HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0572 -. ! -_ - - . ! _ C:, . ~~ '.' "..' ~.' , . ~ " ,..-", J: ~-, ---- ~-, i:~.. ' I' I i 'II '... , r " J c,-_,'~c-Iji~.",' ,I ".l---'L-_u}' ': :~, I _.: '; -"'~d L -----'-- -~h~,~_____:_~~t~.' -J-- . i ' I ' ' ,I' I, ' , I I l. , I, ,i' ""i I ',',' !, ',i ,t I ",,' "l~:' I " ',' I' - I ': 'I ' I" 1 ..;_ _;,,:+~, :~ '):;*\~;~~~':'_:~~':"~:_~'C~i.~L.:J.:::~ :"'IL~CJI'.: "_,,, ',,~' \~). ~ I \~ , "I ': :. ';, " , \, ' I" i \8~A~'E;\OP'\ n:~RIl)" ,j- ,'t,';, I' ' 'I' \ ,'" \.".', .".. 'I'.', ,,';, 11;'\t,l" ,.' :,\ 1'\,.. "I ,t<.-', ' 'Irl ' '1..'\ l' ,I X' , ,\' \ ., "{ \", i', '\", ,\ \ :\ " ", ",,\iC~~YO:~~IIKtI~~QBRT~,r ~hltt:,O~' ~~,~, I d~ :~."~~1Y', ~~~~.~.~ ~O~O"~ ~~: I' ~~' .;~l;oi ~\1lY : ; , ~:n, " .U~hor~'o~lt"'~dm[i.lotor ..th., ~""t.k' .Ok"'/wl "~O~h;:J""O'"..Il11i,l"" '~ri,~ ~.~o IIa.Kl111... ,", "I U ,I 'hi. wU.,t. ..O.ill, known '0' b. the' p....... du"rlliod, 'In .04. wh. o'eol\,hd "th. torogoln~ 'd.ed, \' ,', '.., ,,' '" I, \ " ' ',' '~ , \',': \ \ . I \ '. \. \' ':, , '.' \ , ,,' ,,\ , . ,: and aOkJ10~I1:edg.d 'bei'ore \~ethat" t~"y.x~outed 't~8am8 '~reely' and'V01~nt8rlly'for. thepui"p088.8 '. '" . .' " , .' . '- '~".' ~', : t '. . l' ._', ',< '," , .. .. ;;, . , . .,' '. t~erel'.n expres8ed.' , ." - , , \', . , , ' \ I " , . \, '." , ',', \' ("~,: ",.AND ~roRTHari.\ORmln~<T~t.,th' ,B~'~'d 'Ja~. ,~8~Yill~(n, k'nown to ,:lIe to be ~h'e' ~lf' 9t tJ:1e: :e8id',J~e~ lIa,(U4n~1'(ri lir.on ,a,','sepatate and'~rlv~t~ e~azi.1i~tion'taken ,aqd ~de' b~ $n"- ' b.1'ore .. ,8eparat~i, C8ild, apart. ,.tro'm'het Bald:' llu8band, cUd' 'aokn'o~rle'a~e" t~,t,8he, made herall,t a, .,. ,'S ," . ' ..... ..:.... ..,' . ,,'.:' ~ -. _,.- ~.:~. - .... . . ,; ":'par1;y to'S81d 'deed for ,tll~i 'purPo~e of 'renounoing. ,rel1n.qu1shlng'i$nd oonveylng all her HSl1t . . .' '. - '. '. . : . . . . ~.. '. . ... ,- . '.' . . ~. . , .' - .. -'. . . . \. . ,,' .). '- 'Ut1'8n,rlnter~8it'. 'whether dower, homesta(td ~rof 8ep8:r8,teprOUel',t~ ,8t'!ltuto17o,r, eq~l table ,'::' ,,' ' f~. ~1'1dh ~O'.,~,h~ .1~'n~8 d'8'~~I,b.~'.:~t~~elri'~' a~d~t~t "he, e~~,outed the' ~ald :d'~ed,fre'el.l: bnd'vo~u~ta~~ '~nd Wt,th'6ut ~tiy' ooinP~18'iO~, o~ri8t~81n't, :8PJ.lr!he'n'Blon' or' fear ot:. or 'from h8~ 88~'d ,hlll:iband'., "," 'i ...,~', ,".wI~n!SS~ ~nd'8nd '~ffi0181'8~~i" at 'e~t.r'r'nkfort, Qourity o~'Rr~kl~~' and, :,',.-<..:".:=:'..,T'St8t~e:oi.;.- ~:"<'tbl~'2:~d'd8t,olJ..l8Y;'-i:lr.i926~~" ""...'>-:',.".,::,...:'d," :.....,:.::....'_-0., \ ;' ,', ';>. \ '. I,' " , ,\ '. " M _".? , , '8" " ,.Y', ~ '. " :'. . -. ....