HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0686 ',' I' ,( I 1 ,. -' I I. - / . ",' " . , . .. I... .. .. I i' I.. r I ,. II I .: . " i ' , . .. I ,", ' I .' , '. I : '( " I' I., . . ., '. t i. ,I, , " :--.~'. ~~~:::;::, 'f~;":::'Ir~~~~::;;:l':~'1~-;~~~ '..~l;':::;':';~~:'_~~;-~-T~I ,: ~L"";~~~.nQIi~:..~-;m~:~L~I'~~g~-",,~~~~rf'" " I ~. }~l -i-ihsIND}:NTUR8,l1adHhl.. :l.~~--'-~~~fy.clf ... '~Fh '., ,,\ .' -\.p: l~ BqTWEEIF , . 'I, i,'. ,'" . .1.Fre~: '\I. Q,ar~anCl GkEl!J;. 1'~~~..,.~lli.2.~f ~te{'.1la.'Ga\r~ri.. I .'_~-'-~_~ ,~.I, ~ '\, _ ,-- " '~._-- ,'.. "... \ . '. .' I I . . .. 1 \ "'T-C, .'. : -r.-t '", ,\ ' I , \. 1: '~f t~ CO~\70f ". . \, Summl ~. I' \'. ~~ \. .~d,'Sta(~ of" :., . Ohtp'" \ I', i' I I ': ~~ ~ lb. ~rSI ~rt, ~4: \~ \ " I ~::.....:.._.:.._.,..,.~_~.u...f!JL~J.\1l29KJ.:--'.:....:"'~__L...,.......:........~~ \ . .. (I \ , \'. . , \ -~ \ I . , \.- " , . '\..' '. . \.. I " ~ ",. . " '-,'.. , .... ';I, ". \ .. ' \, . .' , \ .,~. tbe'County ~f~l, " ~~_::..._..~_,.-,-_~nd- Slate of.l.d ... Ji..B.,.. YL\r,k -"- 'part~ of the .setol1~ ~ar,~.' ~\. l'~ITNEss~-i:If.tb~tth~~~4~artJAfJofthefiut'p&rt,f~~'~ncl iDc~D,id~ration ot th~ IUDlof 'i'~n &- Oa/lOO;'--"'':_-'-' . II \, \ \' I . \ ,\ ,\. aud ocher. valuabil.e OOlla.ideratlon.' \ '. I ' ,\ \.1 \ \;-r---"\ ' 'I' -'~\'.. ,~-.\ D~Ua,r.. to t.~e~la ~andpilcl. the ~celpt whereof l...bettb)'\aeknolWle~gecl.' ' ba..R.~ted".tiarpined, ~Id a!14 transfe-rred;and b;the.e'ptmnta do":':"~~ran.t: ba.....\t1~ nU.andfiall;fcr uato,ihe ..14 pan.i...--: of t~e icc'olid' ~ . \.' . \ .'. ' " , --~ ' . '-. . '.. '." ,~.'; . \ . \ :-.-"" '" \' . P,art ~<J. . ..:..:...heift '-Ild a..lgns forever, all i.hatcertaln' parcel of land lyiJi, and being In. tho County of S t I . Lilo1e' and Stat~ a.f~2ri4a" . \~_"":~~Dlor~ ~r1icUla~lY atlcti~~~' io~ow.:' . ~__--:---- .'\ : . ' Lot Ho. '33' of the. Little Aor'e ~~arm Lota. ,.a aUbUvielon of .Trabt 14. .,. ",'. --.... ..-r...-----..~-- ...-'t fl.. . ."-.- ~ -.. ~- . .. .......,.. ..~..:.-._. . '~.-.' 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" . . :' .~ ------ . . IN WITNESS ~VIIEREOF, ~e:nid parcl~:.o( the~~tPartha..i:.L'he~!UlIto Jet Signed, "al~d and deJiYer~d 'I,D Q!U' pr~"Dce: '.~., . . -- . . I':; A' Co ' ': '.. ' .' ~::::..':.~',..:i~,,::g::":'\~J:,~~~:=':'~:::~:'.=.=~':-:~~=-::~:;:~::'~::::~:'::~,:::~~ ~h91r hancU5AndHaLBthe day &lid' year abotewritten. .'< ~".-,-~,~l.l:U...:a~-.~4.man"--~:~'~~~'~'c-:-~___'J_''''':(S~~)' " . . '~_",,__,~J:r f.!,~~_.,~..!,'..,Q~.!"