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Roll Form Downspout Layout Gutter i (� rye ^`ry) dP00001 Downspout Strap Attachment To Wall '14 01 Rev. Wall Stitch Screw (1) per F797 (2) per F81, F903, F1829 "'"'"ON •;i;1 ?'`s Downspout Strap I L Wall Panel Field Locate < „l''! ( F797, F81 (Varies) Opening In Gutter :! "'!;_•::::;; F1829, F903) h" 3'• (4) Fastener #14 Fastener #14 Downspout Seal Downspout to 1/8" x 3/16" x" Gutter connection with (1) each side F797 Wall Panel Attachment Tube Sealant HW54_ (2) each side F81 F903, F1829 Not provided by Metal Upper Downspout Building Manufacturer F320 (10'-6")� F313 (14'-6") ° ° d ,' a . . . a + •. a " N °� Downspout Strap F797 (TYP) See DP00011 For Downspout a •' • ° . <' 'A. • e ,... "d Strap Fasteners d.<, .< Lower Downspout F320 (10'-6") ° Downspout Strap (F797, F81 Masonry F313 (14'-6") F1829, F903) (6) Fastener #14 1/8" x 3/16" (TYP. At Splice) Fastener #14 x" N ° 1 each side F797 () Masonry Wall Attachment ° (2) each side 181 F903, F1829 Downspout Kickout —► F321 Fastener #55 Main Frame -� / 12-24 x 14" DP5 GI Note: 1. Refer to the building erection drawings for the spacing of the downspouts. 2. Locate all downspouts over a panel major rib if possible. 3. A field splice is required for eave heights greater than 16'-0". Always measure the required length starting at the swaged end. After cutting to length, insert the swaged end of the cut downspout into the top of the lower downspout. 4. Downspout straps F797 are Located at the bottom of a downspout, below a splice, and at mid point of downspout longer than 10'-6". See DP00011 for downspout strap fasteners. • RVPBR (RBR) Wall Panel - Three Sided Framed Opening Field Notch Panel at Head Trim RR07023 Rev. ip'141 03 Note: Trim Installation can be done by Field Notch Panel as shown on RR07022 & RRO7023 OR with Field Notch and Bend Tabs at Head Trim as shown on RR07024 & RR07025. Opening Width + 6" (+2" Lap when req'd) Head Trim F481 I I I Front View View 2" Lap with (2) Fasteners #14 End x J" Pop Rivet and HW54_ Caulking Opening Width 3" Opening Width 3" r Field notch Panel 1 at Head Trim o �o I Head Trim F481 ° c °' Caulk with HW54_ See RR07027 III II I I ` at these edges o after installation Fastener #14A d" x Pop Field cut Panel Rivet at 20" O.C. at Cold Form OR Fastener #16 12-24 x 14" Pancake SD DP5 W/O Washer at 1'-8 O.C. at Hot Rolled Note: Panel position is shown with Panel Rib starting 1'-0 from Steel Line and Opening on Note: All trim is to be 1'-0 module. Location of Panel Rib may vary installed BEFORE blanket depending on the Opening Width and location. insulation is applied to walls Field measure before cutting Panel and Trim. Downspout Strap (F797, F81 F1829, F903) Fastener #14 �» x» (1) each side F797 (2) each side F81 F903, F1829 Column Attachment RVPBR (RBR) Wall Panel - Three Sided Framed Opening Trim Installation with Field Notch and Bend Tabs at Head Trim P00011 '14R°01 Reverse Rolled PBR Wall Panel Outside Corner Trim Reverse Rolled PBR Panel I� c J le (n Fastener #17A iR 12-14 x 1 SD W/Washer at each girt and Fastener #4A Starter Trim 4-14 x J" SD W/Washer F620 :Steel at 1'-8 O.C. Max. each girt c Tiween a N v _ _ Line _ _�. RR07024 Rev. '14 03 g Trim Installation can be done by Field Notch Panel as shown on RR07022 & RR070 OR with Field Notch and Bend Tabs at Head Trim as shown on RR07024 & RR07025. Field Cut and Remove Opening Width + 6" (+2" Lap when req'd) _JJ Opening Width + 3" ODenina Width :va 0 0 M 0 Head Trim F481 See RR07030 Fastener #14A a" x J" Pop Rivet at 20" O.C. at Cold Form OR Fastener #16 12-24 x 1 �" Pancake SD DP5 W/O Washer at 1'-8 O.C. at Hot Rolled o+ RRO3001 RVPBR (RBR) Wall Panel - Three Sided Framed Opening ir'14[62 Trim Installation with Field Notch Panel at Head Trim Rib 6" Reverse Rolled Corner Trim (Standard) PBR Panel F830 or F862 Starter Trim F620 Note: Standard panel location for Start and End panels is 6" from steel line to q of panel rib. Refer to Erection Drawings for panel location and Corner Trim piece mark. RVPBR (RBR) Wall Panel - Three Sided Framed Opening Field Notch and Bend Tabs at Head Trim RR07 g Trim Installation can be done by Field Notch Panel as shown on RR07022 & RR070 QFf, with Field Notch and Bend Tabs at Head Trim as shown on RR07024 & RR07025. Opening Width + 6" (+2" Lap when req'd) 3" Opening Width 3" 0 0 0 0 Head Trim F481 I o See RR07030 o Fastener #14A x J" Pop Rivet o at 20" O.C. at Cold Form OR Fastener #16 12-24 x 1}" Pancake SD DP5 W/O Washer at 1'-8 O.C. at Hot Rolled a " Bead of HW54_ Tube Caulking from Header to Floor (see section) Jamb Trim F482 Jamb Trim F482 or Alternate F484 or Alternate F484 0 0 Seev RR07029 Finish Floor Line Width See RR07023 & RR07027 Note: For "Optional" Channel Closure Trim see RR07028 2" Lap with (2) Fasteners #14 x J" Pop Rivet Typ at Head & Jamb Trim when required. Field notch as required. Note: All trim is to be Note: Field measure Opening Width installed BEFORE blanket and Height before making field cuts insulation is applied to wal1s. and adjust cut dimensions accordingly. RR07025 RVPBR (RBR) Wall Panel - Three Sided Framed Opening Rev. �D'14 03 Head Trim Installation g; Trim Installation can be done by Field Notch Panel as shown on RR07022 & RR07C QB with Field Notch and Bend Tabs at Head Trim as shown on RR07024 & RR07025. *Field Cut See RR07025 Remainder and & RR07027 Remove 0 Openinq Width + 6" (+2" Lap when req'd) *Opening Width + 3" 14° *Opening Width 1° Head Trim F481 I I *Note: Field measure Opening Width and cut Head Trim to required length. 4 Field Notch and Bend Front View End View 1ri Tab behind Jamb 2" Lap with (2) Fasteners #14 Trim. Attach with See End Cut Detail x f�"Po Rivet and HW54_ �" P Fastener #14 il" x { " Caulking 1» Pop Rivet. See Opening Width RR07025 for details. Do not cut or Note: All trim is to be ° remove back leg installed BEFORE blanket insulation is applied to walls g e" I Bend 1}" Tab 1 I down 90 degrees Note, Panel position is shown with Panel Rib starting 1'-0 from Steel Line and Opening on 1'-0 module Location of Panel Rib ma var y Y " Bead of HW54_ Tube Caulking Field Cut depending on the Opening Width and location. a from Header to Floor (see section) a. and Remove Field measure before cutting Panel and Trim. c a 2' Lap with (2) o Jamb Trim F482 Jamb Trim F482 Fasteners #14 or Alternate F484 or Alternate F484 x J" Pop Rivet Typ at Head & Jamb Trim when required. Field notch 0 as required. See RR07029 Note: For "Optional" Channel Closure Trim see RR07028 Finish Floor Line 0 0 Opening Width r Note: All trim is to be Note: Field measure Opening Width installed BEFORE blanket and Height before making field cuts insu!ation is applied to walls and adjust cut dimensions accordingly. End Cut Detail (Viewed from top of Head Trim) Opening Width Field Notch and Bend 1}" Tab behind Jamb Trim. Attach with Fastener #14 d" x {j" Pop Rivet ki e Head Trim F481 See RR07027 for Jamb Trim field cut detail Jamb Trim F482 or Alternate F484 Fastener #14A A" x i" Pop Rivet at 20" O.C. at Cold Form OR Fastener #16 12-24 x 14" Pancake SD DP5 W/O Washer at 1'-8 O.C. at Hot Rolled Field cut Panel RVPBR (RBR) Wall Panel Fastener #17A—� 12-14 x 1r SD W/Washer at 1'-0 O.C. at Cold Form OR Fastener #67 12-24 x 1 r SD DP5 W/Washer at 1'-0 O.C. at Hot Rolled -Fastener #14A x Pop - Civet at 20" O.C. at Cold Form OR Fastener #16 12-24 x 1}" Pancake SD DP5 W/O Washer at V-8 O.C. at Hot Rolled ro U co m 0 O 0 ot 4 ° fn r Lv ) 0 C 0 n a) 0 0 U... n p I z LC U Q J N U c' "a J a_ O I-�- rz a �— (3 W axi p¢c.) VJ 6 QU J tl L2 X sa W O OJz L-1 Li o s �e oC1�s n Z 00 RR07030 Co �yy U CS O , U m — N ar'14Re01 W N d L V u7 0 z ca ° O r,❑ LJ 0 D z rr a in V) v O0,O 6 wn Q Q va-o OVa H •S 3 U Sram^C) d Scale: NOT TO SCALE _- a Drawn by. "Optional" Header Checked by. Channel Closure Trim (Cold Form shown Project Engineer: See RR0728 for details Hot Rolled similar) Job Number: 14-B-83134-1 Sheet Number: R10 of 13 Finish Floor Line The engineer whose seal appears hereon is an employee for the manufacturer for the materials described herein. Said seal or certification is limited to the products designed and manufactured by manufacturer only.The undersigned engineer is not the overall engineer of record for this project. DRMEIA ENMEIA i Note: All trim is to be N .38305 {e installed BEFORE blanket ;pc insulation is applied to walls TATE OF ;tci Fri �ZOR..... THES27 % MS AND ALL PROPOSSD WORK SEP 0 9 2015 ARE SUBJECT TO ANY COFAEC)-lONS REQUIRED BYFICLD INSFEC?ORS THAT «JAY HE NEC!'36 tY IN Mi en TO COw•FLY MTH ALL APPLICABLE CODES. RVPBR (RBR) Wall Panel - Three Sided Framed Opening Jamb Trim Field Cut Details C 1T Alternate Jamb Trim F484 Jamb Trim F482 Top View Top View I" 3 J„ Field Cut and Remove M :m Side View at Head Trim Side View at Sill Trim Note: Field measure Opening Height before making field cuts and adjust cut dimensions accordingly. c m s RR07027 RVPBR (RBR) Wall Panel - Three Sided Framed Opening !D'141 Rev. oil Jamb Trim Installation TT rer Cut and remove remainder of front fold (2) Fasteners #14 x J" Pop Rivet at lap 2" Lap when required. Field cut and notch as required. Fastener #14A J" x J" Pop Rivet at 20" O.C. at Cold Form OR Fastener #16 12-24 x 1i" Pancake SD DP5 W/O Washer at 1'-8 O.C. at Hot Rolled Double Sided Tape (Not by Bldg Mfg) Blanket Insulation —\ RVPBR (RBR) Wall Panel —/ N—otg:Terminate Blanket Insulation JJ at capillary lip of Jamb Trim Field flatten Trim leg when required Jamb Trim F482 (shown) or Alternate Jamb Trim F484 RR07029 Parapet Cap Trim Detail I '14 R°" 02 PBR Back Panel & Rev. PBR Wall w/Collateral (6) Fastener #4 4-14 x J" LL SO W/W�asherr (4) Fastener #14 y r J" x J" Pop Rivet Jamb (Cold Form shown Hot Rolled similar) "Optional" Channel Closure Trim See RR07028 for details. }" Bead of HW54- Tube Caulking (Header to Floor) Field Cut Wall Panel Opening Width — Finish Floor Line Alternate Jamb Trim F484 Profile Jamb Trim F482 and Note: Panel position is shown with Panel Rib Alternate Jamb Trim F484 starting 1'-0 from Steel Line and Opening on Note: All trim is to be 1'-0 module. Location of Panel Rib may vary Front View installed BEFORE blanket depending on the Opening Width and location. Right Jamb Trim as shown insulation is applied to walls Field measure before cutting Panel and Trim. Left Jamb Trim opposite hand Attachment (NOT BY MESCO) Collateral 1 (NOT BY MESCO) Page DoubleLok/ UltraDek- Classic Standard and Standard Large Gutter Date R°" Fixed High or Hi -Thermal Eave Plate - Sheeted Wall Mar "14 One bead of Tub01 Fastener #1E Sealant at lap Gutter Stra 4-14 x 14"IN Parapet Cap Trim F3530 End Lap- 2" Minimum End Lap, Field Miter at corners ---- et Cap Trim SP-- Parapet Channel Girt I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Girt I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Hold Trim i" above Channel Fastener #17A 12-14 x 14" SD W/Washer 5"-7 —5" O.C. Fastener #4A 4-14 x J" SD W/Washer 1'-0 O.C. Outside Closure HW456 at PBR or HW429 (Metal) at PBR HW460 at PBU PBR or PBU Back Panel Standard F246 (shown)\ Standard Large F289 attached with (3) Fastener #4 4-14 x J" LL SD W/Washer (See Erection Drawings for Spacing) Screw location used with notched gutter strap F246 Eave Gutte Standard F752 (shown) Standard Large F4100 Tape Sealant (HW504) Between Gutter Strap and Roof Panel Do NOT use prey punched holes Fastener #4/ 4-14xJ" LL SD W/Washer V-0 O.C. Attachment LL SD W/Washer (8) Per 24" Panel (7) Per 18" Panel (6) Per 12" Panel See Sheeting Layout i Eave Trim' 2955 M��SC em ral l F149) �3 0 O w ay �m DL02g07x ° R°v. un'14 Anside Metal Closure (HW426) Tri-Bead Tape Sealant (HW504) top and bottom. See GDL02040 /Fastener #1 4-14 x 1" (2 Per closure) Fastener #14A b"o x J, 10'-0" O.C. Fastener #1 4-14 x I. 12" O.C. ,-Fixed Eave Plate HW7616 (Purlin > 48") HW7654 (Purlin < 48") (Shown) HW7661 Hi -Thermal (DoubleLok only) --Fastener #17A 12-14 x 14" SD W/Washer Panel Screw Location used only with un-notched Strap F289 DoubleLok 1 UltraDek Roof Panel Endwall Parapet - Roof Panel Beginning R06DL23020 DoubleLok 1 UltraDek Roof Panel Endwall Parapet - Roof Panel Terminating Ra9GDL23021 oM---ar R 01 attic 4 R°01 See Parapet Cap Trim Detail See Parapet Cap Trim Detail GD15001 for PBR, PBU AVP, RBR GD15001 for PBR, PBU AVP, RBR I & RBU Wall Panel & RBU Wall Panel GD15002 for ShadowRib Wall Panel GD15002 for ShadowRib Wall Panel T 4� KU l-IA I "Optional" 5'-0" of Tape "Optional" 5'-0" of Tape I See FMO1001 for Expansion Ridge Saane�nsidela507) at each 2" to 6" 1" p p Sealant HW507 at each panel sidelap 1" 2" to 6" ExeansionORidfer Flashing End Seal Flashing End Seal PBR or PBU Back Panel PBR or PBU Back Panel I Inside Closure Inside Closure HW455 at PBR I et Rake Flash I Parapet Rake I HW455 at PBR HW459 at PBU HW459 at PBU with Tape Sealant I Para I FFlash 324 I I with Tape Sealant H W507 on both sides I H W507 on both sides Tri-Bead Tape Sealant Tri-Bead Tape Sealant I HW504 HW504 Fastener #17A Fastener #17A W 12-14 x 14" SO W/Washer 12-14 x I' SD W/Washer Parapet Rake Cleat Parapet Rake Cleat 5"-7"-5" O.C. 5"-7"-5" O.C. F292 F292 Rake Angle RA4 Rake Angle Fastener #1E Fastener #1E RA4 4-14 x 14" LL SD W/Washer 4-14 x 14" LL SD W/Washer 2'-0 O.C. OF 2'-0 O.C. Rake Support Angle Rake Support Angle Low HW7710 Low HW7710 High HW7720 High HW7720 DoubleLok/UltraDek HTDL HW7664 HTDL HW7664 Panel Panel Fastener #12A Fastener #12A 12 x 1" P.H. 12 x 1" P.H. (2) required at each Fastener #5 Fastener 5 (2) required at each Roof Member 1/4'-14 x 1 1/4" 1/4"-14 x 1 114' Roof Member 24" O.C. 24" O.C. ; Fastener 14A Fastener #4 l 1/8" x 3 8" 4-14 x J' LL SD W/Washer Fastener #4 Dependent on width of Flash use 4-14 x >;" LL SD W/Washer 14A (1) or (2) screws at lap locating to Dependent on width of Flash %8" clear Panel Rib and Rake Cleat F292 use (1) or (2) screws at lap i (2 provided for each lap.) locating to clear Rake CleatF292 (2 provided for each lap.) 1 Parapet Rake Flash F324 Parapet Rake Cleat Rake Cleat kFt pa wnh)/j poW F292 �29a2pet Parapet Rake Flash (2) 1/4" beads of Tube Sealant 1/4" bead of ``70 Tube Sealant 1/4" bead of (2) 1/4" beads Tube Sealant of Tube Sealant LAP DETAILS Fastener #1E Fastener #1E LAP DETAILS 4-14 x 14" LL SD W/Washer 4-14 x 14" LL SD W/Washer r t (r;� �` -1 ^�1 0 S Cr y.. E ,�o � O U) r N to � co O � rn b _ }, N h U< J Z 0_ J a-Il y C a y x t000 l a' ,6 O<U UZ-i VJ ru O O •� tv O OJZ ❑ ❑ Hwa o iD _ cad Q=p bi 0 rn 2 I— .