HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVALFlorida Building•, Code 'Onlir- Page 1 rof 2. ' s BC1S Nome HOtTOpits i SUbibit:SuT<tidr9 -� Stats & Facts. i .Pubiicatlohi S FBC Starf:i.� :BC35514C MFip, ;' finks 58arth S { L g to ,,,Us. rgggistrallop MAY 22 2018 Product AP r6yav r UStk:.Publi<Us *, ST. Lucie County, Permitting Erjlgy;�ggip" -te a `>Ptt+nutF'oF'Abiilirat,art S4.'�rch�> Abolicatiost LratY AP.Dliptlon6etail: 4 d�M�P } y FL- FL5374-RS 'pplicatlon Type 4Affirmation ' '- ;Code>Verslon> - 701T• , APPlication Status, Approved Comments Atchived Product ltianufactlirer East Coast Metals,` Inc.' Address/t?hone/Email 2301'West'8 lane ' Hialeah; FL 33010' (305),885-9991 acastellanos�oeastcoast-metals.cdm Authorized'`Signattrre Tom Castellanos at Steilanos@eastcoast-metals com 'T2chnleal;Representativ`ex . `.. ` .� �:� '. r` � TorniCastellarios • 'Address/Phone/Email j 230I-West 8 Lane Hraleah;<FL33010 (305)•:885 9991 tcasteiliihbi @eastcoast-rbetals.' m Quality AssurancejRepreSentatye Howard ;Callender Jr: Address/Pfione/Email` i3divest 3 L'an'e !Hialeah; FL 33010 (305) 885 9991 . ' . hcaHen`der(oeastcoast metals cam Category, ;Roofing Sutieategory':` Roofing Accessories that are an Integral Part of the Roofing - System:. Compliance Method Evaluation Reportfrom a Fiorlda, Registered Architect or a EUcensed'Florida'Professtonal Engineer EVaifiation Report 'Hardtopy 12ecelved: Florida Engineer or.Architect (VarMe wlto, developed Elie:. `Robert Wailr en Evetuation Report Florida' License i PE>59`t66 Quality Assurance :Entity ;A'rchite'ctur`al Testing, Inc. QuaAssurahce Cpntract Expiration Date 12/31/2018 pty Vaiidated.By i :' 3ohn'W-Knezevich; PE 1 Q Validation Checklist- Hardcopy.R0' ived Certifftate'of-Independence r,. F A RS iC i`; 01 i' CO1 NigminP.n-ndf - Referenced Standardat d Year pf Standard) sta"darn. Year FRSA/7RtAprit 2012 (04-12) 2012 PAS 118 -10 5 1 . RAS 119 1'995 r a7t �y -ate i14 ..`11 1 SBCCI Sstba1 1997 db 7A5:101, ''' Cf T • , 44 %/www 4000ablulc n ox / r/ r a dtl_,as x`? ,aram=wGEVX wtD,' tVSy8nTOPW /2V20`18 PP p Q... q Florida Building Code Onlir-- Page 2 of 2 r Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code 1 affirm that there are no changes in the new Florida Building Code which affect my product(s) avid my product(s). are. in compliance with the new Florida Building Code, Documentation from approved.EValuatiomor Validation'Entity QYes 0No f:'iN/A Fl 5.2Zj_J3`z. COC 917 Edition (2017).pdf Product Approval Method Method I Option D Date Submitted 96/66/2017 Date Validated I 09/06/2017 Date Pending FBC.Approval Date Approved 09/10/2017' Summary of Products FL fk 'Moddl, N. pmlier or Name Description 5374.1 East Coast MetalsChannelMetals Preformed metal'channels designed for'use as a hip & ridge base to which roof tiles are bonded. Limits of Use y Installation Instructions , Approved for use in HVHZ:, Yes _FL5374 RS ij �0]5 0plAi FR PCM Trim Approved for use outside HV14Z: Yes Lock F0374A4.pdf ImO&Resistant N/A Verified By Robert Nieminen PE-59166 „Design Pressure: +N/A/-1781 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other: 1.) Refer to Evaluatioti Report Sections.5;2 and 5.3 Evaluation Reports for Unfits'.of Use'in HVHZ and 'non HVHZ jurisdictions, FL5:374 R5 ACC 015 03 FINAL ER ECM Trim respectively. 