HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0605 ~.- - -..- ~J9'4' ," 0, ,',,' ,: .'1 :.,--j i: .. ~I . '. r . J I ~ " , . . ! .' '-j~. I '1,.1 l. J~.~': .1- ." I I; ;' "I ( , I I ' I I I' II .. ~. I _ I < 11 .. I" '.' r 'f :. I.' I . t I r I I i -I. I . ; ,I ~,,,"=-",~,~~..__,:~;'::..a--,-,,,,~,,,~,,,'~,:,,, ~' ,~...:,:" '~.,......... '..', ":" '~~:':!~"::-"'~~~-="<;';:'----~"'''7-:...' ~_ r""?,, q ""i~- .'-~"~--'-"... ='~':~~"~'4;~ '~~~____>_;;;;_Oh..~~;~ ~~~-'I~'>-"'''';~''-~ ,,: ~;....:..: -'-I:: ~,:,.-: ~"~. '~T~~':::.::~~':~"-, ,~:;-~":">='~ ' li;; ,'\\,"" 3,. T~a~:,na,"~~la'(ttil, or, lrhn\~ra~1 '~oo: ~~~l,'~emade,1 ~ tlie ilren\1se,e 'hfJreR~ hF~(le~" to I be ~~ I' " ' , J. :'~::::;::'~7:n;)~~~:::~ o;::r::rJd i~::."~~~::'~~9~::0.:::.:ip t;~:h~~t.=~p:-~:nO:~; :::' ,:,,': '" y ,f i Of' tlle' "C8t\oa&i~nr~'o~,~ 'provided t~at. b~thlpY' her81,n' '~o",t81ned 'Bh'all' prevent' t-eep~rig',an'cf m~ln-. ; , " ~ ' ,'. \ ~__ ,'. ,"\ ...!..... ; \ ... '\ :: \:""~~:_"_ " \ :,'\ ,:', .~,. \','\. '. <.: ,",',' "{t.- ~."- \.' t.in~ng l\eual '8nd neoeBe~rY',Berv'BntB on 1;hO',oro!ll'tt;r for:resBonable 1Bm1lyluBe~ ,"" ',' \. .' '. . \ "~' \ ~ \ . ' ,. ''. . \ ,: \ ~. :. . . '\;, "", -. . \ '. ';4., .'~hat ~Ol buildlnet ,ahRll, be oon8truoted or-er6oted: at Ii teas, di$tanoe than twenty ,fe.e\t~ - .\ .' .' . - ~,\ '. . ,\ . . .' .,\" \ \' .~ \::. '(. ",fro~t.hefr~nt'l1neof e'f.iU ,loti,ord th,er, 'o~tl\,em., "1, ,," " "',., , ','\: '6~ :Tha,t,i:f'i.he ~~ld'partyor,parti\i8of,tllJeeoon'a..'p~\rt,'hiB, her~'oT'thelt'he1r8. ',' ,', \ ~ "~~,p~e,ee~~~tl~~~'~r, ~e~llm~~~/ 8~; 'h~~;~:~.~~hO~Il,e~8" ~f 't,~e' ~r'QP~!t~ 'Qe1.e\>~, ~'on~eye~: b(,~~~~ue' ,:.' . of !l~ J~d1<<?1'al' R~o.oee.dIng~ts,~li ~a1r to oornP~1',w l~hsn~',of:~he '8J>>ove ~nd 'f()regOlng.'r,estr1ct1,6h~ i,' . . .' _, '., . . _ " ~'. , '.,' " .'. '\ ~. '-'. ., '. .' : ,. . , .' :\:l- "_. ',,' . . :. . . \ '. ,..,:,'" .. '. \ \ ' .' . '. .';. r .- oond1 tlo.ns" ,0)", H~i"ta ,tIo,n~' ~,1thl?, Blxt~ ,<3.a1,B after, written 00tl08 by man ,to :the' s~ldflarty, o~,: 'I. 'p~rt1e8 ~t th~880'O~d'pa rl.1hiB ;~'er' or 'thei~, helrB;~~e~~'orUil rep;eBe~t~~1~8S' 'or~Balgns'. o:r' ,~ny':" .J:" -'.' .:';-. ,". '.. '. ~ :' . ....'