HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0607 -,"' J f"~15 9 Gl' ,<' ,- ',,' " "'1,', I ' :", , ,-:-+-r::~ "T:c~, ,I ! ' " I ',:;', ' " f ," I ' I l'.I.' " I ... . , ,',' ',,! ,,', i ,:',c,I', '..' "', ,~'i-~--"~'7-T.-- , ",', . "I" ,', '. i.- , , . " I, - I,' I' . " " 'J" , .. ,......' , t 'I :. _," " . .' . . -.;J. ~ . - "!-'''''-_.'T-'lUL''.~..~''', _...-...... . 'f". . . . , I , I ,: \, ., . I I I'; , \!~ It, ' I , -; ~--~', "'-J-f,---..~::~:_--~.,~"."~Ic,.~, ,.'_: ~~-;-~~r';~~~'I;""~~""~!,~'-r"':'..~,:::,,~<'~:-,~\' ~~~~;u~..~",~.,l-, I '.:',' , " ' ", 'I Ral1g.e ,49 ;', oo~ta\hlng Mq aQr~~ 'more or l~OBl ~r1,d', ,\ "*~. \ ,'\, \ I '.1 ' .,., I 'I -:' t, I I " "t', .,,;\'Sout'hweet q\1~ri;e.r, (SWf.) , ahd.1;he South halt (SH of;the,,', '\." ! " , :' 1l~;thO.O t qUh rt .,:-(!fEt ) ~ . nd t ~O ~~u th.. ~tlqU ntt" '(mil l""itho ,'.', ..!: : " i >i ::1' ' I ,,' ',_:.' 'ItorthWO.~ ~U.;t ;'r,Cnwt;. . n;" t h~ S~U~h-' ~Ol ~ l,9t) or t hO, 1I,.~t h,' . , ,~;".' . . , I' :;' half, '(lln.'oiT~he'Uort:~aBt qu.arter; (llEf) , of aaotlon 24', ,\ """ I \' 'I I ,',1 l" · '. ~ ~~Ut~:R. ~go 9,9 Bo~t. o~ntol nlng 3.6~ .oro., mo;o ' , " I,' o~ :J.~B.8i. an.dtpe 'East 'half (EH o.f the SOlltMaBt quarter (SEt) . I: .,. . ,.., (, . .' . - . \ . . ~:',"~ . \ - . II:' . 'of Seotion 1.3,.,ToVrnshi}) 34, SouFh, Range ,3~La8t. oon~,U1,lng~O.' \- '," " :' ..... , ". . ..~ . . . -' - - 1.'" . . . . '. . . -J ~ _,sorel!,' 'more .o:r,}ees;, .~e1ng o. tot,al- of 78~' a?ree., m?re <>:r less " -'. .' . .' '. ,'li' .' : . \ .' '.' .' -. ,'... ~".' .. " , EXCEPT, ',~,Qwever,:.the rlrhtof' 'flay ;c):!pu~no ,road88nd"dratnase, ,oanall or:. ~ '_~. "__ ".', . "',_ ',: . :.~ c '..' "~"" '. ......' _._. '.. ,. ''''"'''', . <;:, :.' Ij,'" " ',d.1tch~'s.., ,a~ '!!hOwn,.\?n :the plat ,0,1 ,Sal~l$?~B .ma~e'bY the'p~~y., ?f,\~tt'.flr8't.pa~ 11m reoo~~' i.n'tl)e ,otn<;'8'o~ ,t~~Plerkbf.,the,Qlt:ou-lt Oourt ,o~, st~,Luo~~ CQ1intY"",P~~t'Ua'~ ' , ,;," , . " ,,' ,', , ,'TO Hi. vB :AUD 'TO," ~OLI> THE ;SAllE'~ ,to~eht'~ wl t,h 8l1,~he ,heredl taL'\e'n~8 a~d ,I. '. ,,:::::::::o::~~::::~~::::~:~;:~:n:: ,::: ::~tP:::. ~:o:h:t::::n:n:;~o I.:::o:::~.:::' · A',' " " " " , ,- , ", , , ' "." ii" her-e~yo,ovenant,,,i th B81,d party ot the~'se,cond:- pSl't, "~sheIr8. le~lrep,i'e~enta.tlve.8, Qn.d 11 ~.ia~,s~~ns." t~t' ~t',",'l~\ndete-"l~biy .8~'~'IO~, _~t ,~afd-'land '(~ 'fe~ ,~l~le;: that ~~, ~~~Ul1~ ~,OYl:er~'d','~' ~,iawful r1.#ht,t;:~,oon~~y .e~d]Jl,~d lh 'f~e:~lrnpl~. as afore8a~d;:"th~1;'lt:Bhali be ,la.ful 'to:t" sard, '.' . , ". . '. - , . . , '. " ' .' ~. -, . '.