HomeMy WebLinkAboutSURVEY'S_ SET 5/8" IR/C -- - LB 4286 (TYP) OST-2 SET 5/8" IR/C LB 4286 (TYP) FLOOD ZONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION FLOOD ZONE 76.8 N83'41'31"W 42.81' ��� "AE 16.5" BEING ALL OF LOT 67, ACCORDING TO CREEKSIDE PLAT NO. 1, z C "AE-16.5" AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 55, PAGE 12 PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. GRAPHIC SCALE 71F: zo 0 10 zo CONTAINS 0.20 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. ° R 3 130', °32'30" d OD �� IJ FLOOD PROPERTY ADDRESS FEET �fL A_1 1 inch L FLOOD ZONE "X" L-25.02' _ ZONE "X" 8620 COBBLESTONE DRIVE, FORT PIERCE t - N (6 LEGEND 8c ABBREVIATIONS o co co BM DENOTES BENCHMARK O.R. DENOTES OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK C 88 DENOTES BEARING BASE P.B. DENOTES PLAT BOOK $ C.M. DENOTES CONCRETE MONUMENT PG. DENOTES PAGE BY CONC DENOTES CONCRETE P.U.E. DENOTES PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT _ - PROPOSED C.B. DENOTES CATCH BASIN P.D.E. DENOTES PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT 19t 1 I iria ("nil S DENOTES CONCRETE BLOCK STRUCTURE P.S.M. DENOTES PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR & MAPPER COVERED ►cv DENOTES CHORD DISTANCE P.L.S. DENOTES PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR LANAI Q CB DENOTES CHORD BEARING P.C.C. DENOTES POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE v J AREA SUMMARY IN SQUARE FEET o 13.95' 13.96' O C/O DENOTES CLEAN OUTS P.D. DENOTES POINT OF CURVATURE DENOTES CENTER LINE P.E.DENOTES POINT OF TANGENCY j SOD:5873 t 26.67' 12.00 =o O D.E. DENOTES DRAINAGE EASEMENT (P) DENOTES PLAT DATA L DRIVEWAY/WALKWAY:616 f O p F.F.E. DENOTES FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION P.C.P. DENOTES PERMANENT CONTROL POINT M 00 00 FND DENOTES FOUND R DENOTES RADIUS 13.85' 12.00 LOT 68 I.Q. DENOTES IRRIGATION QUALITY WATER R/W DENOTES RIGHT OF WAY IR C DENOTES IRON ROD AND CAP SAN. DENOTES SANITARY / LOT 67 L.B. DENOTES LICENSED BUSINESS U.E. DENOTES UTILITY EASEMENT 16. LOT 66 2 PROPOSED MODEL 4EAB C / 5 PROPOSED F.F.E.=17.99 �6' CREEKSIDE PLAT N0. 1 L DENOTES ARC LENGTH W.M.T. DENOTES WATER MANAGEMENT TRACT L.M.E. DENOTES LAKE MANAGEMENT EASEMENT MAG DENOTES SET MAG NAIL AND DISK D F.F.E.=17.76 P.B. 55 PG. 12 DENOTES MEASURED DATA VAVMME DENOTES MAINTENANCENGMANAGEMENT EASEMENT M.H. PROPOSED F.F.E.=18.03 DENOTES MANHOLE DENOTES INCLUDED CREEKSIDE PLAT NO. 1 co VACANT N/D DENOTES NAIL AND DISK DENOTES DRAINAGE FLOW r P.B. 55 PG. 12 00 r LO � � O.S.T. DENOTES OPEN DENOTES NON SPACE ADIAL LINE SPACE TRACT I VACANT w Q to _ - —0-DENOTES PROPOSED ELEVATION 0) 0 N M.N. SETBACK naQ. P.R.C. DENOTES POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE v � O Z Of `` 00 f GENERAL NOTES -�ILv O PROPOSED cq ;` Fn.oNy 1. The last date of field work was 5-1-18 D. COVERED � 1� SIDES �-� 1 2. Additions or deletions to survey maps or reports by other than the signing party or t ENTRY v parties is prohibited without written consent of the signing party or parties. I 4 33' CNN SIB T � � I 3. Reproductions of this map are not valid without the signature and original raised seal of a i. I EAR O It.