HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0608 1-1 (" 'I': : 1. j. f-: t . ' , ' . .. ,- " i :' , . , ;" .. " ,'C' , 1 '",' ,\ " .. .. ~ r , I ' \: I,.~" ,,',',',', .1:-,.,;,_~4":~,.~~,o."_....,-_,-.,,-,',",-',,,,,~,- ~""'~_.""I 'I, I" , . 'r ..-"".......L...... i., ~-.. -~.......~ ~ l" I ',.. '. ",.~7~~=-~:-i":,~:.t,,'~";"~"~~"'~~'~~':~(~-"~'~:~'':'~-'~'' I,,; :-1,...1, Ij"l" v,,"{ ~. ',:,~7" ~ \ ,~'-~!'~ ." \.1 ~t, . ..\ .,~'..', ,t.'.. _ -\ ."" ,.l.~,\~.' ,1'1.,_ I' " , , ,..." I \, ($~9.60.~ .R.,S,ta.':1P:S onn.)' ,I " 1'01 , ' , I" I, ,':1, ..' \, I,' \ , , ' "-;!" ,\j, \ ',', ", I" , ,\ 1\ ' , ", \ . (', \" ",'l ' ", "', ", I. ' "- ,\, ,,I', ,'";,:",, \ " "l;~ne~ ;~Pt~ 0 Clrde~ ~~:~i,B 2,an~,day,,'of..J.!~ .,1925, ,~t,~e: !1~A~'c~.I,~: " ' I ' I' 'I i \ . ,l . \ \ ~.", \: T, ti :- . \. i-'. \ \ .. \' " . . _ .' \ ~. \ \ -, .' _.' I ~T- . _ , . \~ 1 .\. .. '. _ ~l \, \ \, ". _t. _ '. \ \ ,I ,,~",:. i>.' Q,~;\S'1d~e~~'dl~rk CU:Otl1~,CcSurt. '. 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THJS :mDENT..'t1RE, :,J(a4e ,th's 24th Cl8f Qfltarch"'A.:~. ,19~6.TWEIm'~ou1uX. ,Jlero\1t~o 81 ',~' ~ .'. \'.. , ", _ - . . . .'. . - '.. . . ~. . . . . '. .... ' .... - . . '.' . ' , . "', ~~ ' . . . '. . 4': 'Vlncent Ilerourio.. .ft.' &hU8band~ 'ot"tlie'Qounty: otOnyalioge: and State ;,-t Ohlo "iaru" ot, " :'. .-.:.-: '-,'.' ." .:" .~..""'. .-...., .,.. . ...~. .....;..:: ...... '. --~.., ....; ~.' '~. '::""",,' '. '.....~...... -.." ',".: the 't~r8t ~t!'~nd,OUo'P~1100~"ot:,the O~\Ult1~f,C:uYaho~a',~a, S'ate of Oh10'per.~o~,tne , :' ',8800nC1'p~\. "X!NESS~TH,'\hat ~~e' ~a~4, P8r~h8 ':ot'tb~' t1r8ti)fu'\~' for,'anC1-1n,C C)h~~4~~~Vion ," ..,..' ':, '...ot the 8UlI:ot one,ti~cb'e,4..00/i,o~>'Dol-l.r8"\O 'll8,:ln\~4 pa,1c1, ~he.reoe1pt..h4.l';eOt:i8h'ete- '" ,:" 1)1 ~~'kJi't1r1..g~4. ~~e;~a'nt~4~'barg~1De~.~~l,cl 'aj~d 't~8,n'efe~~eG.' a'n~ by 'these: p.~eeen1i~4~' , '" . :. .'~.- '." '~.,~"., ..'..._.....'. . ........ """ ".,' '_,~ "lo..-'_ "'--, ", ,....'. ..... -"~ 'e""'~,' -" gra.l1t. b8rg8~n, '8~11. 'an~4' ti'sneterup,t.o the ~81cl'Par~;Y of the'seooncl"partal)es. b.18, heir,8 8I1,cl' 'a811gne fore~er"ail~ii8~. oert.ln'pA:foel"ot'i:811~ ly1ng :ana' "1Ji8,l~',~'~'C0\V1'tl O'f'St~ , ".', " ~F,' ,,"':, " :.', ", ..,,' ""." ," ,',',' ":', ,:~..,', ",~C1 Shte,ot,fio;r'1da,moreparUoUll(rlY4'edorlbeG a,S 1011oW8;..' \ ' '. ~., ." .. .