HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBSURFACE SOIL EXPLORATION1 SCANNED BY S Luc ecoan ISubsurface Soil Exploration Pursuit Boats Facility Expansion St. Lucie Boulevard St. Lucie County, Florida Ardaman & Associates, Inc. OFFICES Orlando — 8008 S. Orange A Alexandria — 3609 Mac Lee D Bartow — 1525 Centennial Baton Rouge — 316 Highlandia I Cocoa —1300 N. Cocoa Fort Myers — 9970 Bavaria Rc Miami — 2608 W. 841h RECE EVI p JUL 2 5 2019 S7;. Lucie County, Permitting ZZ= ue, Orlando Florida 328098 — Phone (407) 855-3860 Alexandria, Louisiana 71302 — Phone (318) 443-2888 te, Bartow, Florida 33830 — Phone (863) 533-0858 , Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70884 — Phone (225) 752-4790 I., Cocoa, Florida 32922 — Phone (321) 632-2503 I, Fort Myers, Florida 33913 — Phone (239) 768-6600 .reet, Hialeah, Florida 33016 — Phone (305) 825-2683 Monroe —1122 Hayes Street, West Monroe, Louisiana 71292 — Phone (318) 387-4103 New Orleans — 1305 Distributors Row, Suite I, Jefferson, Louisiana 70123 — Phone (504) 835-2593 'i Port St. Lucie — 460 Concourse Placle NW, Unit 1, Port St. Lucie, Florida �Sarasota — 78 Sarasota Ceriter Blvd., Sarasota, Florida 34240 — e 0Ajy7gj0072 R Shreveport —7222 Greenwood) Road, Shreveport, Louisiana 7C enQrsW L9ANCE Tallahassee — 3175 West Tharpe Street, Tallahassee, Florida 38T Ii .r !i 5066 VT LINTY Tampa — 3925 Coconut Palm Drive, Suite 115, Tampa, Florida 33619 — Phone6SOMM389 West Palm Beach — 2200 North Florida Mango Road, Suite 101, West Palm Beach, Florida 33409 — Phone (561) 687-8200 i MEMBERS: A.S.F.E. American Concrete Institute I COPY p (� ® � IASTM International Florida Institute of consulting Engineers an & Associates, Inc. Materials Culpepper & Terpening, Inc. 2980 South 25th Street Fort Pierce, Florida 34981 Attention: Mr. Stefan K. M Subject: Subsurface Soil and Geotech Pursuit Boats F St. Lucie Boulei St. Lucie Count, Mr. Matthes: Environmental and P.E. Exploration llical Engineering Evaluation cility Expansion Florida March 5, 2019 File No. 19-5422 As requested and authorized, we have completed a shallow subsurface soil exploration and geotechnical engineering evaluation for the subject project. The purposes of performing this exploration were to evaluate the general subsurface conditions in the vicinity of the proposed warehouse building and associated pavement areas and stormwater retention facilities; and to provide recommendations for sitelpreparation and foundation and pavement support. This report documents our findings and prese�is our engineering recommendations. SITE LOCATION AND SITE DESCRIPTION The site for the proposed construction is located in on the south side of St. Lucie Boulevard and approximately 1,365 feet east of Sapp Road in St. Lucie County, Florida (Section 32, Township 34 South, Range 40 East). The ge i eral site location is shown superimposed on the Fort Pierce, Florida USGS quadrangle map presented on Figure 1. The area for the proposed construction is currently undeveloped and sparsel�'to densely wooded. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION AND GRADING Based on review of a conceptual site it is our understanding that the pro warehouse building with associated proposed on the west portion of the proposed building will consist of loac grade floors. Typical anticipated loac been assumed to be on the order of kips for individual column foundation bring the building and pavement ar( exceed our assumptions, then the re plan that was provided to us by the Culpepper & Terpening, posed development includes the construction of a large parking/drive areas. Stormwater retention areas are also site. For the purpose of our analysis, we assumed that the I bearing masonry walls and interior columns with slab-on- ing conditions for the structure were not provided, but have 5 to 7 kips per linear foot for wall foundations and 50 to 80 ;�I. We have assumed less than 2 feet of fill is anticipated to as to final elevation. If actual building loads or fill heights ;ommendations in this report may not be valid. 460 NW Concourse Place, Unit 1, Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986 Phone (772) 878-0072 FAX (772) 878-0097 Louisiana: Alexandria, Baton Rouge, Monroe, New Orleans, Shreveport Florida: Bartow, Cocoa, Fort Myers, Miami, Odando� Port Charlotte, Port St. Lucie, Sarasota, Tallahassee, Tampa, West Palm Beach ,Pursuit Boats Facility Expansion .-2- File No. 19-5422 REVIEW OF SOIL SURVEY MAPS The Soil Survey of St. Lucie County, Florida, which was issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation'' Service in 1980, states that the predominant surficial soil types in the area where the site is located are Lawnwood sand and Pendarvis, 0 to 5 percent slopes sand. Brief descriptions of these soill types, as taken from the Soil Survey, are presented below. According to the USDA Soil broad flatwoods. Slopes are surface layer is about 8 inches sand in the lower 4 inches. Tr 7 inches and light gray sand in The upper 24 inches is black, w sand. The substratum, to a dE pockets of loamy sand. The we at a depth of 10 to 40 inches f subsoil during the rainy period depth of 40 inches or more irvey, Lawnwood sand is poorly drained, nearly level soil is on mooth to concave and range from 0 to 2 percent. Typically, the thick. It is black sand in the upper 4 inches and very dark gray subsurface layer is 21 inches thick. It is gray sand in