HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBSOIL INVESTIGATION REPORT0 Phone 954'784-2941 .;Oe.. 800-848 1919 8 TESTING INC.. ; I. 4=784=7875.. : 95 250 SW 13th Ave. Pompano:Beach; F. L 33069. Fax fed=eng.COlm 'Table of. Contents Client.Information'.-----------=----=----==-----=-----=-==---==------.::_--=-==---=----_-:=_ 1 P.roj ect Information .-=----=-=--',--------==----------------------------------- _-_::__-_ g .. ,1. P P General .Soil. Descriptions=---:=-----=---=--=-=-=-==--=-------------------------------- : pg. .1 ... Foundation Recommendations :.-----=-------=-=--==--------=-=-=.-:_:-=.=--- g 2 . Soil . Parameters, .-=----==---==-=-------- --------------------------------------------------- .. .:pg. 3 Excavations -=-----------=--=----=--=----------==-------=---------------------- --=------- -- Settlement ----=. -- ------------------------ .. _ .. pg• Grading:: ------ ------- ------------- ------- ------=--------------------------------------------- .. pg. 4... :. :Appendices----=--=---==-----------=-------=----==------------=-----==----------=---------- - g. 5 :p Soil Borin .Lo ..s g...g(.)_... Proj ect.Location . . :Soil Boring Locations) I. Soil Classifications . .. . Sampling. Procedures Limitations: of Liability For. Your. Information Our findings in this report are based oh soil conditions encountered in the Pest bore locations only; proposed structure to : be built, .(if available at this stage);. Florida Building Code requirements.and standafd engineering practices.. If your report. is preliminary (i.e...vacant. land or building to be demolished) additional borings are required within the foot print of the proposed structure once'the' location:& layout of the proposed structure is known: Please read this: report in its entifety and follow all 'recommendations: Failure to : do so may result ' mi the permitting agency, (Building Department, etc.). withholding: the Certificate of Occupancy: This .will cause :delays and : additional costs. The Perinitting'Agency will require A. final certification •or signing off of the project prior to issuing the Certificate of Occupancy. All''of our recommendations need to be. followed .to receive a: final' certification from F:E:T.: including densities on each lift; demucking verification,.piling inspection, etc., whichever;recomtnendation applies to,' project. Please. schedule'us.at:least'24 hours iii advance *for all ,tests and. inspections.:If you choose tb use another Engineering" Firm, you must verify they will :provide you .with, the proper certification. in' writing; as outlined. iii our report: Our firm will only. provide a certification letter.if it.has verified all .work as recommended in our report: MI • ra . AMI•QADE . . ConstrucLon:Material American Concrete Miami DadA Florida Department fhoine.ering Council institute County. of Trarisportation. ii . Groundwater. table. elevation. was measured iniined ately: at .themetionofh andwt � an •avera' ...eacboring: as a depth of six: (6) :feet: lielow: existing ground surface:. Fluctuation' in- water: level 'should: be anticipated :due to seasonal variations aiid.run off as well as varying ground elevation;- construction dewatenng,.and pumping activities:in-the area- Site contractoz must familiarize himself with site. conditions n, the event groundwater controls and dewatering is.needed- " Surface flooding may result under -hurricane . conditions " and: should be '.taken --into consideration . in the design.' of the #oject.::The contractor. shall make. sure•that groundwater levels on adjacent.properties are not affected. by the contractors .. dewatering:activities: Specialty groundwater contractors.'shall be:consulted'for' all work.below thegroundwater level: Friday, February 23, 2018 18503 Mach .One Drive Port Saint Lucie, FL 34987 Page 2 The.boring.log(s) attached present a detailed.desIc-ri�pt'ion-'Of the. soils. encountered at. each location.. The soil. stratification shown on the boring log(§) is' based on the: examination of the recovered soil samples and interpretation, of the drillei's fiield.log(s):- It indicates•only