HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0586 "';"" J . I L ' , " ,-. I . ':2. ,. . '- , .. t'. ; l';i;""';~_~'--!__~-':'t .: '!". :;' , z' ~ --- I - - ,- - J f' ,.: .''''''-:~-:~''':.''''''1.'.~-''~'''' ----.-'-----~-=---.l--!"...---7-~'~'7~..--.,.-<--^"'...~-',"-,.~;.~r:~-;--=.. '_:':,L - '. -,-'---~~! , ',-'--~-'-~57 ~ . ~'I '! ) ... I 't . - . t fJ. '. -,' L - '_ '. 1 .~, ' .. .., :- \ \ "u , \ ': I'~,I !' . ,- ,I ,I-~.I " , J ,. , 'I "I . I . .' . I 'I 't', \, " . ,; " I' I I I I ",'. '~, .' . ~.'.. .. . ,j . , I.... " '!, P;:';,Ccr "T;;:~~;:';~~I:{ ",': y: ,..;" __,.c",", '-.. '; :'-""'~'-'-"""I -"'~c~~7"'F .":.,I~",,,... ;"",, ,,'1'1' i, ,,'\.', ',l' ..1,,'; .,1,':, \.-" ,I, :!..:.',,'.'~OUN9!Y',OF ~,4,tU.~'~ , '.\,' .,..',',.. ,1\" ,,' 01, ..' ,,\,1',":; 1\',',' ' , " 'I " , I \ ,,' I I' . , '. ,\ " ; ,,",' ~ ' '", , , ,\ ' ;, .', i " " . I " I, ' '.',' ,', ' 1'1', HERBBY CERTI,Y, ~ba t 01;1 thh 30, day of Ma:rob,' 4. ,1>. 1?2~. before me, pltrsonaUy' " ! . ' , ' , " ' . .., \' '. , " '\'., '" 1 \,' ,. \ \ ~'., . . I.' . , \ . 1 , . . appearec\ J. A..here an~ G~ C. BartUtt, reQPflot1vely President and ,Seoretary of '8t~ !uoh ' , ;' \. ',' " ,\",~.' " I; " ';:' .'..', :,' ,', ' , ,,: ",' . , : "" "Li.unber& Supply Co.mpan$ ,~a, oOl,'p.orattori ~mcier th~'18w8 ,o~; ~he ,State "ot 1c'lor1da. ,to' nie'kI1Q,Wn to ' ." '. " ,'.', \, ' "', I , \,' " " '., ,:,." ," """", ,,' '\ ',,' ' ), ' ; 'lle th~\'perSoriS de,eo~lbeci ~n\8nd who...x~ut'ed'~he f?re~lng,qOnvey~no'i,to,L8ur~noe'Dorsey and" '; 8\ev~ratlY aotnowleilged ,-t.h~e'x~~u~1!>nthereo~, t'() b~'\ t;heir",:tr~ea~,t' e~d;!~~efa8:~U:oh::Offl0.~,~ I,:'"" . . ',' \ . . ~ . . ' \ -'.- -..~, " - ". . '. , ", \', ,\ " . . \ ~ ", tor, the uses and'pur~os,ee tnerltln mentl0ned; .and that they aft1~d thereto the offlol~'8eal < \ ' ',' " ,',' ,', . " {Of SB~d\ oorporitlQ~, ond the: s.a{d4nSt~ent 1e,the' ao~\ and deed: 9f:'8a1d' 'oorpol'1lt1 on..' , . \;.-., : .-~ . ' ':"... - '. ..SJ. " ~. ..' -' ,',' - _, , \. '.' " .' .' .- ,,~, \; . .,_., ,.' '., : , " "', lfITUESS'm,y signature and offio1U eealllt, Por~"Pl" ~e',ln, the. Coun~y 'of St. IQ,01e , ,'. ... . . .' ~"--~~. " '" ,.-~ .,. ,:\ -. . ',' . " ! 'and Sta'te of-.Florlt\a.. the day iin4 le'ar last' aforesaid. ' ' ~-' .. . "': ":', ',' >,' " ,', _. _l.- " I I \ : -',' '" , \, ., ..,\- '1 .' . , "Fr.eci re,e , ,(Seal).'-,\ 1J0ts17Pu b11 0.. Sta,teof,lor14a. "lly oOnUnle~l ot:1'~xp1.re8. ~'eb. 18,1926. " ~ .- .... , , '.,\ ';. .." .. , . .: " ',' , < ' .'.; -:.: :..~....:". ,'..,,;, ~ -. ... -. ~;" ,..' .... ~ p'~, C'.Bldred,', Ch1'kC'~rO'u1~Cop-rt~ ' . , "~r......,.,.: n', '"t. , It,,. '':'~,.led: , , .,.""".~""'" ,\BY:~'~' ~", .', ~,~.C,.: " , , , , :, ;..