HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0528 "''I'' I' ._". ')" /. .': . j'r. . . _~_ _~c--'-~~._-:-----'--:------~_~ -,';F 'I; L, ...~ -'." ~ .;.... J. . . "e -~:-,! :'" " . --,' ~;,~ 5i~7 ..~. ;. J I ,~ . j . i '';' f . . ,~_----_I~ i !1. I' " . . j .,' " "rO,? '. ." .' 1 r' I I ;0=: .' \ \,.\. I J t \. ~ ~ r. I :;. . I", I, . I . I ' - '. I . I .. \'. I , -l ,-~.,;~ .' '. ---~..-..........."'" . ".; - . ., , ,:~'- '" " I, ""':':~'~'l :..,.':,~~,,;,.>.L'~"~f'J- , r.';'''~ro';,,:=':~~;~:~~,.:, 7.,::ti.: ,.,',"1, I. fI.~ZP.,~~',:lt.O~"RT~':1 .1 "'I,' ;'TO. ' ;, \ :J.',W.WILSOlf ", ",,~' I "" \. . .1 I,. I.' .'. 'W~RRAirrl~' . D~SD" 11,\ ,\ t '. ',' . "", .\;; '" ' ~' "~I. '" ..... t~;.... . ";'~.._"'. \'l,_~;,;...lo\: '~_"_~'" ~'.\,,-'t.l ~ I . ,,',: . _\"t \",,_,_,~;,__,\ I \ .,' , .THI~DSED,'1I8d.e,th(f'13thd~'or}t8Y A~ D~ 1~25', by'L1iBie'~. UclCa:rti.. wl'c!'o'w',of .1__\,....... t_~ . ~:\\:' '.\1",.'-" : I. ..,.'\.,,-'.', _ ..' I ',.'1 ~~, '\ ',_ ~',\ ':-~'" ," . ...... . . .......\ th~ QO,unty, ot- St. L\101e.:StEite. Or norldaherelpafter oalled thegront'or,toJ.,W.WUaO!1 'of the '. " . ,"'j " ." ~""',.' _::"',':. ',,\. ,__"__':~'_:~~_'~~"_ t,~?\ ,.-__~-_'--\..____-c~~__----~--~---'--~ .; Co~nt:r,of,St..,Luo'1e.8tatC!'o.t'lorl~a,"~er(1n8fter,oellGd the grantee." "', .', :,"\ ,', t." ~ ~ "'. . " . \ - . '.,". -\ . . __ . " .... ~ '... _ . _ . ", \_' , , '''''IT.ne.S~B. th&t~he' $OU'gr8nt~r" 'In '~.onsldGrqtlQn. ot Ten~oll~ieond otl\~r' . ;, .. \ ~,,' ,'. ~ ; \, . \ . - , . ..' \. " \ . . ,,\ \ .' \ va luab,ie ,.oO-P~~4'~!.~~!c~chl!._Rg.~lar~lt,.~',1{h!~:t!3)el~.t : w~ertofl 1B hereb~ ,oQkn?Wl.ed,r.ed:" d?e&g.i;ve ,~a-ran~ ~. ~ ' . . <: ,... . . . . . " ,," \ : . .' .~.: ',~ .- - - --Of \-----.--~__:_-~ , - '. .~.::batgo1.n. 8$11, lalLen, .remise,,' rele'aBe, enfeoff. oonvey ond' donfinnunto ,th~ Baid: fl'rant~ and .~' ; .4..' '~_ "" _." . :,.' " -~. _,." "t' .' .... ". ~,':': ~l ,,' .:_. '\ ':..1',.:,,' _ :~. ~. \ :. Lbls:hol.rs ond ~ssl~s In,"r:oe simple, '~he,'iandB 'll~u'ate'in St.'rJuoi~ Count,y~ 'St8te',ofFlorlda, .> " ',', . .." -.' .. ,. ~ ."..... ,. '. . ~ f~: ~ \- ',' ~ .- :'~:l'.., _~ ..': -.. \ '.' .". .. . .' -''--.'J -,. d.80U~.d8B'~fo'nOWB: \,," ,.'