— a- �o m ) 0 O a U m let 0 U N m �U O` u) p oa z z o ` t° o O ❑ O C) fr tz �fr Qn9 0wo 0 L U[r0 CO 0 ~ 0 U < 3 y Co D U ZI"r.0 O Scale: NOT TO SCALE Drawn by. Checked by. - Project Engineer: Job Number: 14-8-83134-1 Sheet Number: R11 of 13 The engineer whose seal appears hereon is an employee for the manufacturer for the materials described herein. Said seal or certification is limited to the products designed and manufactured by manufacturer pnly.The undersigned engineer is not the overall engineer of record for this project. THESE rLMS AND ALL FROPOS5D WORK ARE SUBJECT TO ANY COr1pECy1r ,jtjS REOUIR@'D By FIELD lNSPECWjRS THAT PdAY BE NEC! SSARY IN ORDM TO CO- +IRLY VITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES, ENME1A 38305 `•. TATE OF V,�NAL 0P0 SEP 0 9 2015 CO• •'rIt STRUCTURAL SCREW 1/4"-14 x 1 1 /4" SHOULDER DP2, 12" O FASTENER #5 FLOATING EAVE PLATE:: P LOW HW7617— HIGH HW7618— HIGH THERMAL HW7618— (ON TOP OF ROOF INSULATION) NOTE: ROOF RUN TO EAVE LESS THAN 5'-0 DETAILER NOTE tzt'�C, SQ 1%4mw�h' PURLIN—` \< TRI—BEAD TAPE SEALANT HW504 (CONTINUOUS) STEP 1 PARAPET RAKE TRIM F324-- PARAPET RAKE CLEAT- F292-_ TRI-BEAD TAPE SEALANT HW504 Fastener #1E J-14 x 1j" LL SD W/Washer 3" O.C. CAP STRIP HW1210 REF. SS15078-00 W/ TRI-BEAD TAPE SEALANT HW504 \ r EAVE STRUT — RAKE ANGLE RA4-_ L8X8X16GA. Fastener #4 J-14 x J" LL SD W/Washer 6" O.C. ��� FLOATING - / SAVE PLATE / �Fastener #1E J-14 x 1j" LL SD W/Washer 3" O.C. I � 4" STRUCTURAL SCREW�40- ' 1/4"-14 x 1 1/4 P) T I SHOULDER DP2, 12" O.C. t I FASTENER #5 t INSTALL INTERMEDIATE SUPPORT CHANNELS UNDER DIVERTER. ATTACH TO PURLIN/EAVE STRUT WITH FIELD CUT RA3-- 4 X 8 X 16GA. X 0'-6" ANGLE USING (12) SCREWS TO ATTACH TO PURLIN LOCATE AT 1 /3 ' POINTS TO SUPPORT DIVERTER J PURLIN II PAN PRIOR TO INSULATION ALTERNATE SUPPLEMENTARY SUPPORT MEMBER WHEN EAVE TRIM INSIDE DIVERTER NOT LOCATED CLOSURE @ BLDG PURLIN MINOR RIB TAPE SEALER HW426 HW512 (1) PER MINOR RIB WALL PANEL (PROFILE VARIES) PARAPET LINE � RAKE -PARAPET TRANSITION DIVERTER SUPPORT - REFER TO GDL08005-01 OR GDL08006-01. FIELD NOTCH RAKE SUPPORT ANGLE (8 „ ,10,> , OR 12 CEE) AT DIVERTER. TRIPLE -BEAD TAPE SEALANT H W502 - - - - STEP 3 Page UD 1 DL Roof - Offset Parapet Diverter GDL28002 Terminating at Eave DMar'14 �e01 VERTER Fastener #1E __\ —14 x SD W/Wasasher (6) Per Panel (1) Per Trapezoid Each Side TRIPLE —BEAD TAPE SEALANT HW502 (CONTINUOUS) DIVERTER SUPPORT (8",10", OR 12" CEE) 0 0 ® I URETHANE SEALANT HW54 © PANEL RIB, INLINE WITH TAPE SEALANT ROOF PANEL -A _ (6) FASTENERS REQUIRED AT EACH SUPPORT FOR PURLINS OR SUPPORTS 14 GA OR LESS USE FASTENER #113 (J - 14 X 1J DP3) FOR PURLINS OR SUPPORTS 12 GA OR GREATER USE FASTENER #55 (12 - 24 X 1J DP5) L4X8X16GA. XO'-6" FIELD CUT FROM RA3-- VI E W— A EAVE STRUT .11 I 0 I 0 0 (6) FASTENERS REQUIRED AT EACH SUPPORT FOR PURLINS OR SUPPORTS 14 GA OR LESS USE FASTENER #113 (J - 14 X 1J DP3) FOR PURLINS OR SUPPORTS 12 GA OR GREATER USE FASTENER #55 (12 - 24 X 1J DP5) (6) FASTENER #12A - 12 x 1" PANCAKE HEAD �GF �y q� c L4X8X16GA.X0'-6" FIELD CUT FROM RA3-- VI E W— B RECOM DIVERTER INSTAL_.... STEP 2 —MINOR RIB TAPE SEALER HW512 (1) PER MINOR RIB PARAPET LINE \ / I a / I o II I II I I o o I I � o v w a 6 O n '^L 9 cn r, Z cif 00 O u�i rn 0 Zero o a,o �o_o' o • d 00QU U Lu • • fn x °' Z 1.2 L° • it O F_ Z H C� �_ zFw¢ • % t 4 Devi �— a • v m 0MC7 • MVia' CtX04.. c c. • W U h O O OC) U U O w vn � cN o z L° Q L U N `W �O Fastener #1E z a u°Z J-14 x 1j" LL SD W/Washer 3" O.C. D V) < Z}0 Q ���0 / Z=UJ F o0 o o / m r(a< o U SrU � Scale: NOT TO SCALE RAPET LINE Drawn by. Checked by Project Engineer: Job Number: 14—B-83134-1 Sheet Number: R12 of 13 The engineer whose seal appears hereon is an employee for the manufacturer for the materials described herein. Said seal or certification is limited to the products designed and ANS AND ALL RRQFOSuD WORKmanufactured IBJECT TO ANY COMECTIONS '_D BY FIELD INSPEC)ORS THAT by manufacturer not the overall 'engineer gned glof engineer is record for this project. lE NECINA2Y IN ORDLIM TO WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES. FILE COPY DRMEIA ENMEIA %� < 2015 F292 Parapet Rake Cleat l9 O F320 Downspout F4101 Cuter End F321 Downspout Elbow F4100 Gutter I I� C Note: All Bends 90° Unless Otherwise Noted C> Denotes Color Side PART MARK QUANTITY STRETCHOUT GAGE SP1-1 2 0'-9d' 26 GAL &M9&T%A ate Sheet No.1/15 SP1 SP1-1 i" Note: AllBends 90" Unless Otherwise Noted C> Denotes Color Side PART MARK QUANTITY STRETCHOUT GAGE COLOR LENGTH SP9-1 14 2'-11" 26 SADDLE TAN 20'-2 SP9 Job Number User Date Sheet No. i4-8-83134 JPI 05/31/95 SP9-1 d' 7" Max. F324 Parapet Rake Trim m' os Color m Side Varies F3535 Angle Trim 44" 1J� F326 Parapet High Eave Trim os Color N Side Varies F3536 Angle Trim <c 3" 735, Note, All Bends 90' Unless Otherwise Noted C> Denotes Color Side PART MARK QUANTITY STRETCHOUT GAGE COLOR LENGTH SP6-1 4 1'-1 4 26 SADDLE TAN 20'-2 Job Number User Dote Sheet No. SP6 14-8-83134 JPI 05/31/15 SP6-1 C a M Note: All Bends 90' Unless Otherwise Noted C> Denotes Color Side PART MARK QUANTITY STRETCHOUT GAGE COLOR LENGTH SP10-1 4 2'-51" 26 SADDLE TAN 20'-2 SP10 Job Number User Date Sheet No. 14—B-83134 JPI 05/31 /15 SP10-1 F481 Framed Opening Head Trim F22 Optional Jamb Trim 4j" F482 Framed Opening Jamb Trim F24 Optional Head Trim F- c Note: All Bends 90' Unless Otherwise Noted C> Denotes Color Side PART MARK QUANTITY STRETCHOUT GAGE COLOR LENGTH SP7-1 4 1'-7r 26 SADDLE TAN 20'-2 ^I SP7 Job Number User Dote Sheet No. 14-8-83134 I JPI 05/31 /15 Si F620 Starter Trim F571 Panel F797 Downspout Strop 31j" 1 l } F830 Outside Corner Trim 8i _ C n Note: All Bends 90° Unless Otherwise Noted C> Denotes Color Side PART MARK QUANTITY STRETCHOUT GAGE COLOR LENGTH SP8-1 2 1'-4r 26 SADDLE TAN 3'-0 Job Number User Date Sheet No. SP8 14-8-83134 JPI 05/31/15 SP8-1 THc12 rLk%IS Aj%D ALL FROPOSSD WORK ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORREC? 01i REQUIRED BY FIELD rdSPEC?ORSTHAT MAY BE WC!5AVIY IN OROM TO CO i LY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES. DRME1A ENMEIA w Y jNo 38305 / ac a ATEOF !�GORIOP 70IVA1 SEP Q 9 Nib PORTION OF LOT 2, BLOCK 1 PORTION OF LOT ST LUCIE GARDENS + ST. LUCIE GAf Landscape Legend . CITY OF PORT ST. LUCIE + \ CITY OF PORT S ZONING: ZONINL- GU/sEU - GENERAL USE/SPECIAL EXCEPTION CG - GENERAL COI FUTURE LAND USE: + I FUTURE LANE Trees: UTILITIES ❑ + COMMERCIAL L 7 CURRENT USE: CURRENT L MYF UTILITY TOWER ❑❑ BST VACANT Qty SYM WU Name OHE OHE Q-OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE 7 AR O Red Maple (Native) -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- --- Acer rubrum, FG, 12' ht, 2,5" cal 3 15" OAK 7 24" OAK 20" OAK 32" OAK , UH Noo°01'54" 176.67' MYR 3 E, 8 LI1 O White Crape Myrtle (count 2 for 1) SOD 14.0------ 3 _ _______ _ _ 14.0 SOD VIB i STOP ���--------------------- 1---_____� -__ _ 13_5_ = Lagerstromia indica Natchez , FG, 12 Ht, Multi 2 /,-------------------- i2.5 - f�i�----- 12.5 �I% m 2 LI Red Crape Myrtle (count 2 for 1) ��------------------�11.5-- - - - - - �PORTIONOFLO O TD I jl DRY DETENTION AREA / z 11.5 I \ 3 ST. LUCIE 6, Lagerstromia indica 'Red Rocekt', FG, 12' Ht, Multi /( ST. LUCIE C I BOT. EL. 11.5 (0.05 AC) / ZONIr IL - INDUSTR7 TOP EL. 14.0 (0.14 AC) 5 Q V O Live Oak (Native) / 11 111.5 11.5 / ® I - FUTURE LAP to �// 17 IND - INDU Quercus virginiana, FG, 12' Ht, 2.5" cal 10.5 I I CURRENT 1 I Tp - J MUH i FLEX OFFICE SERVIC 6 SP Cabbage Palm (Native)(Count 3 for 1) _ -------------------- o \ 3 Sabal palmetto, 18'-24' OA Ht vIe 3 ---------- 11 TD Bald Cypress (Native) L J SOD 29 MYR O Taxodium distichum, FG, 12' Ht, 2.5" cal 14 ILE 1� \ 5 I I = 18 23 ® OD I "' ; Shrubs: --------- ----- MYR MYF --------- Psv MUH 1 i 4 84 COD O Gold Dust Croton ♦ cr � i AR 13 Q� FICUS Codiaeum variegatum 'Gold Dust', 3 gal, 24" ht, 24" o.c. 30 LAN 75 ILE 0 Dwarf Youpon Holly (Native) OD PSY � ♦ 8 I I o � • • ::: .. o Dwarf', , 18 h , 24 o.c. in PROP. ..... vIB I m Ilex vomit ria 'Shillings rf 3 gal t " N 1-STORY CBS • •----------------------- -- --------------- 127 MUH 0 Muhly Grass (Native) N5COUNT STORE 22 Muhlenbergia capillaris, 3 gal, 18" ht, 24" o.c. GROSS FLOOR AREA = 8,593 S.F. 1< ILE 1 67 w F.F.E. = 15.25 KAM.D.1 o I 24 57 LOR O Chinese Razzleberry ARA g 21 UH I I = i C( Loropetalum chinense rubrum 'Plum', 3 gal, 18" ht, 24" o.c. 1 M 10' utility 36 Cot)16 1 i P A 43 MYF Simpson's Stopper (Native) RHA QV Offset, typ. AR I LAN O Myrcianthes fragrans, 15 gal, 4' ht, 48" o.c. 9 "' 45 24 RHA MYF 3 m ; t N ; 1 20 MYR 0 Wax Myrtle (Native) Op ARA ®.; QV I; I o ---------- ARA 4.6 m Myrica cerifera, 15 gal, 4' Ht, 48" o.c. CROS ACCESS 175 I 9 _ _ EA EMENT ®: • w 48 PSY O Wild Coffee (Native) I w I ®• I ARA I o 24 EX. Psychotria nervosa, 3 gal, 18" ht, 24" o.c.) SCH ASPHALT oo 2 ®• . _= I 24 PAVEMENT Z I; I I 238 RHA 0 Indian Hawthorn AR - I I = - LOR 35 I I o I Rhaphiolepis indica, 3 gal 18" ht, 24" o.c. 28 NGRESS/EGRESS SCH ® EASEMENT ; 132 SCH O Variegated Dwarf Schefflera --- 28 99 6 IL RHA !---------- Schefflera arboricola 'Trinette', 3 gal, 18" ht, 24" o.c. SP 1 1 4`A i I 64 i 2LO1s i i i 17 VIB O Walters Viburnum (Native) ARA I w ! o i EX. Viburnuum obovatum, 15 gal, 4' Ht, 48" o.c. N V) LLJ `--J ® CONj 4 i 114 i I O Lo Q 20 20 1 i PARKII LIi CH I v 20 18 AREA Groundcovers: 425 ARA 0 Perennial Peanut COD 11 I NC I Arachis glabrata 'Ecoturf', 1 gal, 18" o.c. •�;+�; - ®_ 60 109 LAN O Purple Lantana PROP. S D --------- - --- �; -- -- --- --- --- - ---- -- - LAN Lantana montevidensis, 3 gal, 18"x12", 24" o.c. 20'X20' UTILITY EASEMENT I - %''` �� �� 69 TRA Dwarf Asian Jasmine EX.6' S A -�--y- - - -- - -�- --^ -A- T _____ _. O ticu , gal, 6 x12 , 24 o.c. N 00°00'00" 177 24' s �f � 11 ll 11 ------ ------ --- --------------- ---- ------------- - -- --- Trachelospermum asia ' m 3 al ----------------------------------------- -------------- ----- - 2 r 5NT U LITY --� E; N AR 20 EA MEN T 39 69 ?>' SCH LAN TRA -----T----T----�---- -.-----,-- ---_-�-_-_ --_-_-C-_--T--_ --_S--.F--4-T4-----7- T�I -FP-__----_F-_i-_-_ �-_-F4 ----- --- ---- -1 :1 7 , 33 28 35 RHA 95 SCH LOR 5' utility -� Lennard Road Clear Zone, Mulch Landscape Irrigation Notes: - All areas to receive 100% irrigation coverage - All zones to be automatically controlled. - Clocks to have automatic "Rain sensors". - Water source may be potable or well and shall be determined at time of building permit application - The irrigation system will be designed to accept reclaimed wastewater once it becomes available to the property 4 MUH LIl Sv {- FM FM FM ---#XeM� FM Water Use (WU) Legend: High SCH Q Medium OLow co e O Landscape Data: Perimeter Landscaping: Q M �8 a Southern PL (against other Property) Q 141 LF - 30' driveway (10' width) = 111 LF o 1 tree/30 Lf: 4 trees y Western PL (against other Property) c M 88 LF (10' width) = 88 LF -' 1 tree/30 Lf: 3 trees Northern PL (against other Property) 245 LF - 41' driveway (10' width) = 204 LF 1 tree/30 Lf: 7 trees Eastern PL (against Lennard Road R/W) 177 LF (15' width) = 177 LF 1 tree/30 Lf: 6 trees Total Exterior Trees required: 20 Trees Total Exterior Trees provided: 20 Trees a Interior Landscaping: NCDVehicular Use Area (VUA): 211072 sf Landscape Area required: 1sf/18sf VUA = 1,171 sf a' Landscape Area provided: 11487 2 Trees required: 1 tree/180 sf = 8 Trees cn 2 U additional trees for landscape islands: 2 Trees Total Interior Trees required: 10 Trees Total Interior Trees provided: 10 Trees 3 Total Trees Required: 30 Trees E Total Trees Provided: 30 Trees " m o Tree Mitigation: Inches removed: 48 a Inches preserved 91 oegEZ 3 Mitigation required: 0 Notes: 1. 7% of the required trees are palm trees. 2. 83 % of the required trees are native 3. 17% of the required trees are flowering trees 4. 100% of the required trees located within landscape Islands are shade trees. 5. 100% of the required trees are low water use. 6. 100% of the required shrubs are low water use. 7. All proposed trees to have a minimum of 5' Spread. General Notes: 1. No landscape materials other than sod grasses may be planted within a 5' radius maintenance area of any PSLUSD facility such as water meters, backflow devices, fire hydrants, sanitary sewer cleanouts, and manholes, air release valves, etc. 2. No landscaping shall be planted in such a manner as to adversely affect utility installation, operation and maintenance. 3. All landscaping within Port St. Lucie Utility Systems Department (PSLUSD) utility easements shall comply with PSLUSD technical specifications, policies, and codes. Trees shall not be planted within ten (10) feet of any PSLUSD underground infrastructure. 3. All landscape material to be Florida No.1 4. All landscaping meets FDOT clearzone and sight distance criteria. m Graphic Scale 20 10 0 20 Scale: 1" = 20' 9.18. 1-4 _L.Ll&, 733 LD-n1 Rgwov",u Juk t a 101 PLANTING NOTES: FERTILIZER FERTILIZERS SHALL BE SLOW RELEASE, UNIFOOM IN COMPOSITION, DRY AND FREE FLOWING. THE FERTILIZER SHALL BE DELIVERED TO THE SITE IN THE ORIGINAL UNOPENED BAGS, EACH BEARING THE MANUFACTURERS STATEMENT OF ANALY5I5,AND SHALL MEET THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: SIX (6) PERCENT NITROGEN,SIX (6) PERCENT PHOSPHOROUS,ANO SIX (6) PERCENT POTASSIUM. FERTILIZER SHALL BE APPLIED TO ALL SHRUBS (113 LB PER 3 GAL POT, 114 LB PER 1 GAL POT) AND GROUNDCOVER. THE 50D STARTER FERTILIZER MIXTURE SHALL BE A 5-10-10 ANALYSIS. A 14-14-14 FERTILIZER ANALYSIS IS REQUIRED ON ALL TREES AND SHRUBS OVER 5' IN HEIGHT (112 LB PER 5' OF SPREAD). AGRIFORM TABLETS WITH TWENTY (20) PERCENT NITROGEN, TEN (10) PERCENT PHOSPHOROU5,FIVE (5) PERCENT POTASSIUM IN 21 GRAM SIZES SHALL BE APPLIED ALONG WITH THE FERTILIZER PROCESS (1 WITH 1 GAL PLANTS, 2 WITH 3 GAL PLANTS AND 2 TABLETS PER 1" OF TREE TRUNK CALIPER). MAGNESIUM SULFATE SHALL BE APPLIED TO ALL PALMS AT INSTALLATION AT A RATE OF 112 LB PER INCH OF TRUNK CALIPER. MANGANESE SHALL BE APPLIED AT T74E SAME RATE MULCH MULCH MATERIAL SHALL BE COLORED 'A' GRADECERTIFIED RE- CYCLED MULCH AND MOISTENED AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION TO PREVENT WIND DISPLACEMENT. MULCH SHALL BE APPLIED TO A MINIMUM OF 3" DEPTH IN PLANTING BEDS. MULCH SHALL NOT BE PLACED WITHIN 6" OF TREE OR PALM TRUNKS. SOD THE SOD SHALL BE CERTIFIED TO MEET FLORIDA STATE PLANT BOARD SPECIFICATON5,A95OLUTELY TRUE TO VARIETAL TYPE,AND FREE FROM WEEDS,FUN6US,INSECT5 AND DISEASE OF ANY KIND. SUBSTITUTIONS NO SUBSTITUTION OF PLANT MATERIAL TYPES OR SIZES WILL BE ALLOWED WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF RECORD. CONTAINER GROWN MATERIAL WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR 8 & 8 MATERIAL UNLESS PREVIOUSLY APPROVED. INTENDED SUBSTITUTIONS SHALL BE SPELLED OUT IN BID. MEASUREMENTS SHADE TREES: HEIGHT SHALL BE MEASURED FROM GROUND TO THE AVERAGE BRANCH HEIGHT OF CANOPY. SPREAD SHALL BE MEASURED TO THE END OF BRANCHING EQUALLY AROUND THE CROWN FROM THE CENTER OF THE TRUNK. MEASUREMENTS ARE NOT TO INCLUDE ANY TERMINAL GROWTH. SINGLE TRUNK TREES SHALL BE FREE OF "V" CROTCHES THAT COULD BE POINTS OF WEAK LIMB STRUCTURE OR DISEASE INFESTATION. SHRUBS: HEIGHT SHALL BE MEASURED FROM THE GROUND TO THE AVERAGE POINT WHERE MATURE PLANT GROWTH STOPS. SPREAD SHALL BE MEASURED TO THE END OF BRANCHING EQUALLY AROUND THE SHRUB MASS. MEASUREMENT AREA Nor TO INCLUDE ANY TERMINAL GROWTH. PALMS: CLEAR TRUNK SHALL BE MEASURED FROM THE GROUND AT THE TIME OF INSTALLATION TO THE POINT WHERE THE MA TURF AGED TRUNK JOINS THE IMMATURE OR GREEN PORTION OF THE TRUNK OR HEAD. GREY WOOD (G. W) - SHALL BE MEASURED FROM THE GROUND AT THE TIME OF INSTALLATION TO TOP OF THE HARDENED TRUNK. OVERALL HEIGHT (O.A.) - SHALL BE MEASURED FROM THE GROUND AT THE TIME OF INSTALLA TTON TO THE AVERAGE FROND HEIGHT. PALMS WITH MARRED OR BURNED TRUNKS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. PLANTING SOIL AND BACKFILL PLANTING SOIL SHALL BE RECYCLED TOPSOIL. RECYCLED TOPSOIL SHALL CONSIST OF A STABILIZED MIXTURE OF GROUND YARD TRIMMINGS AND POSSIBLY 9105OLIDS PROCESSED ACCORDING TO STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION GUIDELINES FOR THE PROCESSING AND DISTRIBUTION OF SEWAGE SLUDGE COMPOST. RECYCLED TOPSOIL SHALL ONLY BE OBTAINED FROM A STATE PERMITTED RECYCLING FACILITY WHICH 15 ALSO D.O.T. CERTIFIED AND STORES PRODUCT ON A PAD WITH A CURRENT NEMATODE CERTIFICATION FROM FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. RECYCLED TOPSOIL SHALL HAVE THE FOLLOWING CHARACTERISTICS: - WEED FREE - M015TURECONTENT 50% BY WEIGHT MAXIMUM - WATER HOLDING CAPACITY 200% BY WEIGHT MINIMUM - CARBON TO NITROGEN RATIO LE55 THAN 25 TO 1 - ORGANIC MA TTER CONTENT 40% BY DRY WEIGHT MINIMUM - SOLUBLE SALTS LESS THAN 3 MMHOS/CM -PH RANGE 7.0-7.9 - MINIMUM NUTRIENT LEVELS AS FOLLOWS: MACRO NUTRIENTS: NITROGEN (N) -1 % MINIMUM, WATER INSOLUBLE NITROGEN 90% MINIMUM, PHOSPHORUS (P) - 0.5% MINIMUM, POTASSIUM (K) - 0.2% MINIMUM AND OTHER MACRO AND MICRO NUTRIENTS. THE RECYCLED TOPSOIL SHALL CONTAIN LEVELS OF THOSE MICRO NUTRIENTS NECESSARY FOR PLANT GROWTH. THESE INCLUDE CALCIUM, MAGNESIUM, SULFUR, BORON, COPPER, IRON, MANGANESE AND MOLYBDENUM. RECYCLED TOPSOIL NOT MEETING THESE REQUIREMENTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. BACKFILL: ALL NEW AND TRANSPLANTED PLANT MATERIAL (INCLUDING NEW SOD) SHALL BE PLANTED ONLY AFTER PREPARATION OF EXISTING SOIL AS FOLLOWS: SPREAD A LAYER OF 3" DEPTH OF RECYCLED TOPSOIL (AS DEFINED ABOVE) OVER THE ENTIRE PLANTING AREA. THE TOPSOIL SHALL THEN BE UNIFORMLY DISKED, TILLED OR AERIFIED INTO THE EXISTING SOIL TO A DEPTH OF 12" UNDERNEATH SHRUBS AND GROUNDCOVERS, 6" UNDERNEATH SOD AND TO A DEPTH OF 36" FOR THE TREE PITS, WITH THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTION: NO ROTOTILLING OR DISKING SHALL OCCUR CLOSER TO THE TRUNKS OF ESTABLISHED PLANTS THAN ONE HALF (112) THE DISTANCE OF THE CANOPY FURTHER OUT FROM THE DRIP LINE OF THE EXISTING PLANT CANOPY. ALL PLANTS, INCLUDING HEDGES AND GROUND COVER SHALL BE PLANTED IN INDIVIDUALLY DUG HOLES AND THE MATERIAL DUG FROM THE HOLES SHALL THEN BE FURTHER MIXED WITH THE PREPARED SITE SOIL PRIOR TO BACKFILLING OF THE PLANTING HOLES AROUND THE ROOT BALLS. NO ADDITIONAL BACKFILL SOIL SHALL BE USED. AN EXCEPTION ARE PLANTING PITS FOR CABBAGE PALMS, WHICH SHALL BE BACKFILLED WITH CLEAN NATIVE SAND ONLY. REMOVE EXCESS MATERIAL TO PROVIDE PROPER FINISHED GRADE. ALL PLANTING PIT-� AND PLANTING AREAS SHALL BE AMENDED WITH AGRODIAMONDSB,PER MANUFACTURERS 5PECIFICATTONS. PLANT MA TERIAL5 TREES, PALMS, 5HRUB5,6ROUND COVERS: PLANT SPECIES AND SIZES SHALL CONFORM TO TH05E INDICATED IN THE DRAWINGS. NOMENCLATURE SHALL CONFORM TO STANDARDIZED PLANT NAMES, 1942 EDITION. ALL NURSERY STOCK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH GRADES AND STANDARDS FOR NURSERY PLANTS, PARTS I & IT, LATEST EDITION PUBLISHED BY THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND