HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0539 " . ,,' I~'" '"",,/,:'"' ,. '~~-'L-.,J-',(' ,_~;,C~::n ,",', 4, .. '_:_~-~~ I.----.---r-~_, .~> . , . 1 ,., _ .! ~ .. t...: . 'J "',< ....J ,', l . ~. " Ji, .. , . ' , I" ,I' .' i ' "', i", .1' "' , , ' . ; " ',' ,'<' ,~---':~-~L-,,i-------, 1'+,_, , :,',,11 '", "I ,'.. I'. ',- I . I .. ' I l '1 , I', . .I " . . I '. ~' _ I', I ,I I. I" ',' I 1 .' , r',:. I I ,.'..'.1 - 'r-"'"~'.~""'1 .:~. ~~......~....., ~ !,' '1 . ~ " -~("'l' .'..'-.;;;.;;. 'It" ",'" /_~, --..... 7"""i-"''':Y.,'_~ "_"H~',H"<' t. ,~=+-==_==t~.f...n.... 'C"'~'''''i-..l..~---= ':' .. . .~~~-~~. .. ~ .1"'~'~~~~T"G,.....""....,.....,.."h.""...""-",,-~,",~&c,",,,,= " ",:. .an~ .'yd.t~'otit la~'i ~~~',t;~in~, f'~lar~ 8'~preli~neiori' q~IQO;-~U'l~on:' 'of ~~ ':t.r~~\liu~' Baid ~u.Bbln~.1 .'; '. ~ \ 'I i I \r:r~T~~~~ rnJ'; d1~~~~re,I'~~'~~tfi9~~~11 oeai b~ 11~~t 'p~Jii~edoh ',i~ t~~e.coiu1~~, ,~~..~a~ B~~cih'< ',lIt " ,,' " ,( I h" . " . , . \;, \' , " " '.',' "',,', ,I .~..'.' \.,", ". ,:',( 8r1dfS~~~'Of;~lJ' d8~ 114tlyia~a yea.:r1~8t.1!OrB8a1d~\\,' '" .".r ' ,I \',,\ ~'. \, ': I I.:' '\,.\\'...~,.~_:.\ " \ \.' ,," ," ,'~';," .I".,i'..':\ :'> .;~QrgUer1t'~.i~~r~~'~" l",' '., " i' . ">.' ,."'. \ 'I.' I.... ,\' llOT~RY,l'.~J~JC\,\ ' :' .... ,', I \' ,:, '. 'I' trY o9~1B.'s~o,n ~X~t.reB t.lfov..,1~,' 1921,1' I,' .' ,,\ '\ \\ ,,: .,' \ II," '11.1,'. ,'.', ',' \..' ' \.,,:, '\.:,' " .'.'. ,,' \' \ ~,,\\~"~ .\./ 1. .,'\., ~.~" . :.\'. ..\', ' , . , <,' \ ,', \ ' " . ., l~l.d ena, r~o<n:(\,~ .O'n 1;'hi~ -'~,.18~h,~..?f ~tay 11?2~ I" a,t: 9 :57AitU.,.~' ". '. ..... ;f~'''' 1 1 :i' ..( . .". "'.,0 :\ ',I '. \ ''o . \ . '. '. . .t. .. 'p ~C ~: ,El<\red I Clerk.c{rob.1t ~,our.t~' ,\'4' " ' . '. .' T~f..! ~ .,! , ." " \', c':' .\ 'r~-", ,'. . . .' '13 ' . ,,-. ---'--' . . . , " . . "". . . -. .' . '. By '. .' " " ..'.'. .' .~ ~.14-{, D.C.', " ,':.\ , . . JOmr POST 'i:~ . . .. . :,R~ .r..~ JEm:t!~S . ""',,' TO '.\ ---",,---~ \. , .' ~. . , .... , ~ \,.:A'o':a ,E'.'g'.JiE 1l.,T": . :., ~ .' . .' j ...,..~. '. \. . . . . . ~ ~HIS.)Ar,?~mtt.~rmade ,thi 8.' tl1lJ")1thdaY'Gf-U~y ~,A,:,J>., .1926, by ond bot\ieerf JJ)IUi, POST, party' '. " '~t thef'ir ~ .I;tlrt 'a'tid:R~'~. JEifKl!ui I"p~rto:l of 'th~'.'se()~~~}J8;~1 ". :' '. . . .,'. '.'711TUm?~ETH'.. ,t'h~tforim,d '~~ :consld,~rll~i~n, 'of. ,'theB~~ ot' 'O~lE ~iJJfi~~im' ($'lOQO~o.~)D,~!.!.~~g ",.. ", ",,'. ,'';" ," _' ......_,..."... :/f_'~.':, :.,.. ; ,";'. ...~.. :.~<<). ," t.ne' p~r,~Y .'of'tl1.ltJA1"st.' pa.l:'t glvGs'tothe' pa,~1"91'the8l!Oond !la~t: the "r1ght ,to 'puTor.ase }.rt;,'or ' " .', ~ .\ I" , , .<<b ;' ., ".'. b/J for e Hay '15, , ~li t,r,at 19251 th'1 ~01l0.wingc:d~BOl"fbed..proP'8rty.'to-w~t'z '. ,. "._~" " '.. . -:' - ,: ~" ..... ..'.- . ," ", .',' .... .; ;'.~, _:',,- ~ .' -- '.:-' . .;. port' o'f thO'.~~ollth'half 9f tM;SO?thwostq~arte)r of 'Soct.l0n'Tweri~y;oi1e (21) ~n. . . " " :10\'irishiP. Thi rty~f<?\ll' (~1) I SOll.th. ~fRange ;;..)rtY;'(40),~~''8t~,,}Yirlg E~Bt ,'9,1' th~ r1c-ht,-6f:'w8Y . '. the, Fiorlda'" ~8~;t :Coast Rellway..;-(},om.p':nl ~. , , . ' *.. -.' .'