r/18/2016 Florida Building Code Online
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i?rofessi I product Approval
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Product Abbroval Menu > Product or'Appl ication Sea rch '> Application List > Application History"> Application Detall
FL # FLT4218-RS -
.. APPlication ype Revision
Code Version 2014
Application Status Approved
Archived .
P duet Manufacturer YKK AP America
Address Phone' Emai .1229 Hwy 441 Bypass
Dublin; GA31021
(678)'838-6000.. Ext 6066
davidoliver@ykk-a pi. com
Authorized Signature David .Oliver
davidoliver@ykk-a pi.com
Technical Representative Chris Moody.
Address/phone/Email 332-.Firetowee Rd.
Dublin; GA •31021
chrismQody@ykk-api.com '
Quality Assurance Representative Greg Hultquist
Address/Phone/Email: 332' Firetower Road
Dublin; :GA 31021 .
g reghultquist@ykk-a pi. cdm
Category Panel Walls.
Subcategory Storefronts ..
Compliance Method Evaluation .Repoit.from a Florida. Registered Architector a licensed Florida
Professional. Engineer
13 Evaluation Report -: Hardcopy Received
Florida Engineer,or Architect.Name who de leloped'the Henries F. Norero, P.E.
Evaluation Report:
Florida' License PE-73778
20alitz Assurance Entity.. " - f . " . Architectural 'Testin' ' Inc.
Quality Assurance C5-5 OW Ej Expiration Date 12/r31/,2048
Validated By } ' ' Shawn G.'Collins, PE
U .Validation Checklist ' Hardcopy Received
Certificate of Independence FL34218 R5 COI FL14218 - YH5 50 FI TS TU - Building Drops -CLodf
Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard' Year.
AAMA 501 2005
ASTM E283 2004.
TAS 201 1994
TAS 202 1994 '
TAS 203 - "1994
Equivalence of Product Standards
Certified By plorida Licensed Professional Engineer or Architect
FL14218 •R5 EouivAAMA 501 Eouivalencv SS 20i5-07-62'.odf
Sections from the. Code
https:/Mnnrtvfloridabuilding:org/pr/pr app_dN.aspX?param=wGEVXQ DquDEJErt0SCeAbDFI¢5aIMTlgeQVe58VhH152uorygA°/p3d%pad 113
fV18/2016 Florida Building Code Online
Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D
Date Submitted 02/19/2016
Date Validated 02/19/2016
Date Pending FBC Approval 02/29/2016
Date Approved 04/12/2016
Date Revised 04/20/2016
SuMmarVof Products
FL # I Model, Numbe or Name. Description .
14218.1 1 YHS 50 FI . Aluminurn _Storefront •for Insulating Glass - Inside Glazed
Limits.of Use.
Installatlon Instructions
Approved.for use in HVHZ: Yes
FL14218'RS'II FL14218.1 - YHS 50•FI QGHVHZ) = DWG:odf
Verified By': Hennes F; Norero, P.E.• Florida P:E. 73778 .
Approved.for.dse outside HVHZ: Yes
ImpactMsistant: Yes
Created by independentThirdParty: Yes
Design Pressure: N/A.
Evaluation Reports
Other: This-ApproVal is for Large and Sma
I Missile Impact
•FL14218 R5 •AE FL14218.1'- YHS 50 FI (IG-HVHZ) - PER.odf
FL14218 R5 AE YHS 50 FL.50 FS, 50 TU. - Gasket Letter,odf
Resistance.* Small missile impact glazing is identified
drawings with 1/4." tempered glass on the exterior.
on .the-
See included
Created by Independent Third_ Party:'Yes
drawings for design pressure tables.
YHS 50. FI
Alum nun Storefront, for Insulating Glass -.Inside Glazed ,
Limits of Use '
Installation Instructions
Approved for.use in HVHZ: No "
FL14218 R5 II FL14218.2 -'YHS 50 FI•(IG-WZ3)'- DWG,odf
Verified By: Hennes- E. Norero; P.E. Florida P.E. 73778 '
Approved for'use.outside HVHZ: Yes
Impact Resistant: Yes
Created. by Independent Third. Party:. Yes
Design Pressure: N/A
Evaluation Reports'
Other. Thit:Approvai'is for Large and Small Missile Impact
'Resistance. Small missile impact glazing.is identified on'the
drawings with.1/4" tempered glass.onthe exterior. See included
FL14218 R5 AE' FL14218.2 -YHS 50 FI (IG WZ3) - PER,odf
-FL14218-R5.AE. YHS 50 FI: 50 FS, 50 TU-- Gasket. Letter,Ddf
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
drawings for -design pressure tables'.. .
