HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLAN REVIEW FORMSAINT E; UClE CO0NTY'Fil ®ISTfiICT ' PLAN REVIEW FORK-1 , -; F-�16�0„N Wi..IIAiIne D�jr�ivfe _ PArt aitif Lucfie, FL U98$ - Telephone ` 2- .:Fax: 771=62�604 < F ' E 1Neb;Adsiress�'ww+ris fd.eoin ' 2 L , Bt{rldrng Dept.SLC FMo permrt # i s. F Prc� `xr Name Ptmtgt Boat Piant Fxpar3i�n r > BLDG'Perh;" 1907 ,Q579 _a m Address 38975* Lucie B vd ,ti Gty Ft Pierce . • 1 ,Contractor RK Davis 'Address P O Box 186 s� CrtX Fort Pierce , , state Tefepfiooe (772) 461 8335` ' v ,Archit freoTingineer DOn dtq Arciti s Telephone r {77�) 794F7, 29 OccupancyType;- Iridgstrrai : Constructior+Type, i1F squaceFee#° 1$7,80,0 r i J 3 ' Octupai►tLoad 1925_perplug{; T ami>Erofstarves'}! Acce's Eaii Required 6 AccessreySvitch t r ,. ti 1 �awy, _AFSPermit Requ;red PAeermit Required = FFPPerrrp7f General NOteS T. An electronic copypf the copstraton documents submitted oet a CD es repumed. 7 i�efile format sMlfbe ptif only. tt ] �ti All revisions including the ®(ectronic copy'mut be received prfQrto pedmittmg The Fire Marshal regni 4jiho' victiceon lijd pectiens . :! �... 4:TherespetEive6uild'mg,Deprttaentshattschedaleallfinalmspetdansthrongh tiie;Fveh7arshalsOifice r1 3 Parledirispectionsrequfrepaymgntof.feepriwto cliedafiogoMikheri6spectuns. 8 ' Penemraticns through rated asserri[ities sha0 be oEthe ,ro' rUt it s' -srgn 7. Fire alarm panels shall be' loci ted,hWoors within ak cond'rtoned space: ' Desrgn criterra shall - be ' submitted with the constructoon,plans. 8 Plans and c®ns t ion are �Ob)pq to corrections m the field toYrlanrtam code compliance. , 4 Automatk' hutidown is retlaired for HVAC.systemis that e�cceed 2 OOQ �fm desigp'capacity ; 10.-The Installation od Alteratifln of Fge Spreekle , Fve Alarms aria t6esl;Fire Protection Systems require a separate fevieur and permit. ; ,r . . THE FLORIDA.FIOE;PRW_ENTION CODE,,20.1 S EDITION (Sr CURRENTLY ENFORCED 9U16i'i GSWiTH`LIGiiT-_FRAMETRUSS-T;OECONSTRUCTIQNSHALL BEMARKED W APPROVED t2EF1GHTER.SA�ETY WARNING'SIGNS IN aCCO'ADbNCIE<{I 1TH FLO[i[DA`ADhrIIN15TRATfVECODES G9d Q12` t tEE1VINC, A CEE:RTIFICATE Ol= OCCUPANCY. %GEC) 'I.IANC See General Notes"Above and Required Revisit .1 WiA 1 Asepar' to reviewand perm►t is required'for the _ nstallation or alteration of the:fire alarm andf r ems �•' 2 Automatic fansh' tdown`isrequiredfoP`FiVACsjrsterhrs fiat eXLeed2:00a-chit esign_capaatyP.r r'l�8tetestand i inspect app,iiance egwppec W!th-. n audible/ursual md�ca nr for Bach HUACd�ctsmoke detecthr. HVAC clud_smofCe cletector(�)` scull bet ed'intotf efire"aiarm system ; > 3; Assemblypccupanaes with an ocwpantload greater than 100 persohifequire-panic l ardWare:or 1`ire-exit he--rdware on the ; required means of egress doors :. S , r. �G e 08 14-2019 Page 1 of 1 Reviewed by TonyJergeer Uet 5 77 _ -