- Florida Licensed Surveyor and Mapper. n cCIDC 19.33' ^ 11.00' 13.18' g 4. Lands shown hereon were not abstracted -by this office for rights-of=way, easements D f�=800.02 Z a• i _ _ ` of record, ownership, abandonment's, deed restrictions, or Murphy Act Deeds. This °32 0�,-- - _ _ 2600�, - --- TeGI information should be obtained through appropriate title verification. - - — -- --�=1 30 PROPOSED ---FLOODFLOOD -�ZONE 5. All above ground fixed improvements, if any, have been located and shown hereon. L=21.5CONCRETE "X" SANITARY SERVIDRIVEWAY.' N ZONE6. WATER SERVICE�� Underground foundations and improvements were not located as part of this survey. •�_ JE _ _ -_ 7. Flood Note: By graphic plotting only, this property is in Zone X and AE 16.5, according to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i,ithe _ Flood Insurance Rate Map, Community Panel No. 12111CO170 J, effective date February w16, 2012. The exact designation can only be determined by an elevation certificate. No v FLOOD ZONE "AE N83'41 31 W 42.81 9additional search of the public records has been preformed. There may be additional map ' 16.5" o R/W _ � - -- ._ . _R�Vd Amendments affecting this property. _ - PROPOSED 4' CONC.• ,WALK. FLO AE ZONE 8. The Flood Zone lines shown hereon have been established by the Published FEMA Panel and o the use of existing field elevation data. v I N 16.00' N I 9. The bearings shown hereon are based on Plat information and are referenced to the a 2' CONC. CURB Center line of Cobblestone Drive which bears North 83°41'31" West and all bearings are 2' CONC. CURB - relative thereto. o7.. 155 BENCHMARK Co ;t 7S TOP SAN. MH F- �- 8 TO P.C. 10. No easements are shown hereon other than those depicted on the plat. No search of the records has been to find additional easements that exist. TO F C I 8 0 public performed may SS-06 ELEV.=15.80 u 11. Elevations shown hereon are based on the North American Vertical Datum (N.A.V.D.) — R_7 5 p' R=775.00 P � N83°41'31 "W 42.81' (BB) N83'41'31 "W 290.84' 1988. I 0=10'10'45" =1'32 30 _ 50' WIDTH R/W - 12. The building setbacks shown hereon, although based on the best available information, are 9 9 _ _ ' = L=20.85�. .- :..ASPHALT PAVING not certified to and must be verified prior to design or construction. , J`` t� COBBLESTONE DRIVE I Boundary File: 15-141.100.067 CULPEPPER & TERPENING, INC Survey Site Plan & � CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS Date: 5-10-18 Topo Lot 67 N/A 2980 SOU'1'1I 25th SI'RE'E l' "=20' 1 THOMAS P. KIERN.AN,'••-- � ` -' DATE SCALE: 1 � PORT' I II:RCI?, FLORIllA 34981 o Professional Surveyor &;.tjtappkr` ~ 6199 For: DRAWN BY: ND is PI IONI: 772-464-3537 • FAX 772-464-9497 D. R. HORTON FIELD: PK Nvw\v.ct-cng.com Florida Certificate No. - .. , STATE OP PLOKIDA (:I:R•11FI(:A1'ION No. LB 4286 L 0 L D Y I D D FLOOD ZONE "AE-16.5" FLOOD ZONE "X" SET 5/8" IR/C R=930.00' LB 4286 (TYP) A=1-32'30" OST-2 L=25.02' _ N83'41'31 "W 42.81' 'IA O O 6 M LOT 66 PROPOSED F.F.E.=18.03 CREEKSIDE PLAT NO. 1 P.B. 55 PG. 12 VACANT O in in S�•� tnt � 0� Q�GV R=800.00' - - 6=1.32'30"� FLOOD L= 21.52' ZONE "X"_'N, SANITARY SERVICE--\ I _ > FLOOD ZONE n "AE 16.5 = W _ o 7 I 2. C U D D �•` ' - t D D THOMAS P.�, Professional Florida Certifica LL 0 3.8626.68' c) I W2-.O0 9 LANAI LOT 67 EXISTING FORMB TOP OF FORM ELEV GARAGE TOP OF FORM 4.34' ELEV.