.".. . Alfie), bo~lnnl~y~t the:~ol1thil~dt 'corner ~:6-r, loot \'hree (3)' ot'g'eot.ion :: ,<,' _," :~I' '~f t,<venty-oh, '( 2iL '.. : 'j .. .'., , " the . .~ ..::! ~, . - .r' ..' . . TO'Nn$h1p .:Thi~ty..fo'ur' J34) southlp.lnige16'rtYC4.ofE~et;. thenQo i'un, Horth' 10..10 'ohains on ...-'-~'~_..._'~- . .... " ~TeBt.bo.undarJof B~a1d t.o,t ~hree (3' t'o tho s.~tirtlng' poli1,t; then~,~run Eo.at7 'chains ,I}iox:eo:i:18s~0 .~' -, '. . . , ' more,: or: less .to" tho!>laoe of',Q8g1nl,li~glc 0 ontaini~gt\"lo .a~r.ii13 moro .Ol' 'l'fJB~:r. tqpethe r.\'Iith to ~nalan Jlver;'~henge ins nOi'the-r!y=dlrectHm Bionc,' tf.o shor~ of 'Indian )~~\~~r3..39: chains.. , , . . . . . . ' . . .' 'riparian ,ri(!htc;, !lIIiI.. . .. - ,f. Said t\v9- .deocr1b'ed ttoot.1..1e 'ocnti~oug to' each' othor~the;/est Une 'af 8aid Lot 'T}\r~e'(3), ,< beingol..Bo the' :;a.ot l1n~ of 8a.1~ South :!olf of the Southwllst ~Ul1rt,er. . .. .' .-' -.' .' , .:. The t)'toparcela of:land'her!lbyoonvoyed are 0. part. of 'the' land obnyeyGd '.unto 'the.Bold ,'. " ',:' , ... ." '.' " ' , . " " . ....,' .:} , ' : . : " . ~ Eliz~::';.. Ankeny' by )wight,~. T~ttlo and wife'by: deed d~t,ed the 4th day. of'June;1907, of, re'9ord " . in theo.ffloe o1.1;he ,(}1erkofthe Cl,rcuit CO\1r,t ,... \., . ,', '. .' ': '. 186.. ondt~.gethor contain':'i'}iirty:"one (31)' a9Tea .... . . ---: .____._~' ~' -' . -".,1. . ". . E,xO,epttYic, fol1-~wil1g tract' of-land o;ld to. the 3oardofPubl1o ..... ,.e Of,.8d,~'.St. LU.O,ie Cou!1tYlln-need' ~qok 3,-,' page , . . --;----::--- .' -'. "". - 'more 'or1ess.' ,,'. \ ' r Instruot1.:>n ~:m l\prll \ 7~h,' ~n51 and robotdad l~}Deed Book, 230 pa?o ,209,desc.~lbeod OB,fOl~~71S:' .' . 'Be'glmiinp-'on tho South'l1ne ~(tho 'South r.alf.0f' tro,S~uthwe8t q\lartet of 8edt16r.TwO:..tj~ . ". ' ~', '. .!t- '.a ,one (21) in 'Tow nshl p Th.fi'ty-fo:UT'(34J South of :\Qri~Q,'NT't1 (40) .:':aatl 2iO,fe.e'~ :-:{lst Qftno ~ast - line .oft,he :'l'Orida::aat Coast ?all"oy Cor;jpanyfrfht-Qf-71~Y; thenoerili'i !fest to said l'i~ht-of- . '. i'iUY 210 foot ;thoITei7 H.ortl:erly a lonE.. 3Jji d:.'gat Hno_of, '?l1.!'l}.t_":'of';"'/Ia~ 210 feot ;'thonce due i-1ast. ' 210foetj ,.thenoe .~out1:erly parallel 'tIit};: Oaid rirht~of-\'IOY 21~ feet to pOlntofbo~lnni:nf:1 c~n~ <1 X~:;~! ~1"!O'J~A!m (~161000.00) DO!.UP.S ,pa;ruhlo :'~:l the 'f011'O"'iit~g r:-oUnnor: " ... . O!IR .'tainlng onoacro r:\('~'o'or leysl r013or'linr, h')\'/':Y9.T, . I , ' .. r1rr.i:-of-','iUY to bo ~:/]!)t ooor. DC I) 'uablic TOad. o. - 'f a strip 20 fii}t,vidoalonr 13111d Bestlino of ' ..:f ., Also o::-:6optlln,ds preYJo'HJ~Y deedod.:';o ,Chllroh~ ',. , I I will deliver to tho pa,rty of tho second H.lrt.u warranty deod to tho above deccribed . ,...~},~r'", ,'~; /' ,f . b. 0'" ..'" +1' ad" q'!"! "".T("""""; ,(loot'. "OAOOO) 'J)'or''f'.-qq 0.8 U i 0 f;.i.qr). V on , . -....... ~_.. -' ,-: ',,,,\It +-'.', .."'.)U tV. _ J~ '........,. . _ I,' ~~---=--------'-,;, l _'~ ':1 obotruct 0:" t i '-10 cun .bo 'doJ.i vOl'cd ,on ,whichdu te . ,I ..-:., . ')ll.or befo're ':'i!OTRA~m' (".1000.00) m!.1AJ~ '!.!ay HI 192~.' or 'lle'.lJOOnor.~ an th'o porty, oftl'.e .f .' ~=:..=..-