.,,' -. " \, " ,':, , Lots'T~n':J10L8nd Eiev.8n',(i'ir'Qf'nlOOk'"'Il":OfD1ttr.1ar~lroC8rt;'.B""" ',: ,'-, .... <. . .",. . -' -,..". '..' .-. . '- '., ,,',. >. . . "-', \- '." ,,-,-,-'; reVialOilof the'ir'shbdlvtBiori,'(ie-p,er'Pl~'t reool'c1ed,in Plat' Book Ono' (1) tit'pag8'Thr$i13L,-_:',~." .~.a.~. ' ....:-:. '. .' '._' '.' \_ . i.', ~. ._.' '. ". . . , '..". ':-_.' '_. .", ";. re~orcis of ~t.' Luoie County.: FloI'ld a. " J ' ' . : ~ . . . \. . .- . . '. " '~. .'1 ~.: . ~:I I ~ 'G.-<,.. ' . ~ ~" :', ~, '. I' , n I' , ~~ !l';,. ';' . ~ r~ . ;;' ~]. . '. ,. ,-r--' . . .; ~ \:" ,. " 1- _."':0'" I" [ fl, . \ '\ -' " '. i '. <P ~ . " . '(!1.OO'l.Jl.Stami>C'8ri.~ , ",~:,~, __ ' , . , ". . ;'." - ,,' ,,': - . '- '. "",', '" ,', . -'. ,.,' . .' -.". .,' . ", .',' . . . ...TO', '~1AVE' .AUDTO: HOLD the' ;a.ame t'ogetbEI'l' 'with tho hereC\11;ament8 ,8'nd' 8;p'pu.rt,nai1o,e,,~ . ~u.qt_O'~tM;'f!a'15L'~,8?tU.,_~~d" ~1~' Mlrl(~,d:lUf~.L~nB 1fll't'ee,~~~~,:~'-:~~',-~-~- "'_'~'.__~_ ._ __~C~": __ '~.-;-_ '" AIm. the 'Baid, g~~l1t~:r;. f.or 'hO~Belf 'al1~"'71~r hoirs' ~~~:ie~a'l"representatlyee, :',: .,.:':,~ .'.~ " . " " ',' . " : ,', " . ,\, .' '. .. . covenants lIithaa1d 8~an~(6)' hiB. he.1..rs" ~(B8l reptesent~nveB and 'assfgn~: That ~ld granto'r Is".. :., 'no\'l 1 ~e;OU:~~blY:"~e~ze'd 'o'i'e,aid. :lond .'~Tr1'~(t' 81'~Pl~~;lthat~ld '~~'~ntor . hap, full'P'jJ.'1~#' and:lawful ". .;right'to o'onV6"Y'8uld l'o.nds 'lnfe8:,s1r.1pl~,' 8S afores#lt'd; thnt',it,i3han be law'ful f!)T aaH, frI'6p.tee..'. , ,. ., ll; ~:. " ;; ~. '. .' , ~. : ~ ~ r I', I' " ' 'hIB, h,' ~B, 16 ~.l r.~r'. 0 n tB ti~nB. ~d ~ . BX,.. , . t "11t';0 Bp'.~" b l~ ~"d q'.< i, tlY ,to . n.. r,upon. ,'. '~" : hold, oooUPY and en,joysuldhnd;'thnt",e111d',l1)ndiE(,fr~"e:'rom all inC;tu!lbranO!ls;.' that 8S1,~ /,!"rantor. I ' "~':'_,'~ht1~!t-'lJlO"dtroS"'S:nldd lCBa~'. r.ep,resenta'tivos. c"lllmDke,-s\l,ch' ,f1trthor-~~na~Sto. ~ifeat' 'the fe~s"lmple:'/'. ~ :> lan~,' 1~' s8~'cf er~t~~, hi,s hil'irs J' .:I,e~~ rop ~~enta't1:vee"an~ u88trn8.'8:J,m~y, ' r:,' . . .',' .<:, reaB,o~abl;! ~e' requ'ir~d;and' t.~t said ,g.r~nt.or ,do here.1,s_ ftfi,ly\Vartontthq, t1tf~,.t'oeal~ la~d.' : t. ' ...' . .. " . ,,' . . ~' ')'\, and \'1111' dofend tho.a')me'8~lnst'the lavd~ul ol~insof ollpe,faonQilhomuoever.'