HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0577 II '-or, I,' ' I I , I,' ,I .r '.' I I, ,',"1;':';' , ' " : ,~a6,,' '0" II ,';, L......,h~-'-'.I, _~~'_ -\c--~- 'n .,: I, UU ",' " I' .' I"" /', j .f,'~, ' ',' ' ~ " If," ", '1', . .I ',; I, "~'~-~il,'!I' ,j' I. l, ,I I, 'j ';, " ~;>i:7, "L~2'.~~~rj'\:l~'""""~~T'!: ':~,~', , ' :," ~;~ '.' ;~i :k;~";~C:"~"}"{. .,':;:;:q'~:';;;i:::i,.~ . 'I' II81id ipali,d~' the, :reo.~~wh"reOt,\i~ ~.r,byaoh9'1'l'dge~, 'haB ~r8nt~d., 'bcirp-$fniclJl .80ld,' 8~Ub'd,,:'i;1I, ,'I,', ,( 'to' \r,'~l'8td.:rtle~8,~a', \~~t1.t~.~~,~'nd l~'onfli~ed. :'8DI1 '~1~h~Ae,p~~~eri~B:"dot~'~'~t.. '~ar~l~~: ,S~\1:,' :'\,,:' \\ ""~:II.,,I ~', "':,~::"~'o~::',~\,\,~;~r, j:",:::o~~l., ':, =,': ~:~"d:n:::l~,;~ l:::~il,~~::: ;~~~t~ :::~ ":,:!:, :~:~~.' ~~:: rT:' ;;I',~ . ,:',' , \ \ " , \ " ".. . . \ } \ i,", \ ' , , '..: " " !, ' , ,\ , ",.; , " , and st~,tei()t\~loj..1,4a, '1IlO:t:e partioularly de,sortbed ai,CifolloW8:'':' ' ,/ \ I,ll ',' ',':':',~.' " \" , " . \, '" 'I.'.. " " ,,' , , ,'," ,\,' " I" \ .. ',\ \' ", , '\ ' I ' I,. ""tot. ?3~f\Bloo}: 2\ot l11iat No.\ 1,Of\Rolal',pau,'aOOOl'di'ngto:pl~:trebOrde~\on page 66':\" ;.-hl' \ " ' ' \' .. ," .. \ " ',,: ' ' " !. - ' ' .. ' \ " " ."" , ',\, "ot ~18~ JJO~.k :. ~n' the 'otfi~. of,the Olerk of t~ Clrou1t Co.ur~ pt\ St'. ,Luo1e'"county i 1!'lOl'ldlf,': ""~, \ ' '\' ',' \ ',' " ",' ,',','" \ ',' ,'",' '"., , \,'" :' '" I , ' TOGETHER with aU, the..teneme~te. he'1'e!litamenta"aridappu;tenaDoeB"w1tb ~v:ery,pl"l,vn'8'~': ' .' ~. . \' \. \ \. r", ~ .. _ .". . .. \ '. ,'. ".' .. " ,"... .'. . . ." \ . .' ".-Go ,r1~ht.title;\1~ter.Btal1d C?ata,tt.tevemlOZi.'re'1II4l1r1der .04: easeDient,theretQ,b~long1rig o'r:1i1 ",": :.' ..... ~ ~. . --, '. -:'.,\,:'.,-, ',' '.: ,'.. :. '- \. ,', .,'. ':"',, '.,\ ~ :' - . ,_.,\~ -' . '-.~',.,' '.., :" a,~~:se"app~it8Uang;TO RAV,E 'AND" 'j!P HOLl) tl1e 'Ba~.,'ln f,~..'e, 81mple.fo~.T.r:o ,eubJeot, 'how8Te'r,"to ,the t91lowing, ~e8tribtion8~', condl ~'~on8, 8..nd l1mlt8~'ion8: ','" ,,', .It'18 'mutually ~~~.ed,t~t' t:h~,'B~' p'r~e~ntB ,ere, "~eBUl)J~Qt_t_QthefOl1c.~in~ express . ',\ " .. '.~ '. .."...,,-r-~, ".: .",. \_"._" . :'. ~ . ." oondl tlon~:o ~'8tr~ot1ona "8nd limitations, and :whiob 'are, t'ntendfld - to be ~r1d sh.&,ll' b,e;8oa8Pt.a~ BJf " . .. . .... '. ';', . '- . .... ',- '. : . '-" .' , '. -' . ,-', - . ',.. ." ...". . '.-. ';' -," .", . -,.' 'ooYena'ptB ':running w'~th ~he.18nd,arid,wl.iioh shall 'be' ,blllcHng alike, upoiCthe heirs, 1.ge1repreBen~a,t'1ve8 ' , " ".': . ':,"" :' '. , '. ,', . '. '" '. . .., "., ....... '. '., : _.; . ,. . ~ = ,.....,.. "" . :"': ,'. ,t '. "," . ,'". .~" ,..' ,', ,'. ._. . . (,anct $88i gneof ,the'yend..,. '''0 by'h1e "ooepta.noe ot thle'in8trument8g~ee8,~to, 8,bid~ by 'ana p'.erform ": ",', .. _;.. ,.1 ".' ',::. ' ..., '_' ':.', ....", ,." " ..:':,' .-.' _ ..!-. ,', ,"_.., "..,: " ~ '~', ~ . _., '.~ , 'L" s81,<1 ),'.8trUt,10nlJ .1imJ te tlone 'nd:,oondlt~on8 ,as: one-ot ,t he,:exPr'8~ oonBlcter4lt1onB',ot,t'hu'." 11 J~~r-- \. .,\ , i pres,ntB, to-wi t:..' 