the upper ie lower 13 inches. The subsoil extends to a depth of 58 inches. .akly cemented sand and the lower 6 inches is dark reddish brown oth of 80 inches, is pale olive sand that has a few large scattered Ier table is at a depth of less than 10 inches for 2 to 4 months and 6 months or more during most years. It is perched above the early in summer. In dry seasons, the water table recedes to a Pendarvis sand, 0 to 5 percent s soil found on low ridges and kno surface layer is very dark gray sa 42 inches thick. The subsoil e cemented loamy sand in the upp dark yellowish brown loamy san between depths. of 24 to 40 inchi between depths of 40 to 60 inch( FI )es is moderately well drained, nearly level and gently sloping in the flatwoods. Slopes are smooth to convex. Typically, the I about 6 inches thick. The subsurface layer is light gray sand ands to a depth of 80 inches or more. It is black, weakly 14 inches; dark reddish brown sand in the next 14 inches; and in the lower part. Pendarvis sand has a perched water table for about 1 to 4 months during the summer rainy season and for the rest of the year except during dry periods. EXPLORATION PROGRAM The field exploration program included performing nine (9) Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings (B-1 through B-9 on Figure 2) in the vicinity of the proposed warehouse building and twelve (12) auger borings (AB-1 through AB-12) within or in the vicinity of the surrounding parking/drive areas and stormwater retention ponds. The SPT borings were advanced to depths of 25 and 35 feet below the existing ground surface using the general methodology outlined in ASTM D-1586. The auger borings were conducted using a hand-held, 3-inch diameter bucket auger to depths ranging from 5 to 8.5 feet below the existing ground surface. Descriptions of these field procedures are included in the I.Appendix. Soil samples were recovered from the sampler or auger during performance of the borings. The samples were visually classified in the field and representative portions of the samples were transported to our laboratory in sealed sample jars. The groundwater level at each of the boring locations was measured during drilling. Upon completion, the borings were backfilled with soil cuttings. The approximate locations of the borings are shown on Figure 2. These locations were determined in the field by estimating distances from existing site features and should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the method of measurement used I I I Pursuit Boats Facility Expansion -3- File No. 19-5422 Double Ring Infiltrometer In order to estimate the hydr aulic conductivity of the shallow soils, one double ring infiltrometer test (DRI-1) was performed in the vicinity of the proposed stormwater treatment areas as shown on Figure 2. The test was performed on February 13, 2019 in general accordance with the methods described in ASTM D3385. The result of the double -ring infiltrometer test is presented in the following table: 11 Test Location I Soil Infiltration Rate (in/hr) 1 1 12 It is noted that a suitable factor of safety should be used with this value. LABORATORY PROGRAM Representative soil samples obtained during our field sampling operation were packaged and transferred to our laboratory for lfurther visual examination and classification. The soil samples were visually classified in general accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (ASTM D-2488). The resulting soil descriptions are shown on the soil boring profiles presented on Figures 3 through 6. In addition, we conducted fines (content and natural moisture content tests on selected soil samples obtained from the borings to aid in the classification of the soils. The results of these tests are presented adjacent to the sample depth on the boring profiles on Figures 3 through 6. GENERAL SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS General Soil Profile The results of the field exploration and laboratory programs are graphically summarized on the soil boring profiles presented on �igures 3 through 6. The stratification of the boring profiles represents our interpretation of the field boring logs and the results of laboratory examinations of the recovered samples. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary between soil types. The actual transitions may be more gradual than implied. As shown on the soil boring profiles on Figures 3 through 5, the SPT borings typically encountered very loose to medium dense, fine sand (Unified Soil Classification SP), fine sand with silt (SP- SM), fine sand with clay (SP-SC), and clayey fine sand (SC) to the depth of about 25 feet; and medium dense to dense fine sand (SP) and fine sand with silt (SP-SM) with varying amounts of shell and cemented sand from 25 feet to the boring termination depth of 35 feet. As shown on Figure 6, the auger borings encountered similar soils to the depths ranging from 5 to 8.5 feet below the existing ground surface. These soil profiles are outlined in general terms only. Please refer to Figures 3 through 6 for soil profile details. We note that hardpan -type soils andl, soils with trace to relatively minor amounts of roots were Pursuit Boats Facility Expans File No. 19-5422 also noted in few of the borings as indicated on the boring profiles. Groundwater Level The groundwater level was m€, through 6, groundwater was e ranging from 3.5 to 6 feet belc in