. . .: tl:,"'" '.~'~;: " .<~11T!~q~,thO~tld and seal.O'foJ.id gr3l1tor. tno day-nnd,year ~ir!)t,a'ho,';e."Nr1ttEin..- Sighed, aenledond \19l'l. ver,ed . Lizz18 3. !!oCarty{~ca I). . . in t~o preoenoo' oi': . ,'. '" L Eugono U. Caillard ~ !\orgar~tcoffee.. ..' ~' , , t , a f. " ~ . t. ~'. . , . '. ' , I S.T'k'i'3 0:' . nOP.IDA.", .. OOTfTY 0::-' ST.. L~TCH: ,: . .~c. , " ~I'.." .:..,,,-.1 r . f ~'.' . ~ '" t r f' ' ~ f !:, fl ,\]. . ~ . ~ -.. ~l!ER'~:BY .CE:r.I?'l, That' on ~hlB doy p~reotlri:ay appell red. befoie'me....an o~fle,erd1.l1Y f .' ., . . . ~ . , . ,authorized .to,adrriinlater, oothe'~nd,t~}:e ocknowl.ed~eritl;!,'Llz.z11)' b.J!c-qa:rty, 8w1doW~ t<?'mowoll , ,". ',' .. . .". . . ,kno\'Jn and,kn:\'m' to I?oto.botho indl~~dtl'a~ dos,crlbed'ln and, ~;/OO' exao\lt.edt~ ,fo.:rygotng d.~,ed, and ahe aa~~ rilWl'odged,bef,o,r,o J:lll. that she ey.ocuted~ho sar.lof l'oeIy ,and v'oluntf1'ti1:r"~'or ~ thQ.-p~~oso~ ~ ~horein. e~9re~ed. . , , A.lm ?~j:~"!~ 1 C3R':'I?X. ' 't.. . . ' ':'hat.tho saId ~i:no'.:;n' to r:lO to bathe \'Ii fll . ,,~ tr.e f3'a Id . - . .on u a'opai'.ute and t vote .exam.lnat1on':a:<en and wid'a by ~nd be:'.oro' L'lO. s'^)ornte1yani aport .~ . . '. . . - . -. . l _ . . . . 'fr9m her 8!lid h;1~batid.. did setn':'lllodgo '~hD.t ohe ,aadehl;lr,olf .8 p~rt?,td~;,i~ doO'dfor tho !>ur,pOS'.l : - . -) > i +. "of.. _'._, . .' . " ., of :rono'mcinE'~ rolinquishing ur:d cOlivq~nF' eIlhor T1""ht, t~tte,andli1tor,-)st, Whoth~of,' dower, ,hor.;e'atou.l 0::' .o:t'~:t:":terr'oport~. 5~otutory or. oqn1 table, 'in u'ndt!? the, lands ,deseri b'e~ t~l!Jrer;'. and thatahe oxeoutedthe 0'.l1d deed, fr~f.lI.v undvolunt!Htl;.', -an~ ,nithout 1n~' (:'r::,;ula_iJm,_doJ~~~~ ',,--. .' ., ", ,.., i '=~-') .--7-.... I~'" ..... ~;~roint ,_upprohension .pT fear. of 01' from hor soid h1wbond.' " '" I " ',/ITlTESS r.~ 'hand and oi'f1oiol' si;JOl at F'ort ?'lerce., Count~.'of ~t. Lucie und St,ateof - , ( , ':1 or' . ?loridp.-; tp' t! 13th doy of' !;oy A. D. l.n5~, ~ ~; , I narf.orot Cof{eo 1;otar;l :'11,,110 for ~ho ~tu';oo1 ?lorld'l at !,al"fe. H.:.' c r:dilie-sionb~:pil'Qo .....on. 14.l~~g. t (, ( , ~-'--'--=-_4-- . . --=--~~--.-~~--