.. '-'>_... . ".' '. . - ," "', '~'~-,'. -'. -~ '.':'. ".'. ",; .. '.. . . . .:.-' :': \.':, - ..... ~.' ~ .~. ,- ". 'f ,,' ',Of, t,helll"',,Qt ,the '.{ast. :itnO~~ acld;~~e,e;, ~y .Ul~, eal~' 'p~j.,t~, cof. ::~e' 'f1 rS,t P'O'~1;. ft8'8uooe'~80~8'9r 's'ealg'ne,:' \, 'i ~' or ,either of them, tMn'tjle, s81d 8~Ove '4e~orlt)ed and" oo~~eyed pr~p'e~ty ,Bhall'IUmi41'ately revert ~, t. to th~ ,S8idpat.ty: g>f'th~,f1rBtpari,'l~B',13'uooeaElorB or aB,;,,'g'~~>,\,hO, ehofl'be 'entltled to", :~L: , 'I",' ,',',~1mrn8d-1a~8i,y: ,~~,te~~n~~O~, '8~1~ ~,ro;erty.- ~i thO,~ n~~~,o~.. '~nd,.-~take' ~poes,e~1l~~n ~~" ~~lte :'~~$' ~i~h'. fU~:l'. ' tl t18.' tfl: ffie B1mple. together 'Ill tq 011 lr.rprovementB the~flon, and no 1folv'er of, 'ally of tMB8, " ' ' ,., 11, ..'.' " " " ,,, " 'conaj:t16nB', ',liml tstiori~'o~ 'rert:M'otIoDa ,&~r'e~Sed 'or i~nl1 ed~'or'f~llurefor ,any, teri:gt'h of time. ... " ..' ," ' ,',' , , ' , " " ',' " ,", ' ' . ~o' enior~etM ~a'rne: eh8i:i' cp,~etftut6 8' bO~' t,6 'sucih enfO'l'oement'staoy t1me~.~:.,:~~ "'_''~ , " . _~'..: :. ;---:-,;_n...;u.."...___._~ .. ._"'_. _~..,'_ ;~ .... ',' ,___..---'-__________.:-;- ~-::-..- ,.' I. ~ ) " t" , I !. f," ') " , ' , .~ ,_ " __ . ',- . ._ .0,.... 6 " -J /----' j ~ '-' ) -J., ;. - ...... . ....i--~.. ~.. " I " \ . I I,' I. I' ,:, 'r I ! J, 'I I I' '. I '. :\\'. '.-..t, V'"", '\ , ! 'z ._ ,', ,'} .. ,. ... . ~- '.:. i.:' -' !. . " :.... ~..-_. '__:J.. , '" 6.' .'rh~'~bove 0~n~tt10ne'tr<<fetr~ot19~8 #.lna, iltlHa~.ionB' :rin,:,hA"',dll~a,3~'4 ,and 6 e~ell , :l>ecome ilU,ll' and 'y~~d" on ~nd 'sfter JanuarY,l;,; 1935., , .. ,/.. : I.,"::' ,', ,,'__'" 1~, ~~, fur~e.r ~~t,uBl,J,Y' Qon~'~,~~~t,e,d 8~'d 'aF.~.!~d' b.Y1,t,he ,:~:eB~ect1v~:,p_~t~,i,U' he~tito', ,.theyr ~'.'l : 'I" '~"U~OO&&"""'holro:-'~~ga:l"~op..oon..tl~..o,uan~.ooelFO. '....t Hthee a, l.d, -'Ptn.,t,, :'-',01',' "",~he, ',8e conll 'P8~'~: ..c'"~' " Bhall, fail to mue the p.aYinen~ 'of both p:rino.1pa;L end inte,reet to the 'psrt1, 6f, ,the 'f1rst part' . .... ~ .' - ' . ~ . ~ " , . . ... promptly" a's,: the same beoo~e duct and payable. time being of th~ eBPenoe',of';thi~ oontI'act. or fan ( " . I to.p8%'form ~nd co~~'1Y ..