HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0587 . , "c57'G'~, t--. -. r .---f I, , I, I I , ' "", " 'i i' ~. . - I J t... l .". J - .. l J.~';:f"~"~':~~, 'i~:::. it.~;. '""~c" 7'!~":'~~~+!7"1~"~~, " ~;"'-" ~:~-~~.~:~-~~~;'::.~;. h~~l iclghttO" o~nTey ,sald ~ands' lnfse's11nple, as' 8foree~id ; that 1 t ~ha11,~, il.a1l1'~~ tor', c. I, '1;',: ", ", ,', I ',."',, " :,.,' ".' :,;' , ','.",," "~' . ,\. .,",'~; ',;l \sald gr'~te,lill'l' he h's , legal' representatl'vewand assignsta.tap, .ti,meBp8aoe,blY/,and.quht~1 \ ,t_.:.' '. \."",___ .,;~.. l, _ l"~"" . ~'. " ": ,'. . . '. .~ ~",,_ _' __ '. .' \_'_',~\,_ ,~_ '. .\ _:~. i'_ _ ..' .....,___-..' '. ....-, to~e,nter': upo'ri.hold ~oaoupy' 6n~'.e~'oy \8ald lanl1: t}lat ~ said '!landf~;free:tromall, ~nOWnbr.8nOt8; ;, . . ". ~ 1 . ' . - . ." \ . \ ",'''' .. '.' . t '< (i. \.' .j, , ( . \1' \ . . . '.' \ ' \ ' .' . ,~\h8t ea~d .@1'8l)t~r~" .their .heit~:and 18g81 repre~8n1iat1Ves" '''1,11' ~ke e\iO~ ,further 8ep,U1'8no4ts tQ' pnf.~~.the f~. sl~;le ,'t1'tl.- ,to "Balli ;Lan~ '1~ 81l'ld~antee. l1i.e, helre: leg~i.\ ~epr'o~<<tntat.i~e~ ,,'; " 1 ,-", ,~. " \ \' " ',. - "'" . .", ..: -.-.. . "'-. \.... \ '_ '. \: . . - l" _ . \. . . '; ;, . \ .\ .' \.: ", " ~, " and:, assigns'. a8'~y re~80nab11' be reqll1re'd; ind that 881',d, grantots,do bereby, tul1T'..8rrallt~ht ,.', \' \ \. '.':\ .. ...:\_' \. ' ~. '"'. ," . _,' ;". \' ~\_. " .< \\",'.,., ,l,"., ~.' '\" t" " . " . \;", .,"..' ," . ':"",:, \ ~.,' , t1 tl.,to sald land, end W1l1'deten<ithe 8am!! a~1n,8tthe lllltp,l ,clalms' of all ,per~n's whomsoe'ver.' .' . . - " . ~.. ."~ \' . .' .. . '. . i,- '.' ." " . .". ...\ < '" "ITll~~a. ~e, 'l18nde 'and seat8 ef!?88id grant~r~,' the' da1 and l.e~r' first' ab~v, written.'"," . . \,.'.' . . .. ." \ - \. . . . . ~ ,. , Signed, s~B1ed:8nd .delivered)-n, the ' ' "Heiman"J.Ztuoh", ' ('se~1)" ' presenoe ()f" \' , ' , " ,.', ; , Dorothy U. Baoh ,.' .~, " ' ,'Ad~laS:'d.'r~. Zeu~h. ,(.S.al,) 0.. H, SOhrum" :' " ~'" ~", -----'------- ....- I j ~~ J., },.. _'~_' ~__...-;t", " " ~-..._..--------;-;- " , , "II ''',I ~. -, ;" - r ,'_-",-..::;-,--;,-,';:'. ., --"-~:-_';r:"':'''' --.- ~ , I'>-'--~-L.. I: ',: ;. J. t.~ ~t-"'; -, I" J :, , , ~<< .I , " "~_ r ,I,', 'j ", ,".." :1', ',.' "l ' ,~ ': , \ " ~TATE Or'~01JA ' , , OOtmTY OrSCOT'l,:' .' > . '.., '~ ... .' .' :} : ':.".. ,."- " , . ,f :' f , ,1 . \,} .i : 1 .. .. ". '\" ',' . .' \ -: . , i -.,'" .. tl. '. "i" , , , , '". .' :1:, BBR'SBY' C'ERTIqY:.~lu;lt on this day p'erson'ellY-:epl>eared be,fo~e llie, an 01'f'i9irciu.1'y', "'.' ":",', ,-'" ~ ,~,,_.._...... ..~'. - .," .' '....' ..', ,'. " :", . ',' .:"'" ',~ . . ." ': ,81ithorl..,ed.t0.8dml'ri,i~~er', oatha,. and t8lte8.~k ndwledgaien~B.', Herman" 'J .', Z.uoh.a~d .Aae1,aide ',~.' " Z-euah '. , . , ., , 'h'1B:'~U'e~ to 'in~"~-'ll"kn;jwri 'end '"knc.fn'.' ~'o','Jfte' :to'be'th,: 1ndl~ldh~iB' 'de'~'orlb'~(:ili' '8.ai~' ~o ~~~~~t'~d" . . '. - ' .-', .', '. .' . . . . - :' . -.' .' .' -' .. . .' '. :. ....~ ." '. the,foregol~g ilud, flnd'. they 'aokrio.iedged beto,re me.that t~.~:jxeout~d'tM, B8Illl! treely ,aDd" , '.it. ' ' ,: ," \' , " ,',. : .',' '" ',' , , :' ' ' ..'