2.) The design pressure.hereih pertains.to use Lock FL537. g1-p�f In non-HVHZ Jurisdictions;in conjunction with Table 1A of Created by Independent Third Party: Yes FRS_AWkl April 2012 (04=12). Refer. to Tables 2A and 2B in the Evaluation Report for all opti,ons,and associated allowable design pressures: 11 i ;flack Next as 15 ;; 2401 1316ir Stone Paid. TallahaS_M FL 32399 phone: 850-487-1824 The State or Florioa is an ANEW OripldViie� Cooyrant2007.2013 State or Florida.:: PdvacvStatement':: Accessibility' Statement:;.ggjund�Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do notwant your e-mail address released in response to a public -records request, do notsend electronic malt'W this entity.. lnstead;,mntact the office by"phone or by traditlonal�maii. tf youIhave,anyquestions, please contact 850.467.1395. "Pursuant.to Section 455.275(11,.Florida Statutes, effective October'i; 2012; licensees licensed under Chapter 455,: F;S. Most provldethe Department with an email address if they have one. Tire emaiis provided may be used for official communication"with the'lkensee. However "it addresses are public record:'v you do not wish to supply a personal address, please'provide the-Departnierit;with an email address which _can be made aviatlable to the public: to: determine lr you are a licensm under Chapter'455, F.S., please click. Product Appprroyv�a�l Accepts:` E ' -S M r htt,p:H%A.ww..floridabuildiiig.org/pr/pr am), tl.aspxiparam=wGEVXQwtDgtVSv8n7ODFXf ..� 1/23/2018. a t, EXTERIOR RESEARCH & DESIGN, I.I.C. Certificate of Authorization *9563 353 CHRISTIAN STREET, UNIT#13 nXFORD, CT 0647.8 PHONE: (203) 262-9245 FAX: (20.3) 262-9243 EVALUATION REPORT East Coast 1Vletals, lnc. Evaluation Report,E10240.08.W,114 2301 West 8 Lane i FL5374114 Hialeah, FL 38010 Date of Issuance: 09/03/2608 Revislon4; 03/17/2615 SCOPE:. This :Evaluation Report :K issued under Rule 61G20-8'. and the applicable rules 'and regulations governing the use, of construction rrateriai•s,in the State,of:Florida.'The documentation submitted has been reviewed,by Robert Nleminen, P.E._for use of the. product ;under the. Florida' Building Code; Arid Florida`4uilding Code, Residential Volume. The products described herein have been evaluated for compliance with tle 51h Edition (2014) Florida Building Code sections noted herein. . I DE5cRiPTli]N 'East Coast Metals. Channel Metals LABELING: Labeling shall be in accordance with theYequirementsahe Accredited,Quality Assurance Agency noted herein. CONTINUED .COMPLIANCE. This: Evaluation Report is valid until, such time- as the named product(s) changes, the referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes, or provisions .0 the -,,,Code that relate to the product change. Acceptance of this Evaluation Report by the named client constitutes agreement to notify Robert Nieminen, P.E. if the product changes or the referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes. -Trinity. ER0 requires a :complete- review of: this Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requirements with e"ach'Code•Cycle; ADVERTISEMENT: The Evaluation. Report number` preceded by, the words "Trinityl ERD 'Evaluated" may be displayedin advertising:lterature. If any portion.of the. Evaluation.Report'is displayed,then it shall. -be done'in its entirety. INSPECTIOW, Upon, request; a. copy'of this entire Evaluation Report shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors'and shall, be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official;. This Evaluation Report consists of pages 1 through 7.