HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0598 I Ii, I:' , " -I.' I 1 ' f' ",.; I, , f,., " ' .', .' :1', ',' I", " , 'I I . . . I, I," .,1' J "" t, ~ " "I. ',1.,' 1,1', ',,',1 "II" , 1 , ' ' ' I ,," I ' I " I I, ,'- , ' 'It, I. " " ;., I 1 I " ~"":"'-~~.L.... I .... .. ~~ ~.......', i,.':" "I"~' \1 ,.._.......,,'--'... l' .', '... I I'..,,' l .1'1' .l~....~~....__~ ''''''''''''''''''''': ' 'i. ' '~"''''-:'' ,- ,..,-" '''1 ' ...- ..~.._::-:,:,..= "t.;< .{, ,~~"","__L~ '~:::X9" t ,,~~:..~:. ~~~,A:,,::',. l;,~\,L> ;,11 I ~:.. ,~;~.........--l~,..,.....,...',',., ~ . ,._ ~' .,. ',',\" j'." "',-';"'" !." I OJ' \ \ ,i ~", ,~. .:.... . /. " .': I I ' , /AIID,I ~HS!~l ~EHTlh ~,:Th~lt,\.~'~o'l,~a\d iA~n~hc.,\'Berz?' ~nd 'A~~'l!J .S. 'Ber~;v-:,~n~w~~I'~O,ll"'\":\ ~e, :tho(vi~fGl~ 'l)1'l.t,~e, 8~ld ~~ ,'.of's&~l";.' '~dd ,D~ O,~ ~ern: on, ,~8ep,a:r6i lan.dt'~ 1';at~ \ ~iDm~~~ tio~_; \ 1 . - \ ',' \~, ,t'. .:' \, J " . . ,. '",,~ > . t ',' . take~ IElP~ ma'de \~Y\,andl'b'efPre lite, aepf1t!ltel?' ana 8paTt''l~om hot Bafd ,hpBband,' did'80lfnowled~" ~,I\ . ",' , " ." ',I ' , ,"; \ '," .'., '" '. \ I. " '\" I, ' . ,\, ,\ :that, shf1 rri~.del~erBelt a,.:pl),rtr 'to', Bald Ideed' f~i th~ purpoB~ o'!' ~~l1OUn~1pg, rel1nllu1~lllng 'apl} o\on;., '\ ~. . _ ',' ,"," , ',.:' " .\\ \. _.\ ',,' . \. I '.' :. \., _:.~. \ . . "\ \ " . . \~:_ I veyl,ng ~'l 'h1r,righ1;, t~ tUandln,t-G1\e,~t. wM,ther,?owe r, horneet!Ul'd().r of' aepnrat'e prope+ty, \ . \ , ' \ \ .-' ' \,' " \' I' \:', , " " " .' \.. \ ,,' ,"\' ': ,'\ "., ,II \ 'I.., Btat~to~y or eqult~f)le, ~n8n~;t(t th~ ~8nd8 'd'e8cribe~, 'ther'elr1,.and that eh~ex~uted,.thd 8a1'd \,' \ ," ", \, , ."', ': ' " , "\ " " ' ,'.'." ,,"', I' " \" , \ .,,' ( '. ,\,', , .; deed ,fr;)e,e11 ,and v?luntarn:l and '~l~hout ~nY,oompUl;ei'~~, con~~ralnt'. 8P!>r~~e~si~\n .~; 'fe~r .~t, o~ , \,\: - . ".' \ j fl;'om her eai-dhusbond. l ,~' , ' .' - - \ ' . .. . \" \. , I I , i iJ ".' ,I I, ,., : '....,., " : ,/ , , 'I , .' [~. " -, r ;..,...: , '7;5~7.1 . r _ ,_ -.,,:, :::! i,' " I., 'II' f. ,I ,I, I , I 1 ' \ " . , , ,," " f "i, ;\, , " , \, , .\\:.~<<t to 'u,~-... ',: ,., . ," ~,i \ , , '~ " ,~ $tate ;.," .' . . '_.~.:' ,-. . <0 _ _ ..' :. _. _ _' _~'" ,",': '. . ~_ \'_ _' _ ',' . . : . yrIT~JE!iS, myhsn<l ana' offlo'1el B"~1'et, W~ ,Palm B,eaoh. Oountyof"Palm Beaoh $nd' \ . . . .-. '... '. \ ~ ' . ',,\ ,;). . - ]I.' Ot.~8~, A.~D.,\'1926'. " \ " ". ~ " . \ ',. :. \. " :,tea R~ Trou '. JJotel7 'Publio State of Flot1da.', J~y.. oorrim1ssi,on e%pi reaj)eo~ '7, 1928~ ' \" . :'. \.' , " '.' .\' ob 'th1B 2~nd"df1Y of ll81.'1926, et3:10 P.!.~. : ~ .~ ..-". .'", ," . "':'. .' . . , - ..... .." - ", : ."... ... .'.~. ,-' .- . P, .0. 'EldrfJd:,'()lerk 01roul,tCoai-t.,: . . . .' . , .. :," . ' 'f <, ". '". \ }- . .' ," "~l>' ,.,'~~~~(;~;.c... '. .' . . ... .' 