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WlTNESS.ETI!. th.hl!.e~.11I p.rel leSof tllecfi..rItP.rt,f~ra~d.la~a'ldtr'liO~of tilt IU~ of Oue' Dollar !'ud _~____ 'v'e.1 uab\<, o.ons 1 de ra t 1 O~8. . .li-III..;., to \ t'hetn in h\nd ~Id, the "ctlpt whereoll.hereby acknowledged, . '\ \ - - \' ", ,. , \. . . . ba...Ye~n\ed; b.r~.ia~d,.old and traDsfetred, ~d by th~.e ~r~l\lIdo_-:-rr.nt,. bupl~ leU ~d.'t,aailer, Unto. the ~d ~r ~f thc'ucQIlcl . part '.'n,L..:. their ~eiu:..lId...ipl f~ver, aUl:h~t certaia Par~el~f ia:04l,-in, .nd beiDI'lDthe COaati. or . \ . st.. ~Uo1e '. :. ~~. ..' . .. - ,:.' '. .' -, \. '..' . ' ': . -: ," ,..'. ',- ..' - .... '..- " \. .\ 'and St.te Of FlorldL-,-,-~_;-more P&rtlcul.rtY'de"~bed a,follo".: _._._..~_:..:~~ .,'1 " _-'-...:_.....__m..._..~..._....,_.............~,."lQ.~,)~!.~.!!!LllJJ:_..~~~!lO.~!..~~Ll~.j~.b....~11i eT ' !..~._-,-~_~__-.-:..-': .'. ",' . ,-- .\.' , ,'- .' .' . . '. -' .' ..-,",.. ~._._..". ...:......._:.-=-_..:.:..i?.!.!!....9i ~,}>_:[.!Ii_~ f _ SW}:. q f )L~_~!.:.. 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'- ,the 6:lt p.art do_ ber~y fully w.uant the t!t1e to nid laad,.:~iJ ~ill defead.the WIle ~p'iDlt the 1a~lal cWm:Ifl~!.penoaa w~~.o.Ye!. . . -tN\\II!NESS \VHERE9F,the ~d ~i..~A: of the~'t Par1.b~_~hereuato M't~he~r :h'"lll~aa4 seal-Sthe da;. ~diear aboYe.;wri~tea. ",. ..:' " ===S1?~~..~;~:i'~:~~~~~~'=:====:=:.~l . H.'B.}.ueh ..... ..' "".... ..._~.. . _ ._. ..~..... _ .._.w~ .._ _._u'" ......_ _ _ . .' . __ . __ .._u.... ... _,,'_'.___._"""'"":" -:-. _'P~~ .:~...,_.._.~ ...~....h_U.-:..._._._.~.. > . C .' " Killer' > .' . .' ' .; , .: -::..._.__.....,...!.~!..c~...,..-:-'---:-...___,.....,....____.~_(SEAL) ...;.:.~___..:_.~nn,tL~.!:._~~J~tJ..r_::.~_,.:........_:_,_..-:-._.(SEAL) .. , STATE Op,:"".,:,!lor 1da' "':"-'. '_-'-.} ':~COU~T\~O'F----,.St., Li1oi~ . . :. .... .'. . >: ( 1 HEREBY (;ERr'If:V, Th.toa th!.~_.+t.h.___~_d~yOf_, I.!a~ . . :\_~.-.:...~ D~:I~ be(oreine . reraoo.~I,appeare~ . a.-A. 41ller _~dAnnle ?. Klller, .hie .Y11f~...... ,~'--:r-----". . '0 ~e "nowat~bc.the Pcr.on~Jt ae~!il1ed InlDd who u<<>>ted th~ fore'~iDgComiutetQ.' W. E.' Roun~tlree and: L. :t.'. . ~.:_"':~..__~~herty. . ~d ,nerall, .ckno"led~ed theueC1ltloa Jhtreof to be" the1r Ire. 'Ict .~d dre.cltonhe usn .n4 purpost,1 therein menti~ned; .nd tbe ui4~ . Ai-~)e~. Killer ~ . . . the...-ile of ,h(nid._---'-__.l-._~...,:___._~...4L.x1lli.r_~~___ . ...... . '. 'on a I~pa;~te.nd ~rinte ~~a~ination' h.~n and made \Jy' and b.for~ m~. and srpuattly and aputfrom h., uil{ hblband, did .(.no....l~dge Ihat .he made hUleU a' 'I'arfy 10Ih~I~ld Il.~d of ' C<inv~yao.c.. fO(.lh. purpOH 01 renouncing, ..linqui.hinl! lind cOllv<;Ylng an her righi, till~ and inte....', ....htlherof dowdorof ~p..rate propuiy. ".IUlOT)' or eqUllalolt. in and.1o Ih~ Ian.j~ Ihutin de~(f1bed, .nd Ihal Ihe exe~uI~4 aaid deed freely and voluotaril)' ~d witbout ally. contlraint, lear. appr~henljoa . c.r compulliQn 01 or from her saId hpl~and. " ,. .' . . , . .g\"d .Lu<lla... -2_____~ In the .CouiIl)'of "aild St.te of . the d~;and yelW Jut, ,,'~ruald:/'- . ~. . p (1 '11drad h' --~_.;...~~. ~-_.~"..ru:rl:-_..__(SE^L) erK r.Q~~.l!...",~\A".. ~.. .___ . 'By R.B, USb'" u'-v. ..., .. -- - -- 011 this' 6 th d" of May t\. D. lnL e,),1.190'cioC'lr a ..... thla inltrument "u - , . .. - - . . " : _ - -. 1 ..~ . . .~. _ , --: '. .1 r ", ~ . . - , f/. filed for record, anil bein. dul:r .c.nowledaed and proTcD, I h'". recorded tbt ,.me '08 p.,J29.. _of B901r 64 la'ibe pUblic recor41 '0' aald COIInl,.. - . (-. ~ ' .' . i ." .'. . . ,II , . . . IN WITNESS WHEREOf', I have herellilto1act JnY band lad affixed tbe leal of the Circuit Court 0; the Piheuth ludkiat CU'cuh of said State, ia ud I for aaid County, . '. .1 P. C. ~ldred CI~k. :h~d. ': ,. ~~'.L& . . i --D.c. 'Bo..rJ.~~ . . . 1?' j " I -If . , _~ __ -::r _ . I . - -.. I