HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0592 I ' : r ':1\ I . . 'l ~,- ,./::.1._" 1~""; ,~ ~ c.' ,',/' ,I, , ;~ 1 ',~-"'w__ . <"ic,~",'~I, <-'it '~ I, ~"! ':cl_"_.,,, 1'--1 '..: c,~. ' ri ,--i ':<>>: I . ',' 1-- :-,c.:, , ' , 1,/,':,: fl'r' , ',: I 'I, 'I,' '. j '. ,J i' , ' ",.,"<, ,I' ,':--!l: 1,\,,'.,1'.1, ,'j' , ~ ,"', ,',!" L :iLIL;::,":;~) .,. .,', ';,F;~'~"'!;.~,,: ,~~~;:::':,. " ' ,i:~, i,,-j" ':'\' " ..~~..;:;,~",~~;r~:>",,;;.J.l,! ,~,- r, ',", -.. __,'\""".1_ \ " , ,,' , "<, . " \ I \ ' ,',' \ l, ' \ \ ' ' , , t "'.", 'j I :,,' ., '" j, "]' ,.\), , I' I : 'I ,"" ' , , \ ' RI ,\'\'\';" situ'8te~l! li1ng'8q;db8in8'i'nl:hecqll\1~'Y' of,8t.:, J,uo~,e 'lfd,::Jtate,lof ~.lorlc1~,:.to~.1tI: ';:\, ,\'5;'" i \' ;" \ t!11 ~',. ,:,'\,., \ ih \'.' ,', .. ,1.,1"", ",' \ .11 \"" I'll ,1'1,. ,:' \ ~ \ , i ,<.,1 ." " ,','. ",L~\ui~t\,(~), o~ 11100k ~1~(6), ',' ,I :'\1' \1' ", ,I' \1 .. I, \ ' I," ,~f,". ' I, " I \ .1Ir;i~oto~~~II~ J .,'th~ ,..~o i b~ 1,~ .. \~ ~bdi Yfolon' oft\i.,ll o~th th:O .'f o.r~h~, OF" ~ hO. aU th-W'~~, I! :'" ~; , ,qtta'x:tu., o~, t~,e ,1.or.t~:-w.es~flu8\rt~:{I ot8~0t10nll~~.' Town8.hlP:~~~outll,' :Ra~ge' 39, Ea8~" 'in St.r.uod.e, " , Q,ounty} ~ia~. ~80~J'dln&t~ Ii 'Pl~t"th;r.'of' t'~b. ~'e'o~rc1d'ln'tpe'otf10\."6 f 'tb:i'(tl~'rk 'ot'th, ': \, \ \ \,'; ,,\,' '\,:> ~\ ,\ ' . ,\. 1'1',' 'i, '1'\' "\" 'I' ': ;.':' " : .", . \ olroul t oourt 1'0 end, 'for 's~. Luoie Oounty ~lo1\ld8.'" "I ' '1':-: ..' . .,1;" , ' " 1\ C , <An{tfuJ 8afdPar~i of tn~' filr8tPli~1;, d:oe~ he~ebYcfullY warrantthettth tO~881d :' " :I . . .' . ~ . .,\ ",. ". \ .~. " . " -. . " \'. . _ . '. '.' t" \.' , . la~d..." and, wl1~ d,e'fel!~ tM'~8me:,l!'g81nst'the lawttil 61\~ftI!3:0f"all' pe'rsona' w~olDs,oev!Jr. ". " , '. '. . ~ . .... .,.~' " 4' . . '. . .' ,'- ~ '. ;.. .' ." . '.' " '\ .' "... -".;' '" ,\ ' : ,Ill :'''~TnESQ',WHBREOr, ~he-s81d pa':rty of the tlra,t ~8!t has here:unt,o 8et'h.~8 ,h,Il~d ;,.'~~tJ, IlJl',~t, ~ ~i,' , ti .. .. ':, " .and', 8~al,' th8 day' 8n((Y~lir 8li9'V~, ~rl tt~n. :'" . ~- . '- . - . . . . - '.',' . , ': "S1gned "eealedancl 'dell vered '1.0 presenoe, of us: ' '.' 'Leon L. Boble ' 'R,'B~R~l)erts 'J~.:"," . -.' "', , ., 'c'~, A'. ,R-Oberts' "(seah , ~ " -':;' > .' ".- ......' -. ... ..... '~.' Fu>~iriA", . " " , , ". C{)U1lT,Y OF: DADE , , . .. ,'" " :~-'-'t-=;.._;.'....~,.._......, ".,".~"'10 ,_ .',' '.!.~.~'~'.'.. '-'"."_~~'..'.:',.'-'.,.