=17.17 i�-3. ' 3.0T _ _ OPEM - 0.67' 2.00, I O �C! LO N t� ,r y - `R; O N911 F SET 5/8" IR/C LB 4286 (TYP) FLOOD ZONE "AE 16.5" FLOOD ZONE "X" C0 0 12.00' �" v LOT 68 PROPOSED F.F.E.=17.99 CREEKSIDE PLAT NO. 1 kRD P.B. 55 PG. 12 VACANT Do to 0) oi N 00 co N N83'41'31 "WI 42.81' of 0 LO N LEGAL DESCRIPTION BEING ALL OF LOT 67, ACCORDING TO CREEKSIDE PLAT NO. 1, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 55, PAGE 12 PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. GRAPHIC SCALE CONTAINS 0.20 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. 20 0 10 20 c w0 �o PROPERTY ADDRESS ( IN FEET ) o 8620 COBBLESTONE DRIVE, FORT PIERCE Inch _ 20 R cQj W _c J LEGEND S ABBREVIATIONS h E BM DENOTES BENCHMARK O.R. DENOTES OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK a 88 DENOTES BEARING BASE P.B. DENOTES PLAT BOOK C.M. DENOTES CONCRETE MONUMENT PG. DENOTES PAGE CONIC DENOTES CONCRETE P.U.E. DENOTES PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT C.B. DENOTES CATCH BASIN P.D.E. DENOTES PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT CBS DENOTES CONCRETE BLOCK STRUCTURE P.S.M. DENOTES PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR & MAPPER CD DENOTES CHORD DISTANCE P.L.S. DENOTES PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR CB DENOTES CHORD BEARING P.C.C. DENOTES POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE C/O DENOTES CLEAN OUTS P.D. DENOTES POINT OF CURVATURE q DENOTES CENTER LINE P.E. DENOTES POINT OF TANGENCY D.E. DENOTES DRAINAGE EASEMENT (P) DENOTES PLAT DATA F.F.E. DENOTES FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION P.C.P. DENOTES PERMANENT CONTROL POINT FND DENOTES FOUND R DENOTES RADIUS I.Q. DENOTES IRRIGATION QUALITY WATER R/W DENOTES RIGHT OF WAY IR/C DENOTES IRON ROD AND CAP SAN. DENOTES SANITARY L.B. DENOTES LICENSED BUSINESS U.E. DENOTES UTILITY EASEMENT L DENOTES ARC LENGTH W.M.T. DENOTES WATER MANAGEMENT TRACT L.M.E. DENOTES LAKE MANAGEMENT EASEMENT MAG/D DENOTES SET MAG NAIL AND DISK (M) DENOTES MEASURED DATA WMME DENOTES WATER MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT EASEMENT M.H. DENOTES MANHOLE A DENOTES INCLUDED ANGLE N/D DENOTES NAIL AND DISK L (NR) DENOTES NON RADIAL LINE DENOTES DRAINAGE FLOW O.S.T. DENOTES OPEN SPACE TRACT DENOTES PROPOSED ELEVATION P.R.C. DENOTES POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE FLOOD -WATER SERVICE ZONE "X" — — —— — — — FLO r6N "AE 16.5" 2' CONC. CURB y BENCHMARK is `OP SAN. ,MH °r°_ TO P C _ _ 8 SS=06 ELEV 158Q,v`°i. I .�=! 775.00 P T _:N83 41 31 W 42 81 ._(BB) N83'41.317W-290 84' T 3230 s5g' .WIDTH R W _ -- - `- COBBLESTONE DRIVE �`'k DATE GENERAL NOTES 1. The last date of field work was 08-31-2018 2. Additions or deletions to survey maps or reports by other than the signing party or parties is prohibited without written consent of the signing party or parties. 3. Reproductions of this map are not valid without the signature and original raised seal of a Florida Licensed Surveyor and Mapper. _ 4. Lands show_ n hereon were -not -abstracted -by -this -office for rights -of -way, easements - - -of record, ownership, abandonment's, deed restrictions, or Murphy Act Deeds. This information should be obtained through appropriate title verification. 