HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0603 i i " 1, . , , "I, ii, I . I' _~' ,} I, --., '. ,._, T' '1;--'-'" "",., , ' ",.'\1 ,1 I" ,I'l' ' ',' 'I '; ,:':.__ \ 1"1'" , " " I ' I ,'\ -1 t ,,':' 'I' 'j'. I' '" ~,;;::-~-.:. ~ ,'. , ,;' ':..:,.;.~,-"-,:..:~ -:-;:::;:"':'::"~ --7~_::";:;'~"':""'::.c~':':. : :, ," ":. ,:~. :~:~ '--:~._.~ld,;:ti~;: .' .~ .~~;:;. 'payments,IJO ~'de by,.;thlt party Of' the flretp&rt eh$l],'~eor lnterostat tpe r8~e'of elght per:' !,rl:', ':t',',:." I" ,', \, "" ' ' . \, ,'" \" ,'I', " ,,' \ \' , , I " \ " : \ '.. ,()~,nt~ p:era~h"f1 ~rom;\~b~dat8 ,~,here~1'~,' :, , ,\.",' \~ \" , ,;,,, ',:,' "':,:, l"'~ ", ,;' ,,' ", \ . .,; 3; ,~hot ,t~ ~~ O.~l1b II ,b~n~14 ~t,:.i; ~O~f "he-. ~~ .po ~ iO f th't.oo.~1'" ~ t \~ nd i ~t. V tho pO,;.t,'" ' , \ of tpe 's800nd, 'Part ehalIfaU' to Ill8kft an? P8ym.n.t' .~fP\rln'ipal' or 'ln~er.st 'r,~'qu1je,d hereundel1' to: ' ,I' ," ,", . ' " " ,~ .", '" ,. \ \" '\ " " '" ' ,\ " ' , ',\ ',. ' . be lll8&e' within. thirty, days a'fter: the 88me ehall become dUCt, br 'shall ~all ,to oompl~ wtth sn~ "\ \' \, , ,," " ,,' "" \,\., .', ' ; , " ':,' \,", \ ' ,', " ':" '" ' ,'. " " \.-' :'perforlJl.sllY' oo.ven,ant,o'ondHions ~ B,t1p,u1.8tlonOf\thl~ 'Qontr~c.t by' h1~':Jt'd be perfo2'mU prolliPtl'y\, ,\ ',~-'-~-_\ :' : '\ ' ,\ " , \ ' ,', ." ", .-, \, ",' , ~ " , , ," :, ' ,'\ ' , ' ' " " , aB per,fprmhnoe, Bh~~l be d~e, th~~;. att,he..l.o~~:on:?t the, PU:y, ,~r the"ftr~ t ,er,t ~~ s'.,'~,on~raot , :, , ": "" -, . " -,-. :., ",' . , ,,},. ',,'.. " " maybe' diJola~e~nup ~,nd,vOi~\'a'nd:forf$j.~,ed~ !1nd' 'the par~y~~1"'t.he flr8t.,part'8~811ret811181i\. " ;, 'BUmS .ot,~ion~l'p~ld .'up'on' th~ 'PUi'aha'Be, prl;c~f,o'~~ejd ~and '~8 r~rital fbl',the u~~'e~!l'p688e88io~~~~~,"';':" , ,. " ' . ' " ',' ~.,. , " '. ,,' '. , " ". ' the party of the aeoqnd ,pert o~ the eald land prior to the ~ime ,Of 8uoh' de~.bl~; or, at the oPtl0Q , "", .' ""'. ' ,'" " , "."" , ,",,' " :,', . .. '. . , , 'ofthe:,P8r~y';of, the,fi)'Bt part.~ upon~ef~uit l~the "m8kingOfa~lV' ~uoh 'P8>,~ent '!:If P~1?!)i,1>8{Of' ,.', 0 ' , . ~ ' ," _, ' ,t. ,', Inte~e8t w.ithin, thirty d'a1e after ~hll 'Bame' Bhall beoomedue" ,or 1n tl1e event 01' qefAidt in the '.-' . '\' . ,- . , .- .': "-" .'~'...'.. '.., .- - .. '; : ;'pe~t?~no:e o~ ~~:~u,o~" o~v.e~an,t,stl!>tllation ot: coMlt1onl; ,of' thi&oQntraot., the entp'B ba,lanoe ; r.mol.~~~~np~ld up~nt~p~r~hO.'PrtooJor '.ld}'~d' at.th"- "in.. of ~UOh .dofaul-t .'haU.l",,~~lat~l1 beoome due andpayabIe wl.thout notice, to" or demand, Upon, 'the party: of \th,e, Beoond 'part. 