HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONSTRACTOR AGREEMENT41W."t"117 PERMIT # � I /1 4051) - --(0 6 7 1 Building �� ABACO ELECTRIC OFSOUTH FL, | tile ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR project For the 13258H/\R ISSUE 0ATE NIELOPMENTSERVICES ode Compliance Division pERN1l? ~ GGANNEU BY St Lucie Count, have agreed to be �ARROTB/�"HD&NES|N{� , ~��oh-cmo�muo�mr 0or ~� RRK]GEBLVD. 5B ' dd�*,*lPnp�vlyTmx|0�` a 'r u��o�din�onr bno*�hdn�u��*o project, the Building and Code R'.egulation Division u(SLLucie County v/ii(bomdvis,'cdpursuant uothe =^. . CM-FRACT011 SIC, NATURE (Qualifler) , —1 --- --- — -- cmwTY Tim flatt'gamhwtawm.o as Al., licit I r f4we tlic INS «p^/ EC13O03203 Z-611IN'TV CERTIFICATION NUMBER 14 NOVEK8BER Ri[�HARD K8OR E o��)��_ Ad 4 d /& AZJ/-- a�x MY COMMISSION # FF936114 19 ° lee PLANNIN(, &- I Building&; I �'S'Zup D":rs ACA'DU AC" It F-I'l I ENT AbACO- ELECTRIC OF SOLI H FL, 'W" P S --K)T BAY I< IES IBC TRECAL llrtaiz ELEC v 3258 I-I.Ar-W.0 J. f,'IL-1GE. BLVD. 56 It, i, '-understood thw. ij'li-wiv i-,,, aw,: ch."'t pro ect, Ow Building and 0), Vc- -Putfll 00 Lui.-v Couno'? will liz ndviscd, purguaill to the Mina ofa Change of'Sub Ft i 7v f-, �,N-i r �1:4v 0 —A U11 whd i, pumm2ily knnwa al 1:;O jlru'Ifv "I A. /Z I VCR 9 c' 1 'c2 536 5q, -0 L PfIng Name- 4 S' lo, LP�VAHAWKV,'S' I RICHAPD M-OPIE, V lit i NA V F PAJ-N1 MUIC"'(1 4 Thtfs si4twti 0'arvv mv, (d FUCHAF 0 1,00RIE- , Z-1 1,LL r fit, ('e . .... .... . I 1,N[DiA HAVvAGNS, LINDA HAWKINS MY 10 FfP93� 114 r PERMIT176 ISSUE DATE PLANNING c& DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building cRt r;Code Compliance Division L L Q L- L 13,UILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT I I i 14, 0 A: Mc-;oA,f (Cotnpanv NameAndividual ititnme) have agreed to be the 3 .1J� t I Sub -contractor for :*Afos 1) f%ja t1'� e (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at (Project Street or Property Tax ID #) G 2i! Y _ 3 �/l0 It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned r project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the f'£Iing of a Change. of Sub-contractor.notice. COi'N"I' ' Ct RT1F1E:A ON N iylBEli State or Florida. County of P` 1, Jac A sZ The foregoing instrument eras signed before me.'this /W day of 20 f9, ny who is personally known _or Irm produced a as identification. t STAMP SigNI. +ti of Notary Public EL- Olko , Priiir `an ry Pubiie �ota>zya,� Daniel Stewart o`� NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLOR;D�i ` Comm# GG176108 le Pcvised II/IG124t5 �ACEIS, cXplt(?'S 111712022 SUB-COi�'"i'RACTO,RJ$1li�r� UKL(CZuatificr) PRINT NAib£E _Cr-c.4;o CUtiNTY CE;WI'iF1C,k[ON \tl.',TBER State of Florida, County of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this—_ tiny or 2u_,, by -who is personally known ___or has produced a as identification. Signature of Votary Public STAIMP Print Name of Notary Public a ft PERMIT # yl� • ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Sub -contractor for For the project located at have agreed to be (Proje-CTStreet Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regardi� our participation. with the above mentioned i g P P , project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. 1 ' V agIGNAT(Qualifier) PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of i The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of who is personally known _produced a �� 0L— as identification. SUB-C TRACT0 F 1GNAlijR..E (Quanfier) tVT;e-j1;0C tQtt 91 r-etr PRINT NAME COUNTY CERT ICnION MBER State of Florida, County of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day i Za yJcp LoIr who is personally known _or has produced a F-c. kJ k - as identification. STAMP Signature of Notary Public Signature of Notary Public \ �1 I Print Name of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public Revised 11/16/2016 ELLEN Vq--tj St of Florida -Notary Publi Commission # GG 270076 My Commission Expires ``er 22, 202.1 STAMP State f F orrida No G Commission # GG 270079 My Commlgslon Expires October 22, 202�,