groundwater levels should variations in rainfall and other We note that the groundwater hardpan -type soils during or f( season. -4- asured in the boreholes on the day drilled. As shown on Figures 3 ncountered in the SPT and auger borings at approximate depths iw the existing ground surface on the date indicated. Fluctuations be anticipated throughout the year primarily due to seasonal factors that may vary from the time the borings were conducted. table may temporarily "perch" at higher levels atop the shallow )lowing periods of prolonged or heavy rainfall and during the wet HIGH GROUNDWATER LEVEL The normal seasonal high groundwater level each year is the level in the August -September period at the end of the rainy season during a year of normal (average) rainfall. The water table elevations associated with a higher than normal rainfall and in the extreme case, flood, would be higher to much higher than the nI ormal seasonal high groundwater level. The normal high water levels would more approximate the normal seasonal high groundwater levels. The seasonal high groundwater level is affected by a number of factors. The drainage characteristics of the soils, the Land surface elevation, relief points such as drainage ditches, lakes, rivers, swamp areas, etc.,l and distance to relief points are some of the more important factors influencing the seasonal Nigh groundwater level. Based on our interpretation of the site conditions using the soil borings and the Soil Survey, we preliminarily estimate the normal seasonal high groundwater level at the boring locations to be approximately 3 to 3 'h feet above the groundwater level measured in the boreholes at the time of our field exploration. We note that, after periods of heavy and/or prolonged rainfall, water may "perch" temporarily atop the shallow clayey soils at the site. ENGINEERING EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS General The results of our exploration and analysis indicate that, with proper site preparation as recommended in this report, the existing soils are suitable for supporting the proposed warehouse building on a conventional shallow foundation system. Spread footings should provide an adequate support system for the structure. The soil borings typically encountered suitable soils at the locations and depths explored. The following are our recommendations for overall site preparation and foundation support which we feel are best suited for the proposed building and existing soil conditions. The recommendations are made as a guide for the design engineer and/or architect, parts of which should be incorporated into the projelpt's specifications. Pursuit Boats Facility Expansion' - 5 - File No. 19-5422 Stripping and Grubbing The "footprint" of the proposed building and pavement areas, plus a minimum margin of five feet, should be stripped of all surfalce vegetation, stumps, debris, organic topsoil or other deleterious materials, as encountered. BIluried utilities should be removed or plugged to eliminate conduits into which surrounding soils could erode. After stripping, the site should be grubbed or root -raked such that roots with a diameter greater than'/ inch, stumps, or small roots in a dense state, are completely removed. The actual depth(s) of stripping and grubbing must be determined by visual observation and judgment during the earthwork operation. Proof -rolling We recommend proof -rolling thelcleared surface to locate any unforeseen soft areas or unsuitable surface or near -surface soils, to increase the density of the upper soils, and to prepare the existing surface for the addition of the fill soils (as required). Proof -rolling of the building and pavement areas should consist of at leas 10 passes of a compactor capable of achieving the density requirements described in the next paragraph. Each pass should overlap the preceding pass by 30 percent to achieve complete coverage. If deemed necessary, in areas that continue to "yield", remove all deleterious material an, d replace with clean, compacted sand backfill. The proof -rolling should occur after cutting and before filling. A density equivalent to or greater than 95 percent of the modified Proctor (ASTM D-1557) maximum dry density value for I depth of 1 foot must be achieved beneath the stripped and grubbed ground surface. Additional passes and/or over -excavation and recompaction may be required if these minimum density requirements are not achieved. The soil moisture should be adjusted as necessary during co Ipaction. Proof -rolling may cause upward movement or "pumping" of the groundwater. However, we recommend that the existing surface be level and firm prior to the addition of fill soils. Proof -rolling with a front-end loader may help achieve the desired surface and compaction condition before adding the fill soils. The site shoulc be dewatered as necessary. Depending on the time of year, a 12- to 18-inch layer of clean fine sand (SP) fill may be required prior to proof -rolling. Care should be exercised to avoid damaging any neighboring structures while the compaction operation is underway. Prior to commencing compaction, occupants of adjacent structures should be notified and the existing condition (i.e. cracks) of the structures documented with photographs and survey (if deemed necessary). Compaction should cease if deemed detrimental to adjacent structures, and Ardaman & Associates should