HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0606 t j " , 'I ',,', ',' J 'I 'I I, ; i' " '" I" ' t' I ' ,I .," I ,". ' . I', """ ' _.','.~' " I , I ',j' " ' "r.. ,I, . ': " 'I . . \ ' , ; I ,." I i \ ' , ' 1," . - j' Il "'1 I _1.f "y- . I I ... . I. . ~" ~~""'7' . " ~ ',~~:,.;,. ;~;':;-7~~-:-""~7f;'r"::;::r"'-f'l";" . ~~, +';:;;:';'_~''-;~.';~' I .. ,.;:' i.: ,~~_:., of P~~~ldo': '\ ," 'A001~..~t i>f~o'\troot · ,\,' \::~'r9t~": .:, ,:. " f , ,,' '. ~'o'o~h,ti~f, ,St.,:i.~o~.', ' '.' , , " · , \ , ,:,..-.,,=, 19~6..;, '. , LR " : ~~r' an: 1~ .0rtB1der.t;o'~'Of \th"~um of ;1'O~d01loro O~d oth~ VOlU~~,lo '60no'~~.r~ :o.:Odi>n8ro. ", ! 'U , ,', it d~.l:' hoqd paid ~tj,~ \'Bo ol~t o(wh~ ?h~ 0 ~ to b~ ~ ~~o" 10 dg~ ~.~, ;;~r.~ ~ 06 i;" ~~d'tro.no r.r to ~,.' ' r'.;'h,l(Ol tob'""'~l ~'k rl,j,~t., t,I,t. \~ "arl~ >~t~f, ..~1';' nd ,to tit. ,',' ',.'~hf,:~' oont:t',. aot",\snd ,the,'Ba.1.d ,,"'~ ~ ~ aeBlg,riee,he'reoyassumes,alJ,.:tbe,.ob,118atlone ~nd,agreee to pay all,~hc(paymen~~,n01r due'or to, i: : > '.' .. \ '. . .' ~. " ", .:. , ': ". ,.... ~.' ~.'. . .. '.. .' ~' beqome d.ue '"together wi ~h81i .1nteril',st BpeoJ~1tjd in B\Ij 14 ',ooiltraot'~ " f: .,~ ". ;.. ". . "'. \ . .' " ,.' . . . ~. - , .. . ( :t'- . ~ t. ~' (i ~ ,,' if', I ~" I ~ J;. 59' ,5 " ", " \'; ~. . -\ . "- \ >.\ Sfgnedsoale.d and the' preBe'noe, .of: ' James B. :.Rock , ,~. s., I:tel1Btro~ dt,l1verad In \ , .'-", T. D.: ltopdy'. . , . -.f SEAL),: " " ~ .' . ...~. .,' . " ' '. \. ..:t " . ,. e. " . , . .\.. ~,' . .... , . . !.-... " .~ 'Si'AT~ OF.F1oRXPA. ,ST. Luch~cot111'rY ~ ., ,', '. On'1ihla 'd,q per sonally 8'pl>8a'J:ed, 'berort 'Dl$ ~ an ofa....1oe-r authori;zed't'Q ,taldi' aoknowl edgr:;ente ,,~;' '.' ',.".," .'.' " '" " ;. ,',' ',.,.,., :',' ," ,"" ','" ",':', , , " , ~ otduds ,'et,o~; T'~:: D. )foody'.. tQ, 1ll8WOll'k,nvo,'l.n/8nd. .~nQ.wn t~)' ,be the'.pe rBbri whoex~cu.ted, the , " .", ',;' , ", " ' '.,' , " ';.. ,.", ,:,' " " ,:..','," , " , " ,: ,.- ,',; wft1l1 n ABOlgrin'lent~ oi'Uoi1traot '~8nd aQk Dowhdge4 that ,he, exeoitted"the" 'GQm~ ,tOT ,the.pilrposes' there'M '",'.',.,'':,,'.- "" :,' ", ':..' ,." ',', '.', , ,': , " ..,.".,' ',. ,',; :',":~",", ,',.'..,'-.:,., '-'" ,:" ";'" ',' , ,. 'fit ',e:xpt:,8s8ed,_ ,. ' . , '..' ' "f. ~ . '-~., ,.. " ... :ntneS-B '~,ha'rid: andse.81.' tbiB 12th .day ,ofU~1.t1:9'2s:-. 0_.,", " . '.~,,' , , -, ---"~-_,___. ,~,_'_H___~__._'_ " , ,', " James B. Rook , " _ ,'" -NotarY" Pl1b"11o-"-tor~:stet e.