- Prepared 'by: j l IF Robert�:M. Ivlem nen P.E. . i «}"" The facsimile seal appearing was authocitedbyRobert Nleminen; .�`9 `rj'' ; I'M on 03/17/20M This does not serve as, an'electronically signed FiOridd;Reyl5lrUi10Yl N0.'S91S6, FJ0/itiO DCAANE1:993� ( t,'i jh�l;itaL:�`- • document. Signed;sealedhardcopfashave beenaransmiltedtoaha �Jlta,rrtt+4s ProductAppioQAakr iolsfratorandtothe namedclient CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE:: 1. Trinity,IERD does not have, nor -does itdntend[to ,acquire or, willit-acquire; a financial interest 1n any company manufacturing, or distributing products it evaluates. 2, Trinity.) ERD is not owned, operated &-controlled byany company manufacturing or distributing products.it evaluates. 3. Robert;Nieminen,:P.E..does not have nor will acquire, a,financial' intere"st in any: company manufacturing or distributing producWfor which the evaluation reports,are:being issued: 4. Robert.Nieminen, P.E. does not havejior'will acquire;.a financial interest in anyother entityinvohied in the approval process of the product;-' 5. This. is a building.tode evaluation; Neither, Trinity ERb.nor Robert Niemirien, P.E. are, in any way, the Designer of Record for any project on which .this Evaluation,. Report, or -previous versions`thereof, 41was,-used.far. permitting•or.desigwgiiAdance�unless ,retained specifically for that purpose. •r i 1, TF INIT Rocw NG COMP'ONENT'EVALUATION: 1. StoPi_: 'Product Eiltegory: Roofing Sub=Category: Roofing Accessories that'are an;integra) Partof the•Roofinwsystem Compliance Statement: East Coast Metals. Channel N etals,. as produced 'by, East Coast° Metals, have demonstrated compliance with the following sections of :the Florida Bui)ding,code;through testing;in accordance with the -following Standards. Compliance is subject'to the Installation Reouirements and Limitaticins] Conditions of Ilse set;forth herein: 2. STANDARD5: Section Property Standard Year 1507:3:7 tnstailatiom non-HVHZ FRSA/TRI.April 26-1 (04-12) ;2012 1518i8.1 installation HVHZ ' RAS118, 119&:120 1995 1523:65.12 5tatirbpiiftAesistance TA5101 1995. 1711,2 1 Static Upllft,Resistance. SBCCI SSTD .11 1997 l 3. REFERENCES: fatly Examination' ERD (TST6049) Static Uplift qesistande. ERD '(TST6p49) Static UplikResistMce ERD (t%049); Staiic Uplift, i esistance Florl'daTEC (TST7393) TA5101 PRI (T5TS878) TAS 101 P' 1191(T5TS878) TAS'101 " PRI (TST5878) TA5101 PRl (75T5878) TAS 101 Al (TST5878) TAS 101- PRi, (TST5878) TA5:101, 179(fUT5878) TAS101 Florida Building Code Attachment Re6uirements Florida Building code - HVHZ Attachtnenti Requirements, East Coast Metals- Metalualiy Architectural Testing (011A1844) Qual)tyControl r 4. PR6oUd!DE9c(ilPTioN 4..1 Hip &' Ridge Channel. Metal; Peelformed metal channel designed for use as a hip and: ridge,Ebase;to which roof tiles: are bonded in FBC Approved roof.tile;adhesive- . Hip & Ridge Channel Metal Is•avahable,in 119-3/8Anch{+ 3/8-1nch) length by2.5, 3, 3:5, 4, 5;.6 or 7-inch'L.3/8=inch), heights with 1:S-inch (a-°1/16-inch)�de'ck=flanges: t 3 l . I' l {FF Exterior'Research and Design,:LLcr certififtnte q/ApthorUotion #9503 t t I Reference Date E42730.08.13 08/23/2013 ECM.