HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0573 . ,e:-o-n '/', -1j-~-:~~-J'l ' ' ,i.)~}.~, ",';' " " I; '" " ,-' 'I' ' ',. ,F'" I")' . I~ I, " I ',..\., if ;"/'j' "':'~.'i,~\,i;', j, .; "~~~I_L." I 'o--t-, I, . . I' , I :, I. I:;' , " I ,,'It,. 'I, "I' ; 1 ;," ' ,I', I ' ',. ,I i~"'" , 't. ,..j, , .' .. ..:. I .'. ~ . j' I -:.. .' \ .' . .~: J l ~ -'. !' .. l' ...... :'. ..' .;' '.~ ~_ _'. 'I..: ! I I I '" I " I' ' " ',' " , ' , .'" I" ..I '. " " ";"~:.' " .' ."" I, '" ',. I :1.~~_' ..::! 'Il'~.~' .' ',: ,,' .'. " ',..I, ;.i .,.' :i~ '. L__~~~.J'_'I' , I", I "',,1 ' " I, i.,."', '; L ..t.,...",...."...'-r""'~~.,....,..,.,..,.~.~,.......,....""'~.~l..,~'~-~:;:;::k.r',.,..~I~.",."..~""'P~~ry"l~~=-=,...;.,.;.,,~~"'~:.:~: ~--l"""'~n'~-~- : " .' ,,' \ ',' .. " ',' i " " '. 1. \' " : \ ." - I~ ",; t' '," ',' -,' -: 0 -~""-. \' " " , \ ' \ . " :' \,', I ,'. J, . " ' ',' ,. , ' ' ' .' - ' \ .". I . \ ' I ' i" ' \ ~ " ,\ \ 'handl' ~r,ld seall : the day, and'lear.;,nrs't ,.b,ov:e wt'lH'~" \, , "., 1\' " I,"{ , . ,\ '\ ' " '\' ' ,I, ". ' ' . " , . , 'I ..' \ ',' 'I )' . \ ' ~. ; I ' , I .\, I,,' \ " \ ',' ,I \, \, .\\~ \', \, \', \"1 \ t, ,,' I "",,1, .",,\\,i " \ '\ ";'\:: " "Signed. eeaa.ed: a~d,4ellv.r'~\l~,'-' '\': 'c' I ~: ,\ . \,~arih L.ll{~rtiril; ,(S,~~l)i,' 1'\ ,.., \' II :pr'es~n?,e';o,t\USI" ',.,1" " -: :\"" ;':\ \- \ '" " ; "\ ,', .\, I"".,i;,'"",'"., ",I:"II,,\,'-e,,',',.....,.,.'.',...I.,.. ",'" \, ',11 ,1.1' ,\', ',.' ,\ '\'\ ,',.,Ge''\rg..l\ruoe\~\rU~"n~.81), .' ,{, T~'d ,'~~ ~hOrnP80n ~ "; ,\ ','., , ,. S,\,.' .\"",\ ' '\, \" ':,' ,~,,'.:: " .. A.l1rban,,\ ~'! I" ";\~", t . \ \' \.\ . \ ~:. \ , " ',\ I " I,' .. \ '" , ',\ ,\, \\ '" "', \, ' \, I, ,'\ \ '\ \, \ \ .' . ".. ,l , :\\ . , , . .. , 6TAT'OP FLORID.' \ ' , ' " \ I, :,' " '.: ," ' , ,---'-:- , :OOuH'l'Y' Op. ~~Kl NOUl( , , \ ,.- \ \ , \, \ ' \ ' ~ -'~ . '. .,' \ ~.\ ":, \ " ' , I '" ' , ,"\"" , ' :' ,', " " . \, \,', \ ' I,BEREBfCE~,IPY, Tbaton, thiS day' per-eonally ,appeare!!, bef.O:r e lrae"a,n off1o~rd~1y' '. . . .' ,'..- - " . . .... '- ~ ~ ",' .- \ ;. .' . - . - ~ ' -' .' '. .' '... . ,; '. . .. . . - . ',. . author-1lf.d, ~oal\mlniElter oaths end ,take aokno.le4gin~nt8'~ Sarah ~', U8r1:,in and' Gel>x:,lie B~o'e "~8rt1~ ,to lIl8~e~t k;nowP,a'i1d k'no'wu 't'o,~ :to;' be 'the ;,nd i~ d318ls 'd~~on b~'41n and ~~o. ezeoiite'~': " ~"'" ' , . , " , , ,',' , . ' ," J. \ ' ,: " ",,' -.: , ' , " '. " , ",. " the foregOlng'deed",and ~thtl:aoknO'llfl.dged b,efpre ,metbBt:theY'.8xe'outed the- t!.u.e freelY"and' . . ,. ",. "."a... .," ',', ,.'. ,.~'" '..~. ,~"-. ~. .~'. '~"~'. '''oluntar1~l ,fqr, the purpoeeBtherdn e~re,ss,cl. ~ '-;\ '. 'Aim,I:"J'URTHER CEll'Jln' 'rhatthe881dSarah L.itar,tin' kho1m.to'me .to be, the wlte otthe; " ' ,~a,id"Ge~~r~e ,B~o.e' 'Ya ~i~',ori",~ fJ8P8nit'e\lid Pr1.....t~.enm'~,~tl.on '~~en'arid..:~~e, 'b~ ~rid,:'l)e'ff)~, ime ,BtParetell<alid aparl~fro~h,r said 'hU$b~n4,' 4i'd a'o~nO"l~ dg~t~'t she ~8d'eh$re"lt 8'Pdrt1 ~ ',' . .' -~""_ -, :",<', ~. '" . ,,: . ....."... ...... '" -,...' ",_ ..... J' ",0". ", ,0' ..... .'~...." : ,'. :....,.'[ ....