- ofF'1o.r1da-:at-,'-~:-- : '. .' , " Lu"re. . , '.U,Y OO~leBlon'~pheB.Feo. 19.1929~,.,,':, .. -==?'" , . . .-. - '" ," ...' . , . . ~ ;" '," d~7..0 'JJ~;l~~. l " ' ': . ~. . , ", , ',). ~it JH3'l::,:A.~J.(~;,;:.~ ;.::.";\ ' :~-. "'-..,e~~'-r"'__~_' .... .P.'C..~ldred ~Clerk c":~o~ill Conrt, .... .'Bf~~ {!~~. ',r',c.,/ , , ..", ." . . . . . ".", --: , .. . . .; .'~... ~ -- -- - ,..... -.-,- - - ~ -.--".. -_.... -.--:---.--:..... -'-: ~ -'-'-'-.-'--'~ ~-~ - ~.... ...,-,-.... - - .;;.-..~ -.... -.--- - -. -~ -'-.- -_ -- -_.,;;_ _ _ _ ~ r. .__ __-"".?"._ _ ___ . -. . . ~ST COAWr D::~rELO?HZHT C'OH?AUY ,.', 'TO, , A_HOS~ 'if! knIGHT "<~~T C,OASl' D~'!::t,O_):~~iT CO,llPAliY" , . .. . . . '.7A,~RAlirY D~ED,. lfO'~ .;. . . .'.:. . . ~ . .' f" . < , " THIS iUD::UTURE"Uade.;thetwontyMfourth '4~Y, otJanuorY',A. D.' 19~6'.: 0" the:';aat CQ88 t . .. -'. '.' ~ ~ . .' . . . ':Davelopmen.t 'Cornpal11'. aoorporot16n:~rg8nlied 'and,~xlutlng under theJ,~\'/B {),t the ',~tate,of Ih<?r~da t , . " , ',,' .'" ..: ,:.' , , :' ", ,: ,,' ~"', ' : party of:thoflrs~'.p8rt~ to,#~O$ll. Y.In-GUT, ?f,'t~~'oounty,;0:f..D8d!l, and State 'of:~lOt:l:da,' party '. , , , ~;of theseooild pai-t. , ~T/~S~ZTHtThat, th,a 8 aid party Of the f1l'[;t'i>ert', ,:fo;',ond 'in' 60nS{d~r~t l'ou:of"tho, sum .' i .' ~,'. ~ ..' .''-' . . ',' of Ten,Dollars (and other v~luable oonB~derotlon) lavl1.u1'r.loney of the ,Un1t~d ~taYH".to itin , , , hand pald' by the saId party of the Becond po rt, at or Defore the enS8allng 'aod deli veru of theBe '. , .. . n . , ',preaont'a., th'e reoelpt whereof ie' hereby aCknowia,dge4., h8B'r-T~nte~ bargained. sold ,released. J . '., " ~ _ .c.J"' . , ! : ,oonv6'.ied,ond confIrmed, and"by theBo'presenta d08shereby r:rnnt. bargain, s dl.',releaBe, convey fee B inlple ,tthe . , , . '-' , , .' and oonfirm unto the B!lldparty of t,he Beoond part, and' hJe' hrtrs an(l,8BBlgns,dn 1 ' . land sltupted l,n ~t., Li.loh County" Flor,ldo~ knoWn' and de"BcOrlbed 8~ :f911ows~ r The 1I0rthwsst Quarter (in'~) of ~aotlon 30, and f I '. .,./ The Soutrwest quarter (S'Rt) of the north~a8t qu~rter ClrEt) of Seotion 30, aod the~'/cs1; hel,!' Or;), of lheSouthwoB:QUa~t~r (8V1-1) and the, ~outhweBt quorter(Swt) of.",tho lfort~eBt quarter OlWt) ~~--==---, . and tho"South half 'S~) of t~e ,HortlMeet quarter or~) of thit Iforthw,et quarter ru:n) of Septlon 19, ,all In Township 34 ~onth, I, ~~:-.- - .,:. . ,"'t: ,-_~:""=_" ;')o~ - j~u-=~ "':',,', /', 't . I, :;..: ~