&6795.12.14-1 02/27/2015 ECM-SC6795.12.14<2 02127/2015 510.628R 10/27/2010 ECM-OD1-02-01 06/21/2001 ECM-003.02-01 06113j2008. ECM=004-02.01. 06/i3/2008 ECMr005;i)2 01. 06/13/2008 ECM-00&-62-01 06/13/206.8 ECM-007-02;01.. 06/13 f 2008 ECM•008-02-01 06/13/2008 FRSA/TRI A061.2012 (04-12) 64/2612• RAS'118, 119 and 126 1995 'Mill Certifications Various Participation ,Letter Ekp.12/31/2018 Evaluation'ReportE10240:08,08; A4 FL6374'R4 Revislon 4: 03/17/2615 Page 2 of 7 42 Trim Ed& .Channel `Metah Pee -formed, metal channel designed foe use as a -hip and ridge base.=to which'roof tiles are bondedin FBC Approved roof the adhesive`: "Trim" Lock: Channel Metal .is characterized by •Fits profildi and perforated upper horizontal flange designed, to receive_ and: allow for •interiockwith the:overlyng tale adfesiue. Trim Cock Channel Metal is avallabldIn 119-314 inch (*, - 3%&" j_ length 6Y, 3, ,3,5, 4, 5'6'r:6 inch ,(+-3/$-inch) heights with 1.5 lnch (+ 1/16-inch) deck flanges: f 4.2 -Trim Lock 'Ius Channel Vetal Preformed metal channel' designed for -use as a hip and•rldge base to which roof tiles, are.bonded in i BC Approved roof tile; adhesive. Trim Lock; Plus Channel; Metal is .characterized; by its profiled and; perforated, upper ,,horizontal: ;flange designed ;fo receive :arid ;allow for interlock, with,•the' overlying :file" adhesive: and its perforated 'deck flanges,, designed for installation. .atop the roof underlayment Ni,vplacement in FBC. Approved roof the adhesive; which :flows -through and Interlocks:with the underlying'adhesive: Trim Lock Pius Channel Metal is.availabie in,119-3/&inch'. (+,3'8,.) length by 3 1% 4; 5 or'6-inch<(±.3/9-Inch) heights, with 1.5-inch L+J/16-41ch) deck -flanges.,. r s. 1" < r -4.4- East Coast Metals;Charinei Metals;are fabricated of the fgilowing`Metals: Y .galvanized Steel Min. f1;019.±A,002 inch,.ASTM A653 (G-90);"min: 33;KSL Y Galva.lume 5teei; Mm- 0 019 ±I.,0.003='inch,-ASTM "A792; AZ55, min. 35 KS1., :Aluminum: 'Min. 0,032 *'0.002Anch, "ASTM 8209, 3003-H14, min: 21 KSI. 'Stainless'Steel: `IViin. 0.07;9:+ 0.0,02-inch; ASTM.A240/A480, 7304 min.R35, KS1 S. LiWATiow' 5.1 This. is a building code evaluation: Neither Trinity) SD'•:nor`Robert N eminent P1. are, in,ahy way, the Designee of Record for, any•project owwhich this Evaluatiow'Report,, or previous°versions thereof, 'is/was used for permitting°or design guidance_ugless retainetl specifially,for that-purpgse; - i . ExteriorResearch and Design, LLC. j Evaluation Re_ partk10240:08 0"Al tertukate ojAWhorhoiian 6509 i" FL531444.. 5,2 FORMW JURISDIcrioNs. 5.2.1 For Hip & Ridge Ichannel Metal or Vim, Ldcktharmel Metal; refer to: Fk RAS 118, Drawing 13,, Detail, j,AAs 11.9, 'Drawing 12, Detail 3; or RAS 120 Drayvi6g 15,,'Detail 3, For Trim Lock, Plus. Chinqql Metal, refer to, the installation Jhstructions herein'. 