-~~~.n'_.."_.__..,...:,~_~..c-_(SE~L) . '. . .. .......:. :-.. .... ". . .... -~:.... ... '~~"! . '. . u...... ...._ _ _..._.~..... __.. ." _........... ...u_... ._._.... ............._ .... __'.. '~..._..,..... . ." , STA1:EPf~,..Q!ll()o--,-:-:=:-~.,..~:"':':""':.~--.:-._ t, ' . ..' S"tmmit' . ..' ) COUNT:.VOP~~,. . . ~---"'--~_ I HEREBYCER:rtfY, Tb.at ~thls~ira~~_d;" ~f_ .1!11r.ah.-' ~ilOnall~ appcarfo!F~eLH....Jl.arman, and.JlrfiOf!. T., G8.~ 1I'1f(l O!,~.:ll.-'~IIOlD, to DIe kl)~wn lo' be tbe 'pcnon..!... dueribed In aad who executed the foregoing con~yance 10 Edl th ~.. ,j'jl~ , --~~-~:-"_'-'~'---;~1. .' . _,--+-~ci. ae~eraIlY: ~cJ!n.owl~d&ed tbe~cculion tber~ofto' ~ t hA 1 j. (reea.ct .nd deed for tbe use. arldplI~~S tbudn mentloned;,and,tb~ .aid_.._G~6~_e . L~, Garman, .' . " . "h.' .'f f'b :..'" Fred H.' Garmn "...... '.' f I -., 'I' I I' '.,' , t e WI eo I e lala ,_._....:.-_.-'____.______,__.._;....,.__.."..._.,-.____.,-.-____~-~__:_--~on a Sf afa e anII pnva e exam n-a -,on ,takfll ..",J Ill'.". I,y and bdor~ m~. and I.para'tly.an.d.aparl--from,hor said h\l~ba,nd. did ackn.owl.dl1~.thal she ma". hffltl.... parlyto Ih. nid.n..dof Con..pnce, (Of Ihf j>urpost 'of rtnoun.cinlf, rt""<Jui~I"'n.g and COriH'Yinll: ~I\ ~tr r,~hl, lillfl,:\o1 inl"..I,. ..hfth.. of dower 1>r 01 Itpar.a1e property. "a'ulorr .' or e<jUlrat.ft, ,n and 10 Ih. land. Iher.m dUCflbLd, and Ibal l~e el'ccuted uld df~d freel)' and yolunta(lly and Wllhout any conalr~I!11, In~ apprLbLa,sloD or compulaion of or (rom her .lId bUlband. "',' '. ': ' ,,: D. 192.JL.b~fore me ~ ." , . ----.....-...- 0. .' WITNESS lD)'signalu,re ~ndoftieial acal at~:..."~.n.. OM (). . and Stat~ ilL 00 OQ '~~ _ SIP""" it . ill ~e COWl17 of ~._~.-..:... .-~: .-.:;-::~- '. '.., A C . ~... . .' . . ~.,::-"':.,,~::;Q~iiii~a~:;Xpi:r_--J~o~ l~~d ..... . .,-''-1. :. '.' ..... STATE OF nORIOA '} COUNTY OF ST. L\1CIE On tbl.28 th I da, of . A'Dr 11 ..\.l>.19~ at 11.. ~ '6'c1oclt-L-?'"' thje ill.trume~t w~. filed for r~cord, 'and bein, duly ad'no'~l:dged and pronD, I hay!! recOrded lhe' ,a me 011 page-1P.___..._.ofBook......M.,...--ln tbe pnbli~ record. of~id CounlY, . . . '. ." . . . . I~ \VIT:-n:SS WHEREOF, I'hawe hneWlto aet my h~nd and.affixed the .eal of the Circuit Court of th'e fifteentb Judicial Circuit of eald SIale, i)I and ioraaid Counly. .. , A ~" -".'..-' p. c: Clerk. . '~I) 'v" V; . ,I - , ~ I . <..._~-:.-::...~.-;,.<.....:::,;;~~~,,_~..._4+:.r 4 ~ - - ",,-"ow. _, ~ .. _ ~ ...------ ---. , , ~-- ...._-~-_.. .._----,.