HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0552 '1',,-"- --,- --. n'~:--._i _'f ;---~ I .' l"~ -..,: . 1(-'-- " ' i' i'" l.': t '.,: ' ~. ~ "JI I , , 'I ", .' ",,' 'c..~4', ' : ","~,~-"C,~, " ~--I " ',,' " I ' ,1 f ,'I, . ',', " I ' " .' > '. I,' " ~ : " I,.. , ' I I~',' , . .; .-. . . :,. i 1 . ~,"; . 1 . l' . l' ,,' I , .' ! ,t .:.- : \ " -'---~--.~- ' " 1. ~ "" l', " -'\, ',i I' ,,' "\~.4~~." ' ~. _,'; " ", '~" 1 ,~",-.:-,~',~,-','~Y;'i "'." I :~ ' I: I'" I' I ~ ~'. - -~. . --,-- 1 I _"~"';'-'~'~'~--~ > .....L;-~:7.....~~.. ~ =, ".,__,',1",..&1"."",.",.,."."',.'.,.,,,,..,'T',I',',,~",',"'.."'.."\' -t"i,-'.",..~,-~~,.,' '''''''~lF''T7-'!-''-''''''~~,'' '~,r-==t"".r-c:'".~~r.."'r...."'~.,.~..,...~> \",. "1"""*-r-- -- ~--. ,., l,.-. - ~'.<' .' _ -~' :"" ,. , " I,,' \ " I' I :,\', ',' " ' '. ' '.' . 'I, ,,' ,," t, 'I' ',:t'. ' . · ' , , ,1 A! " , ' '" ':,,: f~SYSTO~E R~L't'Y" (}OU?AlfY,\ ,i",,;;!'" \.----!,-_.:..' TO, '--'_ "\ ( ,,\~,~ to', :T_Th9cll., _. \ ;, ',' \, ' ,. ," " (' \ ',', . I' , '\ " :' ", \' . ,\' ;~' " ~ ' , , \ ' \ ' .. ' " , \ ' ", \ " ......RRAlIT.L.>>ED '. ' "l ' " ~" . I .' ',i : \ \ ' \ ',): " ). '" '" ',. ,; ,.,,1'.., ,\ ,', ' ',\'~', ',' ';, ,",' , ,: " ':' \. ,', '.., ' \ :' . \', " \," ':,', . \'" ' , , '" \' \., \, ,'NtIS ,t~~n~'lf.d. ,J;h1s ~Dd:"7 Or. b'.~~t7. '1.. D. 1926, bo~: .*,t bft~.in X.rS'PNB ' n .:., . '1lJi1L~'y' OOll~Ari ,: 0 >01> fpo~~h 00 ' u\" ~1 ns ,1;.4 .r~~o. i..~ ,Of -tho. .~.~ 0 .of !'iorid'o. h.:nrig '/.t~' , '.,' . .. i I--f\' ,,:<,\,\ Pri'n~1P.i Pl~~.'lof.'~U~1~'8,~' in the c~unt,:'ot~t. 'Lu~l', ~~~" ;~f: 1'10.r1~~~ ~r~y O.t'~h~ fi"rst' . V ", i, '" I \', . ,I~ \' . \,' ,\ ' ,:p~rt't \and K.IL,. T.7~or o~ 1;h~ County ot,\~~J,.nt, LU01i':ti~t" ot'!'lor~da. ,pa~ty,of..,,~~.\8tO~n.d'~rt.' ,P \' '\ ,,' ,;' \, "', ,," , \~~,S~E'rHi,' 'h8t ~h~ 'sal*~r1(y ,qf 'th'\~ f1r~t part\~f~,r "a,~d' ~n' ~~si~'nt1~~,' o~ the'. \ ,um of., '10'..00:& 01;btr~1)d'. :v.ltia~h 0 OD.8i,4.rat10~' do 1181'S. '~1 t,: i'n 118nd. pa.1d~l' till 'par,t1,,~ i ../ " . .'; ,\ \ \'.' 0 ' '. .".._ _ , - \,. . \ '. '. '.' .). -. . !:fI". .. ..... "~hl e.oondPar1;",'th"nOt1.lIt 'Wh'Not' '1~ 'bl'::'b1. .oknowl'dg.ai:~. gr.\nt'd'~" b..~gddt4,: ~oid'.:,' \... . ..' \ ,"," ... ' : . , . , -.U.n.td" r.ml.etd,"X"elt,Sld. oo.nv.ytd and o'oritl,11IIi!l. .Dd by tbtB,pruents doth grant,. ,blrp!'n, '. ~ '. \ *' . - . . . . -.' .