HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0562 . . .. 1,1 ;' II' '" " ' " I , r ' 'I ",1"1,, '" " I'-:~r.u; , I .I ,.' ,t I" I' . / r ' , '1, C, i" 'i "'j " "!' 't , ' i II"' :.:<':~.' .,;,'"t~;;":~;;~.;;c' s. '~~;, ,~"~;-: '., .-,-:.:.::.;: ::\,;:.;' ;", .' ':. .. :~;;L :,. ;, ,. ',I '" '." i', ' " ",,'. t' 'I . j , , !' , " . \ I {',~l'8'nea'. '8eated'..t~l\! i,~.t'1 ""r~.' ",I.', I" , . ',\ '\' I ',,\', "l , I' ,'in thi pre8'eoo" ,;0.' . ,\ , '. . " :,i'" \' ,", \' ',"I' \. 'i ,1',,' J ' ,,": ", \" , '1'\ ," 'J'aeJO, t~o~ ".' I, ",\'" '\ \ ,\ , , .> 'I,' \ \ . \ '... \ " ~\ .~\ \ \ . 1',\~.'; .~ : \_ I . I' . \i . " ~~../- ,~ " " ,\ '\. ',' ,\ . \ .\ . \ '\ : \. . " , " ' " " , '," j. , '\ ' '... I' , I" , ,'\', , \ ' .. \ ,\' " .. , I ' ," , : \ I' -' ,\ 'I { " ..' ' \' , I ' I ,1"',8'UTE.'O,',tORIDA ,)" .: \,' :' \' \_, \\ , ; , , \ ' ", " ) SS ' " ' I" ' , .. \,' \ ,\ \,,' ",\ ". '\ iCO~Y 'oJ.' 9l'. LUctR J, \.. ,',. , ',' "" \ \ ' ., ',; ,;, ", ~" ' ,Betore ,tl1e unde~i'8l\__d' 8uthority,"perODa1l1 appeared l"red R~ ,tteu8nd,;~.. H. ., ,\ 1 'c:ra~t()rd,p~ee1~~nt and,:~eo~et.'J7,' ieepe"'ottve11 ot' B'8,ob18nd' .D~VelopmentC'~mpa~/,Who.~' t1eln~' \; . ".' -.' ... ,\';'.' .\..'.. '.' ::: . ~. \-:...., ,- "~-"'--:'--Y-~=l" --: ~.' ....-. ", '. :'-, . ',-. . . 0 flr&t d\111 sworn", 887 ~hat' ~he1' "xeoubd 't~~i, 8-~o~e $04 'fOi"..t91J?S' tn8~ruemtn, 8,~' se!e,ri111 aok,:",' -. .. ~ .. ... , . . 00.t.'4g"d ,tl1e~"x~!)U~l,On theJ,"eot' to, oe:tl\e1r '~re,~" a'o.~ ~~d" 4eed as, Buoh\ ot#oere ~ 'fo"r the i8ee ana >>~~se8 ,tb~reln ,1Iie~tl~~ed; 'ind(''t,ha,~"ther'af:ffxed', thereto the, offlq18i~'81' ot,' sa14 . ..,..' '.;"'~ -:. ",".., \.,,' '.~. ". - .": "'. . - " -~--'~ ,~" ';' oorporation. ,~nci ,th,. 881d;1D8t~nt 1-8' 'the:.80t and. dt4td' at" ~U4 ~'orp~rat1on.. :' , ',', "'" " ", ~'" ',' f' ' , ",',': : \, ',. " ,,:' ..', : . "ITl~SS 'II.Y. ,8~:8natUJ" 'and' ott'~l;aL~~al,8t,~ero. 1n t11e Oow:iti ot, Sti. :f,uoi8end : tbe Stete of l"lorida,th18 ,2~th da7 ()t"Jan~17A. :0,' 1926., ,.:, .' '., .. ,. '.. ~, ',. " ' , , " ", ;:",." ,".' {, . ~_ ....' i' /,', i ',' , .. :.'1 ", /\", ' i; I' , i ~r: . ~ ' j '<t>1 i' , , , ~:: , . ' " ','/ '/., I 55t~ I ' .... , . ~ j .,... ,I ',' I' i' " I .... I .. ~ (" ~. '.l.,.', . Ii ';'~~'~I "l~' ,;,I~I_~":~l,I,~,"~ :~~~","rf: t " ~, -. I . ,1 \', .. \ , '. ~ \ I. " :' I i\ \' : :;0'::.'" , \ " \.- '\ \', ,.';', .' I , \ _ \ r. ~ -\.- . ,.' \.. .\ " " \' ..-.' f(, i ~ " . " ~ .. \ . " '- ,....: ..' h '. i ..: .Jle. ":O~-"\i8-t'Boti. . . ',' " ' liota17Publiq. ,.' :,,' , ,', Jlyoottrn1e~lpn:ezP:1reB' 2!U/2~,~ ;,' , /. " . ',~ .... '. , , ....:.,..