HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0694 re ~r oj": I', I .. " : ~l.-! ~~~- \ I.. . : :'.,~ I ,I: - ~;..- '-'~ -" '. '.f" ., t i Ii i. I ;t \. :IE\' ,. -'\ \ " \ \ .\ \ :.. .~ "1) :",. '.." :. ft.' .;; ,~. " ,.~ ~. , , [, i , , ' l''''-''"'-~-~'-'-'~ I r t I', r"" l' I: } 0"'-7 . :'1-'}- ,.--" ,,-.,... .--"..,._--' -. . . ',- -~:-~--. ',-.~~-..--.;j ~~.~r-;! ~O~. 1 , ,.' -n t ,."'" . . ,I I' , " } " , · i.l "', ., ., '1 , , " :' ! , I "" " .:"j", "1 ,". I. ".: ,:""I'r .~~(I.I "'" ': 'JI" ,,<. i! - .....S1lll.rt -'bat:; ;t--~______.l~"",,-'r-------~~ ...... "'~1l~" ~~.~!! ~~tl1'tr.l ~ lla 1iw'--...,~.....--~~-- ...,.~-'-1..... . ... I..,."..~~~...--~....~ ,7 ~ ~~~~~~~-'.__.___.....r~..._ .....' ..~r~~I~~~~"~~'"~,..,.-~-.~7"' t . . ~ I . t -, ~ . '. . I' .. . '. .. .' .' . .,'.' ..... . - j . . .. '. - > j :r~fB J~Dliltl~UR&, J.1a1e thl~ ,\ i ,Te'f~b~-;:",:.-~~day,,~t ij,priJ!.: : I 'J, . >,...D:~19* n~~\~IEEN '. i I,. " JalJlesLane.. (Widower) 1 \ .' _'_._.,;.__._:..'. '. \", ", i " \ ' '~-~--r- .\. . . '.-r~T. ". \ '11. \ '.';'\. ~.~\. .' -' ~;\l . \.-~~q i ~f the toull\1.of .', ',D&,lL-~ ' ~l ',. I 'and, Slate ol~~~ . i \,~:';"-'partJ--,of\~; 6r1~ p~ all~ I 1~-"~-<,_.._:,.:....:...~~r,~~f~H'~h~...L.....;'~~,"~__+--,j..":-, ' ". ~ I, , ., ' " " .-,.', "', ., \' ,. ',' . \ .', ,'\.. I ." , . :' 'Of the,Gountr o,l::....:.;.St-.LD.U.a-_...,..,.,..~_~and Stite of__~-'-:~~~ldL....,...--__, part+ pl-tbe .ec;)nd,plrl, ,'i "1'. '. '. . . " . . \. '.' . , ,.: . '..' '" ." , ."'. \.\ \' \. , WIT~E~S~Tf{"th,"~"'i,~par~-'- of,~~efui'~f?r and in (on.id~~a\ion ()f tblllUQlof ., .Lenf>oll~r8 ~~ 9 th~r " . \~ ,~,a.iu~9.1~ COll~id~_rut1.!illli~ '.. ~',. , . lJo~lar..iohi~ in ~andPald, ,tbere~eipt ~here.~'r'~ beii.biacknowled~e4.' f1a~~ gr-an.ted( bargaia~..old arid 'ran.rerr~cI\ and b)' ,hue pre~l\.t.. dO_~l!.grant: bal-raln,'.aell and tr~asfer,untothe, laid.' p~t~~Qf the, ~co04 .. \ .. . . ' . ., . . \ ,. ., . .. " . \. .' . . ' part anLh-;L8 . ~eirs an\! -.alps fo~cy~r; ~11~atcert~ln parcei of land l1ing and ~inl in tbe CoPftty ~f ' St'.' L~~-..:..,.,...:.-.~. , . . < " . -. . a~.d 'S~~te,o~~10Tlda, . ~~~_mor~ particularly ~ClCrit.ec!.~ follows I ___. , ..:.~~,,~~...,._,~..__.__._~h(t..ilo.M.~.h.;..:d; r_ttin~,113,L8.0,tgJL,oLt~e....li,\'4..: Qf "the ~4-~~.~~' ,. . . ~ ; \ \ _ t . ... \ ________, ... .___' ,..._____..;3.~.1O'~, .E,1g...:,,_,laL_~O!lu.shi.p,__~~ .J"\1J- f11u,r~.l.34.J So 11 ~J1 1) f' ~,~~,~_-.-'_____~~--'- . -' ... ...., . . \.' 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'-; ~ ,'. _:..-.-r-.;.;-.--:;....:....:;._..;....._,;..:..,-_.~._-_._."~--.._::-.~--- __.':....._~_.."":....':....__.__._..__.._...,___:...~--...:....:_u_. ..:.....'...__,_~~_-,:.__-:-___.__.__._~_~n_:.~_~----.:_...:.:_..r~' . ." f" '. t 1 ~ ___._:..._.............--.-....:...,.....-.:--...-._u......;...-;........~.~._~.__._-_.u;--.-_.__.~-'-.__...-:O--..'"":__::-~_~_......-_~_.:.--;"""_::.._"'___.__~_ ... .' ~.......__~ :tOGc~'rnER~irb.all Ihe ten.mut!l, hmdilam~nl.' a!,d appurtenalfte" ,v.:i1h e.