~, ~'.' ' > ':. . . . .. ,- . . '. ... . .". > . . ~ .,. . : 'S,111" aIhn" 'rlml",~ 'rtl~a8'\ ~onT'Y' ~.nd otYntl1111 unto thl' Slid party of, ,th. ',8',O~r4, p~rt::J:ll,s hetre Qnd .s,elgnsforlvir", all: t~t 'o,rt81n, porttono~ i.nd~ 171ng~d' b:d,ng ,In'.thl ~ount'Qt- ..' .;.... .' : . '~~:' . . .... ." ", '... '.". " '. ~ '. . " ". ~ .,". . ~ .... '":.' c' '. et:., Luole' and 8,tate 01' FlOrida. .to.;..1't:. 'LOts' ~ ai '. in'IliraT1Ua SUl)dl vlelon. of, S'toti on il; ." " \..', ' ' " , ' ,':..'. . ,', ," ' , " .", " ,', ' " ,,' , Townshlp '35so'U"tb.'RsDg" '-O'Kaet'.aooording,toa 'pbt'ot .a14 ,Subd1:vie19n, :r.oo~ed"ln Plat " , . '. >.-' "-. '..' :. . . ",' .~~,'. '. ,".,' - - '-;.', '. . >':"',' '. ',,- ,:.' - . -' ". .' ".,., . '....., . . ,'.' ,.", ," "::: , -' -." . . "b~Q,k..,8t~.a~e4"-of st. tu~le Oou.nt,'reoorda. ','to,h8ve a,nd ',to hQUthe881De'i~f"e1mple " ,:', ,,- \ " ' ,.-' :,. ' '. ' ,'" " ",' .,"'," , ;, ' ',' ,',",'. , " " ~ ': ,,',: ,.,-."._;~~:i"Y.fJo,LBp.~t-M,.ea1.~: Ptit7;:',?f' _t,~,;.t~~.t. p.a:r~d.Qih':~.QY.n8~t..1flth"tht, ,liaid .pari1~:o.t'"th~ ~saoou~,: :..~,_, , pa~t~ t\i&t '1t ~s' ls.fUl1Y8e1'-edot,thj 'said' Pr8JD1'8.e,and.tliat'U '~8 goo'd' right' abd ISWful," ...,;. '.. ", ...........,. .-..' . "'. ....-.;. ,-" '~..,-'-'...',.'-'-.,:. :,:' ",",:' -,' ~'.'.' .- ,"', ....:. ........ :,8uthorlt7 to.BIUth, s~" :enCl, th. ,~ld p.srtY'9ft~e t~r8t psrt=:dQ88 hcinbyf~111.srr.nt 'II!Io" .' . ~ . ". .. . . ~'.. . .~. .'.. ",", ._ . tbe,tftle,to ,8aJd'llind.'snd,wl:J.l'det.nd..th. satll. sg~n.tt~8'18.f~1 oi.al~~t.' a 11.- persona.,' " PRoYxDED. '1fBVKR~HBL'&SS~, That th'8e pr...~t'8' are'iD8de 'attb.1eot ~O' thetollo'w1D8' , ~'eXp~t88 ~ori41t1.0n~,,~~Btr1o t10~88n.~d'l~1Il1 tat10n8" 'app.):,Ylngto:'~h~;'S~d 1l8;';-~1l~~,. :'.OOO,rd~,~g)()' ".' ,_.', .,..:..."....., ,. .-.' , -~':". . ........ . -': - . ~ . - '" ' . .. . "" -? . '. '. "". - ", !,-' . " -': ", .' ,~. ' ,:.:.,i._;,~tb.e.r.~o~c}-pra,j;~,oLaa'1d,J4ai'8Yill.,~.:. and" whi'ob '0.0 ~):,tlo,ni~, r..tI'-14 ,t1 ons -a~d-11ml tat1on8::ar.~:-c-,~'., ,j . ~ ~ ..' , . - . . . . . ',I . < .' '. . . "_', ',' ' . . .' . . ", ,_ -., . , lrit~nded' 'to be ,'and sh81i biaoo.pt'e4..'_8"s, oovenante r.u.nn1ng w:1th:,tl1..1a~4 :and ~dilohBb81i :b,~ . ' '. .' ' . '.. ". . '. .. . ~ .', ,". . ,'''' . : . -;" . - .' .. ... ," :, ; b1ndlnga11k. upon' the, helr~,~er~0~1 fepre8ent~t1""8 'and' ~BBIP11S. 'of,t~ 'P8~tyofthe8.00nd ,,', ' :' ,",.(> ,,',.'" , ,:" ",',,' ',',' 0:',," '" ", ' .' <." ' ",' ,',' ' ,,': , psr~" who "by his 'sooephnoe o~~'h 18 ,1nstrynient agrees.to, abide bl' and: perform se,I,d r8strl. otlo-M . < '. . -.,"< . "'. .