5.2.2 For HVHZ jurisclittions, installations of Hip 'g. Ridg6thannel Metal and Trim "Lock are prescrioiive!by FlAs A8, 119 and 120 and the dataAn.TablesIA andl-WiS suppleme'rital-to these, Otescrfotive,alloW6hces, Instal lations,.of Trim Lock Plus are limited to projects having a required moment resistance (M,) orr uplik resistance (F,). .n-detdrimindd iri-atcorcig . ncovvith'RASt 127i'iot'.g'(,datertharithg.follow'i'ngvalues. ,146ferto the tille adhesive manufacturer's published installation Insiructions'for adhesive paddy placement details. y "INDEPENDENT" paddy platem�ent:means each individual .tile is bonded to the Channel Metal in its own, single foam paddy; tile head 1aps are re not ,bonded. This method is, limited 'to 2-part the zidhesIV6. Allowable ,performance data below forOlNbEOENDENT" paddy placement already has -a I to 1'margin: of safety applied to ultimate, performance. ;i� NNTERDEPENDENT -paddy Placement means each individual t4e is bonded to the Channel Metal in a foam paddy, and a. second foam paddyyboncli-thie file'head lap,, or two tiles are bonded to the Channel Metal using a single foam paddy. Allow.able'performance data below for"INTERDEPENDENT" paddy placement already has. a 4 to 1 margin of safety applied t,'Oiflha te o ate performance. I I I �r,520 OR ', , �6 0 q� -9 R 1`4 0 t Las i", N 2 JVA ya 1 _, �., , ", - -1 1-150 HI 11114e,meital Adhesive Allowable Performzinbe Tile Moment Based- Uplift Based Design Metal TVpe -Type placement Mf.(ft-lbf) F1 (Ibf) Hip.& RidgeI galvanized �clay or" MTM2.ComponentFoarn­ . "I 'Independent, 127 1.69 Channel Metal concrete Roof tife Adhesive AH-160 T I rim Lock galvShized, GaWaWi-AeO, rclaff'dr, I 3M1m,2.C6m0onent.Foam1 I independent 171 159 aluminum de stainless steel . concrete RWAI16 AdhesiveA H-160 Trim Lock Plus galvanized, Galvalume*,. lalurninum,orstalriesssieel' cIaVbr i 4 '51V!11�2-tomponent foam Independent 177 165- I 1concrete Roof Tile Adhesive A14-160 I d I JV Hip1hiclitO Metal F Tile Adhesive Alloviiable Performance Moment Based, lipliftBased Design' Metal type Type Placement Mt (ft-lbf) F'(lbf) Trim Lock or Trim galvanized, GalvalyTell' clay pri 3,!V!112-Component Foam interdependent 95 88 Lock Plus aluminum or stainless steel concrete 1166fTlle Adhesive AH-160 P Trim Lock., galvinIzed, Galvalumie�, d6y or 1 , 3MI. Roof Tile Adhesive -Interdependent 99 94 stainless steel concrete RTA4 'Trim Lock aluminum clay oil; 31VIII•Foa?n! Roof Tile 411'erdependent. 0. .84 c .4 concrete Adhesive PTA1• galvanized', GaWldme�', day�bri, 3M'm'F6am'RdofTJle; Trim Lock Plus aluminum or staidless'steel concrete Adfiesive RTA-1- 'Interdependent, 90 84 Trim Lock,, galvanized, Galvalume'. or day or TILE BOND-Adof Tile ',AcIhesIvd InterdebencIdnt, 128 117 stainless steel concrete Trim Lock- aluminum, clay of TILE BOND- Roof Tile Interdependent 79 73 concrete, Adhesive ' Tricn Lock'Plds galyanlzecl',�Galvalume' , clay -or TILE BOND - Roof TAte Irit&dependenV 79 ja aluminumor stainless steel concrete-Adliesive galyanized,"Galvaliqrne or clay q'r' Touctf'n SiorrnBond Trim Lock stainless steel concrete %Roof TileAdhesive lnterdependent> 1:46 139 Trim Lbck. pl.ay'�r Toqdh' n teal. Stoqj!4qqd Interdependent - •Aluminum concrete Roof The -XdhesIve, . . . galvanized, Galyalume", I'day 6r, [Touch �'n Sea'! Storm6ond 'Trim1ock.0lus' . , pluTinum,m stainless steel.. concrete, Tile Adhesive. ],interdependent, Interdependent. 