CONSUMER SERVICES, UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE. ALL PLANTS SHALL BE NORMAL FOR THE VARIETY AND FLORIDA GRADE NUMBER 1 OR BETTER AS DETERMINED BY THE FLORIDA DIVISION OF PLANT INDUSTRY. SPECIMEN MEANS AN EXCEPTIONALLY HEAVY, SYMMETRICAL. TIGHTLY KNIT PLANT, 50 TRAINED OR FAVORED IN IT5 DEVELOPMENT THAT FIRST APPEARANCE IS UNQUESTIONABLE AND IT 15 OUTSTANDINGLY SUPERIOR IN FORM, NUMBER OF BRANCHES, COMPACTNESS AND SYMMETRY. ALL PLANTS SHALL BE FRESHLY DUG, SOUND, HEALTHY, VIGOROUS, WELL BRANCHED AND FREE OF D15EASE AND INSECT EGG5 AND LARVAE AND SHALL HAVE ADEQUATE ROOT SYSTEMS. TREES FOR PLANTING ROWS SHALL BE UNIFORM IN SIZE AND SHAPE. ALL MATERIALS SHALL BE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, WHERE REQUIREMENTS ARE OMITTED FROM THE PLANT LIST PLANTS SHALL BE PRUNED PRIOR TO DELIVERY ONLY UPON THE APPROVAL OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. ALL CONTAINER GROWN MATERIAL SHALL BE HEALTHY, VIGOROUS, WELL ROOTED PLANTS AND ESTABLISHED IN THE CONTAINER IN WHICH THEY ARE SOLD. THE PLANTS SHALL HAVE TOPS OF GOOD QUALITY AND BE IN HEALTHY GROWING CONDITION. AN ESTABLISHED CONTAINER GROWN PLANT SHALL BE TRANSPLANTED INTO A CONTAINER AND GROWN IN THAT CONTAINER SUFFICIENTLY LONG ENOUGH FOR THE NEW FIBROUS ROOTS To HAVE DEVELOPED 50 T HAT THE ROOT MA55 WILL RETAIN ITS SHAPE AND HOLD TOGETHER WHEN REMOVED FROM THE CONTAINER. TreePlanting Detail Tree Stakes are to be removed between 6-12 months by the NT5 Owner. d n,J Viv" rin Palm Plantinq Detail Tree Stakes are to be removed between 6-12 NT5 Cut fronds and months by the Owner. bud to increase survival of e tree. Place (3) 2 x 4's, equally around tree Remove burlap Secure w/ steel wire from top of Apply burlap only where strapping rootball 2 Pieces of rubber hose wood is in contact w/ Construct saucer to 14 gouge galvanized wire tree, to minimize staining retain trunk. and twisted 24" Radius. Construct saucer Mulch 3" thick. Stake: 2 x Z PT to retain water ` 2 x 4 Stake 24'I Ra pp r1dius. Backfill mix Mulch 3" IIII 1= @fikkter of hole is to be Root Barrier. IIII=_IIII =IIII=IIII Sidewalk III�011IIII 50%larger than diameter of See plan for location if IIII=IIII =IIII.) _=IIII Diameter of hole is to IIII=IIII 11=IIII= III=1—iLllFall applicable. IIII=IIII IIII=_IIII = IIII=II I-IIII= 11=IIII=IIII III= Backfill mix To be installed according - be 50% larger than IIII_IIII=IIII=_ =IIII=IIII=IIII diameter of root ball IIII—IIII= =11IIII=IIII to manufacturer's -IIII=IIII IIII- specification. GENERAL NOTES: 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PERSONALLY ACQUAINT HIM/HER SELF WITH THE EXISTTN6 SITE CONDITIONS AND THE EXTENT AND SCOPE OF WORK REQUIRED. 2. THE PLANT LI5T INDICATES THE NAME5, SIZES AND SPACING OF SPECIFIC PLANT MATERIALS. QUANTITIES HAVE BEEN PROVIDED TO THE CONTRACTOR AS A CONVENIENCE, THE CONTRACTOR 15 RESPONSIBLE FOR HIS/HER OWN QUANTITY COUNT. IN CASE OF DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THE DRAWINGS AND PLANT LIST, THE QUANTITIES ON THE DRAWINGS SHALL PREVAIL. 3. NO SUBSTITUTES ON VARIETIES LISTED WILL BE ALLOWED WITHOUT WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 4. PLANTS SHALL BE WATERED AS NECESSARY OR WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER NOTIFICATION BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 5. THE LOCATION5 OF PLANTS, AS SHOWN IN THESE PLANS, ARE APPROXIMATE. THE FINAL LOCATIONS MAY BE ADJUSTED TO ACCOMMODATE UNFORESEEN FIELD CONDITIONS. MAJOR ADJUSTMENTS TO THE LAYOUT ARE TO BE APPROVED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF RECORD. 6. ALL PLASTIC FABRIC SHALL BE REMOVED FROM PLANT MATERIAL AT TIME OF INSTALLATION. 7. ALL TREES MUST BE STAKED AS SHOWN ON THE LANDSCAPE DETAIL SHEET WITHIN 24 HR5 OF PLANTING. STAKES TO REMAIN FOR A MINIMUM OF 12 MONTH BUT NO LONGER THAN 18 MONTH. CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTENANCE AND REMOVAL OF THE STAKES. 8. ALL TREES MUST BE PRUNED AS PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT DIRECTION. 9. ALL 50D EDGES SHALL BE TRIMMED AS PER THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS DIRECTION. 10. ALL SHRUBS, TREES, GROUNDCOVER5, SOD AND WILDFLOWER AREAS SHALL HAVE IMPROVED SOIL AS PER PLANTING SOIL NOTES. 11. DO NOT ALLOW AIR POCKETS TO FROM WHEN BACKFILLING. 12. SOAK PLANTS 17MMEDIAT7=LY WITH WATER FOLLOWING PLANTING. 13. MAINTAIN THE ORIGINAL GRADE OF THE TREE BASE. 14. DO NOT BREAK ROOTBALL. 15. ALL PLANT SHALL BE HARDY UNDER CLIMATIC CONDI7TON5 SIMILAR TO THOSE ON LOCALITY OF THE PROJECT. 16. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL WATER, MULCH, WEED, PRUNE„ AND OTHERWISE MAINTAIN ALL PLANTS, INCLUDING SOD, UNTTL COMPLETION OF THE CONTRACT OR ACCEPTANCE BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. SETTLED PLANTS SHALL BE RESET TO PROPER GRADE, PLANTING SAUCERS RESTORED, AND DEFECTIVE WORK CORRECTED. 17. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL AT ALL TIMES KEEP THE PREMISES FREE FROM ACCUMULATION OF WASTE MATERIALS OR DEBRIS CAUSED BY THE CREWS DURING THE PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK. UPON COMPLETION OF THE WORK, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROMPTLY REMOVE ALL WASTE MATERIALS, DEBRIS, UNUSED PLANT MATERIAL, EMPTY PLANT CONTAINERS AND ALL EQUIPMENT FROM THE PROJECT SITE. 18. UPON COMPLETION OF THE WORK, THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND REQUEST A FINAL INSPECTION. ANY ITEM5 THAT ARE JUDGED INCOMPLETE OR UNACCEPTABLE BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OR REPRESENTATIVE SHALL BE PROMPTLY CORRECTED BY THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR. 19. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL GUARANTEE ALL PLANT MATERIAL FOR A PERIOD OF ONE (1) YEAR FROM THE DATE OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE IN WRITING FROM THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. AT THE TIME OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE THE ONE (1) YEAR PERIOD SHALL COMMENCE. ANY MATERIALS WHICH HAVE DIED DURING THIS PERIOD SHALL SE PROMPTLY REPLACED WITH SPECIMENS THAT MEET THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS CALLED FOR IN THE DRAWINGS. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DEATH OR DAMAGE RE5UL LING FROM LIGHTNING, VANDALISM, AUTOMOBILES OR FROM NEGLIGENCE BY THE OWNER. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR WATERING AND OTHERWISE MAINTAINING PLANTS DURING THE GUARANTEE PERIOD UNLESS A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PROVIDES FOR A DIFFERENT ARRANGEMENT. 20. ALL LABOR AND MATERIAL FOR SOIL AMENDMENTS AND FERTILIZER THAT I5 REQUIRED TO INSURE THE SUCCESSFUL ESTABLISHMENT AND SURVIVAL OF THE PROPOSED VEGETATION AS WELL AS ALL C05T FOR THE REMOVAL OF UNSUITABLE OR EXCESS BACKFILL MATERIAL SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE CONTRACTORS BID TO PERFORM THE WORK PRESENTED IN THIS PLAN SET. 21. NO LANDSCAPING ADDED UNDER THIS PROJECT SHALL BE LOCATED SUCH THAT SAID LANDSCAPING OBSCURES MOTORIST'S VISIBILITY OF ANY EXISTING SIGN(S). Apply Burlap oAwherPlace (3) 2 x 4's, equally wood is in conaround tree w/ tree, to miSecure w/ Steel Wire Strapping staining trunkof Rootball 3" Deep Mulch after in, 24" radius Construct Saucewatering to retain wate� 2 x 4 Stake Backfill Diamater of Hole is to be 3x larger than diamater of root ball Shrub & Groundcover Planting Detail Note: All Shrubs And Groundcover Shall Be NT5 Triangular Spaced Along Straight Edges And Will Be Planted In Parallel Rows Along Curved Edges. 4" Earthen Edge of Pavement, Curb or Bedline Mulch Planting Soil Backfill Scarify Pit Bottom WA TERINC7 SCHEDULE APPLICATION SCHEDULE PALM TREES 20 GAL/APPLICATION/PLANT LARGE TREES 30 GAL/APPLICATION/PLANT SMALL TREES 20 GAL/APPLICATION/PLANT LARGE SHRUBS 10 GAL/APPLICATION/PLANT SMALL SHRUBS 5 GAL/APPLICATION/PLANT GROUNDCOVER 5 GAL/APPLICATION/PLANT APPLICATION AMOUNT MONTH 1 12 APPLICATIONS MONTH 2 12 APPLICATIONS MONTH 3 8 APPLICATIONS MONTH 4 8 APPLICATIONS MONTH 5 5 APPLICATIONS TOTAL: 45 APPLICATIONS ABBREVIATIONS: C.T.- CLEAR TRUNK Ht.- HEIGHT O.C.- ON CENTER 5pr.- SPREAD NOTE: ,ETAIL TO BE MPLEMENTED IN REAS WITH OOR DRAINAGE AS PLANTING UPPLEMENT. TWO TIMES BALL DIAMETER TOP OF ROOTBALL TO BE 2" ABOVE EXISTING GRADE FILTER CLOTH SAND - MIN. 12" DEPTH DRAIN ROCK PUNCH THROUGH HARD PAN TREE PITS WITH DRAIN N.T.S. Groundcover & Annual Detail NTS NOTE: Annuals Are To Be Planted As Per Groundcover Detail Excluding Mulch. Exist 3" Mulch ""�und all beds for drainage 4" Depth of Prepared Planting Soil ai o � a Ro Z 3 rn ti n N Zs M J Z 0 m E s °u o ( m U ° a< a a� is m LD-02 I PORTION OF LOT 2, BLOCK 1 ST LUCIE GARDENS CITY OF PORT ST. LUCIE ZONING: GU/SEU - GENERAL USE/SPECIAL EXCEPTION O FUTURE LAND USE: m i UTILITIES CURRENT USE: UTILITY TOWER 1 442.23' EX. A-11 T T GRATE EL. 11.89 E INV. EL. 8.94 II II II II EX. 16" FORCE MAIN 5100, R/W) ---------- EX.A-12 TOP EL. 12.14 N INV. EL. 9.22 5INV. EL. 6.48 E INV. EL. 8.74 W INV. EL. y -- --- ---- ---- -JI/ ----- ---- ---- - - ---- OHE OHE---Q�- OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE Of ❑ 15" OAK 24" OAK 20" OAK 320 OAK � a N 009M'54" W 176.67' 14.0 _ 14.0__ ii----------------------1-------- - - - - --------------------1---------� �_-- -----� 12.5 I DRY DETENTION AREA / I SOT. EL.11.5 (0.05 AC) TOP EL.14.0 (0.14AC) I I I I I I I I ��--L--------------J F PROP. L I 1-STORY CBS DISCOUNT STORE F GROSS FLOOR AREA = 8,593 S.F. 6 I W F.F.E. =15.25 N.A.V.D.1988 $ I I F I I I F I Lt --- IL EX. 6' COW. SIDEWALK -- --------------- --------- - ----- ------ ----- -- -------- PROP. 5'x5' UTILITY EASEMENT ZONE 1 - 39 Irrigation Specifications Well 4" Well with submersible pump, as shown located on this sheet Main Line Qty Sprays 1,331 Qty 21/2" GPM PVC Class 200 Irrigation Main Line T Flow (GPM) Run Time Gallons Manufacturer Type Pattern Bubbler 39 1.00 39.00 0:20 780 HunterO or RalnBlyd® 6" Pop -Up V Bubbler 8HC 15 0.58 8.70 0:20 174 Hunter® or RainBirdg1 6" Pop -Up 7' Radius Half Circle (180) Spray Head 8QC 7 0.29 2.03 0:20 41 Hunter® or RainBlyd® 6" Pop -Up 7' Radius Part Circle (90) Spray Head 8TC 2 0.87 1.74 0:20 35 Hunter® or RainBird® 6" Pop -Up 7' Radius Part Circle (90) Spray Head 10HC 35 0.98 34.30 0:20 686 Hunter► or RalnBlyd® 6" Pop -Up 10' Radius Half Circle (180) Spray Head 100C 9 0.49 4.41 0:20 88 Hunter® or RainBird® 6" Pop -Up 1 V Radius Part Circle (90) Spray Head 10TC 3 1.47 4.41 0:20 88 Hunter® or RainBird® 6" Pop -Up IV Radius Part Circle (270) Spray Head 12HC 34 1.26 42.84 0:20 857 Hunter® or RalnBirdO 6" Pop -Up 12' Radius Half Circle (180) Spray Head 120C 3 0.63 1.89 0:20 38 Hunter® or RainBb%M 6" Pop -Up 1T Radius Part Circle (90) Spray Head 15HC 28 1.86 52.08 0:20 1042 Hunter® or RainBk%W 6" Pop -Up 1 V Radius Half Circle (180) Spray Head 15QC 14 0.93 13.09 0:20 260 Hunter® or RainBkft 6" Pop -Up 16 Radius Part Circle (90) Spray Head 15TC 1 2.79 2.79 0:20 56 Hunter® or RalnBird® 6" Pop -Up 15' Radius 314 Circle (270) Spray Head 170C 3 1.20 3.60 0:20 72 Hunter® or RainBkW 6" Pop -Up 17' Radius Part Circle (90) Spray Head CST 8 1.21 9.68 0:20 194 Hunter® or RainBtrd® 6" Pop -Up IV Center Rectangular Spray Head EST 9 0.61 5.49 0:20 110 Hunter® or RalnBk0 6" Pop -Up IV Rectangular Spray Head End Spray Total 210 225.98 4,520 b4 � I Average Water Output: I Run time Method: F3 Irrigation Main Line: I Zone Type and Count Bubbler. ----------------- Spray (Sod): Spray (Shrub): TOTAL I II to A i� ❑ N 00'00'00" E 177.24' _ ____ _ ______ _____________-_____--_____________-_ .Y I' v> F� I _ < ----------------------------- -------------------------- A EX 2" POLY WATER SERVICE 6 i< N ----- r--- -- ---- --- ---- ------- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ------------ --- --- - EX 6" WATER MAIN II - ,I - 1 II 1 _ X .V., 'A'..'A'..ulw, II w ,u„ rw• I , n.ww .u,w r I I I I I f FM FM EX ASPHALT PAVEMENT ri FI 38 gpm Full Site In 8h Window 1 1/2" PVC Gass 200 Qty Run Time 1 0:40 2 0:40 3 1:00 6 3:20 Irrigation Zone List Zone # GPM Valve Type 1 39 2" Bubbler 2 39 2" Spray (Sod) 3 38 2" Spray (Sod) 4 38 2" Spray (Shrub) 5 36 2" Spray (Shrub) 6 36 2" Spray (shrub) Symbol Denotes 12" Pop -Up R Symbol Denotes use of a riser © Pump Station Hoover Pump Prefabricated, Fiberglass enclosed, submersible, Clock Start Pump Station, MODEL #HSF-5PDV-230/3-M,W,Z. Power is 230/3 Phase. the water supply is a new 4" Well. © Controller Controller Is a Rain Bird ESP Modular 6 Station Controller with a pole mounted MINI CLIK Rain Sensor #502. 1 112" Valve IRRITROL Century 100P Series RCV(Sized per Plan) In a Canton Jumbo valve box \I � VaW NIBCO T-113 Brass Gate Valve (Line Size) In a I\ Canton 1419 Valve Box. MIL MIL 1 1/2" Main line PVC Class 160 Sub -main PVC Class 160 Schedule 40 Sleeve 2 Spare Wires are to be Installed. All Wire shall be 18 gauge. MAINLINE LOCATION, WHEN SHOWN, IS FOR GRAPHIC CLARITY PURPOSES ONLY. ALWAYS INSTALL INSIDEPROPERTYLINES. LOCATEAT THE BACK OFCURB, FRONTOF WALK BACKOF WALK, OR ADJACENT 710 OTHER HAR05CAPES TO FACILITATE FUTURE LOCATION AND TO PROTECTFROM EX. A-9 DAMAGE ENSURE MADE IS INSTALLED ACC7R1%IN6 TO THE IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS AN) TOP EL. 12.73 DETAILS' N rNV. EL. 9.44 5 INV. EL. 9.44 E I.NV_ EL. 8_92 -------- QUANTITIES GIVEN ARE FOR CONTRACTOR CONVENIENCE ONLY. THE ACCURACY 10 NOT GUARANTEED- ALL QUANTITIES ------------------ SHALL BE VERIFIED. 72 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG CALL SUNSHINE 1-800-432-4770 FOR EMERGENCY CONTACT OF i m 6FgP, a Scn/s 20 !p 0 m Surds: i' = 20' o ao d r g� (5 Cn 9 r RECEI�' D 1UL 16 2015 1E 15' OAK ZONE 2 1 1/2'1 39 PORTION OF LOT 2, BLOCK 1 BT LUCIE GARDENS CITY OF PORT ST. LUCIE ZONING: GU/SEU - GENERAL USE/SPECIAL EXCEPTION FUTURE LAND USE: UTILITIES CURRENT USE: UTILITY TOWER —OHE Q—OHE OHE OHE OHE -- OHEZ -- ❑ — — — — — 24" OAK 2W OAK tt N W001'5V W 176.67' 14.0—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_--- 14=0_—_ 13.5 ���--------------------- --------------------- _------------------------ i2 125—�\\\ 1 -------------------- (� DRY DETENTION AREA BOT. EL.11.5 (0.05 AC) �_—==J l f TOP EL. 14.0 (0.14 AC L 115 10.511 r10.5� 1 I I I I C III I I I I \ �� I -�---------------- I ' , �---i �' i i PROP. 1-STORY CBS DISCOUNT STORE GROSS FLOOR AREA = 8,593 S.F. 6 F.F.E. =15.25 N.A.V.D.1988 ell, I E d I II I I I I I i I IQ I I y I I y I I I EX. 6' CONC. SIDEWALK ❑ N 00900100• E 177.24' ------------------------------------ ------ ------------------------- PROP. ------ ------ L I>'' y'> I 5'x5' UTILITY F EASEMENT (I zvlve J o ■» wm = FLE MINI 38 I o Im rn , c o h---- I I m W I � � co i EX ASPHALT m PAVEMENT Z 11 I 0 ,y> >� I sFj�v -=Fi4=-------------------F�4------- E4------ GPM--------'~----_--�4--=� t� FM FM FM M yI c_T_� __ __ _ =n rrt—�c—rc-r�— T� _7__s_T_�__r_T �\ 1 \> >1 > \I/ yy'y,'yyyyyyyy> yyyyyyyyyyy, c`< < < c <� �� c c c < c c �� ;>y>y>I < < c t c < c t < x `c `c < `< `< < < c < < < < c c < >T,,> > > y> y> y,�,,�, >, ; , ; , >, y y y y y y y y y t� ^�_ . as= t-------- >`��`<� — — — - -- --- ---- ------ --- ------ -- ---- ---- -- _ _ --- --fir-- -_ -- -zl C -- -- I-- ZSi> 'yp(2 POLY WATER SERVICE ' �> 4 EX. A-9C1> > > TOP EL. 12.73IN INV. EL. 9.44 ">Xy) >11 5INV. EL. 9.44<E INV. EL. 8.921r*,+-----------------19`--------------------------- ---- -A------------------ 3' �Y n,.. EX 6" WATER MAIN 11 .. t .>, d..� n.. n 'OAK * Symbol Denotes 12" Pop -Up R Symbol Denotes use of a riser © Pump Station Hoover Pump Prefabricated, Fiberglass enclosed, submersible, Clock Start Pump Station, MODEL #HSF-5PDV-230/3-M,W,Z. Power is 230/3 Phase. the water supply is a new 4" Well. © Controller Controller Is a Rain Bird ESP Modular 6 Station Controller with a pole mounted MINI CLIK Rain Sensor #502. 1 112" Valve IRRITROL Century 100P Series RCV(Sized per Plan) In a Carson jumbo valve box Gob Valm NIBCO T-113 Brass Gate Valve (Line Size) in a Carson 1419 Valve Box. MIL MIL 1 1/2" Main line PVC Class 160 Sub -main PVC Class 160 Schedule 40 Sleeve 2 Spare wires are to be Installed. All Wire shall be 18 gauge. 