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'. ~': :' .. .' .... .~ ....... '. ":.' .. '" "'-" '..~: -.' - ' ".':.',- , ot 8t~: Iiuo1e and 'Mtate Of ,.ioJ,"lda."'ot t}1"firBt part. .end cbarl,eB. Jennii1gif of- veto', ~t.Luoh, . .... - . '.,.'. '. .. . J.._._ " ..". ;,'. "': ." . ':' .'count)',,;"lorida,o:f:the :eeoondprirt~ ' ,~ ,......: ..' : '-;',:'-""-~'...."""'.. "~"_""'"""'..: <. ..:. . .-.'.- . '" .. .".......:.. '.;. , ,," ','. :" WYTNESS'$!!{, ~bat"t~. :sald' ,patU,-Bot, t.]l8,: f1ret'pn,t fo'r an4: iq OOn8A.del'a~lonot th~, 8um: ot vnl 'Vollar and other v~i'\1a_l'.,oon~.14e~ t1oneDollars ~ 1.wful~on'7otthe 'li~l'Ud '. ,.:'-'. -.... :.' .'.. , ~.." . "-~.' .... .' -..' .',.. ',. .... .:.- ~~~: .~ .....;...:. '.';;"~ . '~'. .~. ,states ~f AII~r1o~l,. tc> ,tb~m In~ ,~and'.p,ld bi tbesa14,'parti8e :otthe8eoO~d' p8rte8t Orbtfoi:e the ~'.',ii8eefl~g:'8rid~ -de)ivit:r'-'oftl~l,8'" 'i>~i8,; .n,t~~~,.-:th8'~r,",ec,-,"tp~' .h8:t~'O, t-i-I(~~;b"," ,c,~okrio~~~ci'g~-4~': ~d~',u' -.,.., ,"u,c,~ . . .. . .' ...\ .'.. '., '. ,., "'. granted, ,bargaiQt4. 8014 ~~11entd~'~.m.188li" re1iaB8d,O?nV'Y.,d'and.Qo,1;1fl~~d~' '8nd,b~'?th~,se: ' .. . . ." '., . "..". . ...... . . -, ~r"'DtB, and ,~~ sr~nti,,~,a.rgaln, s8l:1~ <<lien,' f'~mis~ ,ft~e8ae _, o.ol,1~'1 a~d,oo~,:ti1'Ul,~to, th~,sal,d' ;. .... -.--'-- - , _' .'~ . ". l/II ,-. '. ' '. .' -i :'~ ,." ,_' :,." f, . " .'. . . ": pa.rti, o,!t,~e, eeoond p~rt.. .s~d. hi~. heirs 'and 88sigp8, fo.rev:er., 811 of' 8, o.r~aln t.~~t o.f ,lap.d ' '. '. '. ..,;.- ~ ..... ",'.....' '. - .".,.0, .... . .> . :...... ' .' ," '. .' . . --==~ ')71ng 8Ddbe1nff 10 the. Oo'unty of ~t. Luoi' "and ~tate of' "lorUa, i and, desori bed 8S toU1>we: , " ' " ,'. ' ',', , ".', ',:'f, '. ' , ,', ':,' : , ", ",;", ,,' , ,!l1e Sou~h hn;tlO) aorteo'!, the, i:sout~west qua,rte:r. of,' ,th.:..~. .."..~-'".' :~~'-:-.."...~.~.;.....::._-- t~;~ I," ' ~ \ . r ! . ' " . t--~.. --..f r~.'," I " '; , \, , ' 'j,! ,I: \ ' i '.., , ! ; ~ \ . I' ,n' .' 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TOGETHER' wi th all a~~ 'e~ngu18r the tene)!lents', 'hered.1tame~~.'andapp1irt.ha,no88 thereunto be':' longiDg,or1n'anjwUe 'appert$ining, endthtp, rev-erailon'~,8i1(i' i'e"erBrO~frr-1'1m8nran-;riIa ....,.:._... .,.::....._...-....-...-......C::;:,..~-.-.._._,',...:,-o:..,........... :,:_.....-:.:... ~e'atli, issuee end',pro:titB th~reof, 'AltD A~S6,all,the estate, 'right, 'tit1.~r.Bt, dow.i'sn4 . '. . ,- . . .'. _ . '.. '. - .' : ~ .... . ~. _.' :. _. ' . r. . ,.":' '. .' . . . ,right of dower, Cou.rteej and' ri gilt of. 4ourtesy, separatet.tate, praPRi"tt,' ,-poaBeeeion, claim, , '. :'. .' '". . ". . ,.' . " . ". - .' ,.. , - '. .. . . ....:.. ~. ..' . " ;....,-. .:, and deiDond w}1a,teoenr, 8S~_Wtl~ '1~,1aw fJ8 1,0. equlty, ot the,.sa14 parties"of the first ptfrt, ~t~ .', ~, 111, aDd to tbe Same ,.anl tvery, per1;and ~a.rOe1,the~e~~~, ."i;~b th~, ;.~PUrt~llf.;i1o.e: TO'RAVEu!~D' ,TO .,HOLD 't):1e 'ab,ove granttd ,', bargatn.d,8ndde8~rlbtd premis.le, wi ~'h thea'ppu:rtei1anoe8'~~ntothe ", .~ . ." -..,,'.' -" '. . -:0 . \" ... ' " . . . .' .' ..... 8a14 pa;rty of~he ~.oondpart hi8 heirs and ae.siens, toib180wp:proper'uee,:b811efhand behoof ' , ' , ," , ' '" .', 1 ' forev~~ ~ , ,', '~ . ' 'Andthe "1,d P~~~~_1~j---ortlii-'-tirst par,tfo~~.he~ir,; h!tlrs, noutors, 8nd administrator do oov-enant, proJ;lliet and 'agret to and w1t~ Bald p..ty ot.tbJseOond"3p' ,'~' 1)1S ~e1rs,4nd 'as~i~8. ' that ;tbe saldpartfeB'9~ theflrst pa rt'are,~tthe .t,illl~ of'the ';eall g ,and, de.1htr)", oCthe~,_,~'_.._____ pre1Jents lawfullyse1u4'U~ fee 8im1l,1eOf 'a gooda:b~olute ~8nd in fea8il>1'e eetat eot inherl tenct ' ';of'and in,all and sIngular tl1e ~b'on grente~; '-bergalned and Boribed p~"mlee~,.i~h the . , appurtenanoes' end-havr t06a-rlgbt';dfU1r"po1r,r',:'~nci lawtul ~uthorl ty to, ,Ft.rant. barge in, eell, 8~d I' . oonveytht 8allie 1Il~8nnel' en~form' 81"01'..,.14../ And that' -tbeJ8~~_ part;v of t.i;le..1U~41P.t~ Ill8 .. ). i . beirs and as,J8nl. sh8l1,end may..t~a1l't1Il"~-h~aa&t.er! ,peaod'ull1.snd Clu1etly hsn~ hdld, , -~ - -., use. oooupy, pC!88e8S ~nd 'J1Jo~ 1(he abov. :gra~t'dpremie.e.",~n4 every part an~'paro.l therfOf, ,j I . ~ -'. - J. '. wIth_ the apPQrtenanofe. without any let, Buit,' troulle. mOl.station, eTlot1Oh or distrubanoe ,of ,/ . , the ...i4partles of the first part their heir. Ol-UBlgns'.o';: of any other pfr'eooopt-PI'T1fOn.', , ,