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',\ ' ."" -' . .. - ~, .' ",.... ..' .. ' . -. \ " Heoeived: of: the'p'artyof~ e~oond: part S50.00 as.~psrt p~Y!1ent oripl1r~h8geprloo of:-. . , . " ." . , . ~' " - " . , " " . ~foP,e'rtY' deSoribe~ above.: :' :"~~~', ,'iTi t!1G88;. '" \ 1 ~"-. .' . I I l- i L' I, W.' E., Preienfy,.. T.HudQon T~om8B' .~~ A., Vin(1I1D~. .~ : . ~: :: ", " , .' '~ .' , . ,', '. < ' ,"... "'l:.' '. ,;':' Filed. and're,oorded, ~n thiB, 'the l.ath: d~ " ; ~, [ . j , ,.... j ..:.~.,.- ~- _.:... -..; .....'l"~;. -;,,:- ~---- -_...:. -.-:- - -'- ..;.::-- --- _..~, -.":...:. -'..:,,: -7 - -'...;. - - _.:. -:-.. -:- -.,. -'",:--:- ,,;,-,.,.-'- -.,.- - ~-..; ~ ~-''"'--'''; i~"",. ".' 11" o. \'/061Jll0W, , .?lA!~~!iTY ,'D:::~ ,THIS I':rD~HTITR~, ~ade.. this i3th, day of'tr~y',A.'n. i92.5.:be.tvleen:' ." --, t;~(:r~;l~~~:~u~:~h.p.ounty.~, o:o.~~n:'s:::~:: lio. '"rnpohl'o; portiM .th.. t;r.t port., .nd' , . ',' . :..~ . \' '. . ~ " '." ~ '''S:' '. .:J~' ~ ; -." . '. .. p~' c. "El~redJ Cle:r~ :Ciroui't '~,o.urt.' .' .~.'/l<'>';"'J1J1,," --~c: ,~' ,} ",:'Ll.-...: '.. ""~lz~/~ 'D'~.C.'," " ';.,'- . .*'-'.~- . -....... " <---~, .- . . :-""'"." .TO ., ,'int. .S. l!oComrs:r.L " . .' . , " ' ""] "".:, '," _',1.-. :, ;. ; '~-'--\ , : win. ~h lioOO11tfEt'L , . 0- ". of Colebroolt tn the C()Unji,y ,ot Coos .Ql1d ~t8t.e .6~ Ifaw1J6Mp811i~e. party of . th& secClnd' p'srt: , iYIT18SSJ:;TH:' Th6t~the party of t.hiJ h i'B t .part .for"and 'lri' cbnB1.dera't 10n' of tho": Sum of 4 , -iI 9!1E}c'OO/100 J$1.~.OO) DO~'L;\RS; to,hlinln hg~d !)ald' by:the party of 'the 8ecOl')a',psrt~the ,. " - . ,. ~ .'~ . reoelpt whereof i'B.horebyockno:,Yledp,ed. ,'both: gr'snhd, bargained and Bold t~. the party of the s~o~ri~ .p~rt'..nll~'hOlrB on~ '~8B1gn8~:, f~reve ~'..' ,'St. Lu9h~ pod, ~~'ato' of F~oJ;ldato\'l1t:. ' the followinp land ~ltuatGd Inthe Connt:/of"': , '." . , Be~ng m:r..uridlv1ded on.e-halflnt&r~at of. the .East half of 'i;'raot.llUrnberlid.OnQ'" ~, ,Thoue,~nd '~h1'ee' rrundrod,T\'Ionty~,gr"X, (~~26)' of tho P1i:LLS1I3:t~.?.\:m,!SCOI~AHY'S,Sti~dlvioi.onofall unf}urve;~Gdport'of T()\'/nship 31, Sou~h-,.' Range '3'7 Ea~t. Qccoi-ding ,to 'tho plat ,of s,.aili ,8ribdi~iBI0il. filed in t~eofflCEt Of ,tIle <he'rk, o'f tlieC.1rouit Cou'rt' in and for ,the ',aai:d Oounty .:ontho'7th d~:of, July' A. D~.Jnl.. !~~HIHG:,' AUD n:T'S'rml~:G ~33i3Y,.tho:samG, pretnis~'s a[:'~Ohv.oyed to ~l#ed c. ~d\,u1'ds ,by. ;ferranty D!)'od,p'f. _ ',- " -' '. .., lit. of }'E~:l~'.;:-: ~'~\?1~5 C'J:.:A!l'i.. und6r':dilteQt:i9PtiJrr.be~:-ZOUl;rffi'~ - ": . '-. ~ - - ". - . " :1 . . /. , " 0160 the ear:ie- .premises aB conveyed t.e;> m:fsolf and ';lm. S.-)~cConnell by :forronty'Doed of ,- . . 'Alfred C. ~dwar.as under_ ,date of Aprn 8:t11, 191'7, the ,8,ame, roc:orded in 300~, 32, Page, 3'7, ;o~ the :~eoor~e of'':heOlrouit Court in and for,the~~untJ of.~t. '~U<liO, ,to whlchdeed,and rcoonl , "1 refe1'eone Is hereby madEI. for 8 moi~ 'osrt"1onlar deecrlptlon of, ,tho pr0!:11ecm herebY,coDV'eyed.". ,.'.:. . - n _,' Provide .";::-.;,,;;.;;.; ~.. t Mo C 0 n~ .yo n: ~~i; m. d; ";b j.~t~ -; h.~ i 1;1 ;~ t 10';' ~;;;;;~ ~..~ ~ ,,. ~"n" . ~ . I 'and reserTutlo11Bi, ri~latl~f!' to roads, canalS Clnd di';o!1ee, sot :'Qrti1 in th~ need of D~dicotion, I. unted .. JUM 13,. 1911. er.~outed b:l.:'ellu:-lert '~'''lrL18. Cor~paJV! corded ~horo:\'l th,' cold :)lot,'h01rr r.l(l1,1) 4)ort t~,~ro~f. ,~nL~}-.D 'cald p~rt~' of: tL'l :'in';~ ";j.i/rt dotr.Hhor,et>y 'ful1~; :7,~.n:(~,l;':' tho titlo to ouid , '. , " ~. ' -.;.... , ~cconponylnr8ald Plot and 1'0-" I i~~~_U_~__~';ll1 !~Y:;D. t(ll)_::2~i:~, uf7f.l i net no lU'''I)"F1.~_Cl..~:'~ '()f~u ~1 pOl'fi.orw .\lh:<LO(J\'(!l". i' " " I.Ftt1.1.,lJ,~S~, '11;':\!O;:' ';he ai~ld per 1;;,1 of ':hd :c.'.".,.':,"" ,{ "",..:.0....,...) '.. ..-t -,.,..4. .. -... ~.>:";: i.l rt IJ.(3 Lor'