- ....-. ~ ._-. , . . , . , <:, \ ",' rile4an4~eoOrded ~OD.tlth1'sth~' 19th,da~ 01:,,!-a1~', U26,8t2:'68,P~U. ,':"; _ P. C.Kldred, Olert Oil'OU1t Cour,t. . . ,I ' .. ,,r .' " u',' .. ""'~\" ~7;,t- V . """'e.',~,;~',,, '~'",,'::,';.':, .. -h'/'}"~ ,:,', ",])'0'---'-- "',UfI'" ~ '. . ,'. ',,' '," .~'_ . . , ' , ....: ',,' , .<,.' " .... :~~~-:-..' . . ~. ~ ~ , tl, Q'. ~o ..-BRASWE~t 'ET At , ---~,.;, - ---.,. _...;, ..':';~--,--'...._- -~,-_.._- -- _..._~-.~'~ -,..,-,---- --'';' -..;-..---,-....,-- ";~---~,--- -,-_': ;_:".'-- -..-.. ../- ---, ---:..-.. ' . - . .,.. - -. . ~ . r" . [: ! ", " , , I , [', i ", [: t~ " I' r I' I r L I'D ~~. , ~ L TO PLOREBOB XJOSBPiIINE' inmSTELL . , " , , ',~', ,"ARRANT~ -, DEEJ)" ", ~HI8 ,iN~T'URB', li81\8 th1~ l8th_dei of'Kal, .&.J>. '~926 ' betW.en'C"'~C " - '........ . ..-':.."." .' .. .;. .' :~. ' :,.'- ': - ..... , '. ,- f '. ~ "'~b7 Bnew81~;, ~lB wite"1ot 8t. Luoie 'Countt. 'lorida~' pat"t1ts ot the,t1i'et',ll,~'~, , 'J: Jq8ephlne)tu:t8te110~ 'On81'4a cou'~ti,'Be."YQrt,Pa rt1: otthe, BeOOnd~p.artr,. , . ."', '. '.',,: .. .' . : . ", \rITNE8SE'lH, ir'l1!i!the e~1d: parties ot,Yhetli'8t,:,p$,rt, tq~,an4 ~ric:rcineld~r~t.$ onot"t1l8: ,B11II,ot'ONB DOLLAR eland o~h.er valuable o,on!llderaUon, t'~ them in <hend pai( by th8 8ai'ci" party of . - . .~" -'.. " ..' .'-. . . -.' .;. . - . ".' . . .the ,eeQOnd'~rt,: :h.e ,r,o,elpt ~hereoti8 'h"reb#, aOkrio"ledged, have, granUd,,;b-'rgeined,,1lndeo1d' ~o theB~U ,~~rt1 of the 8800n4 l'~rt, her' helr8aM' aB8iF'~8, torever, tbe '. follOll1ng ,.d'esortb4td : , 18,04, ,to-witt'-' '. '""':'i, ,;'" " tot Pl,tteen(16) in BloOk'li'o,r~i..;nlne (49) ot Biltmore Park;: aooo.rd1ng~9 the):latof,the 8814)11 t~o,r'~.P8,rk" otr8oordln ,~h",o~ti()e'ol.,th~Cler~Qtth8'Cirou,it, 'Oour't of 'St~ Llloh Oountl. 'lorUa, ill ?latl3(0);: 4, page' . ~ - . '- .' . .. '. " :62,' the same 'b.ing a~ev181on ot e, portion 01 the north- ' , '. " :1. '. d _. , " .' . u~_..!est_'pa:i-t ot L.wo,00d4ddi tion 'to 'o,rtPleroo. )'lorlda,':~- ~'fII!/tJe and'b.1ng looated in then.o,rt~w'8t portionot 8eat1.:..t'16;"~~ '-':-~, 1owoehip 35, South, ,R8na8 ,40 Ras t. In St. Luoie Coa ot1, ..."",,,- " ," ~ .. , Plorid:.. '" 4>- ./ I ..' PROVIDED(, DVERTHELERS, ,Th..e presentB are _de ,8\Jbjeot to $11 otthe tO~low~" '-.'.-' - '.' -' .' . . -~ ' .xpreu.d oondition, reetrlotloll8 aOd l1mltat:iODB, appl1ing 1;oth' 882,4 p'roperty'.n4 whioh .' . .. . 1 . . are 1 Dt.lided to be, ,nd 81\11' b.aoo.t'8dae QOn~t8+,.~i,qJ.!th"~ IUd leA. 8M 'whi -r, ," I _, I '{ ~ !. I - ~ f-