HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0571 I ' 'r-06'O , , I" , I ,:1 . I'" , I ;';;''\1' : ;,' i . ~,;,',' ',:, ,. , I ',I ',' I', 'I ' , " I ,,1 'I , " '" 'I " ,,' ,I, ' I : I \ I. - ,.- _ t :',' I ." I \', I I' '::~~~~ . ',. ~_:': L' C~"' ':.:,:~ ~"~:"'1'-t';.,:' :,,"lu_ ':"'~~: ,1 _,~~C"" ' ,:, ,:_,~_!:.... .-::!t:4:T:....;-;~...,.~;\~,..:L:..~-' '....;, 2. :~, ,', I \ I,' " :\ :,'\, "..';.,' C..l.'6<?:I'~I"R_ 8.t8,mp~l,I>; \ ' '\' ,\ ,I ,," !,'{ ; , ' \,", ,I, I ',>.1 ,', \ .',.' " ' ", ' . ',' ,1 \ ' . "',. "'- Sr.. "L1JC~E P.oUT~~ \'1" i.,' \, \ T\ ii' ' . ,",\, \ ,i,'.. t ( ,( \' "'1," .. L I_I ~S8. ,\ ,\ \ ,I ,,\ \ ,,~,\.,:',',\, ,'\ " ,i.:-STA'lE',()"'~OR1DA ',',:~"\', ,~,\: ,',' ,,: , , '\.i,; ,u\, "'.,,'~;" ':\;', '\'j , , ,1, '~ ~bta,r;l ~u~ii~" an ~,:t:hoe r\~u~bDzI~"d' 'to take ao~-o"iedsment8 \~tl de.\i~ f l\!tr~,~Q~.~~ff. . " . \.,'., ',I, ,\ , " \ ',..',,', . .\ , ' "",',: ',\ . that .~. 8~.8~101":~r'8nd 'P., G. MOlluUen'.p.reonal,l;Y 'tnownto ~ 'to. be, tb~, ~,eor.t8rr:i~nd, px".eB1dent ; \ . ',' -.. .. \ ", - '.. . .~,",' \." '- "~'.' . . " \ \. . " ':.' ,:.' '.' \\ ;, "'\ ~- -,. ,,' , r.,ep80t1~~11!o.f :PORT ,PIE~B 'l1~lfOINC'. A1'fDeO"!3Tn~C~I.ON QO~AlIY, 'i"O'dr~r~t1on, '~~ganiS'd,' and no_,",\ , \, \' , ,,' ': \ ," "" \ ' ,,\ ,.xiet~~under:tb...I1a.~ 'o'f tb~ 'Sta~. of' P1or14,ar,ai1d. wb'o' ,a~, euo~',Qffio.~ '~*eout'ed thf''for.g'oib~, .." , . . \ .' , \ . . \' . ',' \ _ _,' \, I . '" . ._' .' . \., ~ .. . . . _. :" \ _ ", . .' ~ . deej,'thUs4ai p,e:r80nail;Y 8,PPt8~~ b"fo:re mea,nd' aCkno.ledg"db'~o:re .ie that.' the;y' tX'O\1t,easaid' " , ;;;J1" " ,'" _..,' ,','..,' ' --'- " "", . "'d'eed and Bllohoffioer8~ In:the,name of and :for.and oD.behalf ot 881d oorpohltion."freel;Y,allll-:,:::, ." . . .. . . . ' '. " ~, \. . . . '. \. '.. .', - .', . '.'. '. .," -' -', : To1unter11.yt'ortht uses, andptU'P0868 t~81':eiri .~rtB..chand, .ith,: ~uU a~tbro1t'7: so , t~ do.: \. .. -. 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J4r 'ooil~ ,~xpir~s Oot''-2. 192"1. , , ' ,', " .. ".' . . " ',3 , ' " . _. .'.. 4': '.-.- ~ "',-. - -.".. -- - . ~;. - .. 7 - -. - '.'!. .. "B3,~~,~~,D~~. . .' , - .' " , , . ,,' ~ . .. . . ." - . .:..~. .-J .. . . '. ", .'. . _ ,,~ , ~. j . . i . ~,.~ :-~:~-~::i~~:~~:~~~~~~~~-~~-::~~-~~~:=~'-,_.~-::"-:~:;~:::::~~~'~'~--~';~~=:=~:~-~~-:~:':'~-,~~~~~~-.~~:,: ',.. . . . ~ . ..:. '.' '. . . . .' . ~ : . . . Ii;':t ',' , ' , , , WARRANTY , D!ED ' , - " ' .. ',.. , ' . . . . '. . ," ',.' S "" ",' ,'.. THIS INi>E!J1U.RE~ J.tade thls' ,2nd 'da,-,'ot Va"A.. D. 1926,~n'EpJamee Jd~oyii18n Sr. and . .'~ . - "'-'" '., .' ',Jen,~UaOU1l1an,~ h1e:_1fe o~tbeQO'unt;y"Of Franklin', In'tbct 'State' ot Illin01sf parties' ot the " , "f1,rs,t part, end 'D.C. Jones of the C,ountyof :lr~~U,n', ,In-tbe State o'f ~li.i~ol~th~ ee'o~n'd:' par1;. , . WITllE~SETH, That tbe ~ld 'partie'sot' t~efiret' piir't~, for ~u~d in' Qonside'ret; ioo' of 1;lu;, :-:,sUmof ~lft~'~l1Hnn~re~n4Uo/100"~oi.l~r~. to 088b:~in' band,',pald b;ytbe'p8rti,~eo~'tl1l1 ,,' ," , " ',' ":" " 'I' .. ' ,', pa,r:t,ther.oe1.ptwhereof is her~b7 ticmowledgea',gienteci, bargained and sold: to tbes~1Cl pert, .' - ,', . . . ',-' ,- .. ".C?f tM~eo.on'd 'p,ar.t,' h'e1r,8a,~d aBs,-,gns ,forev.r ;tbe f01~~Wl~g" d'Boribe~18nd, ',s1 tua,~,' l~~rig " and being",1n' tbeCount;y of Saint Luoie and Stete 'otPlor1da, to-wlt.:' " . , , ' "', '." ,",,'," ~, '.': ",\.. , Baet Ten '(lOfA'oreBofTraot, e.eve'i1 "n ~ lSeottontblrt;y-one' tail}: Township thi rtl..:tw,o(32) So~th:, Range t h1r,t1-nlne' (39) aast e8 . . ~ . . ':.. . ~ . ,.. . thes,sne ls designated on the 18Bt, ge'ner8;l pl'atoflBndsof tbe . .r._ . . . . . ~.. . '. _' . " . Indian R'1. ver }'arma Company,. filed in the off~oe ,of the Clerk o:t tne OirciU1.t Court' ofSa~nt, Luol(Oount;y Plor1da. ' A-~d tl,1e sald ,p,n'~1ee oft,he f1 ret pal':t dqhereb;Y full;y, '1r'a;-rant,' ~he~ ,ti,tle: t~ 8ald la~d,' en4, { .hi defendth'S8me ap:a1nst the'lawfu1Q,1.alm8 of 811p~r80n8 whol!lBoever. { , JaMee ttolt1l1an Jane Mo!Ullan (Sea~) , (Seal) J IN'.nTlfgS~ 'imERROP.' the SB1,d part188 of tbe f1rst part . , . . . . bereunto. ~ et '1;he1r hand~! and, 'f,' ' _.-..---.:.....-~-:--._.~~--.---.--i-----~----..:-__._--~.- ....- 1".A ~, '. " '. "