'and J1l8Y , ' ' '''', ," ',.', ,', , ' . , ,,' .. . ' :, ' ", : ': ,.,' , ' "', .; ',~ " " '. ',' ' , " ~~nh"ith',COl-:ieokd,nbl,,-'t-o~oi9sure'JlTP,oee-dl n88~.or' by,', thein8.t'lt~tl on of. ~nyo,~he:t' 811ii or:' :,' '. " n, '.'r:",': .. ..' . "'.. "',' ", ", " , "'" ...:" '::,'~ '.',:' c...,', '" '" .. a,?t1~n ;autho.r~ze~ by, law"pr,oVlded ,tha~ .before ,anyfQrfeH,ure shall' bede*laredi 15~oY8,not~oe ,~ o~ l,n~e.ntion ,o~doaus$, shall 'be 'glven,' , , ~~ ':n~heev,o~tof,defQul:t'ln 't~8' payment :?~:azV's,~ ci,i', mo~ey:~~q\1il'e~ 't~ be 'P~1d und'er the ' ' " ," ", " .' , ',,', ' .. . , . ',.", ,,' ,',',,.', ' ,terms o'f, this, 'oontraatbY the party o-ft.h~s,eoond'-par-t,--or---the-f811ure of tlhe" party of the, ~~c ohd; , ,---- , .,' , " ",' ",', ',: " ' , ,," ':,,',,' ,.., '.' ' ,-:' , , PI1~t to' be1perfonn' ani~6v$nant or stlpulation'c;>f ,tM~ oontt:a:c,t:~ wlthln,t:hll'ty,~daY6, nex'1;, ,after 592 I' "'I, I, '. . " 'I' ,'I,' ~ "j - .. , I I I I ~":, '~-,~\.c..--J f. ',> : e.": I ,: " " L I ~ .' ' ,,'- ,I . .,' .. . ' " .' _ , , " , _' _, '" , ' "J stioh payment; ehall beduf1 or '6u9h perfol!t1ancie l'fJquired,,'thfJ part~ ,Of ,the B,eoQndpo~.toove.8nts' E;lnd. ,. ..... ..",.... . ',' . .' ",' . ;. - " .' . -- "'1' '. . 'a.vre~B to 'Ray, ~}l ~OBt.8 and::~~~n~s: ~hi.9,h 'fils{b'e .in~ur~e,,; by::th:e:P8rty,'~f tiHI. :firBt~-partui,'en;,;./;". :fOl"~lng oonectio~of' so Id 'aum .of' money '~r 'perforr:e~o~ of' this'. 0 ~~tr8ot' b~(' ~uit:o'r ,ot,he!~l.Eie, Inot~.lng 'I'" ",-~,-,-~,;"--,,~, ~. . " ..' . . ~ , , , 11' 'u~on the hon~s, ',lop:alrepreaent'atlvee t1nd))8Blgn~ of the reapeoti::e parties hereto., !l '11ITrT?:S~ 'iTr:m::nF. the' par'ties he1'0to havo' exoouted :thla 'ihst)'Ui:lent at y~ai first abovef/dtten-.: .("t. " , . " , tl'~!&C.AJrAj.LAHD~, COn:'AliY " , Attest: 'J ~ ,.J~i,ter 1!JI:' ,', ,Seoretary .,' '-.' ~. . . 'Bi - "Chas.' T. Knapp ,'PreSident~ p~e81): , ~ ' " .~,1 ,', ~~gued. ,eealj,d anddel.lv~r~d, In, I)"re'senoi( ofl:," , " J.-, ll. C'81n C.. 10'. l"ord,n , ,. . 'l, .' Fronk' H .Wa ri',en, (S'eQ 1 ) . '. " , , , by U. A. ',(aleh: '(S~ail. .', ,"'~lg A'tty.in fac1;. ' " " .;, 'STAT:'; or l"r.O~'ID.\, ~RO'.iARD CO'J;;~'{. ~ .; . ,~ On tbla,da~ 'pa1'8dn6fl~' appeared. be{or,e me,'oa off~cer authorized t;o ta.,ke ' . 09knowledgr;lents of d~eds" ,d~'... t:h8~~ 'i'.}~nopp ond J.,lalt'or 1'8;1 t6' MA ,?Ion ,hhwrI l',geF(lc'.:1"el~' . ". '. , l~~ p'1'esident' ~n(\SeCriJt.~ry, of:~ho Uan~ll;ondBuci., and knOi7n tome. to, be thep?ruJnsVlho,ex'lcuted;' ," tho~7ith1n 8r-rooment. ~nd. aCknO~:'~Odf1'lid tlH:lt ':hoy dxecuted' the' Bll:ne 013, tho offioeTs of Bald' 001'- I porationfun~ os its act and delld fOl" the pur~oae8 heroin' exprosced. ) 0:- . 'fitnoss,my hond aM seal ~hlB 14th day of'!!a;r,.19,25. Ii , i J. U. Oain " I Uotary Publio.' " , HotoX7 , j!ubl1 0 fO:( tho, ~to'''. of Piorldo at" i' ( :target u.:r oorr..':llOalon expf~~~,A!lmlf;lt~.1926~ ._"'~c_': . -, , oOI:lmlss1on r,' . i "\;' "-, I ; .