58 .54 Exterior Research and Design, I.I.C. . Evaluation . ReportEi020,68,O&R4 FLS374'R4 Revision 4: 03/11/2615 Page 4 of 7 17rY, ERD 5.3 FOR NON-HVHZJWLR111S61&014S: 5A1 For, Hip &, Ridge Channel Metal or Trim' Lock Channel Metal, refer to FRSA/TRIApr1I'201j (0442). For Trim Lock Plus Channel Metaijefer to the installation instructions herein i 5.3,2 For non-HVHZ, installations are limited -to projects having hip and ridge. design pressure re"Irements, determined in accordance with Ta , ble 1,k of FRSA/TrRl zAprj! 2012 (0442),, not 'greeter than the -following values. Refer to the-1116 adhesive manufacturer's published installation, instructions for adhesive paddypjacement details. >, "INDEPENDENT" paddy placement means,each'indlvldual the is, bonded to the Channel Metal In its own, single 'fo6m,paddy; tile9h6ad laps are not bonded;; This method is i1rhited''to 2"part tile adhesives. This method is limited to 2-part We adhesives. Allciwaliiie,p&_I`Ormance data below.for RINDEPENDE . 0', paddy placement; already has a 2 :to I margin of safety applied t(5 qltiinaf6 performa nce. "INTERDEPENDENT" paddy placement means each individual tile is bonded to the Channel Metal in a foam paddy, and a second foam paddy bonds the tile head lap., or;lwb-tiles are bonded to the Channel Metal using a single foam Paddy; Allowable pefforrnahce.,data'beloiw for "INTERDEPENDENT" paddy placement already has a 4 to I margin,of.safety applied toultl' at berformancei N, :1, "MUMt TRW , 210 I ALW v gg­ NIp/Ridge Metal Tile Adhesive Allowable Uplift (PA Design' Metal Type Type Placement Hip & kidje clay or W", 2-Com'oonent.Foam Roof galvanized Independent 169 Channel Metal concrete Tile Adhesiv6AH-160, galvanized,.Galvaldmel% aluminum, ot,; clay or 3W1 2-,Corhponent�Foam Roof Trlm�,Lqck stainless steel 1 concrete. The Adhesive AH-160 3 Independent 173 c ayb( I,3M""-2-Coniobiie'rit,Foa'tn;Roof Trim Lock PlusgalvanlzeJ;.Ga#valume�,alurninurri.6r. Independent, 178 stainless steel concrete [tile Adhesive AH7160 _ . 11 1, _ , �1-jv ZA A49211V qF ANtej M ItA ON-HV&II 'W10 00 iy tA R, " MW4"0P)WO) 64W A 7 i =a- _ Hip/lUdgeMetat `Tile Adhesive Allowable Uplift (Ps ft Degign metal Type Type Placement Trim Lock or Trim "galvanized, Galvalume", aluminum or [ clay or '31v!`2�Comppnent Foam Roof Lock.Plus 1 11. stainless steel I_ I concrete Tile-A660WAI­1460 Interdependent galvanized,GalvalUmeO otstzilnlm clay or 3M- Foam, R66f Tile AdhesiveTrIm"Lock Interdependent 1-i9 ate6l Concrete RTA4 clay or 3M-,Foarn Roof. Tile Adhesive Trim: Lock alum" um concrete" RTA-i Interdependent b,3 galvanized, Galvalume", aluminum or! clay or 3M"' Foam,Roof Tile Adhesive Trim.Lock Plus stainless steel concretes RTA-1 Interdependent 93 I -Trim LockTILE'BOND galvanized, Ga Whim& o(stainless 1clay-or. - Roof Tile Adhesive Interdependent 152 concrete Trim.Lock aluminum clay or T14E�BQNP I Roof tlIe,,Adh0ve 'Interdependent concrete %galvanized; Gaivahime®jalurrin Urp a Yqr Trim Lock Plus ,stainless -steel. ' TILE SOND10 Roof Tile Adhesive lnterclepiind6nt. 82 Trim Lack galvanized, Galvaitime® or stainless i clay or Touch 'n.Seal $torniBon&Roof Interdependent 148 steel, concrete: Tile'Adhesive- rnLock" Aluminum clay.or Touch 'n Seal Storrneond.Roof' Interdependent 61 concrete, jlle-AAhe�sive Trim Lock plus I,ga!vanized, Galvalume", alurfflnum,or" . clay or Touch 'n'Seal•Storm ond,Roof . , . Interdependent, 61 stainless steel concrete Tile A dhesi ve ExterioO.Rescarch and:OeSign, LLC. &rtelmte qjAafhadmilan #YS03� Evaluation Report EiOiQ.68.0� ,-R41 TI.S37444 Revision 4- 03111/10i5 Page of 7 o 6. 