be notified immediately. Offsite Vibrations We strongly recommend that the site preparation contractor closely monitor the vibrations produced during the compaction operations to ensure that they do not adversely affect any nearby structures. Should there be concern about vibration levels produced by the compaction operations, a seismograph with a suitable indicator range may be arranged on the site while this I Pursuit Boats Facility Expa File No. 19-5422 M work is undertaken. We would also recommend that any structures in close proximity to the site be photographed to document any existing cracks/defects prior to the start of the work. We remain available to assist you in this regard. I Suitable Fill Material and the Compaction of Fill Soils All fill soil should be free of organic materials, such as roots and vegetation. We recommend using fill with less than 12 percent b� dry weight of material passing the U.S. Standard No. 200 sieve size. Soils with more than 12 percent passing the No. 200 sieve can be used in some applications, but will be more difficult to compact due to their inherent nature to retain soil moisture. All structural fill should be placed in level lifts not to exceed 12 inches in uncompacted thickness. Each lift should be compactedi to at least 95 percent of the modified Proctor (ASTM D-1557) maximum dry density value. The filling and compaction operations should continue in lifts until the desired elevation(s) is achieved. If hand-held compaction equipment is used, the lift thickness should be reduced to no more tlhan 6 inches. Foundation Support by Spread Footings and Foundation Compaction Criteria Excavate the foundations to the' roposed bottom of footing elevations and, thereafter, verify the in -place compaction for a depth of 1 foot below the footing bottoms. If necessary, compact the soils at the bottom of the excavations to at least 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D-1557) for a depth of 1 foot below the footing bottoms. Based on the existing soil conditions and, assuming thel above outlined proof -rolling and compaction criteria are implemented, an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,500 pounds per square foot (psf) may be used in the foundation design. This bearing pressure should result in foundation settlement within tolerable limits (i.e., 1 inch or less). All bearing wall foundations should be a minimum of 18 inches wide and column foundations 24 inches wide. A minimum soil cover of 24 inches should be maintained from the bottom of the foundations to the adjacent finished grades. Floor Slab Moisture Reducer and Slab Compaction Requirements Compaction beneath all floor slabs should be verified for a depth of 12 inches and meet the 98 percent criteria (modified Proctor, ASTM D-1557). Precautions should be taken during the slab construction to reduce moisture entry from the underlying subgrade soils. Moisture' entry can be reduced by installing a membrane between the subgrade soils and floor slab. Care should be exercised when placing the reinforcing steel (or mesh) and slab concrete such that the membrane is not punctured. We note that the membrane alone does not prevent moisture from occurring beneath or on top of the slab. If interior columns are isolated from the floor slab, an expansion joint should be provided around the columns and sealed with a water -proof sealant. We note that the site has a relatively high groundwater table level which needs to be considered if any recessed slabs or sump pits (i.e., loading docks, etc.) are being planned for the site. Pursuit Boats Facility Expansion File No. 19-5422 Dewatering Based on the groundwater co required to achieve proper ( Depending on the time of the y for foundation excavations. determined by the contractor. down the water table sufficien surface to preclude "pumping" Utility Installation -7- ditions encountered, the control of the groundwater will likely be )mpaction, particularly for foundations and utility installations. ar and final site grades, groundwater control may also be required The actual method(s) of dewatering (if needed) should be However, regardless of the method(s) used, we suggest drawing y; say 2 feet below the bottom of any excavation or compaction ind/or compaction -related problems with the foundation soils. The clayey soils and relatively gigh groundwater table conditions present on the site may hinder backfilling and compacting activities related to utility installations (both for piping and structures) or other excavations. These soils contain excess "fines" that retain moisture, making such earthwork operations difficult. �Ojects The importing of clean, free draining fine sand for excavation ducted backfill is often conon pof this nature to facilitate construction. The contractor should be made aware of the claey soils and high groundwater conditions at the site. Typical Asphaltic Concrete Sui;face Pavement Section Site Preparation All areas to be paved should be'prepared as previously outlined. Prior to stabilized subgrade and pavement base installation, thffe subgrade soil compaction should be verified for a depth of 12 inches (i.e., compacted to at leaslt 95 percent of the modified Proctor (ASTM D-1557, AASHTO T-180) maximum dry density value). Limerock/Coquina Base A10-inch thick limerock or coquina value of 100, overlying a 12-inch thi drainage plans preclude periodic limerock/coquina