-... "'_ ,to sald -aeeci'tor tbe'purpCII e~ o~,renol1'noirig, relinquishIng and' C)on~oling ,a.n: bel'., rtght', , t'tt1e" . " ,',.. "8n!l'ini.,~es~..' ~e~~e~ o~ ~o'W.8r, '~0~e8~~.~~O.r,o~,se,~~i"$'~~' Jlro~'ertt~, ,8ta~~~~9'~0'~:',q~i,tab~e." in:~, .. . . '". '.. . "3 . ", ." t . .' . '". . " ,.- .. -:. · :andto ,th'e olande 'de8,ori'bedtMre1n~ ,al\d thllt '$be. 4tzeolited' th.sald deed" ft;e elyalid Voinnts1"llY' "". ". '.". $-~"~"";"'~ - ',~ '. ... ..,. '-':' ~:. - ~ "" .... "... ..." .~ -', ~ "\" ".,-',' ,'" .: . ,'and without 'al\V ,(JompulUon;' oonstraint, apprehent10Q or'fear of:,orf,rom her 88Id.J1uaband. ,. .', ';; ..",. - '_' " . :," '..; ,,< . '. ,.,~':. '_' ,.,,',: '. ," .t, " '. ,~.: "., ,.....,_. :""', . - 'W1-TNES8'my :han4 :arid,ottloieleeal'8t Zanes...!11e. CQuntl'of UU9ki_"art4, 'State ot:<, ;' ,-'~'-.",.,,';-" :....' '~~"... '..;' ,- . ',' "'...".. Oh.io;, this 12th:dB~" of ,)(81" ,A,. >>.1925. " " .;': " .', ,C) . ' ~, .' .... . '-'. : ~'. . .~ J" t", ".' " !, " ",:;:: ", I....,. . " "'" ~h,ad ,1. Thompson " i. ,., ' , ,'-'~r-:-------Uot8rl ~ubl1.o. , ~ ,l(y' oommlssiOQ. t%pi res ])eo. '14" :f926. .-( .5-~OO-I-.~.Sta mpEt ~~'ed-t:'-'__~L. --::,':"",:'T': . .. '-. ~. " , 1. . . '. . . J!tld and reoord,ed op ~,hls tbe ,20th, d-&~ot-:1aY~).92~,t:at '~: 21 P'.U. , " ,'~~1J.: :' ' , > '~r, "" ,', '. "'1 : P.:~. Eldre~, ~~ " . ") " ~"5, , 'i:{, C,lertt C1r()uitCou~~ ' ..~' n' ',., ::'~" '/;}".", - ". ' "n.c'. .~.,.~~.:.,..",.,,_/~ . t.... ...~. .>--~._.,;-~-~-~- -,;. ~'..~~ -- -," ~-- -~ --- ~.- .....-- ~ ~.;.:.~.. ~.~.:. ':". _.:. ~'- ,:._'~-- ," -- ~ .'- -~.. -.~~-_..~._;.:.. -',:, ....;.~ -.- ~'-'~-~- ~ - - -~ - ~::. - ." . <', " : . ~ ~,'. !o- 0" WA RRANTY DE~' ., " , ~RAnVItLE,R.,' S,\U?r.ET ,AX, ~ , ,O.l. 'lfORLBl' !TAL ./' , ' T,HI,S'DEED; ~Jlde' ~he 2'1thdal~i A~rli ~.~.1926~ b10~ A. Worl,'~ .sDd Edith .~orl~y; hiB., , ,,...1!i~e .o.~ _~.!ie~~_()~t,l "O.f_~llt'on'S1!at.. of nor,lda h,reln81'ter olil~ed:t~e gr~tolB ,t~ Gra'n...llie, ,~ ...... ._-----:------------------~_..._-- ---------.-.-,... -----p----'--,....-----:.~. ._._._-'---..~'.-._~~...."-' :---_._--_....~-~---.-.-:;-- R. SW1tt'and '8" G. Walleoeot. t~e'(fottrity' oi'..-,~. State of ' '---:"herein~fter" oalled, 'the. ~r~tu/' " lfITliES!lETH, 'r-hat.'thellaid grant?r8. 'lnQ~nBIder8tlon of Ttn Dollars end Q,tber Taluable l ','. j :'. ," '- . .".' -' . - ,- . .0nsld~rat1ons', thel'eodptwhereof ~8 hereby 8oknowledge~t dO give, grant, ~8r~ln" eell,slien; , , . 'remlse, release. enteoff, oonTel 8'nd oonflrm unto the ssid grante'es, *nd thei'r he1T8,and , ' 'I " 7, " UB1gnG..in feee 1mple, . the, lancis '81 tuate 'in ~t.' Luo le County, State ot,li'lor1da; deS,orIbel as ".. ..,--~---~~.....,."'''''--:::-~=!,-..;;;-'--".-c_:=..''''.,...'''=,_-.-,-, fo 110"8: " , I Lot Eight (8). .Oity' Hell Blook S~bd1vlslon of ~~ Qf'~OOk torty"!'eight/', (48) as Shown on file 10 offioe 9f the Clerk:: of 01rou1 tCOUT,t of .St. , , I, / " j Lu61e Countl, norlda~ ' ',.. ,/ ' . , I' 1S1 '\:lie acoeptanol of; thl Boonveyanol the grantees herein asaume ,a oertaib' /, I, ;> ---:' -r I '" indebtedness r.preeenttd bl~thr.e notes given _, O~ A; Worell and E~ltb Worley I ..I "~.,