~1th ~.oo,h o'nd everytt.e.' cov:ena'~ts, ~8~reementB' and oondi tlO~B: ~o be. ,perfa.rtr,ed: I. : bY' aoid'pe!tyof the ~ocoi1d part,:'the~ toe' p~r~y of the, nisi 'part may 'at', hiB' op'uQn..,'atter: it ~'t ,"I'", ': " 'g~Vlng wrl ttllrr notic'e 1>;ma;l't:o,the, :laBt'~:nown' ~ost office, .addr~6:e '~f 'tM party' ~'rt~o 'second P8r,t:,d~o18re all'~ght, t1t~~ ,andl ~nt!t!eBt,of, t~e p.,arty of'~l1'eeeO?n,d partt~'c~idp land t() be, ~.. hrmInaUd,and,the P8r,t~, of't'he 1'1 r,st." part IIlElY r~tol'n'811' p,8'ymentB:,~,ther,ft,tofore mad~ 'on, 8"01'd , ilsi1d oD 'a~oount of this ,'oontract .a~ liqu1dated ,d8tna~eB,,8nd" re~t for the' uBe.. oJ:".sold" l,and, 'oniJ ' ,; , tho porty ,ofth~' eO,oonil...ort'ohOll' ourrondor .lio' pooo~oolon .of o~l:d)epa.'.nd' tMpO';"y oft';o. ' , 1 'f1rst:part may 're-enter uPQn,a.nd take poesesB-ionof Bald land',,,ith'ot .1 thout ,pi'cjoess o~ isw},. r ,I , 1- ~::' , ' , . :", .....: . :-~-~ ~--.... . .'.. .- , :, .' ." '.-'" . . , , '!,r ,the, party 01" thtl first part at h~,eoptlon may' declare' ,all' 'of the deferre4p8ym~ntB.tob,ecom8 ,. ~ .' . - ..: .. -' : olrnned1atelY du'esnd pa:,rable, nnd to orf~t ,suit e1 thtJr at law or l.,n' eq,u1ty fo't", thecQ1ie,ction of,s)l amounte', due undet thle !3ontrao,t ~. tqgether wl ~h all oOBtB: sndressonable attorn8Y~,8' fee8~ -' '.. . . -. . .' '. . .'! . tp, > ,". . ~ . . . . .. , .. . .. . '., -' . . .. . . -. . 'It 'ls mutually aJlnled' thattlmeiB' thoe8eeD~,8 Ofth1800J;1tr~ot, andtha,t. alloovenante" and ':'Fre6montB herein -oontalned ~h8ilex~endto'ao,d be Obl1p:atory,UPOD' the heira"u:ecutO'l'B, adt:llnlBt,ratore and, oBs1rnB, 'of the respec'ti ve portieB. ,~ ' .J' . . . ~ In ':1ITUESS mrnR~F. the add partY-of t,hof'1rs,t III rt"h88osused,~18 name and seal to be, he'eunto af,flxed, and the P8I:ty of the Be.cond ')srt ha~h9~eur;tQ 'afftxe'd hIB name ~1I'nBe81, thls, ,> .....'-'-'A<---:.........-:--~-----'----:.._,_ , , ' ~.~- H1,o W.!h--UoUurt1'6Y I, oontroot being exocuted ,ihdui>l1oote', on '~h~S 22nd day of July. 1924. ,S1grH,d. ,staled aDd 1 of UB: , 'if. A. Cleve 18'0d, JaDleB B~Hook. dol1ver~d,ln tho p!OeenC4 .' 1 T. D. Moody, (Seal) "I I i " . f _