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"atih~ ~aln8 and' ,'$ae mai,n8 on, in liUi1d ui1der' the 're'~r five ,teet., and' ~he' three\ I'{ ,,' '~ · 'i"..:de:~.'o~,',e.ob '~1\de \ o'~' 'eao'h' i~t M~"b/ ~ ~~~1ed..', Bnd f~~ ~\iO~ ~~p~8es. as' ~~li.., 8~ \~o\ r,p"i~:>,\"1.. ",- ...'~ : \ ,\. . \.. " .. . - :' . \ ..:' -' . \ . . '- .' ' .. .. " .~ ' . .' '. . - \' .' : . '. :.; ',' \ - \ . ' . .' ~ ' .' : . \ ,." :.'" ~ ,', 'remov' or rep'looe aald poiea.".lre8.equiPm.nt.; ......re end m81litii.aa1d,H07al, '.L'ark: Comp8D7',' 'it';' ".\ ",' ., .' \ -' ': ..\ '_: .,,,., "- .' '.' "., '\' \, - . .". ,:. \ ;\. \,.. .. " .. \. -., .-. -' - "" \ ... . ,:" -~'., '....- " a:Qoo.eeoX',s D\LaeeigD8:. .8hall}ha~e the .r.l gbt, of'lngrtle ,egr'.8 ;and.r'p'esp as ma7\. ,b.' neo188'817 ..... '.;" , "'. '. \. " \'."..." '.." .'. _ . . ... .' -- ."... . .. \' 0' ," \ . \., '.: -....t >' ... \.' . , ., ': ,; ,,~ o,,!' oonv'e~ient f6r7~n of:$aJ" p'lDr'Po8.e. ' : ' " '" \' ...'. - \ . . . - .". . '.. .; . " .' .' '. . ,., . ,'- ',' ',.-.. . '- '. \ . \' . ",,',:, : 1...~ 'lio 8truo~ure'.xo'p~\'. f.ooe ,of the ktnd hel'e,l i1b't fore , de~orl bed, may tyer 'b,' er.eoted- > ,\ , '. .....~.~. ~-. .~.'_.. _ " .'- .' , -,' .~<._-. .,' '....\...;..., .'. .~. " '--', ,. ,.-.,.'-...."; upon' anY partofthi~tr1p8"of lend in the8,'p~'8i1l1~'~oTeJ. .~~,h, ~D .e88~nieht '-for p,ubl$.o \ \. '~-", '"- "",., '~' _ -'. '. - '. ., '.Ii: ,,' '----=-0-,.. ( , ~ :. 'lutil1t7' PUlpos.8 haa been, reserved. .. ,\ , ': ',' .' '_". "'. '," < :.' . _ , . " '. . . '. ~. ".....', .~ a ~o; ",15'. un and ,'after oIa~\1Bry 1..194:0. B1l9~ the'foregoing oond1~~onst 'restrlot1on~'and . "... : . \. o. ,.,', -', ..'" ,,',0 0 .,' .' -, ., tim1taUOM nWllberedt~n. tl') to '~81Te,"(1IhinOl,UB1T8'..,"8hai}. :heoome"r~-l~.8ed Wlt,h~~t',' '. , ,'-~ , \ ,'1, :, . a~:Botion' on t~"'P.i'~O~'~id'ii07'a'1 ,pal'k'Gomp~.it8 8t10oessoreor;.a881gDs:e.,', ,in4 :tbeSald ~8r,~1'.ot' t'b~',ti,r8t'pa" dOth,Q9Ve'nant .~i-thth~, ~id~ pal:ty, ~,ft1\J ',8~oon4 ;" ,,' , ': pa;rt' that"it'S.'."l'..tui17' ~e.~ld' '.o(th.,88~dp're.~'l~";', tll8t.."th~7are free ~f'B,{11l:l~wn~rsrio'8.'" " ,xo8Pu~gali t~-~.~", abd l'ri8't'~lUa.nt~' of B8S8Ssments',tor '~unl'o'ipai'1~,pro''t'cme'ntB,' 'b~eo~ih8 dQe" , .