142 8.3 YHS 50 FI
Aluminum Storefront for Insulating Glass - Outside Glazed
Installation Instructions
Limits of Use
Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes
FL14218 RS II FL14218.3 - YHS 50 FI (OG-HVHZ+) - DWG.odf
Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes
Verified By: Hermes F. Norero, P.E. Flonda P.E. 73778
Impact Resistant: Yes
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Deslgn Pressure: N/A
Evaluation Reports
Other: This Approval is for Large and Small Missile Impact
F. 4.18 R A F 4-1$,3 - YH F - • VPI
Resistance. Small missile impact glazing is identified on the
FL14218 RS AE YHS 50 FL 5O F- FSW- OjTU -Gasket Letter.pdf
drawings with 1/4" tempered glass on the exterior, See included
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
drawings for design pressure tables.
YHS 50 FI .. .
Aluminum Storefront for Insulat'ing.Glass = Outside Glazed
Limits of .Use
Installation Instructions -
Approved for use in HVHZ: No.
FL14218 -RS II FL14218:4 - YHS 50 FI (OG-WZ3) - DWG.Ddf
Verified By:' Hermes F. Norero; P.E. Florida P.E. 73778'
Approved,for use outside HVHZ: Yes
Impact Resistant: Yes
Created. by Independent. Third. Party: Yes'
Design Pressure:.N/A
Other. This •Approval is for Large and SmaIf Missile Impact
Evaluation Reports :.
FLM18 R5 AE FL14218.4 - YHS 50, FI (OG-WZ3)-PER,odf
FL14218 R5 AE YHS 50 fI, SO Fs, so TU - Gasket Letter.pdf
Resistance. Snail rrssile impact glazing is identified.on'the
drawings with 1/4".tempered glass. on the exterior: See included
Created by Independent Third Panty: Yes
drawings -for design pressure tables.'
Aluminum Storefront f6r Monolithic Glass - Outside. Glazed.
Limits of Use
Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes
FL14218 . R5 II FL14218.7.- YHS 50 FS (OG HVHZ) -. DWG.odf
Verified By: Hennes F. Norero; P.E.:.Florida P,E. 73778
Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes
Impact Resistant: Yes
Created by'Independent Third Party: Yes
Design. Pressure: N/A;
Evaluation Reports
Other: This Approval is for Large and Small Missile Impact
FL14218 R5-AE FL14218 - YHS 56 FI FS TU - PER (Gasket).Ddf
FL14218 R5 AE FL14218.1 - YHS 50 FS (OG-HVHZ) - PER,odf
Resistance.,Small missile impact glazing is identified on the
drawings with,1/4" tempered glass on the ,exterior.. See included.
drawings for design pressure tables.
Created by Independent Third Party, Yes
Aluminum Storefront for. Monolithic Glass - Outside Glazed
Limits of Use
Installation Instruction's
Approved for use in HVHZ: No
FL14218 _R5'II FL14218:8 - YHS 50 FS (OGWZ3).- DWG.odf
Verified -By: Hermes F. Norero; P.E. Florida P.E. 73778
Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes
Impact Resistant: Yes
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes'
Design' Pressure: N/A:
Evaluation Reports'
Other: This Approval is for Large and Small Missile Impact
FL14218 : R5 AE FL142iB - YHS 50 FI FS TU - PER (Gasket).odf
FL14218 R5 AE FL14218.8 -.YHS 50 FS (OG-WZ3) _ PER,odf
Resistance. Small missile impact glazing is identified on'the
drawings with 1%4"tempered glass on the exterior: See included
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
http§://mAw.floridabuilding:org/pr/pr app dtLasplC?param=wGEVXQWtDquDEJErtOsCevibDFIT5a[MTlg6QVe58VhH152u6rygA%a3d%3d 2/3
Florida Building Code Online
drawings for design pressure tables.