- - .. " . ~. '.' '. . -. . - ~1tueti41n,th~,Count~,ot St...L'lioieariciSbt..9~ ~OrUa8Dcl kn01m:a8 t.ot'No~ 1'.h1!ee ; ,(allnBl~o,~,N.o~ 20 ,In,~ the,:O~,ty ()(Vero, 110r14a,' "~~Pl.h~~. is ~.845nah~ ,onth,e pl~t ',:,,:' , _,~lf!h'~J,n.~AitB+1rer":'atms,'c9m~~", M.4ll'tjloii 'ie09~.~e^4 ~n.' ~i1a,~~tloe;:,ot ~th~,:Cl.;~7-of~t~e',' 'Clroui t O~t iJ;l,anc1 t,~'I/ 8a14, ,C'oUn~,. ' "f '... .; . '-. '!'. , '''i'I ',' " ~: .:. . , , r . .... i J1 ~lJ . , I i , r. i' . I [ , I I.' ~ .-. fh1sDie~ '18 gi:'fenanclAoo,pteilqb~eot to ,oondUionlt~' r.8~tl'ot,~oil8 ,and'ninltatioJi. i ',In)~~erc1ate4J\Ul.'29,~19,21 tro~ ~e.IJid'l~nBher 'al'll.~mp.n7'to ~~ul"X. 'J(erc~'lo'~' ~ ',., '" " " Vinoen\ J.I.,'qu,r1oe, ' i i ,:,1 " ", '.:~.' :~::"',"1.:~.,_ . .: 1'OGB~wi th a?-,l*ta. "!.e~iellleI:lte,, her':eeH. tame'nte end8pp~te.nanoe8~ with' nery,prhi;lege, 'rl8ht~ tltle, ,intere8t anclee~8te.. 'clower- end righ\,of clower, ,~"'Y.r81o~,rema1 n4eran(\e,ss.";' ::men~,~her"beio~g~ng 91" 1n.~nY1!1::~,8Pp~ia1n~n8,:".. 1'0 ItA VB AUD,:TO'HOLD the 8anelri.fe~' ~1mp~',tor,"'er.' -', . , '. " ..... .... I, , , 'An4~be>8aicl~'art1~8 ottluJ tirst 1>ar\,'cl~oQvenan~ -.th the8af4,parttot~e seoon4: . '. ,...," ,-. . " . . '. par. ,that they 81'" 18wful17eelua, ot' t~e,,,a1-4 pre~18e..' that they" 'are :tr~"'froDl all,ln.c~, 'bra'noes anel ~h~t th'i"h~.,eg~ocl.r.lght:8n4'1.8w,tul.' ,~)1t~orU,Y to:: ae;Ll' the, 8.8.1 ;aD4 the,"! ~ "'parU.. o-t. th~, fIret p8~t 40, qerebytully w8rran~ theUtleto"14, land and ".11 hfencl l. \ ~ . r " ' ,the e~llle8gaHn~t,;th~'18.tui ,~18i.m8 ,O,t all, ,p~r8on.mom8oeY~r. Ill' Wl'l!fBSS WHE.~F1J', '~e 8ai.c1:part1es ottha t1.re'1; par~ mye' hereunto . - \ . . . ";-., andua18: the"t 'an~e8r ,~~ove.r1t1;ei1"., Signe4, sedlUt' 4tlhere41no1ir pl"eeeDce. , . 1- . ,. John, SCuler' ' . . 8et, their, hand.s . :",.,.j , . ,Louie. 'K~, Jlerourio 'Seal', Seal) II , " ,', . , "Tinoen t Verourio' .1.00l~ fl. 'Stamp.oen. ' , , '" , " 0'... . , ':Harr~ J.I; K'I1plee STA'm OP OHIO", ': , ' ' ) counTYOlP CUYAHOGA ( i ~--~ I,' " I HEREBY CERTIIY ,!baton thla 24th,,4ay ofJ(aroh 'Ai, D. '-926, betor, , me'-pe1\'80Dally appeared Louiee X.J.ferour1o an4 V'1nc8ntllerour1o, wife 81 hu,eband to me known/to be th, .! ' .! '.; . I /, I , , "~reon. c1e.,el'rO.~,in anel who exe,oute4 the foregolngoonnyanoe to QUo Polloqk and '.enral,ly . ., f I ..oknowl~4ge4 theexeout1on tl1ereof to be their tree 80t ahd hedtor the uu,. and purposu I' ,