HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK, THE FILE # 4434274 OR BOOK 4130 SCANNED BVTo NOT be ctTinph St L ds CoUnf i V qr when Heating or i r Cl UJI PERMrrNO. TAX FOLIO NO. STATE OF FLORIDA e / vG rC COUNTY OF /• [ C CIRCUIT COURT — SAINT LUCIE CO 1 PAGE 2562, Recorded 05/10/201E, ":55:57 PM OF COMMENCEMENT when construction exceeds $2.500.00 Boning Repair or Replacement exceeds $7,500.00 ii! RECEIVE MAY 2 3 2018 ST. Lucia County, Pormitting The undersigned hereby gives notice that Improvement will be made to certain real property, and In accordance with Chapter 713 Florida Statutes, the following Information Is provided in the Notice of Commencement: Legal Description: (Include street address If available): Zn -jI"- .21 . 7A- /Q Don) 4wA-rC iVAnjt1/ Sinn A- A11)IA.&- Tn -rAio General Description .of Improvements: Swimming Pool and Paver Deck Owner Information or Lessee Information, if the Lessee Contracted for the Improvement: Name: ti Address: Interest in Site of Improvement: Fee Fee Simple Title Holder (if other that Contractor. A & G Concrete Pools Surety: (IF applicable, a copy Name and Address: — Phone Number_ Address: Persons within the State of Florida served as provided by Florida,Stati QF Simple H EL owner) __ DkJNE%2 EA 4� 410 Saeger Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 772-878-7752 �a Q 0 =U lent bond is attached): Q } U ----Amount of Bond;„__ -- m2z _-____-_Phone Number___—___ act_ rr_ � _Z slgnated by the owner upon whom notices or other documents may b y a 0 s Section 713.13(1)(a)(7): Address L-/!f ! Phone Number I In addition to himself, Owner designates � of to receive a copy of the Llenor's Notice as provided) In Section 713.1 (1) (b ), Florida Statues: Phone number of person or enti I designated by Owner__ __77 Expiration date of notice of commencement ( the expiration date may not be before the completion of construction and final payment to the contractor, but will bet year from the date of recording unless a different date Is specified. WARNING TOOWNEW ANY PAYMENTS MADE BYTHE OWNER AFTER THE DIPIRATION OF THY NOTEN ICE OF COMMENCEMENT ARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CHAPTER 713. PART I, SECTION 713.13. FLORIDA STATUES AND CAN RESULT W YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OFCOMMENCLTKENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTEDON THEJOB SHE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECIIOR. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING. CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMENCM WORK OR RECORO140 YOUR NOTICE OF, COMMENCEMENT. Under penalty of penury, I declare that I have read the foregoing and that the facts In It are true to the best of my knowledge and baltaL ISectlon9a.52S. Fluids smut ) I 516NATURB oa LESSEE, OR OWNERS OR ORam oFncEArOIREROR/MANAGERTPARTNER d % � ewes OwNG" PRINT NAMEAND PRO=ETTT1.E State of Florida, County of ✓!_•_ _ _— Acknowledged before me this day of`, 2018 by____, .____who is personally known to me or has identification. R' !Z"-%\; FARA D HERNANDF_Z I MY GOMMISsION MFF 172419 9 �•'4�f FxP19FF CT St d.. fpted oFld' IMaNFaoENom r Eli O N O a in