base material c clearance of 18 inches must be mai the seasonal high groundwater tabl )ase course having a minimum Limerock Bearing Ratio (LBR) ck stabilized subgrade can be used provided that grading and aturation of the base material. The periodic saturation of a ould lead to premature pavement distress. A minimum ntained between the bottom of the limerock/coquina base and The limerock or coquina should be compacted to at least 98 percent of the modified Proctor (ASTM D-1557, AASHTO T-180) malximum density value. For bus and/or truck parking and drive areas, the base thickness should be� increased to a minimum of 12 inches. A minimum 12-inch thick stabilized value of 40 must be achieved beneal suitable clayey soil or another approx value. The stabilized subgrade muE maximum dry density (ASTM D-155 and unyielding immediately prior to F ubgrade having a minimum Limerock Bearing Ratio (LBR) i the base. The natural soils may have to be stabilized with )d stabilization material in order to achieve the required LBR be compacted to at least 98 percent of the modified Proctor ', AASHTO T-180). The stabilized subgrade must be firm acement of the base material. Pursuit Boats Facility Expansion - File No. 19-5422 Wearing Surface A minimum 2-inch layer of Type SP-9.5 or SP-12.5 asphaltic concrete should be used for a wearing surface in automobile IParking/drive areas. For bus and/or truck parking/drive areas, at least 2% inches of Type SP-91.5 or SP-12.5 asphaltic concrete should be used. The asphalt wearing surface must be placed on an adequately compacted and unyielding base course. Specific requirements for the Type-SP asphaltic concrete wearing surface are outlined in Section 334 in the Florida Department lof Transportation, Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, latest Edition. The latest specifications of Flo' ida Department of Transportation shall govern the design and placement of the base and asphaltic concrete wearing surface. The above minimum requirements will satisfactorily support Traffic Level A*. If a heavier traffic pattern is anticipated, the design section should be increased accordingly. Retention Ponds We understand that stormwaterlretention ponds are planned for the site. For this study, soil conditions were explored in the proposed pond areas with two (2) auger borings (AB-11 and AB- 12) to depths of 6.5 and 8.5 feet The borings generally encountered sandy soils with some fine sand with silt/clay (Soil Strata N s.1, 2, and 3) as shown on Figure 6. The fine sand, fine sand with silt and fine sand with clay soils (Strata Nos. 1, 2 and 3 on Figure 6) are considered to be relatively permeable. For dry bottom retention ponds, pond performance will be significantly influenced by the soil permeability and the vertical separation between the pond bottom and the seasonal high groundwater level. Overexcavation of the clayey fine sand or silty fine sand (Soil Strata Nos. 4 and 5) if present at the bottom of the pond excavations and replacement with clean sandy soil (less than 10 percent fines) should be performed to improve pond performance. We recommend the pond bottoms be inspected by the project geotechnical engineer to determine if these soil types are present and overexcavat'on is warranted. Wet detention ponds should be excavated to depths necessary to obtain a sufficient water depth to limit growth of aquatic vegetationl. For the purpose of wet detention pond design, we estimate the normal low water level to be 1 to, 2 feet lower than the water levels encountered in the borings. Ardaman & Associates, Inc. would be pleased to assist in evaluating the design exfiltration rates, underdrains and/or groundwater I baseflow as pond geometry and stormwater volume requirements become available. I I QUALITY ASSURANCE i We recommend establishing a comprehensive quality assurance program to verify that all site i * Reference: "Flexible Pavement Delsign Manual", Florida Department of Transportation. (latest edition) I, Pursuit Boats Facility Expansion) - 9 - File No. 19-5422 preparation and foundation and pavement construction is conducted in accordance with the appropriate plans and specifications. Materials testing and inspection services should be provided by Ardaman & Associates, Inc. As a minimum, an on -site engineering technician should monitor all stripping and grubbing to verify that all deleterious materials have been removed and should observe the proof -rolling operation to verify that the appropriate numbers of passes are applied to the subgrade. In -situ density tests should be conducted during filling activities and below all footings, floor slabs and pavement areas to verify that t�e required densities have been achieved. In -situ density values should be compared to laboratory Proctor moisture -density results for each of the different natural and fill soils encountered. Additionally for the pavements, Limerock Bearing Ratio tests should be performed. The stabilized subgrade and base courses should be tested for density and thickness. Samples of the asphaltic concrete should be obtained and tested in the laboratory for asphalt content and aggregate gradation. Also, the asphaltic concrete thickness should be verified in the field. Finally, we recommend inspectiog and testing the construction materials for the foundations and other structural components. In Southeast Florida, earthworl contractor has completed