5. All above ground fixed improvements, if any, have been located and shown hereon. 6. Underground foundations and improvements were not located as part of this survey. 7. Flood Note: By graphic plotting only, this property is in Zone X and AE 16.5, according to the Flood Insurance Rate Map, Community Panel No. 12111CO170 J, effective date February 16, 2012. The exact designation can only be determined by an elevation certificate. No additional search of the public records has been preformed. There may be additional map Amendments affecting this property. 8. The Flood Zone lines shown hereon have been established by the Published FEMA Panel and the use of existing field elevation data. 9. The bearings shown hereon are based on Plat information and are referenced to the Center line of Cobblestone Drive which bears North 83'41'31" West and all bearings are relative thereto. 10. No easements are shown hereon other than those depicted on the plat. No search of the public records has been performed to find additional easements that may exist. 11. Elevations shown hereon are based on the North American Vertical Datum (N.A.V.D.) 1988. 12. The building setbacks shown hereon, although based on the best available information, are not certified to and must be verified prior to design or construction. Formboard As -Built Survey Lot 67 For: D. R. HORTON File:15-141.100.067 CULPEPPER & TERPENING, INC Date: 09/04/2018 CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS FB: 1806/43 2980 SOUTI-I 25th STREET SCALE: 1 "=20' FORT PIERCE, FI.ORIDA 34981 DRAWN BY: ND _PI-IONE_772-464-3537 e FAX 772464-9497 FIELD: - PK wwW.Ct-eng.Com STATE. OF F'LOWDA CERTIFICATION No. LB 4286 D `78— Z 1, FLOOD ZONI "AE-16.5 FLOOD ZONE "X" FND. 5/8" IR/C FND. 5/8" IR/C LB 4286 (TYP)—\ LB 4286 (TYP) R=930.00' A--1 '32' 30" L=25.02' 22 O O O LOT 66 OCCUPIED Sfi- . Co. 1r fi pate APP OV d R=800.00' FLOOD L= 21.52' ZONE "X"SANITARY SERVICE- 0) u7 in In FLOOD ZONE "AE 16.5 = _ o FND. 5/8" IR/C LB 4286 (TYP) 0 OST— 2 L N83'41'31 "W 42.81' COVERED LANAI CONCRETE A/C PAD 13.86' 26.67' LOT 67 1 STORY � LO C.B.S. Q U In o 3.07' 3. 12. 1 COVERED ENTRY 4 33' I� � � to 1 � � � nn 0,6T 67 2 ."00' 2.00 . .P : -CONCf2 TE DRI:VEWAY.. _ N83'41'31 "W1 42.81' N 31 0) N 00 V) ND. 5/8" IR/C LB 4286 (TYP) FLOOD ZONE /--"AE 16.5" FLOOD ZONE "X" LOT 68 OCCUPIED N PEDESTAL WATER SERVICE !.fY FLOOD — ZONE "X"� — — — �W o FND. 5/8" IR/C FLOOD Z0­NE- LB 4286 (TYP) "AE 16:5" 2' CONC. CURB :0 BENCHMARK .� TO P.C. ;r TOP SAN. ,MH CA ^ ca ' - SS-06 ELEV.=15.80 Cnn — 7 57R• 00' R=775.00 N83'41'31"W 42.81' (BB)'; A=1'32'30" P.T.. = _ A10'10'45"- 50' WIDTHR/W - �''�137.69' L=20.85 : ASPHALT PAVING COBBLESTONE DRIVE CERTIFICATIONS THOMAS R. KIERNAN o Profession61 . Surveyor & Mapper Florida Certificate No. 6199 I )d DATE TO P.C. 77 N83'41'31"W 290:84' Rebecca A. Lassiter DHI Mortgage Company, Ltd. DHI Title of Florida, Inc. Old Republic National Title Insurance Company LEGAL DESCRIPTION BEING ALL OF LOT 67, ACCORDING TO CREEKSIDE PLAT NO. 1, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 55, PAGE 12 PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. GRAPHIC SCALE 20 0 10 20 CONTAINS 0.20 