HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0570 , r ~-:fi' r~ ..Ii;', '.1"" ,," :"':n, ,1, ,:,~_", ','. ...,,/t..;:/ I ' "",,,' "'''',' ,.'). .' :',1 l559J .,i'~('"i'''''I:I, ',', . ',' ;, '--.' !, ,I 1,:",:1'),',1 l' ,j,t;' " .. I,; , ' , 1, "', ,', ~ " I " I,' "J,,", '; " ,\l ,I 1,..- I I' I , ":' I '. ,I' , ') ',l :, I ""'~"~ ~:.....:.......).. '. ,'l~ ," " I'" ,', ....;, '" '~~' I, I ,',' ,r, "\ ..:....L~_...,.......-..........-..,__,_ ,;, '-'.'., <".:., ~" 1,~~'~-"" __ ;.",...........'.:"1;, ~C,.. ,..'",Lr ..;....."~ ,-,;~,~.I':'''''',"HL';'';c~''':'~'--t.~;..~~:"~~-:--~~-..,,, - ~ --'~'---?- " ""'7'b~ , I ',' I'~":F \' "ft.,N~ hO{~e ~ I 8tr~~tUr~, I~~ ,~:n~:1~~,ng,~O ~el~ecl, ~8 lal~,}l8~~"8~ 'room" 8tor'ag~~OU,Be ~'~nu~a9~Ur~\' .\ \ ",~'~ta:~l1~hm~nt, ~'ob~~e 8'~~,'.0~lfor 'sn1 'ot~Gr' b~81 P~8.8 \ \lr OQlDr.ler~~8~, pUJ'~~8e w~, tE1p,eYe~. l,n01Uil1,nt; i. " ,:, ",' '1' .(, 'apa~tme~t h'olis~e, ',two-tamily or d~Ubl4f It~ne~ent 'house'., ' h'ot~~8'~ saqltariUm8\',or' Ohur.o\h88 .'~.h.l1: ~',l , \~~> '. \';',:'b,e o~nstru~t'~~, e;'~O~'d ~J1:'P1aO~d ~~'a~ '~t'..t~"~o't,8 8~,t~t\e in.~~0~~8,Th!" (f5),~ '~.~.n:('~,),~,: : U ;, " Blg~t, f ~l:, "&1.,,0,n (I'll, '''''01 ~o ) ~8), T~i, rt..n, 113 ~ ,~~prt~ op , fU! ,: 81~to~n'.( l~) .1Ii~~ teo n.' (}9) , .1 , , , ", " '1'1I.~t1-thre,e"(23). Twent1...~our (24L' 9,r ~~nty-fiy., (26);' nol' shall \ a,ny 8to~ge hous." ~nufaotur- .. ' ,', , " ' ; Ins' ~o ~o bH OhDoo~t" '.9"';'mlo~1<0'" go ,. o,~' 'mo~~ 1 n/'ohop , , b.' 00"* t ru;ted: ~~~ot~ 4: ~~' ~1000d '~~..;y ., " ',I ' , : of'~lle, ,lote 'situ.ate, i,n 8aid ,Blo~8, \,nor aha 1t a~ bUS1r~es~ Ol" O~JlUMtfc1a1, ~nte rpbl~ w~8t~ver", _ ;'iti91udlng,apartmeqt hOUBU~'\bW~taIU1~. ~~ dQul?le, ~enelDe'nt~ ~ouBee, hotei.s~ 8a.n.1~8r.i,Ums" 'or ctbUrohe,s " ~'be "Q~e;r~,tei, ~t ~lntd,n'~cl'.,thereO~,~._n~~ 8haUany '8t~ot~,r~, b~,'~r,eo'te'd,~r' e~hQJ"'~)',oyislonri8ci$ : ':1 ',' tlior"". for,t ho;c...r. or hO!~OO'" '0 "'0, ' co "'10, hOgeor pOul t>7. ''''''eIlOl.~'''..o1 'hor..o 0; '0 .wo ",e t ~l" "I ,', ~hogsol" ,pou~tr1.Jte',ke~t\ or ralB.~ thereon. "",' t ' . ", '6,,' ,~~ h6u8. ~ ',stru:O~1,U'.,,:or:'bUiicilPg tO~be\i,ed88 'a,ltutil1O' rOOlD,'st,ore-nouse, Ii18nu:1'ao{uFinr 1 : ' " ' , ", ,'" ' " ' , ,. ': ' ,.." ,',," -::J ' , ',' " '.,' " ' , ,> ' I ;.8tabllShmen~, .aQhln~'shop, PUb1io"gara~,'pub~(O gas gt8tlon~ or 'tor ~D1 other eommerolai" ~ ',;'p,~o~e what~v~r~ '.:~~libeoOnstrUote~'reoi~d'~ or~ ~ia08' ori~n1,iot"ltu~~'.~" i~'~ ani blOck ex-, " ~ , ..: O,optl nJi Bl~Ok~.O.. (1) . '!Wi>; ~) " 8oY' n', 0,111 l7)'~ ""~n~-Q~" ! 21 );!twonti~~", /22) " ' ,'" ," \ '.:, , ~. , Ho bUi~,cl1n~" sha p. be' oonat~9t ed or .reote. ,on ~;y,. o~, "th~ lots', he,reb1 o'onve;ye'd. 'I!O t~,t~ , ' ", f , '. ' 't}l~ ,~onta,.e. 01;' a~ PU',t of 8a ~d bUildings shall be, '~I08er tb8n 't1re~ti 'feet, .to t~e' front 1,1ne' o~,.' . " f . .. . . '. .:' .. " . . ....,.. '. -. " . '. ,'"", .', .~, - ..' :. { 'dibe iot or~lots,'upon'whiohsald. bui1dl~g ,Bh,a.li 'be .'reoted-.,;or 0108$l',than flvt!fee~'t(), the', sleie -!' ',.' ',' .... '. '..: ~.,' ",., .'" ,,,' :, 11~e8' ofaD1',lot.,' If' a g,ar~~",ls '~l'!