- ,.To~untari1Y t~r.th..'P"rp~ee~t;he,reln: 'XI!,r'B:B'~.,"'" ,,', , . , , . , -' . - . . ., .. '. '. . ,~ ,-,,' . . : . AND I, FURTHERCR'?!'Iry,. Th8t "the B81d"Adelalde T.~euoh tnown to me to be the ,wife .... '. ".'.:. "; . ,". " .' ,'. ,...,.. .,' - . " ..-' '. -.' , . ." 'ot the Bald .'H,erman J,. Zeuob on' 8 '88pa~te .,a.ndprl T8~' ';e,~~1IBoUont~en8rtd 'mad~ by.8nd,b~~ore.,'" ,: l '.. ,~ ."" ,... ' ~ . " . . p.' .: . .. . ~ . ",me. 'aePlir8t~ly a~d ~Pllrt t~om her 8aid.. hUBband, dld, aOknoW1ed~"'-that 8,he )!l8de herself 8' p'arty, ,,':,' 1 ,,' _to ;$81~ 4eedfor,-the purp~~/ ot ~~nOUPOing~ rel'~nqUlehin-g"ancf ~onv.y'i~g all' be.r '~l~h't.t, t'ltle, ':,',', ~J -~-~~d'~R~te~~e~~ "~het~'''i c,i-i~~~ ~~, ~o~;~t~~'d;;/ 8~;~;; te. p~-~p~~ty~ Bt~!~t~~; 'o~' ~q~,i t8,~1~'~' - ;~"~~d~-, '~~'~ -:"}f1 ~o the landsdesottbed there,ln..,ndthattlheex~o~te!i thesaid4ee!l free~t $ndvo1untar11y.' ~ . ~ . '.~ . .~"""'''. 0...... .__:'..i .-:.... _ " .".~ .... . .... and .ithOut anl oompqlSlon,' oOr1stra.lnt,apprehenslon or 'fearof"o:r 'fror.i'Mr. s81,d'huBb~rid~. , ' ; ."..' ~ . ~ '. . -,. . . . .; " ..:..., ,j .#' 'f ---- p-'.I- i "i } i ,I , :. -,,', , .~ j "I 1 ;.l L W1TllZSS .- '. 'm.v;, h8nd~n~ortlo~~1 sul, ~t; ,D,:ve.uRor,t' ,co~ty eptelilber,A.Dl. 1921., ' '. '...., ~.' of Soott, and :'Statc <.~t: 10'a'," , ;thlB . ;...., , . 'ranoeeE. Plath, ,"." ',' qlQ'to:ry?ubl1'o in and 'for soo,it Count;y',' Iowa, !ly'oonimlUlon' e:xpireB, Juliy,4,th, :" " ' ~\ ' '192'7. . 1 .., ,..... ~, , ' '11e4,8nd;' r~oorded' Qn~hl e'21BtdaY ()t: Uay .-1925 at',9: 3~'A.J.t., .. '"... , ~' ~-i1~ ',. '".,,' q4..0, , ..... I ' '1'." ,(,;~li", . '-" , 'I .' " ~.' C,,~'Eldr,~d, l.iler~ Ch'ouit. Court;,', '7 'By '~.'.>:,' "vL' :~l~;" , ',.' ,'" ',D.C'.' . ""/~'" . ." ,. " - , " . :.' , ' . -,. . ,.' .' "1 ~-~~.-'" ~ ~-:.- - ---.- - - -~ -- ~ --~ - ~- -..- ------ ~ -.. ~ -,.,;,~- _:.:.:...;~-_.- --.... - -.... - ---_..~-----~~~-..;-.:.. --~...... -. ~.- - -,.- '.. -~:--:...~.~ ~ ~LORIDi,~ CAPE ~OD HEAtTYCO. '1'0 , , , , PAUL LUlIDY, ,:1 I 1'JA!UUnT~ DEE}) , TH1;!-JUlDENTURE, Jlade'thlB 16th 4ay olUey, A. li. "1925, BE'l'1'1EEri Plorlda end cape Cod , ' ,', I,,' .' I, .- .' ' Heal tY Company. a oo.rpor~tlon, ul ~i~g.\'mder thela.~ of the Sta -m ot '10r1~a. havoli1g, Ue , Jlrl~olpal tplaoe of business in the CountY,(ot ))ade and ~tat. of :P1or1da, party ot,the firE!t , ' , ' "I ' , ' part, ,and Paul Lu~dy of the County ,of NaBBau and State Qf Be. York party of the seoond part, , ~ , " " " , lirI'1'NE~S>>rH, tha't the said par.ty of the firBt part, for and lnoonslde:ration of thi Bum of , - , , Te.. (10) Dollars, 'H"ie',in hand pald, the r~oe1pt, whereof. is hereby- ~oknowl'edged.~8 ~ant8d. barsal~.4, Bold, 811~ri'd. r~iBed, rel.a8ed,,09nT.~e~an~'QOnf~rme~'Jand b~ th~se'pr~B~nte doth grant,b8rgali1, eell, a11en,reml'u,' rdtaM, conTey aOd/,oonfirm unto' the 8ald party of l " 1 I ~ - -. .' . . - . . , .. , . " .'- U. _' -, . r ..:.:--__'.:.....'.~:,<:..:--....,~<~....,~...,.-.-~-.~:-_._4 , ,"."',, .. , '- , '- .' ",', --- -~~--- . ~~'--~. . . ',,' ". 1..... I" '-" :'