a port representative of a larger area if soils are practically uniform throe construction inspection can be following minimum testing frequ( E DENSITY TESTING FREQUENCY testing is typically performed on an on -call basis when the on of the work. The test result from a specific location is only :he contractor has used consistent means and methods and the ghout. The frequency of testing can be increased and full-time provided to account for variations. We recommend that the ncies be utilized. In proposed parking/drive areas, a minimum frequency of one in -place density test for each 2,500 square feet of area should be use dd (minimum of five test locations). The existing, natural ground should be tested to a depth of 12linches at the prescribed frequency. Each 12-inch lift of fill, as well as the stabilized subgrade (where applicable) and base should be tested at this frequency. Utility backfill should be tested at ;a minimum frequency of one in -place density test for each 12- inch lift for each 200 lineal feet of pipe. Additional tests should be performed in backfill for manholes, inlets, etc. I In proposed structural areas, the minimum frequency of in -place density testing should be one test for each 2,500 square feet of structural area (minimum of five test locations). In -place density testing should be performed at this minimum frequency for a depth of 1 foot below natural ground and for every 1-foot lift of�fill placed in the structural areas. In addition, density tests should be performed in each column footing for a depth of 1 foot below the bearing surface. For continuous or wall footings, density tests should be performed at a minimum frequency of one test for every 50 lineal feet of footinlg, and for a depth of 1 foot below the bearing surface. Representative samples of the various natural ground and fill soils, as well as stabilized subgrade i I Pursuit Boats Facility Expanslo� -10 - File No. 19-5422 (where applicable) and base) materials should be obtained and transported to our laboratory for Proctor compaction tests. These tests will determine the maximum dry density and optimum moisture content for the materials tested and will be used in conjunction with the results of the in - place density tests to determ pe the degree of compaction achieved. CLOSURE The analyses and recommendations submitted herein are based on the data obtained from the soil borings presented on Figures 3 through 6, and on the assumed loading conditions. This report does not reflect any variations which may occur adjacent to or between the borings. The nature and extent of the variations between the borings may not become evident until during construction. If variations then appear evident, it will be necessary to re-evaluate the recommendations presented in this report after performing on -site observations during the construction period and noting Ithe characteristics of the variations. This study does not include an evaluation of the environmental (ecological or hazardous/toxic material related) condition of the site and subsurface. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Culpepper and Terpening and their client in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices. In the event any changes occur in the design, nature, or location of the proposed facility, we should review the applicability of conclusions and recommendations in this report. We recommend a general review of final design and specifications by our office to verify that earthwork and foundation recommendations are properly) interpreted and implemented in the design specifications. Ardaman and Associates should attend the pre -bid and preconstruction meetings to verify that the bidders/contractor understand the recommendations contained in this report. We are pleased to be of assi service to you or should you Best regards, ARDAMAN & ASSOCIATES, IN Certificate of Authorization No. 5950 •ranager W9 Dan J. , P.E. Florid`\.��j�Zj/�/-� 1 '.L 4 ; No. 63911�%/'* i'O : S`fATEOF :Im IONS -- lllllll� to you on this phase of the project. When we may be of further any questions, please contact us. Dan J. Zrallac P, E'/ Digitally signedZy.- D DN:CN= Dan JJ..Zrai Ardaman & Associat Date: 2019.03.05 15: A� 3,51l9 Sharmila Pant Assistant Project Engineer rallack, P.E.. .E.C=USOU= -05'00' AB-1 B-1 B-4 DRI-1 ! 1E AL ^ E B-5 B-9 B-7 B-8 LLOT ffTff 145 = z Y � a N N _ W a - z `1 Q a N CO BORING LOCATION MAP - Ardaman & Associates, Inc imiGeotechnical, Environmental and I B STANDARD PENETRATION TEST (SPT) BORING LOCATION Materials Consultants Subsurface Soil Exploration AB AUGER BORING LIOCATION Pursuit Boats Facility Expansion DRI DOUBLE RING INFILTROMETER TEST LOCATION St. Lucie Boulevard NOT TO SCALE � St. Lucie County, Florida DRAWN BY. SP CHECKED BY: DATE: 3/4/19 FILE NO. APPROVED BY: MUM 19-5422 2 n BORING: B-1 DATE DRILLED: 2/21/19 N 0 2 TRACE ROOTS 10 s a :: 6 - 10 -2oa e L NY: 20 15 4 20 .12 �:1B 25 7 :: 30 7 S �: WITH SH§ •.. O }ELL 0 35 15 CEMENTED SAND NOTE WHILE THE BORINGS ARE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ATTHER OF THE SUBSURFACE MATERIALS OF THE REGION ME ANTICIPATED MD MAY BE EN EXAMINATION OF SELECTED SAMPLES IN THE LABORATORY. THE DELINEATION INTERPRETATION OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT THE DESIGNATED BOWNO LOCATIC GROUNDWATERELEVATIONSSHOWNONTHEBORINGL SREPRESENTGROUNDW ANTICIPATED THROUGHOLR THE YEAR. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 FOR THEIRRESPEOTDR:VERTICALREACHES.LOCALVA MONSCHMACTERISRC OSAN RELATED INFORMATION ME BASED ON THE DRILLERS LOGS AND VISUAL IN ON THE LOGS IS APPROXIMATE AND THE DESCRIPTION REPRESENTS OUR DRILLED. ED ON THE DATES SHOWN. FLUCTUATIONS IN WATER TABLE LEVELS SHOULD BE LEGEND SOIL DESCRIPTIONS COLORS O1 FINE SAND(SP) OA LIGHTGRAYTOGRAY 2O FINE SAND WITH SILT(SPSM) OB LIGHT BROWN TO BROWN O3 FINE SAND WITH CLAY(SP-SC) © DARKBROWN E ® CLAYEY FINE SAND (SC) N STANDARD PENETRATION RESTISTANCE IN BLOWS PER FOOT NM NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT IN PERCENT(ASTM D-2216) -2OD PERCENT PASSING NO.200 SIEVE SIZE(PERCENT FINES)(ASTM D-1140) -SZ GROUNDWATER LEVEL MEASURED ON DATE DRILLED SP,SPSM SM,SC,CH UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM (ASTM D-2487) ENGINEERING CLASSIFICATION I COHESIONLESS SOILS DESCRIPTION BLOWCOUNT-N- VERYLMSE 4 LOOSE SE TO IG MEDIUM DENSE 10 T030 VERYOENSE >500" SOIL BORING PROFILES =AFEGTGR SL Aseod..... 1- u olKNuml, u.uo—.1 a Su8nuHme SW E.pb PPa.m u WL BmIA PacOB• Gn9m n pSL Wtla BaubwrA St WtlA County. ROHEO B BORING: B-4 B-5 9-6 LEGEND DATE DRILLED: 2/22/19 2/25/19 2/21/19 SOIL DESCRIPTIONS COLORS 0 N N _ N 0 Ej 1O FINE SAND(SP) O LIGHTGRAYTOGRAY 2 .' lA SOME ROOTS 3 iB :: O 1A 9 ;� 1B a LIGHTBROWN TO BROWN �O2 FINE SAND WITH SILT (SPSM) O 411 LOOSE HARDPAN TYPE 6 3B .: O 6 :� 3B O FINE SAND WITH CLAY(SP-SC) © DARN BROWN 5 1B SOME CLAY NODULES 4.Q - 5 �O CLAYEY FINE SAND (SC) 7 ,. - 3iB - 3 „ 2B 7 6�,; 4p 7 10 7 :: 39 N v . 8.:: .6 -.: 3B 10 N STANDARD PENETRATION RESTISTANCE IN BLOWS PER FOOT NM NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT IN PERCENT (ASTM 0,2216) 15 4 6 B 1B' 15 -200 PERCENT PASSING NO.20D SIEVE SIZE (PERCENT FINES) (ASTM D-1140) ' 1C 4 GROUNDWATER LEVEL MEASURED ON DATEDRILLED 20 6 iN 6. � .9 .: 20 SP'SPSM UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM (ASTM D-2487) SM,SC,CH •: 1 B 1 B 25 2�' 25 ENGINEERING CLASSIFICATION I COHESIONLESS SOILS DESCRIPTION BLOWCOUNT-W VERYLOOSE 4 30 15• 'SOME SHELL B 30 MEOIUIMM'SDENSE 1D O a 2A CEMENTED SAND I VERYDEVISE TO > _ 0 35 26, ;' W TH SHELL k CEMENTED BAND 35 I SOIL BORING PROFILES =All,-,, 1, As ... 1,1 e. m NOTE Y�In AN�, TnWaM1 unlvl vM • aM nry on WHILE THE BORINGS ARE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACECONDITIONSATTHEIR RESPECTIVE LOCAT)ONS AND FOR THEIR RESPECTIVE VERTICAL REACHES, LOCALVARIATIONS CHARACTERISTIC Subeurlacv Sv0 FaPbmUan OF THE SUBSURFACE MATERIALS OF THE REGION ARE ANTICIPATED AND MAY BE ENCOUNTERED. THE BORING LOGS AND RELATED INFORMATION ARE BASED ON THE DRILLERS LOGS AND VISUAL Punun Raab FauIDly FryonLm EXAMINATION OF SELECTED SAMPLES IN THE LABORATORY. THE DELINEATION BETWEEN SOIL TYPES SHOWN ON THE LOGS IS APPROXIMATE AND THE DESCRIPTION REPRESENTS OUR SL Wtla BaVbwrE INTERPRETATIONOFSUBSURFACECONOIDONSATTNEDESIGNATEDBOWNOLOCATIONS ONTHEPARTICULAROATEDRILLED. SL Wdv to V, FbH4v GROUNDWATER ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON THE BORING LOGS REPRESENT GROUNDWATER SURFACES ENCOUNTERED ON THE DATES SHOWN. FLUCTUATIONS IN WATER TABLE LEVELS SHOULD BE ANTICIPATEUTHROUGHOUTTHEYEAR. 1 A BORING: 9-7 9 -8 9-9 LEGEND DATE DRILLED: 2/21/19 2/22/19 2/22/19 SOIL DESCRIPTIONS COLORS 0 IN N N 0 1O FINE SAND(SP) OA LIGHT GRAY TO GRAY 4 1A 5 7 1A 2O FINE SAND WITH SILT(SPSM) OB LIGHTBROWN TO BROWN 6 �.; 1B:' s_ 8 1BO3 s_J5 ;1: FINE SAND WITH CLAY(SPSC) © DARK BROWN 5 5 �O4 CLAYEYFlNESAND(SC) s 5 6 10 38 3B 10 —200: 39 N STANDARD PENETRATION RESTISTANCE IN BLOWS PER FOOT NM: 26 NM NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT IN PERCENT(ASTM D-2216) 15 3 7 LOOSE HARDPAN 15 -200 PERCENT PASSING NO. 200 SIEVE SIZE (PERCENT FINES) (ASTM D.1140) TYPE GROUNDWATER LEVEL MEASURED ON DATE DRILLED 20 .12 9. �. 1.4 HARDPAN'TYPE 20 SP,SPSM :• 10 SOIL NIXED UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM(ASTM D-246]) SM,SC.CH 25 5 4 2B 2 .,4, 1 B 25 ENGINEERING CLASSIFICATION I COHESIONLESS SOBS DESCRIPTION BLOW COUNT-W �RLOO 30 9 23. :� .4 ESE 4TO 10 3p MEDIUM DENSE 10 TO ]0 '•� 1A W SHE•' 1A VERY OEFEiSE ]01�50 CEMENTED SAND r y WITH SHELL k }CEMENTED 1A I ., ® SHELL h }CEMENTED 0 35 . 21 : SAND 32.E 30 CEM SAND 35 I SOIL BORING PROFILES I11—t♦Ardamon &Associates, NOTE �CMACNNad. inHmunFnlW WNo4 CenFullAa� 4VHrtETHEBORINGSAREREPRESENTATNEOFSUBSUNFACECONDIRON3 ATTHEIRRESPECIIVELOCATIONSANDFORTHEIRRESPECTNEVERTICALREACHES.LOCALVA rONSCHAMCTERISTIC S.—dacs Se0 Espbratien OF THE SUBSURFACE MATERIALS OF THE REGION ARE ANTICIPATED AND MAY BE ENCOUNTERED. THE BORING LOGS AND RELATED INFORMATION ARE BASED ON THE DRILLERS LOGS ANDVISUAL Pumn BL. iatlllQr 6panam EXAMINATION OF SELECTED SAMPLES IN THE LABORATORY. THE DELINEATION BETWEEN SOIL TYPES SHOWN ON THE LOGS IS APPROXIMATE AND THE DESCRIPTION REPRESENTS OUR SL L. Baubwrd INTERPRETATIONOFSUBSURFACECONDRIONSATTHEDESIGNATEDBONNOLOCATIONSONTHEPA MCULARDATEDRILLED. SL Wua Leunb, FbdEs GROUNDWATER ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON THE BORING LOGS REPRESENT GROUNDWATER SURFACES E—C NTEREO ON THE DATES SHOWN. FLUCTUATIONS IN WATER TABLE LEVELS SHOULD BE ANDCIPATEDTHROUGHOUTTHEYEAR. I T BORING: AB-1 DATE DRILLED: 2/20/19 p W a s 51 BORING: AB-5 DATE DRILLED: 2/20/19 0 I d s _ i 2C 0 5 BORING: A13-9 DATE DRILLED: 2/20/19 p .. 