'R1lI�1CY ERD r INSTALLATION: 6.1 The roof deck`shall be minimum iS/$14nch,plyw6od (non-HVHZ)`or minimum 19/324nch plywood (HVHZ) attached in accordance with FBC Chapter23 to the satisfaction of the:AH) 6.2; Hip & Ridge Channel Metal and TriimlLock Ghannei,Metal shall be installed using min. it ga. x 13s=inch.long ;x 3/8-inch head diameter galvanized annular ring shanknails spaced 6=inch o , along bath deck -flanges. Fasteners shall, .be positioned.''/. -inch from the outside edge of eatih deck-#iange„set in a bed plastic roof cement. For FBC HVHZ,.refer to FBC RAS 118, Drawing 13,.Detail 3; RAS 119, Drawing-12i Detail3; or RAS.1201 Drawing:IS, Detail 3. 613 Trim L'ockOws Channel Metal shall be: installed °atop-the:ApproJed 'roof unde"rlayment in continuous 2 inch wide ribbons of tile adhesive centered beneath•each i ;S-inch,w1de,deck flange, Place the Trim lock Plus Channel Metal, into the wet adhesive and allow it to'set-lip prior to'inst66tion of'rooftile's. ' View;of Polyset AH160 Placement for Trim Lock,Pius Channel Metal-lnstallation 6.3;1 It is critical; that the k and between . the Trim .L'ock Plus Channel ;Meta!!, the the adhesive and the, underiayment is not disturbed'prior io or ddring placement of the -ridge tiles'. 6.3.2 Approved dnderlayments`'are the codified .'30/W system:or, other FBC `App"roved rbof'underiayritents listing approved use.of the subject tile adhesive, - Exterior Research and Design, [LC.' Evaluation Report E10246.08.0g-M Cettyleaft oJAuthr4#adan'#9S63 EL5374 RM Revision-4: O3/17/2t)1s I Page 6 0: 0 I 6.4 L F T` INITYIERD Tile shall be: installed atop the.Channel Metal.in accordance withtheaile adhesive manufacturer`s.Approved,,published: installation lnstructions; subject to t}i le, limitations outlined in Sect on'S. herein. The exposiJ6edges shall be, packed and pointed with Approved mortar or weather blocking: adhesive in accordance with FRSAJTRI April 20i2 (04-12) or RAS 118, RAS 119 RAS 120requirements:,' Hip 1 Ridge Tile Tile•Adhesi've Trim Lock -Plus Mortar or Weather Block Adh0- i ve Tile: Adhesive View of Trim Lock PlutXheinnel hAetal'thstaliation after Weather Blocked 6.4:1' , Channel Metal shall be,Iree of:dust; debris,. oils or other bgnd-breaking substance odor to placement of adhesive. 7 BUILDING -PERMIT REQUIREMENTS; j As required bythe Building Official or Author§. Having Jurisdiction in ordento,properly evaluate the installation of this product. $. MANOFAcruRING PLANTS: Contact the named QA entity for manufacturing facilities covered bV F.&C.:Rule<61G20-3.QA reguirem.ents. r` 9. QUALITY ASSWRANCE ENTITY: Architectural Testing, lnc. = QUA18441•' (717).764-7790 -r END bFIVALUATiON REPORT i t I Exterior Research and besign, LLC.. Evaluation Report E10240,08.08-R4 C&fiflrate of Authoiizatian #9503. t FL5374-114 Revfsloh 4:!03J17J2015. ?age? of 1 I