the approximate'boundaries between soil: types. The actual transitions between -adjacent . .. soil types maybe gradual. = From a geotechnical :engineering .perspective; the; site, is. suitable. for the construction of -the proposed structure, .provided . that .the surface. sand layers are.compacted in, place and proof rolled. Localized areas of loose. materials, if•preseht, will become evident. during -site clearing, grubbing-and'pro. rolling; and must be removed�prior.to filling.'opPrawns. Based on our understanding •of the 'proposed; structure -and. the 'information' obtained from "our : field boring log(§); . we .. recommend the following procedures 'for foundation design: Strip; the entire footings and building construction areas: plus five (5) feefi past the outer: perimeter .0 topsoil and,: :ground, vegetation. (when . encountered) down: to :clean granular ;material. Any :underground structures,. utility.: lines, root systems and drainage, trenches etc: must. be removed in .their :entirety 'from beneath the proposed construction areas:. The city arborists should be contacted prior to any land clearing to verify: compliance with = •' any local codes..: 2) -.-Saturate and compact. all construction areas. with a heavy,self propelled vibratoryroller to:a minunuinof the ASTM D=1557 modified proctor method. -Make a minimum of .ten (10) passes. with the roller in .each. . direction. 4. Care should be taken when:using vibration hi case of existing structures in the vicinity of the construction area. If vibration cannon be used for compaction;. static cornpaction may - b.e : applied:. However, �in'this. case;. the compacted. layer 9liould.notexceed-6. inches in thickness. 4): - Backfill construction. areas .to proper :elevation if. needed using .a clean_- granular material placed inlifts not to. _ exceed twelve,(12) inches in thickness and compacted as.per item 2.- . 5) . Representative. samples of'the on -site and proposed. fill material should :be collected and tested to determine .the classification and compactioncharacteristics. ' 6) All construction fill. material :above :the water. table .shall • be: clean. granular 'soil, free of . organics or other -deleterious material, . and shall: contain -no more than twelve: (12) .percent fines passing. a U.S. Standard: No: 200 sieve (0.075mm) and have a Unified Soil Classification_ (US.CS) designation of. GP; GW, GP -GM; GW-GM; SP . = or SW... No particle- size greater than three (3). inches shall be used. in the top .12 inches. of the building pad.: MA 7) Fill : Material below the .water table ' shall .be washed free. draining gravel. -such- as' MOT No. 57 . stone or . equivalent to: about-12:inches. above, the' water table.unless dewatering is used.: When dewatering is used; fill ' material shall be: clean granular':soil, .free. of organics:or.other deleterious material,and shall:eontain' no more than twelve (12) percent fines. -passing a U.S.- Standard No: 2.00 sieve (0.075mm). Friday, February 23, 2018 18503 Mach One.Drive Port -Saint Lucie; FL 34987. . Page 3 8): 'Verify all densification :procedures by_ taking an. .,adequate number :of field .density tests -in • each: layer 'of compacted material. •Density :tests. shall ibe: performed on the slab areas,: footing areas; interior •bearing :wall footings and: "column: pad, footings. This :must. be. scheduled immediately :after. Tamp and Spray .and/or. Compaction., but befor&Mi forcing Steel .Placement. If reinforcing steel is already in -place, •it must be removed .from all areas to' be. tested prior to* erfornitig: densities: 9) After. the, installation .of any plumbing and .electrical pipirlg; we. 'recommend..that the disturbed area be 'recompacted and densities•testsbe.perfo '' d• to verify proper compaction of the disturbed areas: 10) All, of the above Geotechnical : work shall :be; performed urid& the: supervision .of Federal Engineering- & • Testing's geotechiucal engineer: or his representative to'verify .compliance ith• .our specifications, and' the - Florida Building Code. Please call us -at 951 784-294-1 • for scheduling. 