<:.' :' . . . .-- :-. - .,~ . " '. . - . ~ . : . , . ...- lim1 Ut10n~ and' cond1 t~ons, aBone ,~t'theexpr.88 C)on81dlr~t,1onB ,of these, preBents " , . . .". . " . : - . '. .' ,. ~.' . . . '.... ".- (. . . -, :. - . '. : 1. . liO 1'~S1denoesba~1 bee!1Jo.ted :or oOrls~ruoted of 801u8 :008,t tha~,'~'J3,ood.o~, 804a1,1' ..' " r'sUerio~sin '8~ld~~~raTili~Bball be 00.Q8truoie4 9t'oo1'8i'ro~'k', 'oonorete~ ~'~~ooo,' oonot:.tt , , ' bloOk,.)10116W tll'~brl,Ok o.rml;l8dC)onat~ot10n..~~rv'~neer.d..ithoorsi,roo;:k,ordbtlok,jjr',' " ,.',' ' ," ..' ,-----. ,,' ':l :,.'. ,',' '" ,""" ,,' frsllle ....neer.d.1f1 t~' ,stuooo, :aDd 8ball b~, along sp~n18h,Lloor18h,V.n.tian,0i" ,B1mllar'll8~onlou8 , ," ' t1P(8 ~farohlt',otur.;sndtbe ,sfore.,a~d. amount ~,hsll~'a~tuSllY ~Xp.nd'd on'.oonBtr~ot1,9n': , I';' I .' . ,t '" , \,' \, , .,J8 :~~:.. , U ~ ...., '. '\:',. , . , I .' ';.' ," . ~ ....'! ''-.. I.....' i', i I": , l t' . l I ( .. I f. ['n. , t [:: ~,. I ! ! ' I ' r" ,,-~~ "--I' . . _ .. .",_ f., "'< ..1 , , , 5'1' "I ' ~ L j; "'" . . ;, , .homsoe'Ter. , ., .' :1lnd' not for feu'ln oonn.ot1~il,th.rnlth. . ,_"4' , '.,.I '. ,2. - 'No ~bu\ldln~ sl.1s1l:,be '~on8truot8~ or u'.oi.d on 8111, of'thp,'lotB of J.18i'8~lil8, 'uut1l\\~ftei' . ." - . . " .:- , th.. PleD8 Bpeolt1oatlonll.sndloost'1on' .of'the 8~. 8:h811 hav.b.eJi'spprov..d, bytht ,!>al'-tyof,th& ~lrt'part. He 'U00I88oJ's.repre~e~~m~o&:a~~" >:" ,', '. '3.' '~'h., oo~atrl.lotl~n o:r er.ot~oQ of "on. 1:881denoe buUdl,ngancl 01'1' ~rivat,". gar,gl ..~n eao)l . . :' . ... ~ ,lot,. 100%160 feet frontlng on Sunr1seBoul''fard. ' , 4.'rhet n0l101aw'tul: or immorai', us~ ~bSll be'lD8~' o't'the Prellll.~s 'h.rebY/:~nTeled. nOI"Bhal~ 'th~ Ba~' nor' 8ny ~'8~th.reof,,~or 8ny inte~st t.here1nb~Bold. ,leaBed'or'oth.rw1a8 oonveyed '. " , " '. ! " l' . " . , " ' " . ._' to ~ SI1Y person oth.r (than ,0,1 theCeuQulan raoe,' prov1ded, that n'othln~, .,be,re1ii:oOirt81n'd ,,'11811 : prevent', .b~ . keeping ,8ndmelntel01ng of s'rVant's. on the s81d property for', r.asonable fallltly. uee.! 6. I No build1ng oommonly known 88, an epartment'housefor oooup.~on of more t~'non. famlly , . ... er.ot.d, o~ uU,dfor i~O'h pUrPous. on s~,lot o~ lota in < .',. forl)nt1DU8 prop'ert7 'by part o~ fll'st patte , 1.. .' ~. . . . ..: J. .,~..' I, " ' ,nor' .88~1~, now hO'f.iV1.tal,Sbal1, b. iterlTina ~ exo.pt that de8~gn8t.d' : ~ . I ' --1-":""'7'" ------.- , , , ..'.L~";',;: --,