- - . "-, . '. ." .~_ 0, . '." '. ,'J)arty'o:1' the ~eoond_part;, hislielr8,:),e~1 representatives; and nBsir-na, 'at all:t1t1GB !,8ac,eablY . .' " '. .'~-'o ''',' , ." ...,... '~"'"',"'" . "c .,,:::~:::;:;~:i;~~:/::~~ ,,::~:. ,::~?:::~.:n:l:::::.:~~o~:::o:~ :h:o~:~~~~~:~::::L~;:m ,:~~ _';:~.'ul"'" ,- sa1.d land 88 !D~ ,rea~on8'blf, ,be requ,"ed, and that 1 t does hereby fulll. warrant' the" t1 tJe- to " ' , ' . . .- '-. . ," ..' . :. .: ' -' . -.' . ~ "'. ". .... . .. ,said land.-, , epd,W1l1 detend"thes~e' agtlnstthe lawful C).lalrnB o~al,l persons whomso,eyer'.. .,. ',IUlIITlrESS :WHaR::OF,theparty,ofthe ~ir'8t :I>8rt,pn thed.&y a'n'd ,:;e,a:r- ,tl~t'8bo:ve ':" :wrltt$n. has'cauBod 'ite f18!l10'to be'slgned and ltB"corporoteaonl.to beaff1xedto"-thes6 preBents - by'l tB 'P,resl den't. whl ch offici O'~' haSb~e!ldui.Y8.ho~ lze,~ nridompow:ered by, r'esol~tl onol' the , " :: ' '/ . ..........;. . .. .'. .' . Board of Dlr.eotors of tho EaetCo8st :pevolopment'Colllfany. ,partya!,tM first part herelri, ,to.,' exeoute end'deliver, this De'ea'l J '., ("oorporat'8 seal)' " C011>. sea 1., ',~~T ,COAST DE~i3LOP!,!'EflT' C l]!PAUY, '. ".By -t:ea:r~e,C~ PrieBtley' Pt'esitent ;,' ..' , ~1gned, oealod and ,delivered in preBence Of,UB: . ,Fred S.Krlebel " A. R., . Danfcrt,h : , , '. !..' . J' ..... '---:'" ,.' ': .' I \. .. .. :" .~ ,STAT ~ OF PEUlrSYI.VANIA ') , ", ,',' " ,"8$.:, COU,UT'f OF PHl LADE1-P III A ) .'. ~ '1 " "~ " . I, an'offloe r dUll", authoriZed, to take ack'riowl~d~entB td' i1~ede~do hereby , o~rtlfy ,that on this day pera~n~li:l a;~ea redb~fore, me' \.i~o. c'~ .PrloBtley,' to', mewellkn&wn 'as. " the .Prao1d eat of the ias t C08Bt,~'ovelop:rientcompa~y " the>oorpora t10n d~s,ori bed in the, foregolng.- Deed,and he ackncwledge,! b$f0re, me \hat he was duly authorizod by sold Corporation to execute.. . .... '.. .' . .' '. . . . ,',. '0 I ~ . --', the faregolng Deed on 1 is be,haIt. lH~'d, to' B1 gn ita name and, Qfi'1x 1 tB Bealthereto: that the' and that sald Ueed Wosexocuted <I " 'Beal 6~f1,,:ed thereto. 16 the coruorat e .seal ofaald Coruora ticn., f by said.Corporat1on for the puroo~e8, therein e,;pr-esoed. In 'VITm~'3~ ,'.'l1snEor ,'1 }~ve hereunto sfft xed '[ tw,enV-fouJ'th day af 'J.nuary 1925, ~t ~hlladelphla, 'f-'"-:;:' , ' my narno-,and'offioial seo1 thiB" ~ I , " ,',. ?onnty and State ntOr8sald:'- " ' . :" { Tftlen, H.; Brown, Ploter-,{ .rubBo, ~t8te .,r PennsylvanIa My oOtml188Ion explrea :',ebruar'; 2l.l~,37 . ,I \'