14 , r ~<~\ " , .. , ' . ._- ,-~_.._------ . . . . r'.t ," ,;,~,:-:::::-,~,7- _..~~~_::. -'. -- ~;.:.;:._- --~-..;. ~'-.- -~ _.:.- -~'_.:. - - ~ --,- --- _:.. ;;.::.-..:..;~-- ....'- ~--.;._..:-- -:.--..- -- -- ~ ~'- - -~~..; ---,. - --.;:. .' ClfA RL&'80.; BRASWELL' ET At 01 , ' -TO, ~,-, : "u~n TI. 'tlAli:lnl(~ER . - ,. ," ! . ~ - - . '; wAmumri' ' DEED ' ~ . >\.."... , 'I .- , '\' . ,. - . . ',. i. ~ '.' TlIIS'~~1~DEnTpR3, !1ade thl~"~4tli day Q~:,Aprni,A,., D. ,1,92&'.: between,,~herle~,C. BraswolL " ;:'. end '~{u,by Braswell. hUl,wii'~., of, St.Luole .cou;~ty, l"loi1d8 ( .-parties 'of' the 'flr~t'por,t,. a.n'd JOhn, ~"'" , '> :BalSl~ger, o~ st. Luc~e C,ou~~;;,,~1;0r1d:8. part( 01' 1;l)e'~,eCond }ar.t... ,-, , ',' , ','IlTnECl~RT~.'r~hat ,t'h~ Baid pa,rtlf1BOf the f1r:fit'i>art~ f'9r~ndln'oonBlaeratlon b.fthe , . . . . ~ . . .' . Bum of One Dollar and' other valuable oons1deration, ,to them in' hand paid ,by the' 'pa'rty:,01' t,he' . B6oond,p,ert,'thereoeiptwhe,reof ls he:eby,8okriO'Nl'dged. ,have' granted,' bargalnea., arid EXlld.to,' : ',:h6 'Ba~,d ~a'rty, of. the ,sedond ,pert:, his heirs ahd.' ossl~nB ,forever,,, the following, de8,tiribed.,la,~~.~ ' al tlia,tedlri'St. tuc1e' 'uo~nty ,l'\lori d~. , ~O"'Nl t': c Lot ,'5~ in 13look"'l-, :of ,Tucker '~'errflqe..b'~lnga' ~ubdiViBlon 01' ~ " . . '., ,.' . . . ',' ,the Southeost Qunrter( S~ ) of the Southwest Quattorf SiV3.) of ~: - - . ~.: .'. .~. . ~ . - ". - . ~~ - -' . '. - -"," ' . -... '. ';"' " '-.' '. '. -. Section lane (g) in "i'ownshlpThirty:.:'tve' ('351 South, nang~ Forty. . " . ." . ..' - . . ~. ~ROviD:;D,}lE'!ERTHE1E~S. ",,'hene pre~entB ore made BU,bject to'al1.of the fOllOWing e,y.pt~asod\ \. . . , . ' " conditione, reatriot1one'a'nd lint ta tlone.' oppl!ing to, the. 'B~ld property (lnd ~hloh ore lntended' . ' -..2 " ....' (40) ,East, ~s BhownQY i>la.t recordeslfn'Plat'Bo6k. 4. 'pag,,54,of St~"Lucie60unty t, Flo~1da ,Reoords . ','.. 'U t.:, . to be~ and sh(lll be acOlJpted 00 ,oovonants runnlntz:ii1th said land;~: and .wh~ohsha)lpe binding o111:e upon the helrs. ropresentativeB', snd 8ss1fr,no. ofthea'oid party o:t~he13ecOI1d pa,rt, apdoo I, , . by,' ,perform ,the portle's' of tho firct pa~; w1;o, by 6co-eptoboe of this InotrumentdagreetoDbide , t;',' J and,adLor'e 'to said corrll tlona, reetrlc'tn5l'fif;'~ona :l1~}Jt'a tT6na, nC ono' 'of tTie exp rese I cond! tlol1sv " of 'these 'preaents, but ,onlY f9r,tho porio'd onding January, J., 193,3. ' 1. 'l'hat ~o bU,i~ding s~ail be ereoted on tho Beid'land exoept for p,riv:ate, dwelling ,.. # " " pllrpooes: ey.o8Rt u6\lal. ond necesaary out-bllndinpi:1.'~nn that, the Bold d\lelllng hOllBerexolual ve of tho out~b\llldlng8. nho11 C08f; not lQ(lfJ than "33,0..'16.130 ,'1 Three ':hQUBand Dollars), whloh prlc~,; \ " nt' , ,