11) In the event of existing structures, existing:'footings or proposed drainage lines,, provisions shall,he made by the structural engineer and site .contractor: to protect all footings from undermining -and exposure. The geotechnical " engineer shall.be.notified of these condition to evaluate the applicabilityof his -recommendations. The above .foundation recommendations :being . achieved and verified; it, is our: opinion that the :proposed structure be designed for a shallow foundation system• with a permissible soil bearing pressure not to• exceed 2500 •P,S:F. Building pad certification requires satisfactory completion, and all the above foundation recommendations:. . Slabs placed upon compacted. fill'may be designed using a modulus of subgrade.reaction value of 200 pci. The following soil parameters shall:be used for:retainin ' wall designs: " • .Soil urlit .weight moist---==-=-----=---=--=---'==-=-----=--<_____:__:---==--=----------__-_-__--=- .110•pcf Soil unit weight buoyant----------------------------------=----------------------=------------: ' ..:48 pcf . -----------=----------------------- ------ -=---==--= : 300.. * Active Earth pressure -coefficient:(Ka)=-L---------------- =------------ =------ =---------------- :.0.33 " Passive Earth ressure.coefficient- "K " P ( p)---------=---==--=--- •10 Angle: of wail friction for steel piles---------=--=---=----= ----- ------------ ----------------- 300. . . Angle of wall friction for concrete /brick walls----=-----==------. ----------------------- 200 ., • Angle: of wall friction for uncoated' steel--=-=------------=-------------------=-------------- - 150 Excavations: shall. hot- extend within :one:.(l) foot -of the angle of repose next :to existing footings or :structures unless underpinned. Trenching: shall• be. in compliance with: the, Florida Building Code; .'OSHA and Trench . Safety 'Act requirements. Shorings.'shall be designed and'inspected by a Florida licensed. professional engineer. Provisions shall be made by the architect;. engineer. of record and contractor to address differential settlements when : tying in new to existing' structures.' -Mixing of 'different foundation types 'shall: not be used unless provided' with expansion joints to address differential settlement. .. . Friday, February 23, 2018 18503 Mach One. Drive . Port -Saint Lucie, FL 34987 Page 4 Detailed settlement :analysis..was .beyond the :scope of this report: Comparing. the field test :data 'obtained in this - . exploratioh with. our experience with structures similar to: those proposed. for. this • project; the.'estimated. magnitude of these settlements is 0:5 to I. inch: Due to the: granular:nature of the subsurface .materials,. the' foundation. settlements. should -occur as the'loads are applied and should be' virtually"negligible'by the .end.ofthe: building shell completion. All outside; ound surfaces.mtist be slo ed: awa from-the:structure-to avoid water accumulation and ponding. All rain waters shall be discharged away from all buildingifoundaiions:. Verify all water, sewer; plumbing, sprinkler and drainage lines are.properly functioning with no. leaks in the'vicibity of the: foundation. . Regardless of ,the thoroughness of a: geotechnical exploration, there: is always the'possibility.that'conditions may be different from those of the test. locations;, therefore,_ Federal Engineering & Testing, Inc.: does ' not guarant1.ee. any_ subsoil . condition between the bore test holes. A. site plan showing the location"of the proposed structure'was not provided 'at the time the soil borings:were performed. Once plans and 'specifications have.been.finalized and drawn, Federal Engineering & Testing, An c. shall be 'provided a copy :of the finalized plans and specifications: for review: Tor'a:more accurate portrayal of. subsurface' conditions, the. site contractor- should :perform test pits.: 'If different conditions • are encountered; Federal Engineering:& Testing Inc.; shall be notified to review the.findings and make any. recommendations "as needed. In accepting this report the:client understands that all data from the soil borings is -intended for foundation analysis only and is not'to be'used:for.'excavating; backfilling•or'pricirig•estimates.. The'site contractor -must familiarize themselves with the job, site conditions..: Environmental analysis :of the�soil materials:is�not pa t:of the scope of: services:.If environmental analysis of the soils is required, we can provide a .proposal. for' performing an environmental analysis of the soil materials. 