72 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG CALL SUNSHINE 1-800-432-4770 FOR EMERGENCY CONTACT OF AT&T CALL 1-800-252-1133 MAINLINE LOCATION, WHERE SHOWN, IS FOR GRAPHICCLARITY PURPOSES ONLY. ALWAYS INSTALL INSIDE PROPERTY LINES. LOCATE AT THE BACK OFCUR9, FRONT OF WALK BACK OF WALK; OR ADJACENT TO OTHER HARDSCAPES TO FACILITATE FUTURE LOCATION AND TO PROTECT FROM DAMAGE. ENSUREMAXN INE IS INSTALLED ACCORDING TO THEIRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS AND DETAILS. auANTm E8 GIVEN ARE FOR CONTRACTOR CONVENIENCE ONLY. THE ACCURACY IS NOT GUARANTEED. ALL CiWMES SHALL BE VERIFIED. E4 PORTION OF LOT 2, BLOCK 1 ST LUCIE GARDENS \ CITY OF PORT ST. LUCIE S 2: GU/SEU - GENERAL USE/SPECIAL EXCEPTION FUTURE LAND USE: UTIIST❑ *� CURRENTUSE: E: UTILITY TOWER ❑❑ —OHEQOHE OHE OHE OHE OHE 0 24" OAK 205 OAK ❑ ❑ 320 OAK { a N 00°01'54 W 176.67 14.0 _" ____ 14.0 --------------------- —-------------------------13.5 13.5 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -- 12512.5 DRY DETENTION AREA • I I I I BOT. EL.11.5 (0.05 AC) TOP EL. 14.0 (0.14 AC) ----�--_ I I I L 11.5 I I I 10.5� r 10.5 II I I C II a \ — \� —L------------- C4 • �`���'----------------------' ��' ; ZONE 16 II � � � � 0 JI jj F F ,I PROP. 1-STORY CBS DISCOUNT STORE GROSS FLOOR AREA = 8,593 S.F. S F.F.E. =15.25 N.A.V.D.1988 I 'I I I Iw �1 r ,I .II���� ��► !n ull _NONE ------------------------ EASEMENT— i 4 ZONE 5 11/21 36 N 00'00'00• E177.24_ - --- {— FM W E` N ASPHALT PAVE tt� �J _M —v Q i INC U r� r'I z <' 11 I'IJ�> �� J �r2 1] C/) L VIA xxy_x> Y > x �i. .O FM F m w -- ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ ' <{ 1 1 1 1 I I I' '(\ 1 > ' '1< Sostk: i" = ZO' EX 20 POLY WATER SERVICE n� \<; I, �� > y>\>� EX. AA TOP EL.12.73 t `<I N INV. EL. 9.44 D' > >1 5INV. EL. 9.44 _ --- - ___ E INV. EL. 8.92 ------------------------ V------------------------ --------- ----- ---j1 IRRIGATION NOTES & SPECIFICATIONS r WIRING BACK FILL Irrigation design based on the Landscape Design Associates Landscape Plan dated 12/18/2013. Contractor shall refer to these plans to coordinate sprinkler and pipe locations. The system has been designed to conform with the requirements of all applicable codes. Should any conflict exist, the requirements of the codes shall prevail. It is the responsibility of the owner/installation contractor to insure the entire system is installed according to all applicable laws, rules, regulations and conventions. Irrigation contractor responsible for obtaining all required permits according to federal, state and local laws. The scope of work is shown on the plans, notes and details. The Irrigation Contractor shall be certified as a CERTIFIED IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR by the Irrigation Association. The certification shall be current and in good standing. The work specified in this section consists of furnishing all components necessary for the installation, testing, and delivery of a complete, fully functional automatic landscape irrigation system that completely complies with the irrigation plans, specifications, notes, details and all applicable laws, regulations, codes and ordinances. This work shall include, but not be limited to, the providing of all required material (pipe, valves, fittings, controllers, wire, primer, glue, etc.), layout, protection to the public, excavation, assembly, installation, back filling, compacting, repair of road surfaces, controller and low voltage feeds to valves, cleanup, maintenance, guarantee and as —built plans. All irrigated areas shall provide 100% head —to —head coverage from a fully automatic irrigation system with a rain sensor. The rain sensor shall be installed to prevent activation of rain sensor by adjacent heads. All watering procedures shall conform to local codes, as well as this project's regional Water Management District restrictions and regulations. Zones are prioritized first by public safety and then by hydraulic concerns. This sequencing will be a mandatory punch list item. These plans have been designed to satisfy/exceed the Florida Building Code (FBC) Appendix F and the Florida Irrigation Society Standards and Specifications for Turf and Landscape Irrigation Systems, fourth edition. Contractor shall verify all underground utilities 72 hours prior to commencement of work. It is the responsibility of the irrigation contractor to familiarize themselves with all grade differences, location of walls, retaining walls, structures and utilities. Do not willfully install the sprinkler system as shown on the drawings when it is obvious in the field that unknown obstruction, grade differences or differences in the area dimensions exist that might not have been considered in the engineering. Such obstructions, or differences, should be brought to the attention of the owner' authorized representative. In the event this notification is not performed, the irrigation contractor shall assume full responsibility for any revisions necessary. Irrigation contractor shall repair or replace all items damaged by their work. Irrigation contractor shall coordinate their work with other contractors for the location and installation of pipe sleeves and laterals through walls, under roadways and paving, etc. The contractor shall take immediate steps to repair, replace, or restore all services to any utilities which are disrupted due to their operations. All costs involved in disruption of service and repairs due to negligence on the part of the contractor shall be their responsibility. POINT OF CONNECTION (P.O.C.) The P.O.C. is a new Hoover Pumping Systems submersible pump station model #HSF-7.5CS-230/3—A,E-20,M,W and a new 6" well. The P.O.C. must be capable of delivering a minimum of 65 GPM at 180 TDH. Contractor to verify these minimum conditions can be met prior to the beginning of installation. If the conditions can not be met, the contractor must notify the designer prior to proceeding with the work. If the contractor does not do so, the contractor proceeds at their own risk and becomes responsible for any future work required to make the system perform as required. 1r.1091» Pipe locations shown on the plan are schematic and shall be adjusted in the field. When laying out mainlines place a maximum of 18" away from either the back of curb, front of walk, back of walk, or other hardscape to allow for ease in locating and protection from physical damage. Install all lateral pipe near edges of pavement or against buildings whenever possible to allow space for plant root balls. Always install piping inside project properties boundary. All pipes are to always be placed in planting beds. If it is necessary to have piping under hardscapes, such as roads, walks, and patios, the pipes must be sleeved using Class 200 PVC with the sleeve diameter being twice the size of the pipe it is carrying with a minimum sleeve size of 2". Pipe sizes shall conform to those shown on the drawings. No substitutions of smaller pipe sizes shall be permitted, but substitutions of larger sizes may be approved. All damaged and rejected pipe shall be removed from the site at the time of said rejection. Mainline shall be 2-1/2" Class 200 gasketed '0' ring PVC with Sch 40 gasketed PVC fittings. Contractor to ensure all mainline piping is properly restrained using mechanical joint fittings, restraining collars, threaded rods, thrust blocks, etc., as and where required. Contractor shall refer to pipe manufacturers recommended installation practices for further direction. PVC pipe joint compound and primer: slow —drying, heavy duty cement and tinted (purple) primer that is compatible with the cement. The PVC cement shall be Weld —On 2711 grey and the primer shall be Weld —On P70 purple primer, or approved equals. ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY Electrical supply for pumps and controllers to be provided by irrigation contractor. Contractor to coordinate with local utilities for the installation of, and connection to, site available power supply's for required electrical components as set forth in the irrigation plans. All electrical to comply with the National Electrical Code and any, and all, other applicable electrical codes, laws and regulations. A licensed electrician shall perform all electrical hook—ups. Power for the controller shall be 120 volt, 20 amp. Irrigation control wire shall be thermoplastic solid copper, single conductor, low voltage irrigation controller wire; suitable for direct burial and continuous operation at rated voltages. Tape and bundle control wires every 10' and run alongside the mainline. At all turns in direction make a 2' coil of wire. At all valve boxes coil wire around a 3/4" piece of PVC pipe to make a coil using 30 linear inches of wire. Make electrical connections with 3M—DBY,DBR connectors. Number all wires, using an electrical book of numbers, according to the plans. Number wires in all valve boxes, junction boxes and at the controller. Wire sized, numbered and colored as follows: #14 white for common #14 spare black common #14 red for hot wires #14 spare yellow hot wire Spare wires — Run spare wires into every RCV valve box. Install a minimum of 2 common and 4 hot wires, in all directions, to every RCV connected to its respective controller. Controller grounding — Contractor to utilize 4"X8'X5/8" copper grounding plates, 5/8"X10' copper clad grounding rods, 'One Strike' CAD wells at all connection points, #6 bare copper wire, and earth contact material. Install these and other required components as outlined in the detail. Contractor to verify that the earth to ground resistance does not exceed 10 ohms. Contractor shall provide a written certification, on a licensed electrical contractors letter head, showing the date of the test, controller location, and test results. Each controller shall be so grounded and tested. AI Tilsjl Lay out irrigation system mainlines and lateral lines. Make the necessary adjustments as required to take into account all site obstructions and limitations prior to excavating trenches. Stake all sprinkler head locations. Adjust location and make the necessary modifications to nozzle types, etc. required to insure 100% head to head coverage. Refer to the Edge of Pavement Detail on the Irrigation Detail Sheet. Spray heads shall be installed 4" from sidewalks or curbed roadways and 12" from uncurbed roadways and building foundations. Rotors shall be installed 4" from sidewalks or curbed roadways, 12" from building foundations, and 36" from uncurbed roadways. Shrub heads shall be installed on 3/4" Sch 40 PVC risers. The risers shall be set at a minimum of 18" off sidewalks, roadway curbing, building foundations, and/or any other hardscaped areas. Shrub heads shall be installed to a standard height of 4" below maintained height of plants and shall be installed within planted masses to be less visible and offer protection. Paint all shrub risers with flat black or forest green paint, unless irrigation system will be installed from a reuse water system with purple PVC risers. Locate valves prior to excavation. Insure that their location provides for easy access and that there is no interference with physical structures, plants, trees, poles, etc. Valve boxes must be placed a minimum of 12" and a maximum of 15" from the edge of pavement, curbs, etc. and the top of the box must be 2" above finish grade. No valve boxes shall be installed in turf areas without approval by the irrigation designer — only in shrub beds. Never install in sport field areas. VALVES Sequence all valves so that the farthest valve from the P.O.C. operates first and the closest to the P.O.C. operates last. The closest valve to the P.O.C. should be the last valve in the programmed sequence. Adjust the flow control on each RCV to ensure shut off in 10 seconds after deactivation by the irrigation controller. Using 3" high number stencils paint the valve number in white on the lid of each valve box. EQUIPMENT Bubblers shall be installed using Sch 80 nipples and shall be placed at the base of trees for low level watering. All pop—up heads and shrub risers shall be pressure compensating. All pop—up heads shall be mounted on flex —type swing joints. All sprinkler equipment not otherwise detailed or specified shall be installed as per manufacturers recommendations and specifications, and according to local and state laws. TRENCHING Excavate straight and vertical trenches with smooth, flat or sloping bottoms. Trench width and depth should be sufficient to allow for the proper vertical and horizontal separation between piping as shown in the pipe installation detail on the detail sheet. Protect existing landscaped areas. Remove and replant any damaged plant material upon job completion. The replacement material shall be of the same genus and species, and of the size of the material it is replacing. The final determination as to what needs to be replaced and the acceptability of the I replacement material shall be solely up to the owner or owner's representative. INSTALLATION Cut all pipe square and deburr. Clean pipe and fittings of foreign material; then apply a small amount of primer while ensuring that any excess is wiped off immediately. Primer should not puddle or drip from pipe or fittings. Next apply a thin coat of PVC cement; first apply a thin layer to the pipe, next a thin layer inside the fitting, and finally another very thin layer on the pipe. Insert the pipe into the fitting. Insure that the pipe is inserted to the bottom of the fitting, then turn the pipe a 1/4 turn and hold for 10 seconds. Make sure that the pipe doesn't recede from the fitting. If the pipe isn't at the bottom of the fitting upon completion, the glue joint is unacceptable and must be discarded. Pipes must cure a minimum of 30 minutes prior to handling and placing into trenches. A longer curing time may be required; refer to the manufacturer's specifications. The pipe must cure a minimum of 24 hours prior to filling with water. The back fill 6" below and 5" above all piping shall be of clean sand and anything beyond that in the trench can be of native material but nothing larger than 2" in diameter. Main Fine pipe depth measured to the top of pipe shall be 36" minimum, including at vehicular crossings. Lateral line depths measured to top of pipe shall be: 18" minimum for 3/4"-3" PVC with a 30" minimum at vehicular crossings; 24" minimum for 4" PVC and above with a 30" minimum at vehicular crossings. Contractor shall backfill all piping, both mainline and laterals, prior to performaning any pressure tests. The pipe shall be backfilled with the exception of 2' on each side of every joint (bell fittings, 90's, tees, 45's, etc.). These joints shall not be backfilled until all piping has satisfactorily passed its appropriate pressure test as outlined below. yllIJIlwam[f Prior to the placement of heads, flush all lines for a minimum of 10 minutes or until lines are completely clean of debris, whichever is longer. Use screens in heads and adjust heads for proper COVERage avoiding excess water on walls, walks and paving TESTING Remove all remote control valves and cap using a threaded cap. Fill mainline with water and pressurize the system to 125 PSI.. Monitor the system pressure at two gauge locations; the gauge locations must be at opposite ends of the mainline. With the some respective pressures, monitor the gauges for two hours. There can be no loss in pressure at either gauge for solvent —welded pipe. Gasketed piping shall lose no more water than allowed per the Florida State Building Code, Volume II Plumbing, Part VI, Appendix 'F'. Refer to this section for the formula to be used to calculate the maximum allowable water loss during the testing time. If these parameters are exceeded, locate the problem; repair it; wait 24 hours and retry the test. This procedure must be followed until the mainline passes the test. The lateral lines must be filled and visually checked for leaks. Any leaks detected must be repaired. No pressure test of the lateral lines is required. Once the mainline and lateral lines have passed their respective tests, and the system is completely operational, a coverage test and demonstration of the system is required. The irrigation contractor must demonstrate to the owner, or his/her representative that proper coverage is obtained and that the system works automatically from the controller. This demonstration requires that each zone is turned on, in the proper sequence as shown on the plans, from the controller. Each zone will be inspected for proper coverage and function. The determination of proper coverage and function is at the sole discretion of the owner or owner's representative. Operational Testing — Upon completion of back filling, finish grading and contouring, test the entire system for proper operation; including electrically actuating the remote control valves. Run each zone until water begins to puddle or run off. This will allow you to determine the number of irrigation start times necessary to meet the weekly evapotranspiration requirements of the planting material in each zone. In sandy soils no puddling will occur, instead; calculate the required run times. SUBMITTALS The contractor must submit for approval, prior to installation, copies of the manufacturer's cut sheets/specifications for all components to be used in the irrigation system. After project completion, and as a condition of final acceptance, the irrigation contractor shall provide the owner with a high quality, accurate, and legible set of as —built drawings. The as—builts must identify all remote control valves, gate valves, ball valves, splice boxes, controllers, mainline, sleeving, and low voltage wiring. Each of these items is to be located using a submeter GPS system. The irrigation contractor must also provide accurate, informative, and easy to follow and understand operation and maintenance manuals for all components of the irrigation system. Controller charts — Upon completion of "as —built" prepare controller charts; one per controller. Indicate on each chart the area controlled by a remote control valve (using a different color for each zone). This chart shall be reduced to a size that will fit inside of the controller door. The reduction shall be hermetically sealed inside two 2ml pieces of clear plastic. Furnish extra materials described below that match prod ucts ucts installed and that are packaged with protective COVERing for storage and identified with labels describing contents. Include tools to service these products. 