_otd U'P!Hl ;said,l~t 1 tU;ust. b.io.cate~:, ontlie' ',re8~ isf, the' 't .. , ,_ ~.,_~_.\..,:,~pot~~1'__~r,!!p~rL,~.Q.._~,r..:m,9r"e. l,o~;. P;~Y1d~d~_~~,-:re8.i.d:.n~~,~.g~" S~al1; .notr,lJe~;reot~ll"olO-e~~ ..~ ..',' ',; ~; ',' ~pan f1v8,t....t'to-elther si'de Hne of the:pr~pert'-as'a:whQle.,' :':" "'..' ' " ' ! ", , ". . . :.. . ' ot:. '. : , . .. , '. .,: .' ',. _' '".:'~ ~~ \ :'7. 'The.;.rea1'e8t&te: h.re"n 'oony81ed ehai.1, "riot, at aqv, ,til!l.-1)e're,-sulJcl'iv14ed, 'but,'thhl"'e- 1 .. " , "" ,,\ ..y:,. . ,-~ I ,";:striotlon e~li- not, p'r~v'nt tb,e~rltee;"":1;l1el~ .ex~utol'B,. admlnistra t~r~, ,is fl{ll ,j , , ,\ .J, . ,," .'.~ . "" ..~~ :....-. ,,' t, \ ,\ - \ ~- :-. ti. :>'(, ". '. " , :..... 'he! r8~ suo~,eBsore ',' ox-sssl grls .rr.c:m .oo'nveitng ant"pa rt,lIt' the, '881d ,~eal esta t.': ~ereb1 to theo_ner, or o!,n.r~'ad.fo~,ni':1~ theJ'C181,,$state hereb~o'onve1ed,.,,' , " " 8.' ''lhe oonditions, reat1totioD8 and,lilXli tatlons of, t'hls instriunet;lt ,~hel1 ~ot,l?e,,'oOIi.B,tru.d . ',:s...~ ..' '. ....~ ....., "', . -. ,",,", '_'.'_ .......... ".,L, .._....,._. ,', ,~. 'to ,ss to,pr'YEnito~.,l1ml\i the grant.., thelr e:ieoutore~ sdtnln18t)'aiore. iegal""re'ptltUn~at1".e, he,ll'B'., 8uo~es~~r8"~nd a88f~8 ,:fJ:'~m' k"Pl~: and',~lnt81nlng on:~be"r'~,al',eet8t"oonve1ed':Buoh' ' . '. _ . . . . "... " . I, ~. . " .: ',.'~ 'I. . . < . .".. . .' .... .: .: ". . . aer~ant~ 'ae 'may' be 'required 'tof tacU)' u~e~, ~, ' '" , . . , . . , ' Vi01~tiOnln .~Ol,e. or' ln pa~ ofeny' of the 8f~r-eeald, oonci,~t10nB. ,re's,triotlone, , '.- ~.' .... . . ~ ' ... .'. . :l1ml tations~;y 'the.' grarite~, 'thelrexeoutors" ad,,1n1Btretor.s, legal'repreBentatl vita ,h.lr,8 .".. . '.' . " .' ",' < ' . .\.' .' .' ~Uoo.Bsorei' 8~" 8S.Blgns/ 9:1' b1 the' ~wne~ o,r,owner'of',the,'r4s1 ,e~tatehere~n"ooriJ:e~ed by, viTtue of" 8n7,.fUdlOh1 pro()te,dln,te, shell '6auB'e, th~' abovede80rib,ipd' oonvo1ed ,r'~'l'Btat'e.to lr.ime~l~t'l~' rn~rt :to :t~e fP'8ntor,. its', 8U:oo,e:fl~0~s ,or asBigns'.' to lrninedlatel1 ffnterupon , "",.', ' , " or ~ sslene, ai1d,she~lent1~le tbetrentp,r, its' suooe8,or8 '. . . - . . . sa1d pro~er,t1 without, not~oeendt8k.pOSB'B8lon otth. . . ' ". '-. eame, with ,full t1 tle, 1n~n 81mp1e, together with all impro:vementBth.~eon., , And~he 8$1d pe:re1~t the first part cloeBo)1,reb1 fully warran~ the tltle ':to said .1l1_d~tend the sam.'agslnst the lawful. olaimaof allpereq-ne whomsoever. . . - i .: ".' '. .... . . , : IN wt'l'RE~S, "!Ip!o',~tiie said party of the f.lr st' pa rt"haa here~t o'osUBed' 1 te .;. .' .-:: " ",....'. .' . .' .' - '. "" Bame and eea to be set a-nd affbed b1'. G. llo:t.lullen,lts 1Jree1derlt, ,the da1end yea1': 1.' -" _ " - . ': ~ .. ',' : . . ,:'\. '. '-and and oor rate tlrst above wrltten. , , ,~ ,(SEAL) " l"ORT PI~roEPINAUCING AUD COnSTRUCTION C ()}dli An I' Corp.' Se.1. Att.,t' GeorgeS. 80110'r I t8 Beor.tar1_ , ' .. , , B.J' ,~. G. Jlo:t.lullen ' Prl814ent .' ; 13lgried, 8tel4r!d';I',and del1v.red ,'1npr.~eDC?e of: o. L.~ulllvan, :.-:...:....:: "," .-..::~<.:.. .~--~ - -----~-~-.!.~. . l .... . -.f . ---.., .-------,---- ~~.