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'de8oribtd 8;Dd 'o,o.nrt.~'?1'OP:ertY8haU .1....cU'~tl7 rever,t ~o .t~e; s'8i~ ~lJ'st;,pa~tl..'" . ".-. ( '. . .'. .. . \ . '. ~ \. . . '\ '\ " i te ~uo~.~~ors',or,' 8~.lgn~,: ~~, shall ,~, en,tl~l~d to 1nm.d18tt!1;r en~~r up~n 8a~d 'propert~.~tb~: . \, . ,. outl1ot10l, 8hdt~ke pos~.a"lon of ,the ~_"Wlth,tUl~ titl, lrit.e ~lmpl.. togeth.r W1th'1il1 .' , > " ',., " " \' '..,,' , ,', , " .' . '".' ...',,: , " 11l1P :r:o,.emente ther,.on.' .nel' nC), watv.r:ofani,' ot thee., oond1'tlOos,. 1ln:a1tatlons Or 'restriOUOI)8" ' " .-' . . 'j' ,.... ".' ,'- ",.. '. .,' \.' . :'xP.r'~8 .or i~p11e4,.: or ,:tallu~e :t~!'~t.ny .i~g~h : ot tlme to',:eD~or'o. 'tl\~, 'sam,e..~ :'8h8il'09:n~tl ~ut.,:, 'abarto~suo,h ,'~fo-roement at:".a~,', t1m'...' , '~. 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O",'T.B!..PIRS.T '''P'UT.to.t. -1ts.lf, l',te ~U;co'.e~or8~ a.-n4, 8~B1gn~'" (\'088 .'~, , , ' ,', ',' " 11 ' ' her'~1c;ioTenant 8nd agT", with thi.,.881d ,pa,r,tt,of the,'"",oQnct,part,hls ~e,l~B,,8nd,' 88Blgn~.ln " ,th.t01l0w~Dg:.ann.rl .,' - ,1. Tbatth,>abO,...n<i'.toregolng r~etrlotlohs,l~ml.ati.onB 8n~ '~Q'nd1ttonB8hal,l b. 1nob4d . ). . "\ ~.' ' In all dudesna. aroementetor. 4eed 'l'n the 881~'J.18ra"111a.,ex~ept ~ntbat p!)rtioD, Sft't 'apart, -:i ' >" _. . ' .,. . >,' ; " . .. ~ ,... <:)' .' ' .' - -~ - .-'_ ,"' ':',,;' ~ '. 'tor bU~~0888' PllrP~."!';' ," ".. ',- ",~ c.~:~::~:~~~:~:;:~1::~.;~::::.,:~::;:::::~~,.:~~~o:;;:'::t;Do;r~::f::o:~::'~~~:~'i~lT 'I I.,., ' j \. ,,'~ ' " i ., , , " " , assuteand ,~,gr',ee to', pai, ~ 'Ilf,'WIT.NBSS.,~B()p, -ills: 8814_' P8~~1 '~', 81gned in its nam. b1'lt8'!"J'.'8~d~n;t. and .. -' _ ,4 > ;" ~ t ,seor'~17, th" day and year,above,.rltten~ ot:the ,tirSt part ba,s cau8ed' thesepreee,nt8 to " "..' " . . , . ", . its,'o,O'rpOI"8t, ,seal to'bo 8f,fl:U~.~,tte8~e.d',,~y,lt's' " ,.: " "~EY8!o'NE'~EALTY' CO~A1(r", ,', .~, . By Hoil.nl<. Uartln' 'Pr'81de'i1t. " . 11" ' .'.-' 'f" .',", .~ , ' ,81gned, Hattle . . JS. L. ~a,lor': ' In'our pru.rioe: . ~ ''; .tl.OO'Y.R.StaJDP oan.) .J .. '" >}, , ~TATB ,or FL')iUpA , COUHTYOF ST..Lt1CI.B '. Y ,HBR3BYCB;f!t}l'Yt~t,on th18 2nddai ot t.b~8ry ,A~" JJ. 1~2.5;be!or~"me 'peraol1$lly' , ' . app.~red ROT,LEN R. 'l.fARTIN a,nd D. ,W. 'HALBE.re8p'0t1v81YPresl~.nt ana '~',oret~ry:o:tK.BYSTOIlB' , ;.' . t .'. -" . .'. ~ ~.' . ~. -.' . ,1t~ALTY 'C OtlPA NY "a oorporation undtr thet.... of the ~'tat;. ot 110rldea, to' me known to' b. the w . , . . '. ' " ". ,'" . '. p,reo'n. 4t,orlb.d' 1n and who exeouted th., f'ort go Ing oon~.yanoeto~tar\lq._ffye}.i and sev.~al1y, .. , . i' aoknowledged the tzeoutiOD th.reof t,o b. their free aot and del;Jd as suoh offi9.rB, ,forth'. Uee8 8n,dpurpo..'8,thtreln mentlon~d; and th8t' they d,lli.d' ther~to th~of:tlo1al 8eelof881d oor- , , I ,p~ra-mb, ond the 8aldinetrum.nt1e tb. aot and d..d of 8ald oorporatlon..'. I. ' . lil. lITNESS,_IIl1':, signature. ~rid ot:tl01~1 8181 at ~-l J:'1ero.' Intbe COun~y ot",St. Luoi. and .~tfJtt~Of~ ~lor1,d~.;th. d." and' '...'r last afort.,. " , .' I " 'J:'eggy .1:5. Con. ' , Notary Publlo, ~tatt of t1C)rlda .t,~8rge~ M$ 'oOQmlaslon ezplr.8 loter" ~ubllo, ~tet. off ,lorlde at Larg.. lI.Y,oomml111on explree Apr*l 18,1928. I I J,' . "..,_.