HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0541 ". P, .." . I' . " "'f""','. " ."1'- .... "," I ; " ., I Y .... I' . . . . " !. -.__.u 1 . I . . I !! I t-53:0~t~I'~~I"'~~-;{-1' .' <0 ., .----~---l-... ./ 11',... ,','. :.: ..' . .', . :....' : .1 '. . , ! f . ,I "., I..; -':, ,',' '. :' ". , . \ .\ ' , I r , I , I ' '0 \ .' l'. 1 l . '. I . '..~ . ': . f" I I '.' . I' . ,'. , _ . . ~ - I I. ,I '. "..~#~+-':,tCi: .. "='::~~';--;,~~G'~~"C;:;C~' 7...:-.',,:;:;:~~.h:~~-;-::" '" ' \~.'"..:.l".:,. ..:;fC~..,,~"-'t'u,,':-;.,....,; ..' Tf\ p. rty 0 t . t h~.. "io;'~ ?" ~~""I' ,h~. hoi... .nd '.illi~ gn. f ~,,"'~r. .u ~i"ib .tto ,In po..":" ~ of' ~tnd 1'1: ~;'g' " .' ,:/ .' i I" .nd,b 81 nf, 1ritft:C ~untY' Of\k~.LuOh .M St. tr of Fl ~ :rId. t ~o,r8. p. ~t 1 oul.ri d~ ~~Wl ~.d .~ ;0 l~ <i ~j " ".-;-" ; , . . ''f~~ \o_~e ICi) in Bloo~ ~hru (3) of Edg~wobd^dditlon to' the Cit~ ot. Velro" FlQ1!ide... \ooo~rd.1lr\B ". .-.-:.,-.... -, : I. ,'" .11 1. l.i",L ,..." ,\. . " .' ." \ '" ' ,J ' \1. , .\ \ I a " ;to. . P.i~. yr.?o. ~d8d '~,\P.g.",.nty. <.lglWf-wr-ot, ,Pfpt :..10, II., T...~),~l, Of,tbe re~~";\',. 'of- st. In ~1..' ' , , ,J ';, \l~~u~~.. :F1.orld~.. . _. .... I \ \ . ' \ i \ .' \ _ \. \ \. \ . ". ; \ ,::1~OGETf1R',\!_lltli .~?: .~ho; tenk'men.tB:" h:l)r~d1taments\~nd 8Pi?urte,~n9.~.'\~ith.,ver3 pr1vne8e~ ~\ght'.\\r 1 ' . I t1.tle~ 'i~t.erJ~t olid. 'e.~tate,'.,re~e~i~n. . re~al.n,~8~ ~nd ~~~~ment tb~r-tlto l1elo~g~ng',~r",in:.8n~~'ae. ',:" .,' ,__.i18~p~t~:~nl~i TO. HA~ All? ?Q., UOL~ the sa.me, "~, fee .B1~. :p~~ fo~v8r!,., \: ' ,'.' \.' : .'\ ,.'... '". '.' ,~nd..~heB.81C1.porty. ottne. ~.lrst. portdoth ~ovc~ant wi th the .'.e-s1.d' p8rt~ ~f. the' ~8o()nd part . . Lth8t" it' i~lO\'lf'lllV .B8hed - ~f .the.e~id premises; ,that they 'ar~'free. ~'f\~i-llnob~brlJn~es, and .... " ~'. . -: . .: ~ . ", ~ \ . . ..... .': . ~ '.,,' . . - ." . .' . . ~ . . &. :'. -.' > .' -~. :' :' - . ' :. ' th~t 1 t haa' .~o?d' ri~h~ 'pnd' lawful .au~hor1ty' .to ~ell. the Bame; 8J?d :th~ '-sa1-d i~rt;y ,af ,'~~ef1rBt' .' '.. '. . '. . . '. \ ". . .. . .... " ........ ': pa.rt. ~o~s) ~~eb1 ~~tl~~. wsrr~n;, the 't1t~e to. ,sald.1ond o.nd: vJ.1l1: defe?d'~he,'\E)am~, ~.~~lnet.t.h8 ,..... 'lawfu.101!i'1ms.Of'81;1~' i'sp np whomsoever.: . . .' . ... '.' .' . }'. '" ~ . ,= . ~ :. . .' '. l _ .. . . . . ::. < .' ~", ,.;. ~ . . ." _ . . ' '; .: '. . '. .... . \ ',' . flr ';'1IT!TES~\'(;~R~OF. the said 'p8 ~ty o'f th~ first po rt 'ho !;l"caueed . these presentfJ' to be'" .',; ."~'.'I'" ~ . .',,' -. '. - ~ ,- ~'~. '.." _" .:'c~ '8igtl~~' In~.1ts pr-e.'~1dotlt. ,~rid l.tBOOrpO~~t&t;~~a.~ ~o be af'~1:xed~ at~e:~te~'b'~~t's:: ..' ,. :~. '. \,.