1. Sprinkler Units: Five of each unit for each type and size installed, but no fewer than two units. 2. Emitter Units: Five of each unit for each type and size installed, but no fewer than two units. 3. Drip Tube Units: Five of each unit for each type and size installed, but no fewer than two units. FINAL ACCEPTANCE Final acceptance of the irrigation system will be given after the following documents and conditions have been completed and approved. Final payment will not be released until these conditions are satisfied. 1. Final walk—thru and correction of all punch list items. 2. Completion and acceptance of 'as —built' drawings. 3. Acceptance of required controller charts and placement inside of controllers. 4. Turn over of all required parts and tools as outlined in the project specifications. GUARANTEE: The irrigation systems shall be guaranteed for a minimum of one calendar year from the time of final acceptance. MINIMUM RECOMMENDED IRRIGATION MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 1. Every irrigation zone should be checked monthly and written reports generated describing the date(s) each zone was inspected, problems identified, date problems repaired, and a list of materials used in the repair. At minimum, these inspections should include the following tasks: A. Turn on each zone from the controller to verify automatic operation. B. Check schedules to ensure they are appropriate for the season, plant and soil type, and irrigation method. Consult an I.A. certified auditor for methods used in determining proper irrigation scheduling requirements. C. Check remote control valve to ensure proper operation. D. Check setting on pressure regulator to verify proper setting, if present. E. Check flow control and adjust as needed; ensure valve closure within 10-15 seconds after deactivation by controller. F. Check for leaks — mainline, lateral lines, valves, heads, etc. G. Check all heads as follows: 1. Proper set height (top of sprinkler is 1" below mow height) 2. Verify head pop—up height — 6" in turf, 12" in ground cover, and pop—up on riser in shrub beds. 3. Check wiper seal for leaks — if leaking, clean head and re —inspect. If still leaking, replace head with the appropriate head with pressure regulator and built—in check valve. 4. All nozzles checked for proper pattern, clogging, leaks, correct make & model, etc. — replace as needed 5. Check for proper alignment — perfectly vertical; coverage area is correct; minimize overspray onto hardscapes. 6. Riser height raised/lowered to accommodate plant growth patterns and ensure proper coverage. 7. Verify the pop—up riser retracts after operation. If not, repair/replace as needed. 2. Check controller/C.C.U. grounds for resistance (10 ohms or less) once per year. Submit written reports. 3. Check rain shut—off device monthly to ensure it functions properly. 4. Inspect all filters monthly and clean/repair/replace as needed. 5. Inspect backflow devices by utilizing a properly licensed backflow inspector. This should be done annually, at minimum. 6. Inspect all valve boxes to ensure they are in good condition, lids are in place and locked. 7. Check pump stations for proper operation, pressures, filtration, settings, etc. — refer to pump station operations manual. 8. Check and clean intake screens on all suction lines quarterly, at minimum. Clean and/or repair, as needed. 9. Winterize, if applicable, as weather in your area dictates. Follow manufacturer recommendations and blow out all lines and equipment using compressed air. Perform seasonal startup of system as per manufacturer recommendations. 10. Conduct additional inspections, maintenance tasks, etc. that are particular for your site. Few F COPY :iNO a � CID o IR-03 PUBLIX VERANO SPECIFICATIONS SINGLE SUBMERSIBLE PUMP SYSTEM FIBERGLASS ENCLOSED CLOCK START PURPOSE: To provide a complete prefabricated skid mounted fiberglass enclosed submersible clock start pump system from a sole source company, herein after referred to as the 'manufacturer', whose primary business is the manufacture of prefabricated pump systems. The manufacturer will manufacture, install and warrant the system to meet all specified operating requirements described below and in the system detail. The system shall be a Model HSF-5PDV-230/3—M,W,Z as manufactured by Hoover Pumping Systems of Pompano Beach, Florida USA 954-971-7350 specified below and shown on the plan details. This specification describes the general components and minimal operating requirements and shall not be construed as a manufacturing guide or complete list of required system components and appurtenances. The contractor shall submit seven (7) complete copies of the shop drawings to the designer for approval, prior to system order placement. The submittal shall contain cut sheets for all system components. To be considered an equal, 12 days prior to bid opening the contractor must submit the following: manufacturer brochure showing prefabricated pump systems manufacturing is the primary business of the manufacturer or division proposed to manufacture the system, written specifications, dimensioned layout detail, electrical schematic, product sheets for all main components, Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. 508A Industrial Control Panels' and QCZJ 'Packaged Pumping Systems' manufacturer's certification numbers, list of 6 projects with similar operating systems with current name and phone number of person responsible for system operation, manufacturer's insurance certificate for general Liability showing minimum COVERage of $1 million, and written certification from the manufacturer stating the proposed system meets all requirements described in this specification, the detail and the bid documents. If the data submitted is determined to be an equal by the designer the bidder will be notified prior to the bid date. FIBERGLASS ENCLOSURE: The pump station shall be protected by a fiberglass enclosure, 3'-6' x 14' through 25 Hp and 4' x 8' for 30 Hp and larger with chemical grade ultraviolet resistant open mold resin with exterior finish that is uniform in color and texture, reinforced with fiberglass and stiffeners for rigidity. The enclosure shall open clear of the station for ease of service and have a stainless steel hinge and self —latching lockable handle. The enclosure shall be of dimensions adequate to contain the entire pump station including the discharge header and controls. MOUNTING ASSEMBLY: The pump station shall be mounted on a prefabricated aluminum skid 3'-6' x 4' through 25 Hp and galvanized steel structural skid 4' x 8' for 30 hp and larger. Aluminum pedestals shall be provided to mount the control panel assemblies. The entire station shall be installed on a reinforced concrete slab sized as noted on the system detail. PUMP AND MOTOR: The pump shall be a submersible type coupled to a submersible motor rated at 5 HP, 230 volts, 3 phase, 60 Hz. The pump system shall be designed for operation at 3450 RPM. Submersible Pump 4': The pump will have acetal impellers with polycarbonate diffusers, stainless steel pump shell, shaft, and coupling, with polypropylene intake screen. The motor shall be a submersible type designed for continuous underwater operation and with a combination of a maximum water temperature and minimum velocity past the motor, such that the service factor shall be 1.15 minimum. The motor shall be of the water —filled type and fitted with a segmented plate type thrust bearing. A stainless steel cable guard for the entire bowl length shall protect the motor leads. The motor rating shall be selected so that the load at design is not greater than the name plate rating at 1.0 service factor and at no point on the curve shall the load exceed the name plate rating plus 10 percent. The power cable shall be sized such that the voltage drop will not exceed three percent at the motor rated full load current and voltage. Cables shall be designed specifically for submersible pump service and shall consist of either individually insulated conductors or individual conductors insulated and the whole COVERed with an outer jacket. PUMP STATION PERFORMANCE: The required pump performance with a maximum of 30 ft. of suction lift is as follows: a) discharge pressure of 60 psi, b) maximum required flow of 50 GPM at 195 TDH, and c) minimum required flow of 25 GPM. IRRIGATION PUMP CONTROL PANEL: The control panel assembly shall be Underwriters Laboratories listed in accordance with section 508A for 'enclosed industrial control panels.' All control devices and electronic auto —sensory circuitry shall be housed in a self—contained weather —resistant NEMA 4 or 4X control cabinet. An electrical schematic shall be permanently mounted inside the cabinet. The control cabinet shall contain the following protection and control equipment: Operation The station operates as a clock start, clock retirement system. System features include Low Pressure and No Flow protection. The system is equipped with tow Pressure" and 'No Flow" indicator lights, and a 'Hand—Off/Reset—Auto' (H—O—A) selector switch. The self —diagnostic control panel assembly includes LED status indicator lights for power failure, no flow, low pressure, and pump run. Pump clock start relay and auxiliary contacts are also provided. Clock Start The pump starts when the irrigation controller (clock) begins a watering sequence. Clock Retirement The pump shuts off when the clock completes a watering sequence. Low Pressure Protection If the pressure at the pump discharge falls below 20 PSI for 45 seconds during pump operation, the pump will shut off and the tow Pressure" light will turn on. The system will remain off until manually reset with the H—O—A selector switch. No Flow Protection If no flow is detected for 60 seconds during pump operation, the pump will shut off and the 'No Flow' light will turn on. The pump will remain off for 12 minutes and then will restart. The 'No Flow' light will remain on until manually reset with the H—O—A selector switch to notify the irrigation maintenance personnel of potential field valve failure. Hand — Off / Reset — Auto Switch The station is equipped with an H—O—A selector switch, which operates as follows: Position Function ---------- --- ------------------------- ----- Hand — Manual pump start. This position overrides all protective features and start controls. Off / Reset— Pump will not run. This position resets all alarms. Auto — Pump will start automatically. In this position, all start controls and protective features are active. Protection Equipment — Front operated main power disconnect — Time delayed motor starter fuses for motor short circuit protection — Full voltage class 10 IEC motor starter — Metal oxide varistors (MOV) for transient voltage suppression per phase — Fused control circuitry with blown fuse lighted indicator for each circuit DISCHARGE PIPE MANIFOLD: The pipe discharge manifold shall be constructed of galvanized steel pipe with galvanized roll groove fittings. A flow —switch, pressure gauge and hosebib will be provided on the station discharge. A wafer type butterfly valve or bronze ballvalve will be provided at pump station discharge. AUTOMATIC CONTROL VALVE: The automatic control valve shall be 230 psi working pressure, single —seated, hydraulically operated, diaphragm —actuated, pilot —controlled globe or angle pattern drip tight valve incorporating the following features: — Pressure reducing pilot — Glycerin filled pressure gauges up and downstream of the valve — Large capacity disk filter on pilot control tubing — 220 psi polyethylene control tubing with prest—o—lock fittings — Ductile iron body and bonnet with polymer coating — 316 Stainless steel nuts, bolts, washers, shaft and spring — Rubber diaphragm — Stainless steel seat — Grooved or flanged ends FLOWMETER: The flowmeter shall provide total and rate display with plus or minus 2% accuracy within its rated flow range at 14 to 228 psi. Reed switch provides pulse output. Body is constructed of cast iron with baked powder coating. A normally open continuous duty solenoid shall be mounted on the meter and wired to the Hoover Flowguard controls. PUMP DISCHARGE: The minimum pump discharge size shall be 2' diameter or larger as required for a maximum of 15 feet per second velocity flow. The pipe shall be schedule 40 galvanized steel with galvanized roll groove or threaded fittings. Each discharge shall have a bronze poppet check valve for lines smaller than 3' and cast iron roll groove swing check valve for larger sizes located as shown on the system detail. Well Source: Each pump will be placed in a separate well.. The pump/motor assembly shall be placed directly in the well unless a flow inducer is required for adequate water velocity across the motor. The discharge pipe and submersible cable shall exit the well head through a well seal with a junction box as shown in the system detail. IRRIGATION CONTROLLER: A Rain Bird model ESP —Modular 20 station irrigation controller and rain sensor shall be mounted on the pump system. The controller shall be powered from a fuse block in the pump system control panel. The controller shall activate the pump via a relay in the control panel. WARRANTIES: The manufacturer of the pumping station shall warrant all components for a period of one (1) year from date of manufacture. PN #9338 NOTE: DISCHARGE PIPES & HEADER TO IRRIGATION MAIN SHALL BE SCHED 40 GALVANIZED STEEL PIPE WITH GALV. ROLL GROOVE FITTINGS. PUMP DROP PIPE SHALL BE HDPE HEAT FUSED. SET PUMP 60' ON 2" PIPE. INSTALL MOTOR CABLE SPLICE BETWEEN MOTOR AND CONTROL PANEL IN NEMA 4X JUNCTION BOX ADJACENT TO WELL IN ACCORDANCE WITH ELECTRICAL CODES. WELL DRILLER SHALL NOTIFY THE PUMP SYSTEM MANUFACTURER IN WRITING WITHIN 24 HOURS OF DEVELOPING THE WELL IF THE WELL PUMPING LEVEL IS GREATER THAN 45' BELOW FINISHED GRADE AFTER 8 HOURS OF CONTINUOUS PUMPING AT 150% OF THE DESIGN FLOW BELOW. PROVIDE MINIMUM OF 4' CLEARANCE ON ALL SIDES OF PUMP SYSTEM * OPTIONAL FEATURES ARE INCLUDED IF MARKED WITH AN "X" __PRESSURE CONTROL VALVE X IRRIGATION CONTROLLER RAIN BIRD ESPLXME 20 STATIONS, WITH RAIN SENSOR ON 8' POLE _-PRESSURE TANKS FOR PRESSURE DEMAND SYSTEM NOTE: DISCHARGE PIPES & HEADER TO IRRIGATION MAIN SHALL BE SCHED 40 GALVANIZED STEEL PIPE WITH GALV. ROLL GROOVE FITTINGS, PUMP DROP PIPE SHALL BE HDPE HEAT FUSED. SET PUMP 60' ON 2" PIPE. INSTALL MOTOR CABLE SPLICE BETWEEN MOTOR AND CONTROL PANEL IN NEMA 4X JUNCTION BOX ADJACENT TO WELL IN ACCORDANCE WITH ELECTRICAL CODES. WELL DRILLER SHALL NOTIFY THE PUMP SYSTEM MANUFACTURER IN WRITING WITHIN 24 HOURS OF DEVELOPING THE WELL IF THE WELL PUMPING LEVEL IS GREATER THAN 40' BELOW FINISHED GRADE AFTER 8 HOURS OF CONTINUOUS PUMPING AT 125% OF THE DESIGN FLOW BELOW. PROVIDE MINIMUM OF 4' CLEARANCE ON ALL SIDES OF PUMP SYSTEM 17 11 10 15 16 Me me PLAN VIEW NTS PUMP PERFORMANCE 50 GPM © 195 TDH SAFETY FEATURES: PRESSURE DEMAND: -TRANSIENT SURGE -NO FLOW MAINTAIN 3.5' CLEARANCE IN FRONT OF CONTROL PANEL AND 4' ALL SIDES OF PUMP SYSTEM. 