HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTPERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING, I& DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building &Code Complianee Division # I BUILDING PERMIT SUET CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT ftucieCau a1.5 t (.Company Namd/Indilual Name) the<rr+Crz r .(Type of Trade) For the project located at (Project It is understood that, if there is any cl project, the Building and Code Regul filing of a Change of "Sub -contractor i r State of Florida, County of C M /e- r Theforegoing,lastruntent. wassigned before methlsr ` \ 20) .bq�Yl c� C who is personally karowkk—or has. produced a _ as identification, SigdaWre ofNo-WryPubM— Prinl+Nauk of Notary:Public Revised 11/1612016 have agreed to be. Sub -contractor for f G� GI �✓� (Primary Contractor) y04 C wx 0 � or Property Tex ID #) of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant -to the dayof STAMP `�.•`4,jiY PV APRIL RENEE CA Notary Public -State ofFlorida' " Z I Commission# GG 121631 -` tiodey Comm. Expires Jul 20.2021 Bd thrcuO l aficral Notary Assr. CONTRACTOR SIG (Qualifier) ro h 00 /4 PRINT NAME COUNTY"CERTMCATION ER State of Florida, County. of _T7A/V A The forgoing instrument was signed before e this ay of �l �( 20J by . /I O rl /✓' `q / J who is personally lmown _pr has produced a _EL X as idendfiratioq. _ p,. STAMP Signs a of Notary Public L 4 11C&__ L X Print NaruebfNotary Public CAM LAWRENCE RADA c NOTARY PUBLIC o STATE of FLORIDA Comm# FF175390 ExPirs 11/11/2019 r