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. PROPERTY ADDRESS f IN FEET 1 1 Inch — 20 tL 8620 COBBLESTONE DRIVE, FORT PIERCE LEGEND & ABBREVIATIONS RECEIVED BM DENOTES BENCHMARK O.R. DENOTES OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK BB DENOTES BEARING BASE P.B. DENOTES PLAT C.M. DENOTES CONCRETE MONUMENT PG. DENOTES P 018 GE BOOK D E C 17 2 CONC DENOTES CONCRETE P.U.E. DENOTES PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT U 9 C.B. DENOTES CATCH BASIN P.D.E. DENOTES PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT CBS DENOTES CONCRETE BLOCK STRUCTURE P.S.M. DENOTES PROFESSIONAL SUR QR iP�nty, permittiti CD DENOTES CHORD DISTANCE P.L.S. DENOTES PROFESSIONAL LAN I " CB DENOTES CHORD BEARING P.C.C. DENOTES POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE e"= `sVO DENOTES CLEAN OUTS P.D. DENOTES POINT OF CURVATURE ' qq' ;. DENOTES CENTER LINE P.E. DENOTES POINT OF TANGENCY D.E., DENOTES DRAINAGE EASEMENT (P) DENOTES PLAT DATA F.F.E. ,DENOTES FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION P.C.P. DENOTES PERMANENT CONTROL POINT FND DENOTES FOUND R DENOTES RADIUS I.Q. DENOTES IRRIGATION QUALITY WATER R/W DENOTES RIGHT OF WAY IR/C ' DENOTES IRON ROD AND CAP SAN. DENOTES SANITARY L.B. 'DENOTES LICENSED BUSINESS U.E. DENOTES UTILITY EASEMENT L DENOTES ARC LENGTH W.M.T. DENOTES WATER MANAGEMENT TRACT L.M.E. DENOTES LAKE MANAGEMENT EASEMENT MAG/O DENOTES SET MAG NAIL AND DISK (M) DENOTES MEASURED DATA WMME DENOTES WATER MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT EASEMENT M.H. DENOTES MANHOLE A DENOTES INCLUDED ANGLE N/D DENOTES NAIL AND DISK (NR) DENOTES NON RADIAL LINE DENOTES DRAINAGE FLOW O.S.T. DENOTES OPEN SPACE TRACT g5 �! DENOTES PROPOSED ELEVATION P.R.C. DENOTES POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE GENERAL NOTES 1. The last date of field work was 12-5-18 2.. Additions or deletions to survey maps or reports by other than the signing party or parties is prohibited without written consent of the signing party or parties. 3. Reproductions of this map are not valid without the signature and original raised seal of a Florida Licensed Surveyor and Mapper. 4. Lands shown hereon were not abstracted by this office for rights —of —way, easements of record, ownership, aban don men t's,_deed_-restrictions, or Murphy -Act Deeds. This -- information should be obtained through appropriate title verification. 5. All above ground fixed improvements, if any, have been located and shown hereon. 6. Underground foundations and improvements were not located as part of this survey. 7. Flood Note: By graphic plotting only, this property is in Zone X and AE 16.5AACcording to the Flood Insurance Rate Map, Community Panel No. 12111CO170 J, effective date February 16, 2012. The exact designation can only be determined by an elevation certificate. No additional search of the public records has been preformed. There may be additional map Amendments affecting this property. 8. The Flood Zone lines shown hereon have been established by the Published FEMA Panel and the use of existing field elevation data. 9. The bearings shown hereon are based on Plat information and are referenced to the Center line of Cobblestone Drive which bears, North 83'41'31" West and all bearings are relative thereto. 