~.,......_.;.:..... :...,..;.:'. .'. ~_.., -,_. --- _..:"-~-----.;,;._':'_--- -':"~"_._~-"'_...- ~'''-.:'', ~-' -~- ~'-- -':.::..___.;.~__._;.a_;... _,~~.__';__ ,:~_~.., ."_ '. ' -- ~ <"f} ~, .. ,:HE~.,~."ZEUC,H, ETAL " ,,' !o.'., ' , , ,,' B.: J.... W()(j~ 'u:~' ::.-, , - ':"'r~InUD.,Il.d.thO f9:::::::;:t:::r A.;D. 1924-.'b~',~~:~-"~; z~:.:~~~ ' . .'. ", .0' ," ."" _ ....:. '. . .' .' . .Ad~laideT. Z.uo~,' his w~-te''';'of the' Co~bt1 :4~ 600~t,',tate ot low': here1nattsr o.alle(t'be , ,'. " . '-.. . ..' '. ." · gr~nto~s"to"~. J..1rooctof the '~Count>,~t, 'Salnt"Lu01e atat.,.ot,Flor14ahe:re,lna:tter, oall~a' the ,V"i/ . grantee. -'., . -~ --'-'-------r,.- __'___ _ ... bargain, s'ell,~llen, 'r.eIllle.~ releas~, :enieotftoon~,~8nd' oontlrtn,.urito. 'the 881d gaoant~e,~ and ',~s he1r8,and,es81gl1$',ln: fU'slmple, ~the'landeslt~ete It! Saint Lucie CountY, State ,Of 1o'1ot1d8~,'" - . l " lrITllE~SETH, That,th,e sa,~d. gr~~to.s,'ln consld.erat ion of OJ1e"D,Ol~ar'(.l.\OO) ,~~d' oon8~der8,tlons.,the' recelptwhereof 1s be;rebi,ac.kno.l~dged, ,do ,give} ,gt8nt~. ,,' ': other. y'alu8b1~ .... .'- -e ;" , deaori qe~, 88,fOll~~S:, ,B,egi~,i,~' at' ,fJ' 8take .~~~~s . ~27. 6 fe~t wr'est:,'of ,the,:south-~aBt, co'rner " ; Qf Treot,'12" SeO,t1on' 7" ~L'ownBhlp33 South,~an~e ,39' Ea8t , .1"l1nnlng ,weet along, the eouthline',of '.' . ". . :. .. .." 1 . . , '.., .. '_.,' ,:'the'Beid'~raot 12" 298;4 (>-teett'o, a ,st,ake.., thenoeltorthe~Bt.,~lY. ,along 't~e,' EaBt r1ght-01'~'''~y line ,',of'Lat-erel'nc", 1167 feet t,o a s'ta,~!J on t~e '~o~th ,lin~,oftheJ.f~~:ncan~l,Rlght"of-~ay;,thel:lOe' South,16 ciegreu17'"we'EJ~ lQ44!_~:te~_ioaPQ~11~uof,fe81,nnlng; 00nt8ln~ng3. 938Q':re~mora.~'r' " , less; aet"he ~amlt lsdes,1gn,atedon the'J~8t gener~l plat' ol:18n~s of the Ind1au Ri.ve~i"arms ~ . Compeny, 'fllc!J1, in, the offlce' of, tl1eClefk' of the elm1 t., Court of Saint L~oi e County. :rl~rlda. . -. t . " ,(~.50 'l.n.Stamp ~8noell.d)' ' ' . . f, .: _' I , ., " " # ,Sub'Jeot "0 sUtaaes and d1toh 88sessmeilte or any 8P~C,1al QflsesamentB it any, \, ., " I t~e ,ear 1923, ,and all SUbsequent taxes and 8sse~Bment8,. 'I . I I I ,j 1 j I I I i '~ 'I I I i , i -I i . '. n be.levled for '. TO HAVE Al'fD TO HeLD the same ,tpgethe~ .with the hnedtt8men~ and aJ)purte~~o'B; , un to the Elotd, 'grantee, and his hei.rs and eBs1.e:ns' in fee Simple. AND the 88id granto're ,tor themBel,vesand th.irhelre and le~al, repreaent&tlves. oc;>yenaht Wl'th sald, grantee; .hiB helrs, ,le 881 r.pr.,eentatlvee ,and 88Blgns: The t, sald.grentorl ' " ,-', ( have indefeas.l bl,y ee1zedof sald lenl1 in fn 81DlPl'; that 8a14 grantors, haye, full po"er end L.":. , , (" ',' ., ' , I I, , \