- ~;', . :': ""'--.: =-, --'1'-~" 4_L"f I ','1' . , I . j t i -I .'t- . ! I I 1 , . '1 ~l . . -.1 i t , " A tte'st: ab.Qve wr~1!~'el). . ','. ' " . ~. . ~Oi'L?OGrtA'R?~iTY C.O. '. -.' . ~--! .' ;',' . .>. . " ~ -:-. By':~'ll11~am' .Graves.. . Jr. .. .' Yl.o.i-Pr~eid G.nt. . . '.r_ . , . . p." . ! . to i ,:: j . J :. t . -.l. ''', f.."] ..,..'~~.'..." . J . 'i' '~J ~ :1 o! '1 . . , .:~. Signed, Bealed and. 'deli ",end' in 'our p,r~$..no.e: Jamee;T ~ VooUh 'Peyl. '.It. !!lSle: ~_,__.,::.. ... ~.. - --"~.~._. ~ I. ' =-~_.~-,-~- .. .' .. . . .> STAT~O:" nORI-pA" ~t " , '. . 1 . . . .. cotmTY,OF ST',' LUCIE: it',' . . " ".. t. ~ . '" . . ~ ~, i,'. . ~ . I ,~R":-9Y'CE~1-PY', That (jnthi830t~ia~ of UarCh. k.Di ~1925.beforetlo perBonol1.YQ.~!J~.re.d '.t: ""'';' 711;1.i18r,J~r~v~e'j ~r. .and '.11iii.orn .Giloon' ~~spec'tlre~y ViO,e :Pres ~dent' fmd :~eoret::ry of 0!!::'.o.O!1\ '. _..", - ." ~S..u.:'YCO!rPAlTYa'oo)-por8tlon uhao! the 1+ws of the 8tttt.9 of' norida tome knoVm, to,b~ 'the pe~008 ",":': '. . -.' .. '". ' "-, .' .",' ".' '. '~.eori'bed:~i1 a~;a W~O.ll~~ut.e? t.~~.f~~Ei~~~F 'eo~veY8nc.,to,111~iOr:l, n~lpanand' .~~veral~:i:..a.ok.ri~fI~:dF.~. . ~he execution thereof to be ',their free~t a'n~. deed a8- 'suoh offioers, 10r theu~ee. and~ PU'rp<J38B ;. "'~:"'". '. ~..':.. -'. '", - ". .... -~...,...\.;. therein mentioned; and too t' thoi8ff1Xe~'i thereto the Offioi'al seal of a.ei~ c'orpqrat.1.on, ~nd'" '. : .' - '- ." _' f . .;. . ,," . _ ,,~.. ',?:' .' ., . ' . , the. B oidinBtrum9pt- lB., t.ho oct 8h~ deed}~ot ,Baid 'oorp.o~tl.on. .. .' ". .~'. ,," . ,," '. - . . i .~"'.. 0 ,,' ";:.~:,' . .' .." .... -. . .'1I'l'lJ~SS Diy, slgnatllre-:- and 0#i0101 $'~alat VerfJ in the CountY,ot .St.,Luol 0' 8,nd.~tot,e of' _,,' .,:.. , . ~." . ,,:: '.' - ~ ,1:,_.:;' ~ :" . .' ;';" '_'_ ..." "" _~' ," f., _" - , . .. . . ~ '.Flo;rida the day and 'yearla.s t 'at6resaid~:i~, .. :3 :. . . ~ \) . "" ...- . . P8u1H, l11s1'a. (Sool) . . notary Publio. ~tote of' FJ.or~do at .1a~ge., try .CClplroisBion <<nCriroB Deo.. 5,'192.8. !;. . "f::: I' . Filed, aM reoorded dri thlsthe 16th 'd(j~ .ot May; 1925. at 4:10 P,~~. . '.." ...._~ ~ -- - "3 I.' 't--. (!. .~ '1.. .' ..<' ..:- '0 C.Eldrod. Cler~'(aroui tCo.rt. . ' . .. . ~ f. . ~ I ,~~~---_.~~~-~~:~-----------~~--j-- I. C. ,( . (' ~ , ~~J3"J.~~~''-.' n;c',. . J' -'... . '.; . '..... ' . I .~' . . ~------------~---------~----_.---~-------~-~~--------------- , ~A~ If;~~ . S"UA;~T !.,lOYD .:;T .U I.' TO ~., DA'lI D PHILIPS I 7A::~.\l1':',{ D~En I: . . .. I !: _ . .' ( . ..' . ~ I' T:~lS' I1m;:n,:,u~~ !fade t}~e sixth, d~ of Deoember. in the year of' our !,ord. one thousnnd . ~~ne }lUndr.d and t'.1enty~.fo'lr. RZT'rE:::l; Ag-n9",!tUOTt Lloyd and Charles '!o.iCHdLloyd. her h1,l~b!lnd. , -j