10. No easements are shown hereon other than those depicted on the plat. No search of the public records has been performed to find additional easements that may exist. 11. Elevations shown hereon are based on the North American Vertical Datum (N.A.V.D.) 1988. Final As -Built Survey Lot 67 For: D. R. HORTON File: 15-141.100.067 CULPEPPER & TERPENING, INC Date: 12/6/18 CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS FB: SEE FILE 2980 SOUTH 25th STREET SCALE: 1 "=20' FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 34981 DRAWN BY. JDJ PI IONE 772464-3537 • FAX 772464-9497 FIELD: PK www.ct-eng.com -- STATE OF-FLORIDA-CER`PIFTCKI'ION No. LB 4286 SET 5/8" IR/C LB 4286 (TYP) FLOOD ZOI "AE-16. i R=930.00' FLOOD A=1 '32' 30" ZONE "X" L=25.02' AREA SUMMARY IN SQUARE_FEEI O SOD:5873 t O DRIVEWAY/WALKWAY:616 t O LOT 66 '62 PROPOSED F.F.E.=18.03 CREEKSIDE PLAT NO. 1 r P.B. 55 PG. 12 I VACANT 7 0) In D V) R=800.00' �1 *32'30" FLooD L= 21.52' ZONE "X' SANITARY SERVICE I W ID FLOOD ZONE 75 "AE 16.5" R�W OST— 2 - N83'41'31 "W 42.81' tr N �p t6 PROPOSED COVERED LANAI 3.95' 26.67' 0 12.00:0 O M 00 12.00' LOT 67 PROPOSED MODEL 4EAB/C F.F.E.=17.76 i� co In O_ c0 a_ CU C O PROPOSED COVERED ENTRY 4 33' co (D 19.33' 3.17' - &�- 3.96' - . - 2.jOV-1�]`-�.bb'j- — -PROPOSED CONCRETE cCDo DRIVEWAY- " N co Id —� -- ` N83'41'31 "W 42.81' PROPOSED 4' CONC: ,WALK. • .; ,'-, I N 16.00' `✓ 1.0 N 2' CONC. CURB rn - v - r �c�5 - p.G ;O _ BENCHMARK00 l 8 TOP SAN. MH Cj r T� I r 0 SS-06 ELEV.=15.80 CID v ---� — — R=775.00 R=775.00 �N83'41'31"W. 42.81' (BB) P.T. — I - p=10'10 45 " 6=132 30 '.50 WIDTH R/W - L=137.69'--..:-. ; L=20.85 ASPHALT PAVING COBBLESTONE DRIVE P;' r /f DATE j THOMAS P.-KIERN;¢m- M O: r . c Professional SUrveyo! � .4;14appe� — Florida Certifica-te No. 6199-- Cy) N 00 UJ U) SET 5/8" IR/C LB 4286 (TYP) FLOOD ZONE / "AE 16.5" FLOOD ZONE "X" LOT 68 PROPOSED F.F.E.=17.99 CREEKSIDE PLAT NO. 1 P.B. 55 PG. 12 VACANT FER SERVICE Ij R/W o GCANWLD LEGAL DESCRIPTION BY_ BEING ALL OF LOT 67, ACCORDING TO CREEKSIDE PLAT NO. 1, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 55, PAGE 12 PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. GRAPHIC SCALE CONTAINS 0.20 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. 20 o Io zo 111111111 PROPERTY ADDRESS ( IN na I inch - 20 IFL 8620 COBBLESTONE DRIVE, FORT PIERCE LEGEND & ABBREVIATIONS BM DENOTES BENCHMARK O.R. DENOTES OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK E BB DENOTES BEARING BASE P.B. DENOTES PLAT BOOK A C.M. DENOTES CONCRETE MONUMENT PG. DENOTES PAGE CONC DENOTES CONCRETE P.U.E. DENOTES PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT C.B. DENOTES CATCH BASIN P.D.E. DENOTES PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT CBS DENOTES CONCRETE BLOCK STRUCTURE P.S.M. DENOTES PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR & MAPPER CD DENOTES CHORD DISTANCE P.L.S. DENOTES PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR CB DENOTES CHORD BEARING P.C.C. DENOTES POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE C/O DENOTES CLEAN OUTS P.D. DENOTES POINT OF CURVATURE DENOTES CENTER LINE P.E. DENOTES POINT OF TANGENCY D.E. DENOTES DRAINAGE