3' X 3' FIBERGLASS REINFORCED ENCLOSURE FOREST GREEN GELCOAT FINISH 2 REINFORCED CONCRETE PAD (4" THICK) 3 N/A I 4 WELL SEAL 5 D 6 WELL, JUNCTION BOX & DISCHARGE PIPE SUBMERSIBLE PUMP MOTOR ASSEMBLY 5 HP (NOT SHOWN) 7 CHECK VALVE 8 GALV. STEEL DISCHARGE 9 VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE 10 N/A 11 PRESSURE TRANSDUCER 12 ISOLATION VALVE 13 DISCHARGE ISOLATION VALVE 14 IRRIGATION MAIN 15 IRRIGATION CONTROLLER POWER SUPPLY AND PUMP START CIRCUIT 16 RAIN SENSOR 17 CONTROL PANEL ASSEMBLY UL LISTED MAINTAIN 42" CLEARANCE 18 N/A 19 LOCKABLE HASP IVI 1114 1 IVI V IVI 1)V IP11V1 L I L.ID WELL CASING REQUIRED HOOVER PUMPING MODEL: HSF-5PDV-230/3-M,W,Z Pompano Beach, Florida, Tel: 954-971-7350 I � "W" ."." 1 01 a'1 FILE PN13113.DWG 07/14 co � � o Sri z co tco al�l��ls ■ NOTE: REFER TO PRODUCT LITERATURE FOR ADDITIONAL INSTALLATION AND ADJUSTMENT INFORMATION. O IRRITROL CENTURY 100P SERIES ELECTRIC RCV (SIZE PER PLANS) © FINISH GRADE O CARSON JUMBO VALVE BOX W/ BOLT DOWN LID ® 6" PVC SCH 80 NIPPLE O 3M WATERPROOF WIRE CONNECTORS © PVC LATERAL LINE (SIZE AND TYPE AS PER LEGEND) Q7 COMMON RED BRICK (4 REQUIRED) Q PEA GRAVEL — 12" DEEP Q PVC SCH 80 NIPPLE (SIZE AS REQUIRED) ® COMMON AND CONTROL WIRES TO CONTROLLER LOCATION. © PRESSURE MAIN LINE PIPING WITH MAIN LINE FITTING (DEPTH, SIZE AND TYPE AS REQUIRED) B) IRRITROL RCV Oj LATERAL PIPE O MAIN LINE O CONTROLLER WIRE ® MULCH OR TURF O CURB © STREET NOTES: BACKFILL MINIMUM DEPTHS: 1. MAIN LINE — 36" 2. LATERAL PIPE — 18" L MAINLINE AND LATERAL PIPING (D POP—UP SPRAY SPRINKLER: RAIN BIRD 1804—SAM W/PA-80 ADAPTER W/1404 BUBBLER Q 1/2—INCH MALE NPT X .490 INCH BARB ELBOW: RAIN BIRD MODEL SBE-050 O PVC LATERAL PIPE ® SWING PIPE, 12—INCH LENGTH: RAIN BIRD MODEL SP-100 O PVC SCH 40 TEE OR ELL © FINISH GRADE/TOP OF MULCH O PLANT MATERIAL UO RAIN BIRD 1804-SAM POP-UP WITH 1404 BUBBLER 1 t t 36" TYP. ROADWAY EDGE WITHOUT CURBING O O 4" TIP. ROADWAY EDGE WITH CURBING OR SIDEWALK EDGE 3 O O 12" TYP. ROADWAY EDGE WITHOUT CURBING 4 O O 12" TYP. BUILDING FOUNDATION T LOCATION O ROTOR HEAD TYPICAL O SPRAY OR ROTOR HEAD TYPICAL O SPRAY HEAD TYPICAL ® SPRAY OR ROTOR HEAD TYPICAL TOP VEW 5 8 all a 7— 3' MIN 8 I--12' 10' — �� i- 8 DO NOT INSTALL ANY OTHER WIRES OR CABLE WITHIN THE SPHERE OF INFLUENCE SIDE VIEW UK CGWW VKUblUNG, WH[UHEVEK IS DEEPER (D CONTROLLER O GROUND PLATE (4" X 96" X .0625") O CONCRETE PAD © EARTH CONTACT MATERIAL Q PVC SWEEP ELL (1 1/2" OR LARGER) O GROUND ROD (5/8" X 10') ® #6 AWG SOLID BARE COPPER WIRES. O ELECTRODE SPHERE OF INFLUENCE BOUNDARIES C) GROUNDING DETAIL SECTION VIEW MAINLINE, LATERAL, MAINLINE LATERAL WIRING IN AND WIRING IN PIPE PIPE CONDUIT THE SAME TRENCH PLAN V1EW WIRE W/O CONDUIT RUN WIRING BENEATH ALL TIE A 24—INCH LOOP IN AND BESIDE MAINLINE. PVC PIPING ALL WIRING AT CHANGES TAPE AND BUNDLE AT TO BE SNAKED IN OF DIRECTION OF 30' 10—FOOT INTERVALS. TRENCH AS SHOWN. OR GREATER. UNTIE AFTER ALL CONNECTIONS HAVE BEEN MADE. 1. SLEEVE BELOW ALL HRDSCAPE ELEMENTS WITH CL 200 PVC TWICE THE DIAMETER OF THE PIPE OR WIRE BUNDLE WITHIN — MINIMUM OF 2" 2. FOR PIPE AND WIRE BURIAL DEPTHS SEE SPECIFICATIONS. L) PIPE AND WIRE TRENCHING (D POP—UP SPRAY SPRINKLER: RAIN BIRD 1806 SAM—PRS POP—UP WITH RAIN BIRD MPR NOZZLE O 1/2—INCH MALE NPT X .490 INCH BARB ELBOW: RAIN BIRD MODEL SBE-050 O PVC LATERAL PIPE ® SWING PIPE, 12—INCH LENGTH: RAIN BIRD MODEL SP-100 O PVC SCH 40 TEE OR ELL © FINISH GRADE/TOP OF MULCH Oj PLANT MATERIAL R) RAIN BIRD 1806 SAM-PRS SPRAY BUILDING WALL OR POP—UP ON RISER TYP. I I >>>> b>>>>>—i IRRIGATION LATERAL LINE SIDEWALK OR PAVEMENT EDGE—TYP. POP—UP ON RISER TYP. POP—UP ON RISER TYP. NOTE: THE DESIGN INTENT IS FOR THE RISERS TO BE INSIDE OF THE PLANT MASS TO OBSCURE IT FROM MEW AND OFFER PROTECTION. THE TOP OF THE SPRAY HEAD SHOULD BE 4" BELOW THE MAINTAINED HEIGHT OF THE SHRUBBERY. THE SPRAY HEAD ON RISER SHOULD BE 'INSET' INTO THE SHRUBS 6". THIS 'INSET' DISTANCE IS THE CONTROLLING FACTOR. THEREFORE THE 18" MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM SIDEWALK/PAVEMENT IS APPROXIMATE ONLY. T POP-UP HEAD ON RISER LOCATION DETAIL-B C 45' ELL WYE L ( SPLICE BOX WITH COVER: 12—INCH SIZE O FINISH GRADE/TOP OF MULCH Q3 BRICK (1 OF 4) ® 3.0—INCH MINIMUM DEPTH OF 3/4—INCH WASHED GRAVEL O DIRECT BURIAL LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WIRE (TYP.) © 3M—DBY WATER PROOF CONNECTOR (TYP.) WIRE SPLICE / _e 45' ELL O UNDISTURBED SOIL (TYPICAL) O CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK (TYPICAL) Q3 PIPE (TYPICAL) ® REBAR BENT AROUND FTFTING (TYPICAL O FITTING (TYICAL) 1. ALL PVC MAINLINE PIPING SHALL RECEIVE CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKS. 2. REFER TO PIPE MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. FOR AMOUNT OF CONCRETE TO BE USED FOR THRUST BLOCK THRUST BLOCK POP—UP SPRAY SPRINKLER: RAIN BIRD 1812—SAM—PRS W/ PLASTIC MPR NOZZLE 1/2—INCH MALE NPT X .490 INCH BARB ELBOW: RAIN BIRD MODEL SSE-050 PVC LATERAL PIPE SWING PIPE, 12—INCH LENGTH: RAIN BIRD MODEL SP-100 PVC SCH 40 TEE OR ELL FINISH GRADE/TOP OF MULCH PLANT MATERIAL S > RAIN BIRD 1812 SAM-PRS SPRAY O FINISH GRADE O HUNTER MODEL 1-20-6P ROTOR HEAD WITH CHECK VALVE Q 3/4" PVC STREET ELLS (3) ® SCH 80 NIPPLE O LATERAL TEE OR ELL © LATERAL PIPE T07�. L� V) HUNTER 1-20-6P GEARED ROTOR O7 CARSON 1419 VALVE BOX W/BOLT—DOWN COVER MARKED GATE VALVE. GATE VALVE, SIZE AS NOTED ON PLANS. VALVE BOX EXTENSION, LENGTH AS REQUIRED 4D SCH 80 PVC THREADED NIPPLE TYPICAL SIZE AS REQUIRED SCH 80 PVC SXT ADAPTOR, SIZE AS REQUIRED. 5) PVC MAINLINE, TYPE & SIZE AS NOTED ON PLANS, 7) BRICK D) T-113 GATE VALVE U1 PAVING Q DITCH 4" Min. Clearance O SLEEVES .2 . 1 3 18" MIN. I-- F24 . TO IRISM GRADE 1 1 �%\�/`\/\\\ 36" MIN. 48" MAX. NOTES, 1. ALL PVC IRRIGATION SLEEVES TO BE CL 200 PVC PIPE. 2. ALL JOINTS TO BE SOLVENT WELDED AND WATERTIGHT. 3. MECHANICALLY TAMP TO 95X PROCTOR. O SLEEVING O WALL OR STRUCTURE O POP-UP SPRAY HEAD / v O NOTE: INSTALL TOP OF HEAD (THIS IS NOT TO INCLUDE POP-UP PORTION) 4" BELOW SURROUNDING PLANT MATERIAL, SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS & PLANT LIST. ® TWO (2) STAINLESS STEEL HOSE CLAMPS 3/4" PVC SCH. 40 RISER, PAINTED FLAT BLACK. 4 © MULCH 5 O7 1" X 1" STEEL ANGLE. 24" DEPTH O PVC SCH. 80 ELBOW 6 Og LATERAL LINE ® PVC SCH. 80 NIPPLE, POSITION RISER SEE ENLARGEMENT BELOW Z O (1) AT 45' ANGLE 3/4" DIA., MAX 18" LENGTH. PVC TEE W/ THREADED REDUCER r ! SEE DETAIL ABOVE ® CONNECTION. TWO (2) STREET ELLS. T� POP-UP HEAD ON RISER CID Z co � O r Lo n 4"13.15 lR_,05 CM n T aAi AM I ewww•. CIVIL CONSTRUCTION PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 37 S, RANGE 40 E ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA t. _ Sero yxne j LOCATION MAP N.T.5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A PARCEL OF LAND LYING IN A PORTION OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 37 SOUTH, RANGE 40 EAST, ST, LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. AL50 LYING IN A PORTION OF THE EAST HALF OF LOT 2, BLOCK 1, ST. LUCIE GARDENS ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 35, PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST, LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. SAID PARCEL OF LAND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 1, LENNARD ROAD SQUARE, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 34, PAGE 7, PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST, LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, SAID NORTHEAST CORNER ALSO BEING ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF LENNARD ROAD; THENCE NORTH ALONG SAID WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF LENNARD ROAD, A DISTANCE OF 446.23 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N 90000'00" W DEPARTING SAID WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY, A DISTANCE OF 270.85 FEET, THENCE NORTH 00001'54" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 176.67 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89052'49" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 270.94 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF LENNARD ROAD; THENCE 5 00°00'00" W ALONG SAID WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 177.24 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL OF LAND CONTAINING WITHIN SAID BOUNDS 47,937 SQUARE FEET (1.10 ACRES)m MORE OR LESS. VAZ, INC. 7102 SW PORT ST, LUCK BOULEVARD PORT ST. LUCIE, FL 34953 PHONE: 772-879-0477 mug w mom • N V.ELCON GROUP., INC. ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS 702 SW PORT ST. LUCIE BOULEVARD PORT ST. LUCIE, FL 34953 PHONE: 772-879-0477 EMAIL: info@velcongroup.com ARCHITECT LARRY L. CHRISTIAN A.I.A. 3801 KIRBY DRIVE SUITE 600 HOUSTON, TX 77096 PHONE: 713-664-7974 11 1 1 illmll� LANDSCAPE DESIGN ASSOCIATES 10194 NE HIGHWAY 351 OLD TOWN, FL 32680 PHONE: 352-542-4996 INDEX OF DRAWINGS COVER SHEET 1. MINOR SITE PLAN 2. PAVING, GRADING, & DRAINAGE PLAN AND SPECIFICATIONS 3. PAVING, GRADING, & DRAINAGE DETAILS 4. WATER & WASTE WATER PLAN 5. WATER & WASTEWATER DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS 6. GRINDER STATION DETAILS & SPECIFICATIONS 7. DEMOLITION AND SEDIMENT & EROSION CONTROL PLAN 8. STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN cD z W co co O N r O z co O an BEFORE YOU 016 ENGINEER'S PROJECT NO. 12-066 ENG 30 0 15 30 60 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 30 ft. LEGEND HANDICAP STALL TRAFFIC FLOW DIRECTION O NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES ---- vvm - EXISTING WATER MAIN EXISTING FORCE MAIN FM ---- EXISTING EDGE OF PAVEMENT u0u PROPOSED CATCH BASIN (8 PROPOSED CLEAN OUT - Q PROPOSED ASPHALT PAVEMENT PROPOSED SITE LIGHTING W/ 25' MOUNTING HEIGHT 2.375" DIAM. GALVANIZED STEEL TUBE PAINT TO MATCH BUILDING COLOR SURFACE FLANGE MOUNT WITH STAINLESS STEEL ANCHOR BOLTS (TYPj• TALL PER SIDEWALK MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS BIKE RACK DETAIL � ` 0%) ReMA, P EX. EX. PORTION OF LOT 2, BLOCK 1 ST LUCIE GARDENS PORTION OF LOT 2, BLOCK 1 CITY OF PORT ST. LUCIE ST LUCIE GARDENS ZONING: CITY Of PORT ST. ZONING: FUTURELUCIE GU/SEU - GENERAL LAND USE EXCEPTION GU/SEU - GENERAL USE/SPECIAL EXCEPTION IES '. p UTILITIES m I FUTURE LAND USE CURRENT USE: O I UTILITIES RADIO STATIONd TOWER O'le UTILITY TOWER OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE -OP 15" OAK e -O 24" OAK 20" OAK -- "'lll��� m Q NOO°OI'WW 176.67' I I a _ - - 1 DRY DETENTION AREA o O� N I j to PROP. lm-: I j 12'x12' CONC. DUMPSTER PAD _ • l W/ 5' HIGH MASONRY WALLS t -- I I h OPAQUE GATES r ,:d I (SEE DETAIL) „ ------ - `WALL PACK LOADING --- MOUNTED AT ZONE 11.5' ABOVE FFE (TYPJ PROP. CONC. PAVEMENT (,rvP.1 EX. SHELLROCK a PROP' o PARKING AREA 1-STORY CBS (TO REMAIN) DISCOUNT STORE W GROSS FLOOR AREA = 8,593 S.F, F.F.E. = 15.25 N.A.V.D.1988 EX. ASPHALT ------------------------------- PAVEMENT (TO REMAIN) m -----------------------------,6-- 6' --------------------------� 32J EXISTING PROP. ALUMINUM 6 STEEL POLE BARN WATER 0.00' SERVICE 1F"nn ,lld \ \ PORTION OF LOT 1, BLOCK 1 �^ "1 F Q .�..Uj \ ST. LUCIE GARDENS w' O Q .� CITY OF PORT ST. LUCIE ZONING: ?' u CG - GENERAL COMMERCIAL y M m I FUTURE LAND USE•. N COMMERCIAL LIMITED F'° K , VAJ CURRENT USE: W `� R5T VACANT _ .., .. C9 N HE m OHE r.. p cc m m ] u _- -- a SITE-� J J 32" OAK Of Q Q O � sr , , W �i O Z EX. ,o. a+= LLI o Z Lj STORAGE f `"y a < YARD _ z w PORTION OF LOT 1, BLOCK 1- ST. LUCIE GARDENS ee. X ST. LUCIE COUNTY m . Q ZONING: - , ` LL / IL- INDUSTRIALLI6HT 1 1 N j FUTURE LAND USE: " • ' - VVV a) 'It IND- INDUSTRIAL '�01 16.34' p CURRENT USE; e . , s z d- FLEX OFFICE/SHOPS/ SERVICES i,e _y VI O -z "ar � -J O ` m C0 - ti ij 0 ------------------ O _WLLn ^Q �.,.:,�.. N N_ I I g iyr j U I I" O ,p LL _j fn 2 LOCATION MAP 0 I- W It o 16,47' I I ® U 0 O I l m N.T.S. j W U LEGAL DESCRIPTION: W IN A PARCEL OF LAND LYING IN A PORTION OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 37 SOUTH, > Z p Of O W I I EX RANGE 40 EAST, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ALSO LYING IN A PORTION OF W h 0_ .r..0 CONC. THE EAST HALF OF LOT 2, BLOCK 1, ST. LUCIE GARDENS ACCORDING TO THE PARKING PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 35, PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. t Y� AREA LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. SAID PARCEL OF LAND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY R20' DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: `rL COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 1, LENNARD ROAD III '!I9-E2IT-T4I11F tr,ya '' ems, PROP. B 16' 8 cD 10'L PROP. GRINDER : ., N.T.S. Anw TYPSIGN P ❑ ®®8� , ^,y m STATION - •� ®LLS EX. FIRE ,, wr �_ Q. PROP. PROP. PROP. EX. R-O-W HYDRANT ¢NVVI EX. ASPHALT FORCE MAIN OUTFACE 20'x2O' UTILITY i in r� EASEMENT r -I EA EMEN .+..w+.........w...� ...,.......•..�.�........�... ��........+...................+........w.........�......e......... :' DRIVEWAY CATION E58 Y"a...-Y"j-';"ry ESB EX. W CONC. SIDEWALK E58 -- COCA E O __ ° %.',' APRON \`. "•""'•""'•••"' ^�•�-�..........• � � � •C�, AL EASEMENT .. _________________________________________________________________________-______________-__________________=c=.- W K SB N00"0O'00"E 177.2' F _-__ -___L_____-__- ______ _________ ____________-___ ______-____-___ -_--_ _ ____________---- r - - ------------------- `�-� o < Ex. A-u : I PROP. - ------------------------- i a v GRATE EL. 11,89 ww '- --•- ------ ----_ s'� E INV. EL 8,94 1 10' UTILITY ' `," t y - , ' F --- -- - EASEMENT` - FM - FM - F - FM - FM - FM - F - - hM -- FM FM __- FM �____.F.ye _-_-___ =x IF r=norE Y� i ____-__--_____•--________-_______________---_ "Ffh_--___y-�+_--_--_�"y,-_-_--T-pq,-___._-_---__-E .__ _ _ _ _ _.- 3 - - -- -- - -- - - _:�: - - - - - - ___ ______ _ _ _ _ __ _ --_ -_ __ _ _ -_ _ r M FM r M r M, - J _-_---:--__-___ e:_- ____-___ _ _ - __�-._-- LENNAR ROAD ---#.----��_______�_�____�� F,4__�.�,�-���.____..��N _ � ; cm,µ . TI ,. :�> )', i. >,>, >' - 'z: -s,'X �, -i: i,-i^-+r-n-:�:+ :> y_9 `C ✓`V I'',�,, ---------- _------ - ----- - ------- - ------- -- x '4M < ,< ,< ,< ,<' ,<,i < ,: ,c ,., , >,%'> �. ) ,:�,' < CITY OF PORT ST. LUCIE OWNED MAINTAINED `` `� C �) ;, ). `, a >. >, ), Y >. ). ). ), ;, ?. >. ), ), ), ), a ,. a ;, >, ), ; : ), ), �, r ), >e,,>, �. ), ), I M �,C.C',< m O >. -------------------------°------- -------------- ----------- ---------------- ------- ( N $ M N INED PAVED f00 R/W) �. �,. P� ?�.,_`„ „ ; ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ), ., > > > v)..._Z�.i), > j, Y,I, `✓ 3 - - --_--_ - ___ _ - - Y act "..i�+ i ), g Y!r ________________-____-___ - - - -- -- - - --------- -- - - - - _ _ ___:_ - - - - - -----------------•_-_ EX. A-13-_-_ ____-_________-- -' N INV. EX. A-12EL 9.22 ! Im WAT �� ) V'� � H ,: •Y),V 3 --' --✓ --- GRATE EL 12.89 - --. ,-- ®� x ER SERVICE `--. >' ,')) EX. EL. 1273 'CL )` TOP EL 12.14 _X. 2" POLY N INV. EL 6.49- E INV. ELL 8.74 j j �'< '` N INV. EL. 9.44 +' _ �'_ S INV. EL 6.65 W INV. EL. 8.49 '----------------------- -----------=�= i x _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ S INV. EL. 9.44 EX. 36"RCP I.__________________________________ n _______________________________________'-______ _ _ _ "-.-•--_..-..-_--...--._...-.....,.._..........--..,-....,.....-............_.-......._.........-.........�...........,....._.........m...�.............�,..�.e.....,....,..�,.....,........�,..... ` _ ____ - -- - = - �_------ �_ _:_ _.:_-_ __ ------------------ - -------------------- - g EX.6" WATERMATN f--> --_---_� --a°" -_ -_ a::== - _ 'K D;''------------------------ -------------_--------------------------------------'D ''r_�E _____ ;_ W �, s EX. WM WM - ______ -- __ -_ „-, - 'WM __________SCi�'_________ __ _--•_"=�v� -__� ilk_ YW17_-a---tMNt--- -l7JMl W� - WM V-1V v7 i�9nn--- VJM__- '- a5 _ ✓UM -- wN1"---'-^•_ - x: -1 M - WM WM - RA WM WM,-�.'-I:, WM - T'\,t� WM - WM _-- WM WM 1r�AhZy?V __- -_ EX. 8' CONC. SIDEWALK -__-__ -'•`Cq _ ,(, _-_---.