2B s_ C 5 x NOTE AB-2 AB-3 AB-4 LEGEND 2/213/151 2/20/19 2/20/19 SOIL DESCRIPTIONS COLORS 0O FINE SAND(SP) O LIGHT GRAYTOGRAY 1A 1A 1AQ FINES 41 AND WITH SILT (SPSM) O LIGHT BROWN TO BROWN sO FINE SAND WITH CLAY(SP-SC) © DARK BROWN _' 1B 5 � 4O CLAYEY FINE SAND (SC) AB-6 I AB-7 AB-8 2/20/19 4 2/22/19 2/22/19 J0 to 1A :; to NM NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT IN PERCENT(ASTM D-7218) I -200 PERCENT PASSING NO. 200 SIEVE SIZE (PERCENT FINES)(ASTM D-1140) iB O HARDPAN �SOYE CIl1Y 1 B ) B TYPE .. NODULES $ .g 5 II. GROUNDWATER LEVEL MEASURED ON DATE DRILLED SP,SM,SQ,CH SPSM AB-10 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM (ASTM D-2487) AB-11 AB-12 2/20/19 I 2/22/19 2/22/19 0 3B 5 s -200: B 3 NM: IB WHILE THE BORINGS ARE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ATTHEIR RESPECTIVE LOI OF THE SUBSURFACE MATERIALS OF THE REGION ARE ANTICIPATED AND MAY BE ENCOUNTERED. TH EINMINATION OF SELECTED SAMPLES IN THE LABORATORY. THE DELINEATION BETWEEN SOIL INTERPRETATION OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ATTHE DESIGNATED BORING LOCATIONS ON THE PART GROUNDWATER ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON THE BORING LOGS REPRESENT GROUNDWATER SURFACES ANTICD'ATED THROUONOUT THE YEAR ON THE DATES SHOWN. FLUCTUATIONS W WATER TABLE LEVELS SHOULD BE SOIL BORING PROFILES —�Araoman k A —clot". me �CwbcMiwl, ........... an Yl.rlul. Cen.nanfi SubauHacn SN Txmry I, Eml lion h BmM pen.im nW SL Wtla BwbwrJ SL Wtla Caunir. Donca II I DOUBLE -RING INFILTRATION (DRI) TEST (ASTIVI D 3385) Project Name: Pursuit Bo ats Facility Expansion Test ID: DRI-1 Location: DRI-1 INFILTROMETER SET UP INFORMATION: File Number: 19-5422 Test Date: 2/13/2019 Field Crew: WC Inner Ring Diameter (in)� 12 Inner Ring Area [AIR] (in2): 113.1 Outer Ring Diameter (in): 24 Annular Space Area [AA] (in2): 339.3 Inner Ring Height (in): 20 Inner Ring Embedment Depth (in): 6 Outer Ring Height (in): I20 Outer Ring Embedment Depth (in): 6 Test Surface Depth (in bls): I0 Depth of Water Inside Rings (in): 8 Surficial Soil Description. Gray fine sand (SP) TEST DATA Elapsed At OVIR AVA VIR VA Trial No. Time hr ( ) s (in) s (in) In/hr ( ) In/hr ( ) (min) . 1 15 I 0.25 254.4 848.1 9.00 10.00 2 30 10.25 367.5 1159.1 13.00 13.66 3 45 10.25 353.4 1159.1 12.50 13.66 4 60 0.25 356.2 1130.8 12.60 13.33 5 90 10.5 735.0 2261.6 13.00 13.33 6 120 10.5 706.8 2289.9 12.50 13.50 7 150 I0.5 678.5 1 2233.3 1 12.00 13.16 20.0 IncremenItal Infiltration Rate vs. Elapsed Time 18.0 t Inner Ring 16.0 I --�--- Annular Space 14.0 _ ----- ---- - ---- ----- c -12.0 W �----- 10.0 C 0 8.0 � m 6.0 w c 4.0 i 2.0 0.0 0 15 30 45 6d 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 II Elapsed time (min) SOIL INFILTRATION RATE = 12 in/hr = Ardaman Associates, Inc. AAI File No. 19-5422 r The standard penetration test is a widely accepted test method of in situ testing of foundation soils (ASTM D 1586). A 2-foot long, 2-inch O.D. split -barrel sampler attached to the end of a string of drilling rods is driven 18 inches into the ground by successive blows of a 140-pound hammer freely dropping 30 inches. The number of blows needed for each 6 inches of penetration is recorded. The sum of the blows required for penetration of the second and third 6-inch increments of penetration constitutes the test result or N-value. After the test, the sampler is extracted from the ground and opened to allow, visual examination and classification of the retained soil sample. The N-value has been empirically correlated with various soil properties allowing a conservative estimate of the behavior of soils! under load. The tests are usually performedlat 5-foot intervals. However, more frequent or continuous testing is done by our firm through depths where a more accurate definition of the soils is required. The test holes are advanced to the test elevations by rotary drilling with a cutting bit, using circulating fluid to remove the cuttings and �sed old the fine grains in suspension. The circulating fluid, which is a bentonitic drilling mud, is also to keep the hole open below the water table by maintaining an excess hydrostatic pressure inside the hole. In some soil deposits, particularly highly pervious ones, NX-size flush -coupled casing must be driven to just above the testing depth to keep the hole open and/or prevent the loss of circulating fluid. Representative split -spoon samples from the soils at every 5 feet of drilled depth and from every different stratum are brought to our laboratory in air -tight jars for further evaluation and testing, if necessary. Samples not used in testing are stored for 30 days prior to being discarded. After completion of a test boring, the hole is kept open until a steady state groundwater level is recorded. The hole is then sealetl, if necessary, and backfilled. HAND AUGER BORING Hand auger borings are used, if soil conditions are favorable, when the soil strata are to be determined within a shallow (approximately 5 foot) depth, or when access is not available for our truck -mounted drilling equipment. A 3-inch diameter hand bucket auger with a cutting head is simultaneously turned and pressed into the ground. The bucket auger is retrieved at approximately 6-inch increments and its content emptied for inspection. Sometimes post -hole diggers are used, especially in', the upper 3 feet or so. The soil samples obtained are described and representative samples put in jars or bags and transported to the laboratory for further classification and testing, if necessary. i