EASEMENT (P) DENOTES PLAT DATA F.F.E. DENOTES FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION P.C.P. DENOTES PERMANENT CONTROL POINT FND DENOTES FOUND R DENOTES RADIUS I.Q. DENOTES IRRIGATION QUALITY WATER R/W DENOTES RIGHT OF WAY IR/C DENOTES IRON ROD AND CAP SAN. DENOTES SANITARY L.B. DENOTES LICENSED BUSINESS U.E. DENOTES UTILITY EASEMENT L DENOTES ARC LENGTH W.M.T. DENOTES WATER MANAGEMENT TRACT L.M.E. DENOTES LAKE MANAGEMENT EASEMENT MAG/D DENOTES SET MAG NAIL AND DISK (M) DENOTES MEASURED DATA WMME DENOTES WATER MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT EASEMENT M.H. DENOTES MANHOLE A DENOTES INCLUDED ANGLE N/D DENOTES NAIL AND DISK (NR) DENOTES NON RADIAL LINE DENOTES DRAINAGE FLOW O.S.T. DENOTES OPEN SPACE TRACT DENOTES PROPOSED ELEVATION P.R.C. DENOTES POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE GENERAL NOTES FLOOD_ ZONE "X" FLOOD ZONE) "AE 16.5" 2' CONC. CURB TO P.C. N83'41'31"W 290.84' 1. The last date of field work was 5-1-18 2. Additions or deletions to survey maps or reports by other than the signing party or parties is prohibited without written consent of the signing party or parties. 3. Reproductions of this map are not valid without the signature and original raised seal of a Florida Licensed Surveyor and Mapper. 4. Lands shown hereon were not abstracted by this office for rights —of —way, easements of record, ownership, abandonment's, deed restrictions, or Murphy Act Deeds. This information should be —obtained through appropriate -title verification. _ 5. All above ground fixed improvements, if any, have been located and shown hereon. 6. Underground foundations and improvements were not located as part of this survey. 7. Flood Note: By graphic plotting only, this property is in Zone X and AE-16.5, according to the Flood Insurance Rate Map, Community Panel No. 12111CO170 J, effective date February 16, 2012. The exact designation can only be determined by an elevation certificate. No additional search of the public records has been preformed. There may be additional map Amendments affecting this property. S. The Flood Zone lines shown hereon have been established by the Published FEMA Panel and the use of existing field elevation data. 9. The bearings shown hereon are based on Plat information and are referenced to the Center line of Cobblestone Drive which bears North 83'41'31" West and all bearings are relative thereto. 10. No easements are shown hereon other than those depicted on the plat. No search of the public records has been performed to find additional easements that may exist. 11. Elevations shown hereon are based on the North American Vertical Datum (N.A.V.D.) 1988. 12. The building setbacks shown hereon, although based on the best available information, are not certified to and must be verified prior to design or construction. Boundary Survey, Site Plan & Topo Lot 67 For: D. R. HORTON File:15-141.100.067 CULPEPPER & TERPENING, INC Date- 5-10-18 ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS FB• N/A ,CONSULTING 2980 SOU'll 125th SI REF:1` SCALE: 1"=20' :_ FOTF PIERCE FLORIDA 34981 DRAWN BY. ND '^, _ PI IONII 772-4G4-3537 • FAX 772 4G4-9497 FIELD: PK " ` www.ct c ng.com SI'A-rH OF FLORIDA C1XrIFICNrI0N No. 1.13 4286 L