'For Environmental. due'diligence;'a Phase-Land/or Phase II Environmental Site• Assessment is recommended. As a mutual protection'. to clients, ' the public ' and' ourselves, ' all reports are ' submitted ' as. the confidential 'property of. clients, and authorization for publication of statements; conclusions or extracts.'from or regarding our reports. is reserved eidiri pr .. g-.o.u..r wntteri.approval, ' : :.. • ' .. - Federal :Engineering & Testing; Inc. appreciates the opportunity to: be of 'service to . you at ,this phase of your prof ect. Please- feel free to' contact.us if we may be of further service to you. Sincerely j4,6 ; Kett4?3Taiic F6d&.ah Engineering 8c `Teiq ; Inc: Florida deg. No';—5934 t; Certificatc.of Autho :nation ' 5:4.71 ti �T) SoDscriptions'De .. 11ammer Blows . IN" .1:. , . • .::.0„ __ 611..'Topsoil &Vegetation :. : ; .:. :. 3 :. .. 4 4' . - : Brown Sand 4 .5 8 'Light. Brown Sand T. : 24 . . 6 : 8 . -. Bluish Gray Silty.Sand.: . mw �.. 8' = 1.2' ' .Bluish Gray -Clay 21 11 :.. :..;• .:: :f: ::. : :. A :12. ;.:. ;. ;::. .. 13 A 14 -:12"-, �17' : - •Bluish. Gra • Sil Sand'1.. `�' 15 : :.. 12.:. ...14. . 30 : A 111 20''- Ve ryPa�1 e Gray:Sand: : '. A. A:•'. .19 II .. 21 :: ' i .'. 22 23. .•• :.. 24. :.:. .. 25.. 26 :. . :. 27 28.::. .::• ;: : : ;::;. 29 Water Level:. : ' . - 610': - Below Land Surface . •', :.A.= Auger .':. - Rock Hardness _Description Soft.::: - : :: :: Rock core.crumbles.when.handled :. 1Vlediiim ... ::. = .....:'� : = ::'. Can bleak core with your hands '.. . ' Moderately. Hard .:Thin edges of rock core can be broken.wiih fingers.' Hard .:.::.. ; .: Thin.edges of rock core cannot:be brokeri.with:fingers:. Very Hard :. ; :: .: Rock.core:rings: when struck with a: hammer. Silt - Clay Quantity Modifiers . Slightly Silty/Clayey : :.0 = 5 Silty 4 Clayey'.' Very Silty /Clayey: 30 = 50.%o ..: :: tations of Liabil- t3' Warranty :. . Analysis and:Recornmendations cont: We. warrant that the -services performed:by"Federal Engineering and Testing, In accepting this report.the client understands t.. all data from the soil :boring . Inc. •(F.E.T.)' are conducted, in a'manner consistent with the level bf skill and is intended for: foundation analysis, -Only and. is riot'to be: used for excavating, care ordinarily exercised.by members :of the, piofession currently, practicing.:: backflling or pricing -estimates.: In accepting this report the client understands. under similar conditions: No other warranties; expressed 'or implied; are that all data from'the soil.boring is intended:for foundation analysis only and made. While the services of F:E:T. are'an integral,'and.valuable part of the is not. to be.used"for excavating, backfilling or pricing estimates. The site - design and, construction process, we do not warrant; guarantee, or insure the . contractor must- "familiarize themselves with. the job site. conditions..' Soil quality- or completeness of services or satisfactory. performance provided: by - . boring(s). on unmarked : vacant . property or*. existing structure(s)- to be other members.of the construction piocess,'and/or the construction plans and" : " demolished is considered preliminarywith-further boring(s).to be performed- specifcations which We.have.not prepared,.nor.the:ultimateperformance of. after proposed building pad is staked. out. -Report recommendations are based building site materials: :As 'mutual protection to . clients, the :public' and primarily -on data: from test borings :made at the locations shown on the test ourselves,.all.reports are. submitted as the confidential property of-clients,.and boring' -reports.. Soil. variations may: exist'•between