1, :', .. . . ,Ie No unlawful or immoral Us9,8hal1 be ,mede ot-the, ~rem18e8 'h,rel?yagreed ,to'b"o,o~~e18d'; '; , , ',' . '.." .' , .:, .,'....' ,:- .... .'..; ," .', ., nCll:'sh8l1 -th"..... Dor~,P8rt then,ot,' nor'8nt'~ntere~~ the:r'~l,~"be.eold'''h8~.d 9r,o~her~~e,. . oonVeyed'o'a~pu'8on ,otb~r,t,ban .of, 'b,he: C8uoa81enr~ce ,nor 8hal1e8,idpr,emi8'8~' or' 8ny part"': . . .' >, 11-. ,. __ ,,' _ ,. .' ,". , ' , .,", ' " " ,.,' . ;', ;; _ _ '_' ther~of,be,o~ouph,d by:,,8t:1Y perBon otberthan otthe C8uo,a,slan .rao",:"'pro:Y~de.d,:th8t nothi,~g ',':, ." - - . ,. . ." . - ',~' . ,he~e~n contai~ed sball'prevent,the ke8pi~g ~nd m~lnt8inlng oi servants on the, ~~,ld,p~oP8rt,:fO~ , , ,.., '.,' '.', ," "'" ' rea80n~b~e ~B,~ ,o~thEh~QOu'pantB.:;~: ":, ,,:, ' , '<, " ' ,,': :" . 2~ )iObU,ildini 8,h~ii"be oonstruoted 'ot- er'eate,d:on ,Bald property' Until, 8tt'~r the p181)B, '. :' ",.~],:.'.,',:.'; .. ,: ' . <,' ~ . <J, ." -' 81leoitloat,ion,s and, 'loi)at10n of the' 88me 8h811 have b~en a~~rO"d ,in ';1'1 tlng by, s8id , " ',~ " .' , Compa#. 'i t'e 8uooes'sors' 'or 8:~~~gn8~ Royal' t~rX " 1 . !, " ~-', .i.c>>reeidenoe,'orbul1ding, inoluding poroli~~oJ', p.roJeo1;,l,on~8~, kind; s~n be er4u~tQcl. ~'. _t"s le~8, d~8tanoe'than~5feo~,ti'0ID th~':~ront'l1nEl' .ofthe' aboT. ,d8S0,ril:l~d'pro~erty' o~ at8'p..B~ ".-." ' , .,' " ~, ,""', ,,", ,,',' " ' " , , " ,distanoe than thr,ee ,(3)feett tx-om the 'e1"de-l1ne 'o~,8Bid prop.r(y, or at $lleSES distenoO',than' ". '''.' , - ".,.. ~ ' , '" -' ' . ;. --', . > ' five )5) teet fT'cxn'the rear,''.Hnez'Of s81d' pro~e.rty.. , St4Jp8, toporoh8,8 may, extendo,"8r the, ~ - . , bu~ldlng, l1n.~,' ,I' , ", ,",' 4.' No- bUildings, ,exC!ept '8~ p ~vi4ec11ri ,tbef,\~1l0w1~g 11E1't,'ehOwing...o~aJ'8oter ,O'f:b\1~ldi-ng anll'" - ~-'-' "..-- ,'. ~-'.. . ..... . '. , ,~\ '.., '- ..- . ~,' . - ' . Dstruotd 'Qii'aDY, 101;, de/iorlbedln' add ,liet, to-wit:' ,( " ~, " . - , , " (De8,Orlptlon8sre '8co,o,r:~1!lfl' to P18,ts>ot ~o,yalPa11csubd~ vision recol'(\ed in the' offioe of the -", ..-: . ' """~ . or erko~ th~ul~oultC'OUrt'of 8.:t. L.~ol eCounty. Flo~i_~a.~~_m ' , " ',' Lots Ito 61no'lutrve,-:-of-blo~k 'l~,slngle';reeidenoe.4,500; ord,up1.ex fietor 'doublf house $8,OOQ. o~ ap8~tm~rit.s '.i2~OOO~ ' ' , \" L.ote7 to,'14 lnclusl.e, of; blook, '1~ single, 'resldeno.oJ1~f4.500~ ' LotS 11 t,o 8' inoI8ive, endlot,8-14 to 204,inOluB,~V8, ,of'b1ciok 2,'B~ngle'.resld,enoe only ".600. I . .. ", LotI,. andlote 13 to 17, Inolu81ve, ofblook 3, eingle nSldenCl.".6,ook.:oT ,duplex'fl8t or dOuble-.:......-','..H \ , , a' <> c.'_1t- "hOU88 ,~8.000; or' apartmtrits 'l2,OOO~ -~. ' 'j. ' 1.'. Lots 8.1;0 12 lnoiUlvt, ofbloo~4. 81ngle resta.noe ~4,500; cir,duplu:fl,at o~ double hOUse 'I' I 18,000; orapartmentB '12.000~ I I ,'J Lots 7, 8 an49, O'f-bloOk5, Blngl~ reSideno. only '3,600. ! Lots 10, ,11 and,12,ot bioolc 6, 81llg1e 'r,e8~~e~o. '3.600; orduple%flat ,orl double house 38,oqOr: I or ~p.rtment8 ~12,OQO. I,ll' lote i'nl,traot A, slngl. .rtsid.no. OPly, 'b,OOO; 'I ~ I, lotI lnb1;ooki 1.. 8~h8le r881 denoe on11 'p,OOO.' '! . .;. - '." , ~----