~ry"f.riYileg~,-' rigbt, title. inierut. and :ulalt; .4?""fral\d. ~i~hl of ~wu, re~eI"on. remamder and ~as<mea,t lherelo,belonilD' or an anywl.e appertalnlnll:. TO t ~V l!~, ....~p.''J',~_"-.<?LD, Ibe .laJlle io. fee .unple.lorner,. ~.. ..: .: , An'd tlfe uidpar~_.:'-j)f Ihe tint p~do,;...:.~ connant.jlb 'tlle nidp.rt~ ,of t\l~ .~nd p~rtth.t- 11. i. B,~_ . la.rulJ,y ~i;~d of tbe' '.. . . ..... " ' '. .... '. '. '. I lai!l.1>j-~'mi.c., that theya;( ';,e 'fro~ all i_ncu~bran~eu~d .thaLhI..Jl~ll~ rl~hl .anel. la~' "lIth~rlt; t~ aelitbe, lal\l~>;and the. ~d.~ 'of \' '~,fir'f P~~. d04Jt'b~reb7 (01)' ~rranl:..t~~ti'Ic'to nid 1aJfd,~d Willd~i~~d~e~~ 19ain,at th~ b~fai clai~. o(~IPc;~~~'~h~~cr, '-'-""~.' '. INWITNES,S WHEREOF, .~.~ A~dS;~of tbc'fi.r.t,art; b.~.;;'; bereilato Ht.h18'hUld aad ~ tb~ da7~ year aboje -wri.ttell. -\ . - . ' - ~. ,. . Signtd, "al~d &lid dtlivered in o)1r pr~aence:' . . , . 'J' _. ...' . .1. Jt & . Lane " .' " :~ ~- ~~m_~-~:3..~~~S~~~~=m~;~~~=~?~~:~m~ ' '. " ;., t. i.' ..,..,-.-:__j,fl!ill~l~tL.",~_,,"-:_~,_,,__:~-:-,:..::.,__.:...,.(SE~L)... '. -...-,-,..:.-.:...,....;.:...~...,-.,.:..~...,...__-:..:.;. ,..,..".,..-..'"-,,..-~-___(S EAL) '. '.' . STATE OF~..~_llo..r.Ma ~~_.~,_:..,...,_:J COUN;~ OF-,.~,.._~t., Lu~ ie_-:__--,.- f i HfR:EDVCERTIFY, Tblt ~o thl~~~Ji. ' Ja!Tl)8 Laue (>Cuonallyappeared ' --~ '," . to ~e kaown to htbepenon~ ddcri~.in &lid who, execuled Ih~forei9iDJ Cofty~1~nce Co d~Yo~-~'--'-, . ApT it , J.. 'D,i~ belore Qle \- '; ..~--:---.;.......:...--~ " .Alba rt H.. Danf~th ~ . - -_.~-~~_..:..-_. .. _and ICvenll1 acknowl~;'ied the' tJt~cutioll'~b~coi to be his. .... free act ' ~ ,nd d~ed for t~ use'. and'pvlPo.e. Ih~rein meilt!oaed; a~d thc.ial~~___~ '. '. '. the ..ife 01 llienid___.~,-..:..._......__--.:._.--'--_.:..__~__,,..-'-.,.--_._____...,...:.._ >, . '_ona Itp~rale and. priule, e:uminallon ta.lt.n ~nd mad~ by 'and btrore 'm~, a.nd "paralll,. and apart rrom' her uill h~Jband, did acknowledl1e II,., ~he made bruel! a "arly to I.he 'uid 1ked. 01 ",- Convt)'ance, for-. the purpose l>f r.nouncinl1. relinquishing an<t conveyinR an.htr!i~hl, lille an.J inlerul. ,,'l1r-thtr of dowtr o~ of lt~ralr'prope.rlY, $'.'"Iot; " or ~quilal,le, in .n<t 10 Ih. !andJ lh.r.in d'Kf,b.d, and tliat .b~ execuled laid dted fro;e1y and volun,lanly alld wilhQUt any conllraint. fear, appreben.ioli or compullloD of or from ber laid b\l.b~nd. . . r . . ., , 10 the Coaa~of $t. j.llofe 'WITNES!> my.igDatlU'eand.ollicial .eal aL.--:,..~."..,_;i.Q.rl._l:.iu:CB . llorida \he day &lid year lall afofe.aid.. .;;iea~, . . . GW8n4QlYII ~.l.__..:-:.:-_~_.(SEAd.. "'Uo~ry. J:lubl1o .~'3't8t~,,'~r'li"lor1a8 L:Y Comr;.i.e!l ione XF.1res .3eptembe r 6. ' InS. E. }, .) ~ 00 t . .. day of 4~rl1 , .. ~ D. 191....5.. at~'c1oc\o ~. m, tbi. IDltrument w~, . .. . . . . 3.' , fil~d for rec'Hd. aad bein. duly aclcnowl~dJed and prona, I hue t~cordect the ..iDe on pace~--Of' Boo'- 64 in .tbe public record. of said ~~~ ' OF, fhave' bffnoto aet my baad and alliaed tbutal of Ihe Circ:uit Court of the FifteenlbJlldkial Clrcvit of nid Stale,ln and , I I. 0; lJ .t t ,"';':;' (" :::::.q; .? v 1../ 1) ,).0 'J' {~~:~~; 1 ~ - . - ~