borings and may not authorization.forpublication of statements; -conclusions or extiaofs from or become evident'uritil construction: If variations are then noted; F:E.T. must' regarding our:repoi•ts is reserded'pendirig,our:written approval. Reports :are - be contacted so'that field conditions can'be:examined arid• recommendation' not intended:for 3rd party use: ' ' . revised if. necessary. The Geotechnical report -states our understanding as- to the. location, dimensions, and structural -features. proposed of .the site. Any Subsurface ExpZOYatiOn: significant, changes.in the nature, design; or location of the site improvements: . Subsurface exploration is normally accomplished 'liy test borings. The. soil must. be'. communicated to,' .F.E:T. _ so :that .the. Geotechnical • analysis,: . boring- .log ;includes sampling information,: description of the. materials - conclusions, and recommendation's can be appropriately adjusted. recovered; approximate depths'of boundaries between soil and rock strata and' groundwater. data. ,The log represents .conditions specifically at the location..: • " and time the boring was made..The boundaries between different soil. strata COYIStruCtlOn ObS2YVatZOYlS . are indicated atspecific-depths; however,,these depths are in fact. approximate Construction observation and:testing is.an important element of Geotechnical. . And dependent upon the frequency'of sampling: The transitions between soil services. The:Geotechnical Engineer's: Field Representative (Field Rep.) is'the: stratum'are'often gradual. Water:level readings. are made: at -the time the "owner's represe1.ntative observing .the work: bf.the' con&a-ctor,. - rforming boring ;was performed .and can change with time,. precipitation, canal levels, tests; and reporting, data from such tests: and. observations.. The Geotechnical local well drawdown,:and other factors. Regardless of the thoroughness of a' 'Engineer's Field Representative :does not•'direct the .coniract6es.construction Geotechnical"exploration there is always a -possibility that conditions. may bemeans,:methods, operations, or•personnel.. The Field. Rep. does not interfere different from .those of the.test locations; therefore F.E:T: doespot guarantee with the relationship. between. the owner: and the contractor, and.except as. an any subsoil condition surrounding• the bore. test -holes.For' a more•accurate observer; does.not become.a substitute owner on site.. The-Field.Rep, is only. portrayal of subsurface. conditions; the site. contractor should perform. tests, collecting data for-our.Engineer-to review. The Field Rep: is responsible for. - pits. if different conditions. are*encountered, F.E.T.. shall be. notified to review, his/her safetyonly, but -has no responsibility.for the safetyof other personnel. the -findings and make any recommendations as -needed. and/or the general public. at the site: If the Field Rep. does not, feel that the site is offering aaafe environment for him/lier; the Field Rep: will stop his/her ' : observation) testing until he/she •deems.the site is safe: ,The, Field .Rep. .is an . important member of a team whose responsibility is.to observe the test and LabOYa' i6r and Field. Tests .' work being done and report to the client whether that work is being carried Tests are performed .in accordance with specific ASTM Standards, unless out in.general confoiinance'with the plans and:specifications otherwise indicated. All" criteria included ,in- a given ASTM• Stindard'are not always required and performed. Each test.report indicates. the: measurements . and determinations actually made." Limitations of Report OtNneYslZip of Tesis /REpOYis Federal'Engineering &:Testing; Inc. shall have'no;liability; in contract, *tort or: All.test results;and/or reports. prepared by'F.E.T:,pursuant to this agreement otherwise, for'My-inaccuracy,'defect;.or omission:in interpreting this 'report' and/or Addendum(s) thereto,. shall remain the property of F.E.T. "until -All and shall' not in 'any event' have •any liability for' lost.profits or any other monies due acid owin to FE:T: under this.A Bement and%or'Addendum s indirect;.special, incidental; consequential, exemplaryorpunitive.damage's. In: g () thereto; are paid in full: the event of future- conflict between ownersand contractors the following - applies: F.E.T.