-_-- ----- X. 6" WATER MAIN -�-- `- -------------------- __,,.F=e:=e:_::r -----OFF--�-=::= :::::__:<__ -�= -- -- - --- - _ _�•`,� �... �'y:S ___-_-_____-______________ _ - - �y�D4 •`�____-EX___ EX. 6' CONC. SIDEWALK _ _ _ _ _ __Y _____--___-_--,_________________-__-____-_____ _____-__-___ ___-_-__ DRIVEWAY _--- -_______-__----__---_-___-__-___-- ---- - ------- _----- ___---_-_ ` ��� `. PAVED 80' R/W '' SIGN NO. FTP-2t-O6 ` ' 8" I+ 7" PORT. CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT 4,000 PSI ' " PRIMECOAT SEALANT TO BE APPLIED AND FTP-22-06 2" 2 16 f ( ) 1.25 TYPE SP 9.5 PROJECT STATEMENT: TYP.) E EXISTING OFFICE BUILDING AND FINE ASPHALTIC ON TOP OF BASE COURSE THE PROJECT CONSISTS OF THE S"WHITE F A •� A .,'A ';• '° ~ CONCRETE EXISTING PAVED PARKING AREA AND OTHE CONSLITION OTRUCTION F A NEW 8,593 SQ, FT. DISCOUNT w ° • < ' • ' TRAFFIC LEVEL B CONSTRUCT 6" LIMEROCK OR STORE AND ASSOCIATED PAVED PARKING AREA. ACCESS TO THE PROJECT WILL BE AT THE ® < COQUINA BASE COMPACTED TO CURRENT DRIVEWAYS ON LENNARD ROAD. THERE ARE NO WETLANDS ON OR IMMEDIATELY � y WHITE RETROAEFLECTP/E _ - 8 6 F1P-21d8 TOP TRAFFIC PAIM(TY•P.) ,N, a �� 98% MAX. DRY DENSITY PER AASHTO SURROUNDING THE PROJECT SITE. THE PROJECT LIES WITHIN FLOOD ZONE 'X' AS m � 3 ; y T 180 METHOD, LBR 100 INDICATED ON THE SURVEY. THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS 7 7 ,7 PROJECT WILL NOT INTERFERE WITH THE DEVELOPMENT AND USE OF THE NEIGHBORING CAR STOP $0• w (TMP) STABILIZED SUBGRADE MIN. DEPTH �o PROPERTIES AS ALL REQUIRED BUFFERING AND SETBACKS HAVE BEEN MET IN THE PROJECT ° a" wHITE 3 PARKING BY OF 12", COMPACTED TO 98 % MAX. DRY DENSITY MOD. DESIGN. DISABLED PROCTOR PER AASHTO T-180 METHOD, MIN, LBR40. iv THE PROJECT IS ZONED CG - COMMERCIAL, GENERAL WITH A FUTURE LAND USE OF IND - PONLYO `O INDUSTRIAL. THE SITE TO THE NORTH LIES WITHIN ST. LUCIE COUNTY AND IS CURRENTLY A (3) 6" NOTE: WHITE CHEV EVENLY $250 FINE COMMERCIAL/INDUTRIAL STRIP PLAZA COMPRISED OF VARIOUS BUSINESS TYPES AND I5 EVENLY F.S 318.1E 1. CONCRETE PAVEMENT, AT A MINIMUM, MUST BE STABILIZED SUBGRADE MIN. DEPTH OF ZONED IL -LIGHT INDUSTRIAL WITH A FUTURE LAND USE OF IND. THE SITE TO THE NW LIES SPACED Fm-2zoBSOT CONSTRUCTED OF FDOT APPROVED CLASS M CONCRETE, AX. DRY WITHIN THE CITY OF PORT ST. LUCIE AND IS VACANT WITH A ZONING OF CG - COMMERCIAL OF TWELV6RADEE MATERIAL SHALL BE A MINIMUM THICKNESS PAVEMENT SHALL HAVE MARSHALL DENSITY PER AASHTO T/MPACTED TO 98% 180 METHOD, GENERAL AND A FUTURE LAND USE OF COMMERCIAL LIMITED. THE SITE TO THE WEST LIES 18' OF TWELVE INCHES WITH A MINIMUM LIMEROCK BEARING STABILITY OF 1,000 LBS. MIN. LBR40, MIXED AND HOMOGENEOUS WITHIN THE CITY OF PORT ST. LUCIE AND I5 A UTILITY TOWER SITE WITH A ZONING OF GU - 6" WHITE I RATIO OF 40. MATERIAL GENERAL USE AND A FUTURE LAND USE OF UTILITIES, THE SITE I5 BORDERED ON THE EAST 12' BY LENNARD ROAD, WHICH IS A CITY OF PORT ST. LUCIE OWNED AND MAINTAINED 100, PUBLIC 5' 2. CONCRETE SHALL BE REINFORCED WITH FIBER MESH R-O-W, AND LAND THAT THAT LIES WITHIN THE CITY OF PORT ST. LUCIE AND IS ZONED RM-11 TYPICAL PARKING STALL ADDITIVE OR WITH 6x6 #io/#10 W.W.M. TYPICAL ONSITE ASPHALT PAVEMENT DETAILS WITH A FUTURE LAND USE OF ROI - RESIDENTIAL/OFFICE/INSTITUTIONAL. NOTES: i. HANDICAP STALL IS BASED FROM FDOT STANDARD INDEX 11 ` 5 3. SAW -CUT JOINTS @ 15' O.C. N.T.S.EXPANSION JOINTS @ 40' O.C. FILL MAY BE REQUIRED IN LIMITED QUANTITIES IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE THE REQUIRED #17346, SHEET 12 OF 14. DESIGN ELEVATIONS ANY REQUIRED FILL WILL BE OF A GRAN 2. DIMENSIONS ARE TO THE CENTERLINE OF MARKINGS. 3. BLUE PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL BE TINTED TO MATCH SHADE 15180 OF FEDERAL STANDARDS 595a. 4. FTP-22-06 PANEL SHALL BE MOUNTED BELOW THE FTP-21-06 SIGN. 5. FOR DESIGN OF THE UNIVERSAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY, REFERENCE FDOT STANDARD INDEX #17346, SHEET 12 OF 14. 6. FOR DESIGN OF THE ASSOCIATED SIGNS, REFERENCE FDOT STANDARD INDEX #17355, SHEET 4 OF 11. HANDICAP SPACE DETAIL N.T.S. I A{,yaye a3n 8.a v.f. m yu✓ J.y BEFORE YOU ING Gvt Mtl(U Bug/NF8e MY9 wurraan.arBroBEo AEA44'l MEANPo(8 RroeaF¢r LIGHTING FIXTURE POLE MANUFACTURER SHALL SUBMIT SIGNED AND SEALED DRAWINGS VERIFYING THAT WIND LOADING AND OVERTURNMOMENTFOR THE LIGHT FIXTURE AND POLE INSTALLATION MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE. in N NOTE: LIGHTS LOCATED ALONSPERIMETER OF THE PROPERTY SHALL BE SUPPLIED WITH "HOUSE -SIDE" SHIELD TO ELIMINATE LIGHTING SPILLOVER ONTO ADJACENT PROPERTIES. FINISHED GRADE PARKING AREA LIGHTING FIXTURE TUTS ULAR MATERIAL SUITABLE FOR TYPICAL ONSITE CONCRETE PAVEMENT DETAILS COMMERCIAL SITE DEVELOPMENT AND WILL BE OBTAINED FROM AN APPROVED BORROW PIT. N.T.S. THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLS USING THE LATEST FDOT STANDARDS. BALED HAY, STRAW, AND SILTATION BARRIERS WILL HINGES SHALL BE OUTSIDE OF BE INSTALLED WHERE NEEDED TO PREVENT SILTATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY, PUBLIC 10'-8" CLEAR AREA R-O-W, WETLANDS, AND WATERWAYS. THESE WILL REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL GRASSING OR SODDING HAS BEEN COMPLETED OR UNTIL SILTATION AND EROSION ARE NO LONGER A 10'-8" CLEAR THREAT TO THE ADJACENT PROPERTIES OR WATERWAYS. 100%OPAQUE 12" x 16" CONCRETE BATES FOOTING W/ 3 #5 BARS CONT I OC < I I j 8" CONCRETE BLOCK WALL W/ I q STUCCO (BOTH SIDES) W/ I Q FILLED CELLS 611 #5 BAR AT NOTE: LOCATIONS SHOWN I O OPENING MUST BE PERPENDICULAR TO LINE OF FLIGHT OF 8" AND I 4" DIA, x 42" SERVICE VEHICLE. M6H STEEL BOLLARD W/ IS" L_ _ - _ J '/'7- EMBEDDED INTO 8" x V. BOND BEAM -�- CONCRETE W/ 2 #5 BARS CONT C? 12' ••.... "woo ..... ........• STUCCO STEEL I BOLLARD 8"CONCRETE BLOCK •••••••••••••Agxag WALLS W/ STUCCO .............• - -------------- 12' x 12' DUMPSTER DETAIL ............................. 12'-0' __________________________-- , 660' ... Acp......, ......................................... EX DRIVEWAY"Z ........v . LENNARD RD.... DRIVEWAY LOCATION MAP SCALE: V =100' PROJECT SITE EX. SQUARE, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 34, PAGE 7, PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, SAID NORTHEAST CORNER ALSO BEING ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF LENNARD ROAD; THENCE NORTH ALONG SAID WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF LENNARD ROAD, A DISTANCE OF 446.23 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N 90*00'00" W DEPARTING SAID WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY, A DISTANCE OF 270.85 FEET, THENCE NORTH 00001'54" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 176.67 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89°52'49" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 270.94 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF LENNARD ROAD; THENCE S 00000'00" W ALONG SAID WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 177.24 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL OF LAND CONTAINING WITHIN SAID BOUNDS 47,937 SQUARE FEET (1.10 ACRES)i MORE OR LESS. OWNER: VAZ, INC. 702 SW PORT ST. LUCIE BOULEVARD PORT ST. LUCIE, FL 34953 PH:772/879-0477 PARCEL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 3414-501-4702-000-7 PRO PERTY CLASSIFICATIONS: ZONING: CG - COMMERCIAL, GENERAL FUTURE LAND USE: IND - INDUSTRIAL MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT: 25 FEET REAR: _ 20 FEET SIDE: 10FEET PROP. BUILDING DATA: DISCOUNT RETAIL = 8,593 S.F. BUILDING HEIGHT - ONE STORY = 25 FEET PARKING CALCULATIONS: 4.49 SPACES PER 1,000 S.F. GROSS FLOOR AREA 8,593 S.F. 4.49 - . 9 SPACES / 1,000 S.F. - 39 SPACES SPACES REQUIRED = 39 SPACES (2 HANDICAP, 37 REGULAR) SPACED PROVIDED = 42 SPACES (2 HANDICAP, 40 REGULAR) LOADING ZONE REQUIRED = 1(12'x3O') LOADING ZONE PROVIDED = 1(24'x3O') DRAINAGE STATEMENT: THE PROJECT I5 SERVED BY SITE GRADING, INLETS, AND CULVERTS THAT DIRECT STORMWATER TO THE DRY DETENTION AREA. DISCHARGE WILL BE TO THE LENNARD ROAD DRAINAGE SYSTEM. SFWMD CRITERIA FOR WATER QUALITY AND QUANTITY TREATMENT WILL BE PROVIDED. UTILITY PROVIDERS: POTABLE WATER = CITY OF PORT ST. LUCIE UTILITY SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT WASTEWATER = CITY OF PORT ST, LUCIE UTILITY SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT IRRIGATION =EXISTING WELL PERMITS REQUIRED: SLC STORMWATER PERMIT CITY OF PORT ST. LUCIE RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT FDEP NOI CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE: CONSTRUCTION START: NOVEMBER2014 CONSTRUCTION COMPLETION: 180 DAYS SITE DATA: TOTAL PROJECT AREA 47,937 S.F. 1.100 AC 100.00 % IMPERVIOUS AREA PROP. BUILDING 8,593 S.F. 0.197 AC 17.93% PROP. PAVEMENT /WALKS 21926 S.F. 0.503 AC 45 74% TOTAL IMPERVIOUS 30,519 S.F. 0.701 AC 63.66% TOTAL PERVIOUS (OPEN) 17,418 S.F. 0.400 AC 36.34% ..r.................... 660' MASTER AVE. , r Z J I� LLw /r VJ 0 _Z 2 ..0 I O ¢ Y J 4 N O Z 3 U d U O U U SHEET NO.: OF JOB No. 12-066 ENG 30 0 15 30 60 +,?� ( IN FEET } 1 inch = 30 ft. m �HEF I + +� �j +��° OHE OHE�-OHE OHE OHE OHE- 15- OAK 24" OAK 20" OAK I �y1 5 yy ii4%%% + ' I I I I I +�3. I ; 'I I I O 6w �o� I Caw zF I 1 I I 0+ ti. i3O I I' 'I I I I I I , I ' I ' I II +b° E_ orwr_wv - I LE6EN6 + 0 EXISTING GRADE ELEVATION T/CURB 2150 21.00 B/CURB PROPOSED ELEVATION (H.P. = HIGH POINT) RUNOFF FLOW DIRECTION O PIPE INTERFERENCE POINTS - - m --- EXISTING WATER MAIN EX157ING FORCE MAIN EXISTING EDGE OF PAVEMENT EXISTING LIGHT POLE i0l PROPOSED CATCH BASIN 0 PROPOSED CLEAN OUT m a Q N00`0154"W 176.67 -�+ i ______________+�0________________ _ k _____ _.........." _ __+_--"---' I 13.8 ii i -- --- -- -12-g _------------_ i-- --- --- --- ------ 11.5 14.00 Ip _ 1 I 1 ( DRY DETENTION AREA --- +y' �� o I I I I DOT. EL. 11.5 (0.05 AC) ,�---J /T- E- I I + I I I I TOP EL. 14.0 (0.14 AC) j i --'�,�A A ,6V cola[.; �y { 22 L.F.15"' 11 I L.1.5 11.5J -��� 11 1 1 <''. - -------- RCP @ 0.0% t .0, I I MES IN�. MES INV.' �14.40 -13.80 qol----_ 'I \ EL. 30.5C L. 10.50 , / F`'---J--- v� __+ C.S. #1 (CONTROL STRUCTURE) \ \ -�--------- A 1 `��----------------------� iA 0 RGP F 15" @ 5 32" OAK +Yy° j TOP EL. 14.85 �'------------------ ---"• 09Y, NW INV. EL, 10.50 Vb� 15.15 TOP N 13.50.I I E INV. EL. 10.00 5 E+iNV. EL 10.95 BENCHMARK#2 J BLEEDER EL. 10.50 8192 - 14.5 •1yfh 5/0-IRON ROD I 0*'� + +y _______ OVERFLOW EL, 13.85 #y. . EL 15.31 G _ C NA V.D. 1988, ___- ______ ____}______- 1y1 T BENCHMARK## 3 PROP. 15.0 • o 5/8" IRON ROD 1-STORY EL. 16.17 31 N A.V D. 1988 16 " ' 1ys/1' FICUS �y t�10 y DISCOUNT STORE 14.95 > + + ,y G.F.A. = 8,593 S.F. 1 .35' ,z, 14.35 + I FFF:15PFiMAV1) i EX. SHELLROCK +' CO PARKING AREA " I ob 14.00 14.85 0 "" B + +0 es SAWCUT EX. 14.35 p0 PAVT. AND ny 0 ,y 1 1+ + +�b• Ql MATCH EL. 1 I ti fib. o- y9 ^ � � bb �' EX. ASPHALT +t_______- Ky� bf __--__ PAVEMENT of >`' + t �y. -----+----------'------------- H.P. „� + Sr 126.6' 1b!A lyy + n EX a J . �CONC.- .�, EXISTING 50#7 N I E_�e;__==a__._r3• ALUMINUM 6 STEEL TOP EL. 16.00 50 #6 I POLE BARN N,E INV. EL. 9,35 TOP EL. 15.00 EX S,W INV. EL. 9.40 / I , / R. �q I �I ♦spy ,I ! I �A 0 3:1 I 1.,5� + ; RCP @ % 15.15 R:, rc b+ I I b N � +y' PROP. 14.65 8 ♦�a1 I '', �- � ��e DRAI DRAINAGE 14.20 ;, 126.6' 14.60 ------- ------------ 10 EASEMENT. ga � I TOP o o O Ra o I EL,13.95 ,'. "o,5y" ?� 34 L.F. INV. 14.40 e U ! 74 L.F; INV; CR. 14,20 H P: TOPfL.13;�9y5 (, 4' H.P, 'KL''S.-I .:V ',7,,.,1 r 14.1: i . m'w ,.. n,� 1t • _SaJ �!` /h; 1 v'r i +°gSAWCUT EX. + 14.20 14.60 95 L.F. 15" I I 14.40 I PAVT. AND RCP @ 0.1% ° MATCH EL. 15.25 EX. FIRE ♦1 n, EX. ASPHALT HYDRANT 0 d /' 6y 1r2s3 1 IV 1 m � DRIVEWAY I ? � 3 ..................� ESB 12. 6 -,+�.6 ...ww..e.......e...... -___ E%. 6' CONC. SIDEWALK ESB �", D APRON Y. b r A 1 . 6' CONC. SIDEW l P'.+ 2S .^ EX A-11 j py ti4 ,�, < _ �� ,,; GRATE EL It89 � SAWCUT, REMOVE, ♦ti SEE SIDEWALK E INV. EL 8,94 I & REPLACE CONC. CONNECTION - - -� w o VV-TW�- E � R 5;; SIDEWALK AT EX. DETAIL A 3 <_.=__° f..M FM FM - F .,, .d1 'o� '4A VT-_ gy > V 1° y 1:� O JOINTS AS RE D. ,y>, F.,'.�..' ._^.^. t2. 11 Q �r 1 - FM FM F M _ F -- F _-_. M .-__._._ FM -' -_- FM __ FM .'"-09-------- 4------ice'-'r-H^-i 4- -F-FL_...�,,...._F-00.-_''- --- H_ _�T- -Fr':__---44- i-P4- -Fl+ x i F#--^--i-H- FdF---^M---F#- ' I C � 1 NAR ll > > R z y L a+ 1ti V V -U-------'✓- --------------- v m < < `< - --- --- _:---c.-ccc.-c_-.._c_ cc------ -----�=c= �-�..:� _-__rc_ :--_� - -��"_:,-- (CITY OF PORT ST. LUCIE OWNED & MAINTIANED PAVED 100' R/W) ----------- -- - :---.. - 11 w W 2" POLY E%.A-13 NINV. EL19.22 ilm WATER SERVICE x S INV. EL 6.48 n, GRATE EL l2.89 -u� - E INV. EL 6.74 n^ N INV. EL 6.49 II _______________-INV. EL_BA9 _ y -- S INV. EL. 6.65 r � _ __ _ _ _1__E%. 36"RCP _____ ___�_ ....... _ yl Ir __ ____________________ EX. 36 RCP 1(,r_______________________________ 77777777777 _- _ EX. b" WATER MAIN i- -- , - - r .. VVM WM WM WM6" WATER MAIN -. .-_• •, a EX _____ _�__ ,, „6 __---_ , n _ -- _ -- '^. - - i+'A, EFi WM --__ WM M -_.- VVM __ WM WM `-WM---„"_V�(yL.-_-_ WM VJM NM -_- WM WM RIVEWA 61' WM WM--_'-- ^_\ MrtVI---_--- -VJIA WM-TNIu_-__--_PJNF_-_-WN-_ Y+IM'__'_-'__-_•__'---_ �¢eeee_�,_ 11 .. �;� -__ '-'--- _' - EX. 8' CONC. SIDEWALK �: " ' EX. - - EX. 6' CONC. SIDEWALK ------- --_-- ----- - ------ __-_-- ---- _----- - 1----______ CATCH BASIN SCHEDULE SPACING OR REQUIRED ROADWAY /PARKING AREA TESTS NOTE: ALL ELEVATIONS SHOWN OR REFERENCED WITHIN THESE PLANS ARE BASED UPON NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (N.A.V.D.). TO CONVERT FROM N.A.V.D. '88 TO N.G.V.D. '29, ADD 1.48' TO THE N.A.V.D. ELEVATIONS TO GET N.G.V.D. ELEVATIONS. NOTE: DRAINAGE PIPE JOINTS, INCLUDING ROUND CONCRETE PIPES, SHALL HAVE A FILTER FABRIC JACKET IN ACCORDANCE WITH FOOT ROADWAY AND TRAFFIC DRAINAGE STANDARDS. ALL RCP PIPE USED FOR EXFILTRATION SHALL HAVE 8D SLOTS, IN ACCORDANCE TO FOOT INDEX #285.2 OPTIONS'. - SIDEWALK SLOPES PER ADA LENGTH MAX. SLOPE LONGITUDINAL L<6' 1:12 NO HANDRAILS 6'< L < 30' 1:12 HANDRAILS BOTH SIDES STRUCTURE NO. ELEVATION - FT. N.A.V.D. BOX TYPE PER F,D.O.T. INDEX #232 COVER ITEMS TO BE TESTED F.B.V. DENSITY L.B.R. THICKNESS TOP NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST WEIR BLEEDER C.S. CONTROLSTRUCTURE 1485 NW 10.50 10.00 - - - - TYPE'E USE 83M sD#z 13.50 10.95 10.95LL TYPE'C' USE COMPACTED OR STABILIZED SUBGRADE MAX, SPACING MAX. SPACING MAX.MaXSPACING MAX. SPACING SD#3 13.50 - - 11.15 11.15 - - TYPE'C' USE 6212 LIN.FT. SO.FT. LIN.FT. 50.FT. LIN.FT. SQ.FT. LIN.FT. SQ.FT. SD 13G5 11.35 - 11.35 - - - TYPE'C' USE 8212 300 10,000 300 10,000 _ _ 300 10,000 SD#5 13.95 11.36 - - - - - TYPE'C! USE6212 SD#8 15.00 - - 9.40 9,40 - - 4' 0 M.H. USE 170-E LIMEROCK BASE _ 300 10,000 _ 300 10,000 SO #7 16.00 9.3s 9.35 - - - - 4' 0 M.H. USE 170-E SHELLROCK BASE 300 10,000 300 10,000 ASPHALT _ _ _ - - _ PERINSP, PER INSP. u II tea. 13.00 13.40 13.50 I-190 �y0 in 11n v' in LAND. SLOPE AND. 5>iE LAND. 6 5' 5' 5' 5' N �� �+ p � 12,90 13.30 13.40 13.80 LMATCH - EX. EX 6'CONC. SIDEWALK EL. 12.5± SIDEWALK SIDEWALK CONNECTION DETAIL SCALE: V = 10' Al..ay. u118v Lc L,c vo. Jig: BEFOREY DIG o'" rxoWmsu�Bars xxnroA»EsrteroeErrxEn AExcrnr.wlw maw¢r NOTE: ALL TESTING SHALL BE TAKEN IN A STAGGERED SAMPLING PATTERN FROM A POINT 12" 6'< L < 50' 1:20 NO HANDRAILS INSIDE THE LEFT EDGE OF THE ITEM TESTED, TO THE CENTER, TO A POINT 12" INSIDE OF THE RIGHT EDGE. TOP EL 14.85 13.00 Z GROUT 8' E'- (TYP.1 12.00 m I 225' GROUT LL Illm mPa 0.50 0 W 11.00 INV EL m f~- J .Z� w BLEEDER 15, RCP LU �. EL 10.50 INV. EL. IDOD 10,00 EL. 10,00 2.25, BOTTOM SCALE` ri = V H C.S. #1 V C.S. #1 CONTROL STRUCTURE WEIR PLATE TYPE IF BOX CROSS SECTION LOOKING NORTH 14.00 PROP. PAVT. EL. 14.0-- p 12,00 PROP. 151, RCP Q INV. EL.11.3± Z 11.00 ILL 6" MIN. W 10.00 PROP.151, W RCP INV. EL. 9.3± 9.00 8.00 INTERFERENCE POINT #4 SCALE: k" = 3' H V=3'V 14 � Y5,15 • � ^I LO A + EX. ASPHALT PAVEMENT � • I15.00 14.50 rvyZ��� ♦ N SO #9 TQP EL. k3.5p � 1a. CR, ^ 1 5,W INV EI 1115 \yb�+ �+ A-.7-- 1 z N 0WOO'WE 177.24' FM FM FM --�mM FM 1117 } 2 i> >' >' TOP EL 12.73 p Z N INV. EL 9.44 >' Y ) SINV. EL. 9.44 / X EIN --- -- It'>.T.92 41 1 WMWM WM WM --1 WM -- ME�IIALEUCA BLVfD� (PAVED 80' R/W) 3 EX. STORAGE YARD EX. BUD& EX CONC. PARKING AREA EX. BLDG. EX cow. PARKING AREA 1/2" CHAMFER SEE SITE PLAN 3,OW PSI CONCRETE - PAVEMENT a BASE COMPACTED SUBGRADE SIDEWALK/PAVEMENT DETAIL N.T.S. WARN l INNGG \ 1 \ WN\\VIA HANDICAP RAMP DETAIL N.T.S. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES: te 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR INSPECTING THE SITE PRIOR TO o N w BIDDING WORK AND SHALL TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION ANY OMISSIONS, M UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, OR OTHER ITEMS AFFECTING THE INSTALLATION OF � PAVING, DRAINAGE, AND UTILITIES, SHOULD UNCHARTED OR INCORRECTLY CHARTED UTILITIES OR OTHER ITEMS BE ENCOUNTERED DURING CONSTRUCTION, CONSULT w N ENGINEER OF RECORD IMMEDIATELY FOR DIRECTIONS. REPAIR DAMAGED UTILITIES 0 OR OTHER ITEMS TO SATISFACTION OF UTILITY OWNER AND ENGINEER OF O 00 RECORD. 