \, ."~; -. . '\ .' ~ '.' . . '. \.- ",'- -. .: - . ",." ..'..", . . . "o'. .'. ' " , .. SGoondpart that he, Is ,lswful1ysel,zedof . the" seld ,~emi8eB. ~M't:they are. ire e, froIItall.lin-' :. \ \.,~..~.':,... :~. ",~' '. -.... .~-.- ". ," . ,-"-... . ',- ",.' . .", .,' ;'1:."'# .'..'.... ' :'. "~. ...... ....\ . '.' louQlb'r~noes.8.nd~ that 'he ha,s gOod"right and ,lawful. autho.rity, tQ.~'aell 'the'B~mo i',and the, sai.d lJatty, . ~ '. . :.'" - . ~ '. . " ,. ' '. . ':' .' f :. . '. '" ",,, : \ ,...: -.'.. _ " ,~', l \ '. \ : ...... '. . '. . ot..the't1:1'8~';part does hereb1 fully' warrant the title ,to 'said land and w111' defend. the: 88/lle" , ". ."... .' " .. , " . \ '. " ).' .""', . ~ ag8inst"the. ~a~ful,c18ireB ot a].1, p~r~o~s Whci:.~o"over..':,', _ ~ .1 .' '. . . , ' ": !n.m:~lfES8<Yfl~nEOP,'~bosa1dpal'~y,'ofthf)I: irst'part:':.l~o. pereunt'o set his hand' . . ..- ~ , \. . . . ,"~'.", .". ,. . 'a.t;1d .B~8t :,thO: day aDd ,io~r ObO-VG Wf~ tten.: ','. . ~..; '.' "';.. . -.-' . ". ~. ". ." ~. :~ ,',', . .. ~, '- . _: 'i ':-Sign~d;. s801ed oridC1elitered,ln our ,p.reserioe: JJal'gar,et E.Rogers '. " '.'. ", ,,' '1l'~ '~~ HfUilml.n,~ e' '" _', . . - .,' """'~ . . ',' -. , , R.,R~ 'nart~p . (seal):' H ~ -.', .."'. .' '. .. STA TE'. OF: n.O~lDA CC:",,' ,..,'.., ': COUNTY O,1St.tu~;E",' ", .'" .' : ' I !I,ERE'~3YCSri~JFY "rrlul'~ on~hiB 30th .day of ~aroh' A'.D.19~6,~efOT~ ~e pers.ona1:l~ .' . ",_ " .. . . _ ".". ".' . .' _ . '. ..' t '< ,,~ .' _ . .' '. .... ;_.. _,," . ' ' . '. app~ared H.' ,n.~.~taTtin to.m~ . ,Well )::no""n,.and:~riown tOtnD ,to'be'th~ pei'Bon,~t).sorlbe8 in. 8~~ w);1o. '.. . ' . : . .-' -. _:, . ...~', " '" .. . ~ " '-., ,." .' . . .:: '_', ,,0_ '. . _ : . ,. . , '".. s. .' flx~oute,d the 'foregoing' oon wyanctto LewIs P. lterd:e r'sna.'aCknow1e<l,fred tl1e exeoutiOtl .thereof t()' .. . : ....'. . . . . .' ~ . ,." " . . " '-. ,'. .'. ~ ' .' ' .' ", ..' -' . ,". . " '.. , . . . .~ .; . , '. ,'.,,-. . .. " -.' . . . ~ ',' .... . , . ' .'be "~ls. free' aot. an4c1'eed'for'. tbe U88~eJla ptirpos/Js :th,ere1n tnentlone~ "," ';"'.." ''; ,-, " WITll?QS.:rily,',slti'~8ture 9,ri~O~~JO'ia~ ~,BlJel ~t.1.,Ol:'~',P1er.ce' In:'th'e Coun~tyof::S:t.. Luoie .~e }lay :~~d ,y~e.~188t ~~:or~~e~~...., .' " , . . . .' . " "';.', " ". .' , Margeret E.' Rogers ' (Seai) 'Rotary PubUc, Qtete.~f ~,orid8. ,:l!y oornmi,8,~.10n explwes Sept., 10, 1~2fi:' , ~ " ", ')- .~~. . ,8.~tat-e .1 ' '. "~ . 9. , . - .~ ,..' I.'E.8twnps oen:.)',. ,. " , Fll$d and r.ecord~d <:in th-ie 12thdf)Y of trey, .19~~, at ll~:~O A.JI. . . ,.. . ,;" ~"" ' ", .~~7'-, .' ,,,l:' " "'...... .' . ......, . '. .' "t-. (C' :~~ 'i~. c. -Eld1:!~ Clerk' 'Clrou1 t' Cou:rt. ,0., ',~,-,,' " ,,- r , \ . ~_. . ",-~--. '.By'~a ~', :./J Q > ,,-'D'o<h .....lLIAM4J //~'/~ -t' . .'. ' , t. ":". . ' . -L. _.__.~_~, ___~____~~_____~____ _________ . -~-----.:,.-'";- --;-~-~~,~-~.;.~~-c-~,- _;.__ __ ___ ~-_.~.. _ _ ..7~~:;-~-:-7~-~~ "'!o'~-~':~ ~ ~-- ':.:.:.:-;... -.-"" .;:-'. _ ":- ~--.- --,-_-,.."-- -.. ~".,-- ,- _ _ -~:- _. _ -.... ..'- _ __ _1-' ~.... ':. -." i;' ~,--- . JOSEPH J. HEm,. TO,'.- FLORIDA '. WARRAUTY DEED ..~:. ~_~-'--_: LE'.fIS 'or. ~';'RD~R I ' . 'THIS lrrD21PrUR?, Usdo. thiS 30th day of d8rCh.A;.D. 1925., BET7r~En JOREPtIJ. HEn! '.' Q (7ildower)-~'f the Countyof,J8?kson and 'State' of Ul'f:aourlpsr'ty 0"1 ;tM first part,'a'nd L?lI~ '. , F. HAH,D:-m 'o~ theCouniy pf COlumbio' and state, of liow York party of th~ second part. '1IT-18SSETH, . , . .... , t thQCsaldparty--ol'--:--the.firiltpart, torUanc11ti'fconslderotlon. of tho sum of Ten Dollars and t., , - , , other valuable oo'nsideration to him in hEfnd paid', tre reo,ipt whereof 18 I.reby 8QknoVll~dFed. ,- h,8B granted, ,bargained,' eOl,~.Qttd~ansferr~d" and by these pn8ent~ ,dOGS ,rant, bar~91n. sell, and trans/fer llnto the~ia'p.rty 'of Jth,e. seoondp,art, and his heirs and 'a~si~nBforever~ '01], that oerte'in Daroei of ],and lying and b!ting in .theCourity of St. Luoie and Rtet. of P~oricls I:llore '. ~'~-' parti oularly deBO,rib9,d as follows: .' (1) The llortheaat quarter ,j.... j30} South ~angt lortf HO) ~..t, ./ ~ ttmi) ot Seotion Twtnryl Ei'ght (28) 'l'Olfnsht}> Thi,rty cOlltf.li~1ng One 'Hundred erA 81~J~60) .or.~. Jl191",.,c>' . ..c ~ :,.~ :".<~: -- ..i~c:;;.~,' ;.;~. .~-r,"~~";- ~_:.'O.- ~ ". :.:..-._-,:=,~ 0 -.':''';.;.',~.:..::;':::~'' ,",~,:<"" -..~ ~~~ . ......-..--- ~ - - ~- --