YHS 50' FS
j , .
Aluminum Storefront. fo,r. Monolithic Glass - Inside Glazed
Limits of Use
Installation Instructions
Approyed.for use in HVHZ: Yes
FL14218 as * ii FI 1421 R;5 -..
_ ___ YHS 50 FS'(IGHVHZ)-DWG:odf
Verified,By: . Hennes F: NorenJ,. P.E. Florida P:E. 73778. "
Approved for•use outside HVHZ.Yes
Impact Resistant: Yes
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
pesign' Pressure: N/A
Evaluation Reports .' .
Other..This Approval.is for Large.and Small
Resistance.; Small missile impact glazing is identified
Missile Impact.
on the
'FL14218 R5 AE FL14218.5 - YHS 50 FS (IGHVHZ) - PER.Ddf ..
FL14218 -R5'AE YHS 50 FI, 50 FS.:.50 TU - Gasket'Letter;odf_
drawings with' 1/4" tempered .glass'on the
a e *or. See included
Created by Independent Third Party::Yes
drawings for,design pressure table."s.
14218.8, . :.
Aluminum Storefront for Monolithic Glass -, Inside. -Gazed .
Limits of Use
Installation Instructions.
Approved for -use In HVHZ: No
FL14216 R5 II FL14218.6 = YHS 50 FS (IC-WZ3).- DWG:)df
Verified.Byi Hermes. F. Norero,'P.E. Florida P.E. 73778
Approved or use outside HVHZ: Yes
Impact Resisiani:-Yes
Created by Independent Third. Party:'Yes
Design Pressure: N/A
Evaluation Reports
Other: This App'roval,is for Large and Small
Resistance. Small missile impact glazing is
drawings With 1/4" tempered glass on the
klentified on the.
exteirion See included
FLi4218 -R5 FL14218:6 - YHS 50 FS (IGWZ3) - PER.Ddf
FL14218 R5 AE YHS'50 FI: 50 FS: 50 TU'= Gasket Letter.odf
Created -by Independent Third Party:•Yes
drawings for design pressure tables.
. .
i42i8.-9. YHS 50 TU I, Themmally Broken Alum num Storefront.
Limits.of Use Installation Instructions
Approved'foruse ln'HVHZi Yes FL14218'115-.II FL14218.9 - YHS 50 TU (HVHZ)'-.DWG.Ddf
Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified.By: Hemles F. Norero, P.E.' Florida, P.E. 73778
Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes.
Designpressure: N/A, Evaluation Reports
Other: This:ApprovaI is for Large•and Small Missile Impact 'FL•14218.R5-AE• FL14218 - YHS 50 FI FS TU - PER.(Gasket).Ddf-
Resistance:-Small missile impact'glazing is Identified on the: FL14218 -R5'AE FL14218:9 - YHS 50TU (HVHZ) - PER.odf
drawings with 1/4 tempered ;glass'on the exterior, Use Aion Created by Independent .Third Party: Yes
Polyurethane for thermal brake'material. Si a included•drawings for
design pressure .tables.:
14218:10 YHS 50 TU Thermally Brokeh. Aluminum Storefront
Limits, of Use I Installation Instructions
Approved'for use in HVHZ: No - FL14218 R5 II FL14218.10 YHS 50' TU (WZ3)' QWG.Ddf
Approved for -use outside HVHZ,-.' Yes I Verified.By: He(Trtes. F: Norer6, P.E.' Florida P.E. 73.778
Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Design'Aressurei N/A .. Evaluation Reports '
ether: This:Approvahis for Large and Small Missile Impact 'FL14218 'R5 AE FL14218 - YHS 50 FI FS TU - PER (Gaske.t).odf
Resistancet,Small missile impact glazing islidentifled on. the, FL14218 R5 AE FL14218.10 YHS 50 TU (WZ3) - PER.Ddf '
drawings with'1/4".tempered' lass'on thelexterior. Use Aion Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Polyurethane for thermal brake material: See included drawings for
design pressure.tables.: I .
Contact Us 1940'North
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under Chapter455, F:S.,-please click Here'.
_ Product Approval Accepts: .
scCurit .\IL' RICS—
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