~ _._ _,'. ... .' . '. . ~ ~.' '. ' '-'. ;,1 ~!n~BY CB!trtn' That.Og: th,-e d.8Yj)ereonal1Y appeared ,before me, an' 'officer dUly' , .' , . " '~ . '. . .. .. . : .. . . '. . .. '. . ' -' -" ". . - ,8utho~hG:~ ,to ad~~n18_~er oa~hai.8n\d,t~kea~~no~1 d_8IIIe~,tB ~ 'C',A,~Ro,be~tB :to'me~ell :,know~~o ;bt' the",person de!'Jorlbed ;10 and \Yhb exeotite<l the 'for-.golng de~d,'and 8ckrigwlod'~. befoi'~ metliat' he '. . - # .. '. .:.,. . - '. "- ~. -" ." -. ' , . - , . - .: . , '. -- ~~. ...... ~ . ~". .... ...... . . _' . '.. _.- . :'- . . . " , . -' . - . _', .. _' - . ' . . ',,". ..0. "exe,outed the,:s8Ille:treely ',and, vol;unta rt 1:; ''for th'e :purPoseBther.e1n ,expressed:., . -'. ,_ .. . . ~ : .,;.. -' .~. ". . .. - ,,' . - 0"" .' '. ~ _ . ":" '. _',. . . _ '., .. ", . ' . ..... , "'. '_ . . :', " ~'~'~~' ~:~r1d ~Jldof:f101al Beal' at lt1~l.~ Oounty of 'Ddd~"a~~, Ste t8 of' ~rlo~ld8\ , ;, thi,l!';,28th, , da~o f }~aroh A.D. 1924 .', ," ,,' ,,",' ~ ..:.. ;,-. -~. ~ . ' , . .. ; , ~, ! ',' g ~. i:C. [ -,' t f ~. .- I,..",,~. , ~ ' (, f:: , ,> .... ~' - -:~:' , ; ft.. .; . . . -'. ... ~', .. ~. ,.7,'"R. ':'B. R9)),',rts .. _. " ,> .,..;..__ ...:_~,,_ _~__, , ,'~-,:,,-__ .,_.., :Uotary Pbul1c, tor the State' o~ Florida at Large,. ' ]JY':~9mmlS'a~~n,.xp.1riJ'8 Deoemb,~r 12" 19~7.' , . ' :. . , ,~ ,-_..'. . ",:'" ~'~':"''' t~e'2;LBto~y,19,~.5~, atll106A.U.:, ',' :', " , () '0 d ... , " . " : '. ~ .'. , " '11edand,reaorded~on thlb "'~, ~ " p~ ,C.' Eid~ed.,Clerk C~cult CQ'ur.t. ". ,';....., ,-,-=:--~-~o~' . '. ~. "~ ' 't'Zl '" A." , ' ',_'".'c"..,."."."',",'~"."'.",,."," ~7Jft ' , ,.", " 'Pt:t',"', 'i, ~ .',,' ",,' " , . '. . '. . , '. s, 'D.C~. .." ::' ~-- --~ -.~.,-~-----.;~-.:-~~-~.- ----- -.,.... - ~ -.~~~:--- ~~:- -.'. --..'--:- ~c>~- ~ '!- ~-. - -'~'- -... - ,. ~.~.- ;.-i~ ~-'- -- ~:- ~-:'...-: ~_.. - .'---~-.... -~~~- .~ . .. N'. .,. HOUJaS r TO A .,. 't l'DA V I ~ " , , THg: PU13:LIC. ":'" . .. ~... ." .. .' . STATEO~,PLORlnA OOUllTY' OFST~ :LUCIE " ~u: '\.-c '. ."'I-'l. ", , On ,th1.e da:; "P~~0n811yap'pe~'red. betore ~, U.:"'F~ 'HO~13" W'rfJI ~e,lng ~:;, me,fi~Bt . . ,'. . -"". . " "- ." .,' ': .,. duly, BWOrn, depoBesaria 8aysthathe wa'8wel1$oqu81htedw.lth 'end personally knew E.~.Edw'ard8. ". , ~. . -, .' . .' - i ' . . .' . ~ . .:: . ~ .' , 'the- grall:toI- in, 8 ,dee~' of oonveyanoe fr.OlllE.E.Edwarde ,to Gladys F. HOlmes. said d~ed of- con.;. . " - '. . . " " ". . . ' .. ....: '. ," . . -~. -., .... - . "n:;ance belngreoorded In'Ded 'Book ,49~ page 74. St.' Luoie ,County~ Florida Records. ! :..:Affiant further, BW8ar.that E.E.Ecj.warda waB unmarried ,on the datethe,,8bove ., ." ~ deed wa~ executed. ,I II. P. JJpl~e8 Sworn to and Bubsorlb~d be~ore~e "I. '......, "r . , ',/ ' " I