--... _.".'----:......_,~. "---,'-"- " :'.: ' ". ,- ." . " , . , .' . r _' . . -. " , , , . , , ~ ,- [ , I ( ~ " i (H r:.Sltr I) ':', .. I" , .i: ," \ . '\ '. \ " ':., i'~: ,H,D'epper ~ " NotoryPubl1o:; State ,of, Illj.no}s Yy' 0.1,88.1~,n e~-pire8 Oot~, 1928. ~- , ..' : ' . ','lPiled and, reCQrde'd, Qn this' ~he . 19th ~(l" of ,Hay,' l026,.-at ~ :54, A.JI~ ' , -:==: . ..... ',' ", , , 'iu'.).t~' '. , , -;-, ,~\.)....... .' .9~\\~~N,~. '... ~/ " ", . . '.' ,P. c. Eldred; Ol!J~Clrou1--t' Oourt." ' : .Ji. .....,........-_ .".' . .~__.. .'~ ;..-_.~~.~\:,' ~. . .. ~ '.~miu.l.~" D.~', . .)." . .~. " ~: > #. ,.;. , , ~~~-~-~~--~-------~-~~-~--~~--_.~-------~~~-~~-~------?-----.--~~~-~--~~~~~~-~----~~~-~~-------~- , '. " ,SARAn L. w.mIJl, 'm AL T9" J. ,'iI. PHI11NEYET'AL: , ....,., " " "'A,:t~A!fTY , DE~ '. .' ',' ,,4' , THI8,lND3nTURB~ Uld~ ,thi8 l2t~, da'y Of Kay , A., ,D.: 1925 ,BETQElloS'srshL. Uartin& Q,orge,Bl'Uoe j.rert1n herhUB~and of the 'count10'f 1.lu8itln~' 1nthi 8teh' of ,OhIO partl,eeof:tlw 'flrotpert;;, ..d -h--lf.-Ph1n,>0n;Rohort .."~l.~" <If ~hocou~tp of ~lnth. ;t~t.~(\. , :part1e.e .0'1' . the8eoondpar~. . .' 'WI'l'1l&8~ETH. Th&t the,sa1d, paX"tft!J of 'the first. pa.r~,~for and i,n OODald,eratlon ot .~, ,'., ., ,,'.,' , ' > '> , \ ; the ~Um o~'l'~n Doila1'8andothe~ OO~B1d'rat1~n8'~' to"~hem in; babd---f&4d;b~.t'he8~id ,par,tleso'fth.e . . , - ~ . . . . . '. .. .. . . eeo,ond part,th,' no~lpt whereof 18 here:t>" 8okilowlt,d@'8d" ~v"granted. l>8i'gQln$d~n~ sold to the" . . ". - .:..: - . .' '. . . ,.... . "'." ::. .. SIl.ld partiee of the 8eoond>P8rt..'the~r h81r8~nd sBs1gns,forenr,' th~, following described land'" . ~ ",altuate~ tytng, '8ndbe1n~'.in,th" CO,unty 0,< St. Luoi.. 8,tate otilQr1d~. ~~, The "ifeet one hal,fotthe l:!9uth :';8Bt' One qtlsrter 'of the' t',' South nest one quarter of'~eot10n'~o~t.en Township 31 , , South Range 38 &ast. I . .tleo that part of the South West one quarte'r of the Bouth' " West 'one qu,.,arter of ~e,ot1,Onl., Township 31 S. RO,nge '38 ' East. wh10h linuet of 'the Se~a8t18n River and contelning ."j ... . . i , ,.in is 11 twenty e1p'ht aC)r.smore, or less; "- ....."-..... :..,....." .......::"'.~. . .~'" ' '. ,,_ ~ .L...... .'-.."- -'. 'tJ'4)"/ ",,"' ~. And-, the 8a(d',par'tle,B of the f1rst p8rf'"cfo~ neref>Y ftIl1r_arrant the title 1;0 8a1d1aOO., and w111 defend the. 88118 a gtlnBt the ).awful 'olalrnBof, all parsona wlx>rnBoeve~., f I IN wtTtlES!<\ WH~IDP, The Sald parties of the t1ret,patt have her/Junto 8.t their -~ --...-- .