0_'D 2. ALL MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE sn ¢ -) Z CITY, COUNTY, STATE, AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS, CODES, AND ORDINANCES, INCLUDING OSHA AND FOOT SPECIFICAIONS, LASTE5T EDITION UNLESS OTHERWISE Li z � 1 w AUTHORIZED BY THE ENGINEER IN WRITING. (Do- Z a 3. LOCATION AND SIZES OF ALL EX. UTILITIES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. CONTRACTOR IS w Q m RESPONSIBLE FOR EXACT FIELD LOCATION AND SIZES PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION TO ALLOW FOR PIPE RECONFIGURATION IF NEEDED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT ALL AFFECTED UTILITIES AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN (Q N ADVANCE OF CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS. 0) d. 4. ANY DISCREPANCIES ON THE DRAWINGS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF (0 � THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. c0 5. NO FIELD CHANGES OR DEVIATIONS FROM DESIGN SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT PRIOR o I J WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER OF RECORD. 00 p D 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL REQUIRED PERMITS / LICENSES PRIOR TO J 0] O Or w Ln (N N COMMENCING WORK. / W U 0) �L L> >� �O 7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP COPIES OF ALL PERMITS, PLANS, AND SPECIFICATIONS J tr w l `-'_ ON SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION. 11 • k 8. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL REQUIRED TESTING TO BE (\ Q PERFORMED BY AN INDEPENDENT TESTING LABORATORY APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER Z W LL OF RECORD. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY DENSITY TESTS TO ENGINEER OF 0' U `t O O �, RECORD ON ALL SUB GRADE AND BASE. TESTS SHALL BE PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE W O WITH AASHTO T-180 METHOD AT ALL AREAS OF DISTURBED ASPHALT & PIPE r , a TRENCHING. V W J W 00U 9. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECTING ANY DAMAGE RESULTING Z N w FROM HIS OPERATIONS, TO EXISTING PAVEMENT, SWALES, ETC. W 3 IKN 10. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL GUARANTEE ALL WORK AND MATERIALS FOR A PERIOD OF N ZLLJ W r 11 .�-.0 ONE YEAR FROM THE DATE THAT PROJECT HAS BEEN ACCEPTED. ALL FAULTY ' t' CONSTRUCTION AND/OR MATERIALS THAT OCCUR DURING AFORESAID PERIOD SHALL LLI BE CORRECTED AT THE CONTRACTORS'S EXPENSE AND IN A TIMELY MANNER. 11. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE STATE, r� COUNTY AND CITY AUTHORITIES REGARDING CLOSING OR RESTRICTING THE USE OF F� PUBLIC STREETS OR HIGHWAYS. 12. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL GIVE ADEQUATE NOTIFICATION TO ALL AFFECTED UTILITY OWNERS FOR REMOVAL, RELOCATION AND ALTERATION OF THEIR EXISTING FACILITIES. 13. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY REQUIRED INSPECTIONS AND SHALL SUPPLY ALL EQUIPMENT NECESSARY FOR W INSPECTIONS AND/OR TESTING. Z G 14. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE THE ENGINEER A5-BUILT SURVEYS CERTIFIED BY A LICENSED SURVEYOR UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION AND SCHEDULE A FINAL N INSPECTION WITH THE ENGINEER OF RECORD. w �0 1 15. ANY PUBLIC LAND CORNER WITHIN THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE W � PROTECTED. IF A CORNER MONUMENT IS IN DANGER OF BEING DESTROYED AND HAS , NOT BEEN PROPERLY REFERENCED, THE CONTRACTOR SHOULD NOTIFY THE COUNTY w SURVEYOR WITHOUT DELAY BY TELEPHONE. 0 16. IF HARDPAN I5 ENCOUNTERED WITHIN RETENTION AREA OR SWALES, IT SHALL BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH A GRANULAR MATERIAL. , m 17. IF MUCK OR ANY OTHER UNSUITABLE MATERIAL I5 ENCOUNTERED, THE MATERIAL SHALL BE COMPLETELY REMOVED AND BACK FILLED WITH A GRANULAR MATERIAL AND COMPACTED TO DENSITIES SUFFICIENT TO ACCOMMODATE THE INTENDED USE. 06 18. LOCATION OF STRUCTURES SHALL GOVERN AND PIPE LENGTHS MAY HAVE TO BE ADJUSTED TO ACCOMPLISHCONSTRUCTION A 5 SHOWN ON THESE PLANS. 19, RCP INDICATES REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE. P NFOR ED CONC E E P E. CM INDICATES GALVANIZED CORRUGATED METAL V n 7 V Z PIPE. BCCMP INDICATES BITUMINOUS COATED CORRUGATED J A METAL PIPE. CAP INDICATES CORRUGATED ALUMINUM PIPE. CPP INDICATES CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE PIPE (N12) MANUFACTURED BY ADVANCED DRAINAGE � ^ L SYSTEMS, INC. (ADS). 20. MITERED END SECTIONS SPECIFIED ON THE PLANS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH W U FOOT STANDARD D INDEX N N0.272. 21. COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS FOR PIPE BEDS SHALL BE 90% OF MAXIMUM DRY Ij V V a ILL DENSITY. Z 22. TEMPORARY DRAINAGE SHALL BE PROVIDED DURING CONSTRUCTION TO ELIMINATE W ANY FLOODING OF PRIVATE PROPERTY. 23. ALL STORM SEWER LINES AND DRAINAGE STRUCTURES SHALL BE CLEANED OF DEBRIS AND ERODED MATERIALS TH \ DURING E FINAL STAGES OF CONSTRUCTION. O 24. ANY DRAINAGE PROBLEMS CREATED BY CONSTRUCTION,OR EXISTING BEFORE wx CONSTRUCTION AND NOT ALLEVIATED AS PART OF THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS, /� W SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE GOVERNING AUTHORITY AND THE L.L ENGINEER OF RECORD. 25. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE PRECAUTIONS TO PROTECT EXISTING TREES SHOWN TO REMAIN. IF ANY TREES MARKED TO BE REMOVED CAN BE SAVED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SAVE SAID TREES. SHOULD ADDITIONAL TREES NEED TO BE REMOVED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER OF RECORD FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO REMOVING SAID TREES. 26. IF EXCAVATED FILL MATERIAL IS REUSABLE, STOCKPILE EXCESS FOR USE IN LANDSCAPED AREAS. 27. UNUSABLE CLEARED MATERIAL SHALL BE REMOVED FROM SITE AND HAULED TO AN APPROVED DISPOSAL SITE. AS AN ALTERNATIVE, BURNING ON SITE WILL BE ALLOWED WITH PROPER PERMITS. LOCATION OF BURN SITE SHALL BE APPROVED BY OWNER. 28. ALL AREAS DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE RESTORED TO WA Q _� PRE -CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS OR BETTER. ALL EXISTING SIGNAGE, PAVEMENT MARKINGS, ABOVE GROUND APPURTENANCES, ETC. SHALL BE RESTORED IN KIND. 0/ O 29. WHEN PAVEMENT IS SHOWN NEXT TO A CURB OR SIDEWALK, THE ELEVATION OF THE LL LL TOP OF CURB OR SIDEWALK IS 6" ABOVE THE PAVEMENT, UNLE55INDICATED AS r FLUSH. IN SOME CASES, BOTH ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN FOR ADDITIONAL CLARITY. Q Z 30. ALL CONCRETE SHALL DEVELOP A 28-DAY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3,000 PSI UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 0 ul 31. ALL REINFORCING STEEL SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A-615 AND HAVE A TENSILE Z U STRENGTH J OF 60,000 PSI UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. _ Z 32. ALL WATER FLUSHED FROM MAINS SHALL BE DIRECTED AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER ( ) J OF RECORD. 33, NO WATER OR SEWER SERVICE IS TO BE SUPPLIED, UNTIL A LETTER OF CLEARANCE IS RECEIVED FROM FDEP,IF APPLICABLE. 34. MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE "MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES FOR STREETS AND HIGHWAYS", AND THE FOOT "ROADWAY AND TRAFFIC DESIGN STANDARDS INDEX #600", LATEST EDITIONS. 35. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL - CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL USING THE LATEST F.D.O.T. STANDARDS. BALED HAY, STRAW, AND SILTATION BARRIERS WILL BE INSTALLED WHERE NEEDED TO PREVENT SILTATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY, PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY, WETLANDS AND } WATERWAYS. THESE WILL REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL GRASSING OR SODDING HAS BEEN COMPLETED OR UNTIL SILTATION AND EROSION ARE NO LONGER A THREAT TO .. °n I ADJACENT PROPERTY AND WATERWAYS. w n 3 u o 0 36. ALL BERMS AND GRASSED AREAS SHALL BE SEEDED AND MULCHED IN ACCORDANCE w° a S o p o c= a = WITH THE APPROPRIATE SECTIONS OF THE ABOVE REFERENCED SPECIFICATIONS UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED BY THE ENGINEER OF RECORD. SHEET NO.: 37. BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION PREPARED BY VELCON GROUP, INC. DRAWING NO. 12-066, ALL ELEVATIONS PER BENCHMARKS REFERENCED ON SURVEY. OF JOB No. 12-066 ENG 17_00 16.00 Fy[rIw Q 14.00 Z H 13.00 EX. CONC. L SIDEWALK LU LU 12.00 17.00 16.00 15,00 14.00 > Z F- 13,00 tL LU W 12.00 11.00 10.00 9.00 SOD / LANDSCAPE `- MATCH EX. ( GRADE EL.12.7t 5' 3 0 SOD SOD 50 31' PROP. PAVT. EL. 14.30 INVERTED CROWN EL. VARIES 13.50 -14.15 PROP. FIFE =15.25 1 1 1 CROSS SECTION CROSS SECTION 3 0 10' 530 SOD 1,25" TYPE SP 9.5 PRIMECOAT SEALANT TO BE APPLIED FINE ASPHALTIC ON TOP OF BASE COURSE CONCRETE TRAFFIC LFVFI B CONSTRUCT1 PACT( ,C 8„ COQUINA BBASS COMPACTED COMPACTEDD � „11 98%MAX. DRY DENSITY PER AAA SHTO T-180 METHOD, LBR 100 b �J5TABILIZEO SUBGRADE MIN. DEPTH NOTE: OF 8", COMPACTED TO 98% MAX. DRY PAVEMENT SHALL HAVE MARSHALL DENSITY PER AASHTO T-180 METHOD, STABILITY OF 1,000 LES. MIN. FBV 75 PSI OR LBR40, MIXED AND HOMOGENEOUS MATERIAL TYPICAL ONSITE ASPHALT PAVEMENT DETAILS Or N.T.5 PROP.15" RCP INV. EL.11.2t 7' 50D/ LANDSCAPE 42' PROP. PAVT. SCALE: V = It,' H P= 2'V 6' 6' CONC. LANDSC SIDEWALK EL EL. EL. 15.000 15.10 15,15 EL. , 14.50 1 .. 17.00 16,00 15.00 -----� p 14,UU > MATCH EX, e Z GRADE 14.0± 1- 13.00 LU W 12.00 11.00 10.00 9,00 CROSS SECTION SCALE: 1" = f0' H V = 2' V �../ 8" 6" PORT, CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT (3,000 PSI) R. ,a • .y . ,d a .o ., . • • . d y .• �. I .4 STABILIZED 5USGRADE MIN. DEPTH OF 6", COMPACTED TO 96 { MAX. DRY DENSITY MOD. PROCTOR PER AASHTO T-180 METHOD, MIN. NOTE: FBV 75 PSI OR LBR40. 1. CONCRETE PAVEMENT, AT A MINIMUM, MUST BE CONSTRUCTED OF FDOT APPROVED CLA55 II CONCRETE. SUBGRADE MATERIAL SHALL BE A MINIMUM THICKNESS OF SIX INCHES WITH A MINIMUM LIMEROCK BEARING RATIO OF 40 OR 75 P5I FBV, 2. CONCRETE SHALL BE REINFORCED WITH FIBER MESH ADDITIVE OR WITH 6x6 #10/#10 W.W.M. 3. 5AW-CUTJOINT5 @ 15' O.C. EXPANSION JOINTS @ 40' O.C. TYPICAL ONSITE CONCRETE PAVEMENT DETAIL5 N.T.5 PROP. PAVT, I 10' -SOD / LANDSCAPE EL. VARIES 14.10 -14.50 17.00 6' 4' 50D / LAI, DSCA 16.00 MATCH EX. I EL- 15.00 GRADE 16.0± 15.0 I a 4 14.00 > er I Z 13.00 3' LL W W 1200 I 11.00 10.00 PRO0P. 15" RCP INV. EL. 9.7+ 9,00 EL.14.5 CROSS SECTION EX, PAVT_ I MATCH EX. I GRADE 14.5t 1"=10'H I" = 2' V SAW -CUT AND TACK COAT g'_plt EXISTING-\ EXISTING ASPHALT \ f L tl pPQPQSEE) A5PHAI TPAVEMENT EXISTING BASE / � � � PROPOSED BASE EXISTING SU8-GRADE PROPOSED SUB -GRADE ASPHALT PAVEMENT SAWCUTA BUTTJOINT DETAIL N.T.S. 7" Std. 7% 6" Min! 8" When 2'-0" • Mte used on high side re roadways, the cross slope of the gu ttar shall match the cross slope of }he ad Jacent pavergppl•.ce On Low Side Of Pavement TYPE F The thickness of the lip shell be 6-,1 unless othsrwlse she on plans, a Be } Above Lip Of Gutter, Surface Note: For use adjacent to concrete or flexible pavement, concrete shown. On High Side To Be Flush With Lip Of For details depicting usage adjacent to flexible pavement, see diagram right. Curb Or Curb & Gutter. Exponsion joint, preformed joint filler and joint seal are required between curb & gutter and concrete pavement only, see diagram right. Slope Varies CONCRIEA CURB AND GUTTER L.� Flexible Pavt. _I /Joint Seal m 0 Applies to both hlgh and low aides of pavement, tow side shown. cane. Pav't. ADJACENT TO GUTTER PAVEMEN CURB } Exp. t And Pro formedJoinJoint Flller TYPE D Joint Seolo TI --_ -� Nuts: For we adjacent p to concrete or flexible an pavement, concrete shown. ;J. Sad I' Bevaletl Ce Round Comers '" Ead I' -Beveled Cr Round Camera „ J Expansion Joint, preform etl Joint filler and joint seal are required between cur eQ, ? and concrete pavement only, see diagram right E Cwaate Con cret CONCRETE CURB Gutter Pavement °M'x. Depth 0/ Snwcut 4"�Prefor Joint And / -L Preformed Joint Fillelo 0" Min. 5' Max, Preformed to both high and low sides of pavement, low side shown. W F_ o° Max. EXPANSION JOINT BETWEEN GUTTER s S TYPE F AND CONCRETE PAVEMENT \ Sawcuts should be avoided within valley gutter and within curb and gutter endings. X CONTRACTION JOINT IN CURB AND GUTTER GENERAL NOTES ^ 1. For eurb,gutter,and curb and gutter prot}tla }" contraction joints at 10• centers (max.). Contraction joints adjacent to eoncn pavement on tangents and Cot curves are to match the pavement Conrnte Sae, J" 0dA' Thli joints, with intermediate joints not to exceed 70' centers. Relnfamed sun wvn' 66x8-Ix.", � Sad , ° --- -- m Curb,gutter and curb & gutter expansion joints shall be located In accordance with Section 520 of the standard specifications. 2. Ends of Curbs Types 8 and D shall transition from full to zero /-�-�s TOP VIEW -SINGLE PIPE 5' Min.heights in 3 feet. own 5} �o'o'pNo n 5.� Max.\ ior}°Holes =Yal Around oat. Edge Of Flpe Por6 91 "- Concrete Slat, 3" 06�I' RelnWin Thli, b D Z'r Porced WinroseBxa-1V1.4x1M.4 Soe ° Concrete PIP® connect TOP NEW -MULTIPLE PIPE es • m Blde OilcM1 Grad _ ,dRo ��� i t ale I n I' a NOTE: See sheet 8 far details and notes. CROSSUnleNeeo PiperaJvdednt B aThrmeNlEend Neer S0 > Sod DRAIN E •Slope: 4:1 Miter. To Pa P'Ppea 24'PIAnE arga ° s^°"°` MITERED END SECTION Paid Farb Pipe Cal t F (Pipe io Be Include Untler Unit Pnce For N'tered Entl Section 21 MRen To I Pipe Far Plans 16" And Smallc. SINGLE AND MULTIPLE ROUND CONCRETE PIPE SECTION I:I Far Pipes 24" And Larger. F.D.O.T. INDEX NUMBER 272 2" Min. 3" Max. th DepOf Sawcu4 3y th 1 TYPE D CONTRACTION JOINT IN CURB R CONCRETE BUMPER GUARD CURB & GUTTER DETAIL F.D.O.T. INDEX NUMBER 300 1 of 1" is JU H V= 2'V PRIME COAT 1' TYPE 'FC' SEALANT 3' TYPE 'SP' ASPHALT OR MATCH ASPHALT EXISTING EXISTING STABILIZED SAW CUT EX, SURFACE ASPHALT (TYP,) MATERIAL NEW INSTALLATION (PIPE) r > r USE EX, MATERIAL TO BACKFILL DITCH I 12' I.. 12' VARIES GENERAL NOTES 1, REPLACED BASE MATERIAL OVER DITCH SHALL BE TWICE THE THICKNESS OF THE ORGINAL BASE, 2, BASE MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED IN TWO OR THREE LAYERS AND EACH LAYER THOROUGHLY ROLLED OR TAMPED TO MAXIMUM DENSITY, 3, ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT JOINTS SHALL BE MECHANICALLY SAWED. 4, SURFACED TREATED PAVEMVNT JOINTS SHALL BE LAPPED AND FEATHERED, 5, SURFACE MATERIAL WILL HE CONSISTENT WITH THE EXISTING SURFACE, REPLACEMENT OF FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION FIELD OBSERVATIONS I. DRAINAGE A. LAYING OF PIPE (BEFORE BACKFILL) B. ALL DRAINAGE STRUCTURES AND PIPE LAYING COMPLETE. C. CONSTRUCTION AND STABILIZATION OF RETENTION AREAS AND SWALES. D. SEEDING, MULCH AND SODDING IN AREAS WHERE EROSION 15 EVIDENT. II. UTILITIES (PERMITS) A. PIPE LAYING IN RIGHTS -OF -WAYS. B. JACK AND BORING / DIRECTIONAL BORING. C. WET TAPS. D. ABOVE GROUND MANHOLE INSPECTIONS AND INSTALLATIONS, III. CONCRETE A. CONSTRUCTION OF CURBING, SIDEWALK, NON -BUILDING SLABS, Q w � j w O Z Six Z ¢ w cat Ic sylD �, w p N LLJ N N GO w o z° Q w Lt X AND RETAINING WALLS BEFORE PLACEMENT OF CONCRETE,Ll r 1 IV. PAVEMENT V 6) A. LINE AND GRADE (CERTIFICATION). Z 0) B, SUBBASE (PRIOR TO ADDING BASE MATERIAL) Ln C. BASE (PRIOR TO PRIMING AND SAND SEAL) D. BASE(AFTER PRIMING, SAND SEAL AND BEFORE PLACING OF p ASPHALT) z E. ASPHALT OR CONCRETE (WHILE PAVING I5 IN PROCESS). X m 00 O F, TURN OUT CONSTRUCTION ONTO CITY, COUNTY, OR STATE ROAD O .-.Q (ABOVE INSPECTIONS APPLY). ® >__LI W N N G. TEST RESULTS ON SUBBASE, BASE AND ASPHALT. ry U 0) r - H.FINAL PROJECT OBSERVATION. J �O PROJECT CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS \,/ N L :D L. PAVEMENT TESTING Z LJJ r N A. FLORIDA BEARING VALUE (FBV) OR LIMEROCK BEARING RATIO w`� � �- (LBR) TEST RESULTS. 0 U O O (1) Q ? P. CC"'PACTrCN xcr 511 Tc i LL y C. BASE MATERIAL TEST RESULTS. U 0) F 0, ASPHALT TEST RESULTS. W �� CO U II. WATER AND SEWER W Z F- �E ("� N A. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION CERTIFICATION N 0' FOR BOTH WATER AND SEWER (OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE), ZOO LU 0 IF APPLICABLE. I'+•I R �U B. HEALTH DEPARTMENT CERTIFICATION, IF APPLICABLE. 'Y' r L, C. BACTERIOLOGICAL AND PRESSURE TESTING FOR WATER MAINS, W 0. VIDEO AND EXFILTRATION TESTING FOR GRAVITY SEWER MAINS, IF APPLICABLE. L E. PRESSURE TESTING FOR FORCE MAINS, IF APPLICABLE. eew f F. UTILITY ACCEPTANCE FOR OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, IF APPLICABLE, III. CERTIFICATION AND RECORD DRAWINGS A. SEALED CERTIFICATION BY THE ENGINEER OF RECORD FOR 7 COMPLIANCE WITH APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ALONG WITH RECORD DRAWINGS FOR THE PROJECT, NOTE: ALL ELEVATIONS SHOWN OR REFEREN(AED WITHIN THESE PLANS ARE BASED UPON NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (N.AN.D.). TO CONVERT FROM N.A.V.D. ' 88 TO N.G.V.D. ' 29, ADD 1.48' TO THE N.A,V.D. ELEVATIONS TO GET N.G. V.D. ELEVATIONS. AL.r.tGus.u.r ya"dsyi ) 86PORE YOU DIG cue Tw0cphuwNEssa M "AITFaRTHEsne re ar.rikED assGECTfNE MgRN$ a G6g E Y •♦ r (W v V W V Z its W 3 U ° 4 a h 0 p o V) o U U '- SHEET NO.: 3 OF JOB No. ex 2-066 ENG ex