- ~. ~ ~. c. . ~ ' _ , . ",'~.' ~ ~ " 0... '~ ~ _' o~ " .. . .' ~.: .',' . .....: . .. " ...". $ncl.'payable ,after: the d8t~ ~'f "thi8 dee4t,.' a~~__tba't l,t .h8S' goo'd right '8!1~ la.fu~ .*.hOl'i!~ " .', ,to' 8el1 'th~:8~e~ ,nd the,_ii1' part7 :ot 'th8fl;rst :parf dOes, he'joebY tully warra,nt ,'the title :,,-i " " ",,~". o. ,.0 '; ,. 0 .,... _. .." , toaaia'. iBnd~,and"lii d.tend" the Same agal~et,'the' i~'f1,11" olaims ofeUpenons ,whol!ls'oever~ , .' . ---r. ._ ' "-~' t.,.... o. · " .,'IN, WITllBSSWRER:l)r .th. 'l!-~t~ part7, of th~. firat' pBrt~ Mscau.aed",tl1eseprteent$',to', 'Jt'\<~' " · ,be 'slgn8dl'~1~~aJll8~p.~.~,id91:';,), 'ClUH:tB,-o~or~t. '8e~:1 to ~c.~f~ixe~. ',at~~8te~' 'bt,::i h'::", ,S',~r"tBr1', :theq'day .a,nd Te~r' ab,ovG ~rJ.tten~':..' ~',:,-:"~~" , \; I' " , " " ~ "' '. ' , .... I " , -'.,.;--,:------'---- - "-- ~- , ROYA1-pmcm'{pANY~ , , .>>1 'Waldo I.' Serton , " Prtslde,nt:. , ! ~~'.:-~ , . '. ~ . . .,' . ,/ Si$p!d, ~\lrpreeenol: ,')(ar~ret 'I,~ Roge,ri.' ' " ,~ " STA!rE 0' PLOaI1>A F' ': 'T '0. .J. COUNTYO,F '8T~ ~UCI~ ,~. " , ' I,' HBREBY, cmiun., tbat,.0Ilth~8 ~,3i,st ,~i' Of)(a~Ob! ..A. >>.1926, befot:e. m8 pereo'nalli ,8Ppea'recf'W81dO B:~,8eXt'on an.4 ",~L.,'H.riuDlng~ reepeot!yeli. P:Z:ieid~?:~ 'and 8e~rl~aX7 ,of .R~Y~l, Pan.. COrilpan7,; 8oo1-pOration~und.rt'he, ~Iiws ,~~ tht 8tste of lI'+o l' Ua ,toiDe~n~wn' t~ b'- ':t,be' , .. ~;pereonB d;eeo'rt bed 1n and: Who exeO'Clt~d the:' fo;e~oipg' deed.- aDd;,eeverali;aoknQw1edged the: eiC-, , ". ' o " ~ .". -, ~. -. ,J,..o , ec~t1onthereof' to bethe1:r, fr,;,e aot and' deed a.,. 8~o~oftloer~ ~ for t'b~us~Band 'pUrl)'Oe8B" , tb~,:r8111 menti-oned; . and 'that, t~~1 atf1.xel 't~e~~to th~, ,n,~m~ tm~ottioi,~l 8esl' 6f aoid coipor~ ii'on, ,that 'the'.'xeotuUon, en4' deli very . of'thls.~Ud was a~th~rll1dDl the " Board ,of 'Di,reotore ,of; .' 881.4, oO,rporB,tlon; . and' ~'hes.a1d.'d~ed 1et~ee~t 'snd, deed of. said co~a~i'on.: WITUBBSIDj' aignaturesnd 0~flcia18eel at i'oi't,Pi.roe. :In the Count)' of'St. ; Luoh , 8n~ lear last aforesaid. ? da1 end 'b, ~f} :< f f Margaret.. E. Rogers (BIJ,L) ,_'Pn~l1 o. Stat e.--:of,-P.lorlda., . ~ oommiS8ion ..xp1rl,Rept. 10.t926. (11.00 I .lt~temposnilJ., I' ---_...~:.\ , I , \, 18tb-d a,y o,f )(q, 1926. at ''2 : fi6 'p .If., " f " ".', '( , . . 1 . " I, "" , , I'" P~ C. Eldred. ClerkC1rouitCou~t. ~~ , i