(s) legal and/or•companyrepresentation and preparation for . Analysis'and Recommendations: ate; i:e. deposition, :expert "representation fees::will be. billed on an hourly r The Geotechnical report is prepared primarily to aid in the design of site work witness, "etc.: F.E.T. has no :'obligation : fo amend : ifs conclusions or Md. structural foundations. - Although the information in the report: is eitpecteii recommendations after the. date of this. report,: Any alterations or: changes in to be sufficient. for:these purposes, it is not intended to determine the. costof ; the location of the project should be brought to our attention at the earliest construction:or to stand-alone as .construction. specifications. . . convenience for review and: applicability'of fhis:report. --Phone .954-784-29.41. '.:, ': 800-$48=7919. ' & TESTINd-1NC.. ' .,; : ;. ; ::.' .. • . Fez 95.4-784=7875 .::' ; 250 SW 13th Ave Pompano Beach; FL 33069 ::.' :. ' . ' :. ::.. ' .. ' :. fed- @ASIX0171.'. '. :of- Service's Geotechnical''Enaineenng: Se:ryices :'::::..' Soil./ A re ate Tests : .. 99 g �' •.: � . � � i=ieid Inspectlon.ServiCes.� ­ . - ' :.'Asphalt Services :.:Soil Borings.:. : ' • .: . • Fill, &.Quality Control .Inspections '' :. Backscatter Density Tests . Density. Compaction: Tests ".:: Demuckingilnspections :.. :, . ; ..: .': Extractions &'Gradations'.. :.' . • .' Grain Size:Analysis•': :. Building lns'peetions :.. : ' :, . Marshall Limits'.. Moisture Contents Pile Dnving'�I.nspections : - Bulk Specific Gravity .: Soil Classifications' Pile:Load-Tests Cores for -Thickness Determination Limerock Bearing Ratios' :: Steel -Ins action "..: :.. : :. p Asphalt Pa�ement:Monitorin , g Florida•Bear'ing Values. ' . ; .- ::. ' •. . Threshold Inspection ' , .: '' . :.'.' "..: , : Asphalt:Assessmenf . :. : - Specific :Gravity::. ' .: ; .:: • .. :: ; :: '. Bolt:l nspection : ' .'.:: ' : ;' : :: ' ; ' • .. ; : :: :. ..::: ' ::: : '_ : • ..:::' Carbonate'Analysls :.' ' '. ' .: Weld:Ins ection ::Concrete:Tests : Hydraulic Conductivity. : ' Vhration Monitoring. . Concrete Strength Testing .'Organic Contents. - .. : , L.A. Abrasion: :.. '. .... Geotechnical:Engineering..:. VV'indsor'Protie:Testin 9 •' ..: :' ::: ' -: FDOT inspections .. '.. Foundation Engineeririg. _ ::' , Foundation: Design &; Recommendation'Core Schmidt Hammer. Testing Testing :: QC Management. : .. Subsoil bgation:: :: Air. Content.' • .. Earthworkinspections QC ConcreWinspections.. " Pile Load. Calculations.'' . � : • �• :. � .. '� ::. Piling InstaLlation,Monitoring n Concrete Unit,wN ight•: :.. • .. . Flexual'Stren th Testin 9 g. QC Asphalt lrispections:, . "..: .. ,.' i' :. . Environmental'Enainr, eering" Serv_ ices. Phase•i'Site Assessments ' :: : Phase'Il Site.Assessments .:: ' :: Lead Base.Paint Surveys Site inspections ..:. Phase-i'l=ollow; up on Contaminated'Sites . • :Report and Analysis . . Research -of. Property: Records' :: ; :: . Installation:'ofiMonitoring Wells' :.:' :: .'.Air Monitoring Soil Borings ::: . . Soil and Ground:WaterAnalysis::::..'• • '. ;. ::::.:. ::: ::.::' ..' '. :, .:. : Roof�Testing &- Inspection':Services .::.. :. TAS• 105 -Field fastener -Withdrawal Test :: I ' - i . • : TAS''106 Tile Uplift -Test: ::..: • • , , . TAS 124 Bell Chamber,l.Bonded,'I?ullTast, TAS 126.Moisture Survey. ' .':::: .: Wirldload'Calculation :.'.Drainage Calculations,* Lightweight -Concrete etio placemnt•Inspecn +.. Roof.Assessment/-Evaluation :: ' „ Cap;Sheet'Inspection Fastener Spacing- Inspection: ; .. ' :: • 3 Tle/ Shingle/ Sta riding. Seam'lnspection_ Bas6-Sheet Installation Inspection-'. Insurance: Mitigation..:..: Retrofit -Mitigation/ C.ertification. RoofDrainage :Calculations MIAMFDADE Construction: Material' • ' : • ' :.:. .. Arhercan Concrete: Miami Dade - :.Florida Department Engineering Council':' - . Institute f :: County. _ . ' .. "... of Tran.'sportation .